
I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
No drivebys! Explain why.

Mine is probably a very unpopular choice.


Simon Blackquill, the main prosecutor from the fifth game in the mainline series.

While I, like many others, find Dual Destinies to be the weakest game overall, I find that Simon was one of the best prosecutors in the series. His design is killer, from his color scheme to his hawk motif to his samurai aesthetic, and the localization played this up even further with making him a bit of a Japanophile, using -dono suffixes while speaking. I'd really like to play the game in Japanese someday, as I'd like to see how they treated his speech patterns in the original script.

He's a prosecutor who comes off as extremely intimidating, has his own special voiced text with his SILENCE! quip, and ties into the overarching plot very well by the last chapter of the game. His hawk and constant sword motions are badass. He's quirky, like most AA characters are, but his quirks are darker than usual, making him feel more threatening than most other prosecutors in the series.

His relationship with Athena is also quite well done, and really pays off in the sixth game, when the two work together. Their dynamic is the most interesting and unique among any of the various partnerships we see in the series.

Compare Blackquill in his game versus Nahyuta in the sixth game, and you have an inverse situation - the sixth game is one of my favorites, but Nahyuta is the weakest prosecutor across all six games.

I also like another very unpopular set of characters, but I'll come back later to defend them.

Who do you like?


Oct 28, 2017
Gumshoe is a character that I really love and the way he develops through the games is great. Too bad the new AA team won't have anything to do with his ass.

He actually made me cry in case 4 of AAI trying to protect little Kay

Sir Guts

Use of alt account
Oct 26, 2017
The greatest man alive. Diego Armando a.k.a Godot!



I love his personality also he's simply great. He represents me when it comes to black coffee!

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
Probably a toss up between Edgeworth, Lang or Blackquill.

I hate Godot personally but find him fascinating as a character.

EDIT: Oh wait, forgot about Debeste prosecutor. He was a fun deconstruction of the prodigy rival that gets some pretty fantastic development. Easily the best part of Investigations 2.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Detective Gumshoe and Miles Edgeworth are both so important to me as characters. Couldn't pick between 'em. Maya and Nick are not too far behind either.

If I had to give a pick from the newer games free from nostalgia then it would be either Dhurke or Detective Fulbright. Again they're both great for reasons far too elaborate and spoiler filled to go into now but I'm sure people who've played them can understand.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
Godot mans great, has a amazing theme, great story, and an incredibly memorable presences in court. Was the perfect man to face off against to close out the original Ace Attorney trilogy. He also has the best shit eating grin in Ace attourney. That smile he pulls in case 2 when he charges your client for murder is great.
Oct 25, 2017
Apollo FUCKING Justice

Even though this design change went NOWHERE.

Pearl - Fucking adorable. Though her turning into Mia was never not weird.
Ema - I liked her transition from Case 5 in AA1 to the cynical adult she turned into. I lowkey ship her and Apollo, but they're clearly indifferent toward each other.

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Virtua King

Dec 29, 2017
Phoenix. It's the boring answer, but it's true. I love his personality, conviction, and sense of humor. I also really like Maya too, because she's the funniest character in the series.
Oct 27, 2017

It's Detective Gumshoe, pal.

His continued absence has me crying at night.

The Godot love baffles me. He's an immature man-child you murdered Maya's mum. He sucks.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017

Best written character arc in the entire goddamn series.

And though it's a really simple addition, his glasses in second AA trilogy make him the spitting image of his father, which visually communicates just how far he's developed as a character.

(Gumshoe is right behind him, though.)


Oct 29, 2017
Ema Skye, because science is awesome! And other than the snackoo-throwing she's a likeable person. It's also nice to see her grow up through the series.


Red Arremer

Oct 26, 2017
Does Missile count?
Otherwise, AA2 Adrian Andrews. I hate that they completely ruined her cool and collected no-nonsense personality by making her a goofy clutz in AA3. :(


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York

Trucy and Ema are the best without question. They kind of f'd Ema hard in AA4 though, but recovered somewhat since. I really hated seeing her enthusiasm and zest for science get crushed like that.

Gumshoe is and always will be fantastic as well. Franziska was also really great and would not mind seeing her return at all. She was probably my favorite prosecutor after Edgy. And of course the Paynes. Godot was a fairly good prosecutor as well but a bit too gimmicky for my tastes, something that became a very annoying trend there after with the likes of Klavier and Blackwell. Really could not stand Blackwell or Nahyuta at all.

Deleted member 2793

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's Edgeworth. His character arc is the best one by far and AAI2 is the perfect sendoff for "old" Edgeworth.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
Does Missile count?
Otherwise, AA2 Adrian Andrews. I hate that they completely ruined her cool and collected no-nonsense personality by making her a goofy clutz in AA3. :(
After everything that she went through in AA2, I was happy to see she was in a better place mentally in 3, even if she was a bit clumsier all around.


Oct 27, 2017
Godot! Overall he's such a mysterious and cool character (design wise and writing wise), and is the antagonist of the best game of the trilogy, plus has an amazing backstory.
But probably the best thing about the theme. So good.
Oct 26, 2017
Without a doubt, it's Furio Tigre aka The Tiger:


Case 3 of T&T is my favorite AA case, and there's a lot of wacky characters in that case, but Furio Tigre is the wackiest. A perpetually sunburned gangster who looks like a big jacked up Phoenix. Plus, he has the best theme in all of AA

I'd love it if he ever made a return somehow.

Prof Bathtub

Apr 26, 2018
Toss-up between Detectives Gumshoe and Skye. I guess Ema's one of the more "normal" mainstays. (Maybe that's why they thought she couldn't sustain a starring role in a spinoff, though probably it's just because Edgeworth is more popular.)

My boy Meekins.


Just a good guy. Good honest idiot. Best sprites too.
I like that he's this Monkey Punch-ass character.
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Hours Left

Oct 26, 2017
Dick Gumshoe

He's a lovable oaf, hiding a killer body under that baggy trench coat. His storyline in AAI2 is one of my favourite arcs in the whole series.

Lang, Tyrell, Dhurke and Will round out my top 5.

Cap G

Oct 27, 2017
As much as I love Gumshoe, it's Edgeworth. He's a huge badass as antagonist, supporting buddy, or protagonist.

Also, Nehyuta is nowhere near the weakest prosecutor. Having competent arguments that are difficult to disprove immediately puts him in front of Franziska, Blackquill, and Klavier, who are all idiots that are bad at their jobs that coast on the gimmick of "they do non-lawyer things like threats or air guitar to force the conversation where they want it to go". The prosecutor can't be threatening if you think they're a moron.

Also why Edgeworth da best :^)

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017

Trucy and Ema are the best without question. They kind of f'd Ema hard in AA4 though, but recovered somewhat since. I really hated seeing her enthusiasm and zest for science get crushed like that.

Gumshoe is and always will be fantastic as well. Franziska was also really great and would not mind seeing her return at all. She was probably my favorite prosecutor after Edgy. And of course the Paynes. Godot was a fairly good prosecutor as well but a bit too gimmicky for my tastes, something that became a very annoying trend there after with the likes of Klavier and Blackwell. Really could not stand Blackwell or Nahyuta at all.

Best without question


May 18, 2018
The one in my avatar.

But there a lot of other great characters too, like Phoenix, Maya, Gumshoe, Trucy, Blackquil etc


Oct 28, 2017
GOD. seeing this thread makes me realize how many good characters there are.

I would have to go with godot but Ema is also really good

Prof Bathtub

Apr 26, 2018
Ema - I liked her transition from Case 5 in AA1 to the cynical adult she turned into. I lowkey ship her and Apollo, but they're clearly indifferent toward each other.

Ema Skye, because science is awesome! And other than the snackoo-throwing she's a likeable person. It's also nice to see her grow up through the series.

Trucy and Ema are the best without question.

Toss-up between Detectives Gumshoe and Skye.

Ema Skye

She's funny, intelligent, beautiful, cute, and helpful (usually!)

Best without question

Ema is also really good

Chris Hoffman - Nintendo Power July 2008 said:
I'm sensing a theme here...


Oct 26, 2017

Franziska Von Karma. She has one of my favorite character arcs in the series, and even though she's a terrible prosecutor, by herself she's just so good.

Her initial interactions being mostly prickly and abusive made me dislike her as a kind of discount Von Karma but thats exactly the point. She's always been chasing her father's legacy without living up to his competency. She had to watch as the position of the Von Karmas legacy is handed down to some kid her father surrogated, who thinks he's hot shit. Fine, she goes on to become one of the youngest genius prosecutors but she still can't rival Edgeworth in her, or her father's eyes (but it's true, Edgeworth is just that good) so she's practicing abroad looking to rack up a reputation.

Shortly after, she hears that her father, who she idolizes, has been arrested for murder, tried to frame his apprentice Edgeworth over a decade old case, and whose entire career has just been soiled and derided by an upstart 3rd rate first year lawyer, who apparently knows Edgeworth from when they were young, and are friends. Understandably, the situation and relationship dynamics in play are fucked. Well, she's been trying to get Manfred's approval her whole life but with that stumbling block, she definitely needed a new goal.

-"I gave up a promising career in Germany and came to this country for one sole reason. Revenge."


We got the denial.

"You have no chance. Zero. Zilch. Nada. I'm not losing this case! Why, you ask? Because it is not in the nature of a Von Karma to lose at anything!!"

But that's not why she's my favorite character. It's the moment of introspection in 3-5, Bridge to Turnabout when Franziska accompanied Phoenix to look for clues and you realize how socially awkward she is. It puts a lot of previous interactions into perspective. How she seems to have let go of a lot of that misplaced anger, but still can't let go of her pride. Makes this quote from her really interesting.

  • Pride is simply another trap that hinders us in our lives.
Damn, all these ninjas man.

And let's not forget the greatest friendship:


Nov 30, 2017

Dhurke. Super likeable and an absolute badass, and makes Spirit of Justice my 2nd favourite in the series after Trials & Tribulations (obviously).

A dragon never yields!

Of course honorable mention to Gumshoe, pal.