Who's worse: Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 218 44.9%
  • Ron DeSantis

    Votes: 76 15.6%
  • too soon to tell

    Votes: 84 17.3%
  • roughly equal in their awfullness

    Votes: 108 22.2%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
It's looking like almost 100 percent chance that the 2024 Republican nominee will be one of these two scumbags. Most likely it will be Trump, but there's an outside chance that DeSantis runs against him and win, and of course Trump's health is poor, so that's a factor. There's no one outside of Trump who would excite the MAGA base like DeSantis does, so he's a clear number 2 in the running, and he could end up as Trump's VP pick as another possibility.

Who do you think is worse than these two? In other words, who do you fear winning the nomination in terms of them being the worse President, or having a better chance of actually winning?

I'll say that DeSantis doesn't have Trump's built in cult, but he definitely would if he won the Presidency, and the MAGA base already loves him. He is also a "smart" Trump, but frankly, almost any Republican would run for President is smarter than Trump, save for someone like the three stooges: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Madison Cawthorn. And DeSantis seems less interested in people loving and adoring him like Trump and more interested in promoting a fascist agenda and killing people...he's been ruthlessly efficient at both in Florida. The man gives me the creeps.


Oct 27, 2017
DeSantis is actually intelligent and knows what he's doing is evil. Trump was just an evil dumbass. Ron is the scarier one.

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
Desantis is cynicism and hypocrisy personified. He's the perfect distillation of the worst possible politician. Trump is just as bad, but more in a stupid chaotic tornado kind of way.

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
Desantis is obviously a huge threat and problem. He's SLIGHTLY less unhinged so I give the "worst" away to Trump purely because I think he's on the edge of making decisions purely because he read something in a mommy blog.

Desantis is smarter and thus, problematic, but also means he's not just going to nuke a country because they called his hands tiny.

So far that is... wo knows what this crazy world holds in the future.
It's not about who is worse, but who is more dangerous.

DeSantis is, in principle, the prototypical "Smart Trump".

He may not have Trump's bizarre yet effective cultural appeal at the national level.

In a vacuum though he represents something worse than Trump. Outside of a few possibilities that require literal insanity, like firing nukes at weather.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
My home state is Florida - I was born and raised in the Miami metro and lived there up until my mid-20s (with time spent in Tallahassee for college). I left for a lot of reasons, but the absolute dogshit state of the government definitely helped. It was still Rick Scott back then when I left (2013). I was hopeful about Andrew Gilllum in the last election, but Florida always disappoints you when you need it. The more you need it, the less it'll be there for you.

Cynical? Sure. But I don't have a lot of hope for Florida. I'd love to be wrong and eat a ton of crow. I'd love for it to become a better state with more care and consideration for its citizens, wildlife, and general environment. I just don't see it, though.
Oct 28, 2017
Donald Trump is a blow job with a mouth full of razor blades.

Desantis is a freshly baked rancid poison pulled pork sandwich.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
DeSantis would absolutely do more harm given the same position


Nov 13, 2017
Miami, FL
Well, Desantis is smarter, which I guess makes him more dangerous.

However, Trump is still the only U.S. president who attempted to stage a coup. I'm still voting Trump at this point.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 31, 2017
I think I fear Trump's almighty idiocy more than DeSantis's more calculated hate.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump because he helps stack the courts and fanned the flames of anti-intellectualism across the country, allowing for rights to be stripped from women, minorities, voters, poor people, and well...everyone while propping up corporations and the ultrapowerful.

He also did far more to fuck us with regards to Covid at the start and most Republicans are now falling in line with the anti-vaxxers and pseudoscience crowd that has only gotten bigger and more vocal since 2015. Desantis is fucking his state, Trump fucked the country and bolstered shitheels like Desantis to fuck their states.


Oct 25, 2017
Thread title should probably be edited to "Who's Worse Going Forward?" or something to that effect. Because overall it's Trump and it's not particularly close.

Going forward I still say it's Trump. I'm curious to see how his followers would behave in a post-Trump world. My guess is that they'll treat him like Elvis and claim he's still alive or some shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I've always considered people who are smart enough to realize what they're doing is evil to be worse human beings than bumbling morons.

I feel like Desantis fits that mold along with people like Cruz and McConnell so he gets my vote. Trump is Chaotic Evil personified though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If DeathSantis becomes president in either 2024 or 2028 he'll end up being historically far worse then Trump. As of September 2021 Trump is worse for his impact on the entire country, DeathSantis thus far has only impacted Florida.


Aug 25, 2019
Guys like DeSantis and Zeldin are way more dangerous simply because they can form complete sentences. The bar is low, though.


Oct 27, 2017
Off the top of my head, I'd say Trump, because he created the base that both DeSantis and Abbott are kowtowing to. They were both bad, but not as bad until Trump came along and riled up all the MAGA hats, and they both jumped on that bandwagon faster than you can say "bigot".


Oct 25, 2017
Desantis isn't nearly as "likable" as trump (to that particular base), so his reach is going to be limited, regardless of how "smart" he is.


One Winged Slayer
Jul 3, 2018
DeSantis has the charisma of a wet blanket. He's still very dangerous (trust me, I live in Florida and have to deal with this fucker's policies every single day) but I just can't picture him generating the same kind of cult-like following that Trump has.


Oct 27, 2017
If DeSantis became President, he would be worse. But until then, Trump remains worse since he was President.


Oct 26, 2017
Desantis is worse. He caters to Trump's base to win votes, but he has far more in common with traditional neo cons than Trump. Meaning, his foreign policy would be very destructive.


Oct 25, 2017
DeSantis is smart. Need to give that to him. He'd probably turn the country full fascist when he gets to power…and he will. 2024 or 2028.


Oct 26, 2017
DeSantis is smarter and calculated but Trump is a full on demagogue.

Both are awful for varying reasons.

Not surprised Trump is leading the poll, but I live in FL and have been paying very close attention to DeSantis since he started his run for Gov.


Oct 26, 2017
Who's worse now? Desantis, because he's actually in office.

Who'd be worse as President? Tie, honestly. They'd both do/sign whatever their handlers tell them to.

Who's a scarier candidate? Trump, today. But that could change over the next three years. Just takes a little fawning media coverage for a few more suburbanites to think DeSantis isn't so bad. (Just like happened in FL, when he hoodwinked the media into thinking he might be okay on things like Lake Okeechobee, red tide, and reining in the sugar lobby.)


Oct 28, 2017
Trump's bumbling idiocy was the only thing stopping him from being 10x worse.

DeSantis is as evil as Trump but smart enough to calculate how to effectively get things done.

Everything Trump failed at accomplishing, DeSantis wouldn't make the same mistake. For that reason, he is way more dangerous.

If he had the charisma or can somehow get the votes to win in 2024, things are going to get very bad.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
I went with "Too soon to tell", but my prediction is that DeSantis could be worse in the long term. I say this because I think Trump, while horrible to be sure, was also not terribly competent...just charismatic amongst a certain group.

DeSantis has the potential to run with the movement that Trump started but might actually succeed where Trump failed.

So, whether or not he is worse than Trump ultimately falls to whether or not we let him be successful.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
DeSantis can do more harm to the country than Trump. DeSantis would be more effective at executing his agenda. Trump was distracted most of his time by his own pettiness and ego.


Nov 4, 2018
Desantis is pretty much a smarter version of trump. Aka pure evil. He's a very smart man who is evil to the core. He has a decent chance imo of being our next president, if he runs. I wanted to like him in the beginning, but he ended up being a snake.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know you choose between 2 pieces of shit but if forced to I would say Trump because he actually has the persuasive power to get people to do and think some really horrible things.

DeSantis just wants power and to be the next POTUS. He will do anything to get there. I am sure he will do some evil shit along the way but he is just an opportunist.


Oct 26, 2017
Trump would win hands down if he primaries against deathsantis. Trump has more appeal and the magats love him. Deathsantis will be far more dangerous as a president. Unlike Trump incompetence, he could do a lot of damage to the country. Not that Trump did not. He just was a blunt instrument and focused on himself then push the conservative narrative as much as it would have otherwise.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
Trump would win hands down if he primaries against deathsantis. Trump has more appeal and the magats love him. Deathsantis will be far more dangerous as a president. Unlike Trump incompetence, he could do a lot of damage to the country. Not that Trump did not. He just was a blunt instrument and focused on himself then push the conservative narrative as much as it would have otherwise.
Debatable. Trump wins the Trumpies and the GOP rallies behind him because it gives them power. However, if Desantis can appeal more reasonable and win over the suburban voters, he can topple him in the primaries. If the GOP smells blood to unhitch their wagon from Trump and keep the power and get away from his stupidity, they will. Will it happen? Not sure. But it's possble.


Oct 28, 2017
I voted to soon to tell.

Right now? Trump.
Going forward? DeSantis could very well be worse, be the monster that further sinks the country/ world if he isn't dealt with.


Oct 26, 2017
Debatable. Trump wins the Trumpies and the GOP rallies behind him because it gives them power. However, if Desantis can appeal more reasonable and win over the suburban voters, he can topple him in the primaries. If the GOP smells blood to unhitch their wagon from Trump and keep the power and get away from his stupidity, they will. Will it happen? Not sure. But it's possble.
Seriously doubt Trump would lose primary to him. People doubted Trump before and he always exceeds their expectations. Even the last election was insane. More people voted to Trump then in 2016.


Oct 26, 2017
I picked DeSantis. There's a legitimate information suppression effort going on his state regarding Covid. You can't convince me otherwise that he didn't personally order Florida law enforcement to go after a former health official because she painted an unflattering picture of the Covid death numbers in the state.

Not to mention his efforts to suppress the vote against Gilliam and the racist dog whistles during his campaign.

I don't think they'll run against each other - I think when Trump dies or he handpicks DeSantis to continue in his name, DeSantis will get a lot of support from conservatives. He doesn't quite have the cult of personality Trump did.

Unless of course Trump selects Don Jr or the other doofus son Eric.

Both Trump and DeSantis need to be shot into the sun.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump would definitely be more chaotic, but I wonder how much of Desantis' rhetoric is just to drum up support from the right in a bid to get more power. Would he still hold these positions as president when he has power already? He'd still do tons of shitty things trying to tilt the country, but may not be nakedly evil like Trump. Hopefully we never find out.


Oct 25, 2017
If the question was "right now", I would say Trump is. He is a former President, he's the leader of the Republican party, people are following him by example and he is still trying a coup attempts. DeSantis is stuck in Florida and guessing most Americans don't even know who he is.

But who knows what the future holds, so voted too soon to tell.

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
Seriously doubt Trump would lose primary to him. People doubted Trump before and he always exceeds their expectations. Even the last election was insane. More people voted to Trump then in 2016.
I don't doubt Trump, but he is weakened. He is still a serious threat, but he lost. He wrecked his suburban vote. Yes he turned out a huge number of people, but he also pushed a lot away and it lost him the election.

The GOP wants power, if they can't get it through someone, they will dump them. The problem is Trump still has a huge amount (but not as much), but they need to get it back up. Can that happen with the group they pushed away not coming back? Debatable.

Trump won the last primary because the lineup was shit and people underestimated him. Now? There are a lot of moderate GOP voters that voted for Biden, that would love to come home if they can under the guise of even a modicum of decorum. It's hard to say which math wins out.


Oct 27, 2017
They're all awful because they're part of the same cult, asking who is "worse" is just semantics.


Oct 8, 2018
DeSantis isn't a true believer. He is far more calculating and capable than Trump, and he does the things he does because they win him Republican support. That makes him significantly more dangerous and significantly more difficult to stop should he take higher office.