
Oct 25, 2017
Simple enough question and I do appreciate this probably isn't limited to just men, but I've just been out with the wife for a drive and I was shocked by how many men thought it was okay to beep at her over the tiniest little things.

Took a microesecond too long to get going after a light turns green? BEEEEEP. One cunt called her a bitch, another told her to stay at home.
Didn't take a turn fast enough for the person behind so is speeding and has to hit their brakes and skid? BEEEEEP
One motherfucker while we stuck in traffic made a blowjob gesture at her.

What the fuck is this shit? I don't drive much, but when I do I rarely have to deal with this shit. What suddenly makes it okay when it's a woman driving?


Oct 27, 2017
Probably because men are more likely to harass/ assault them at any sign of aggression on the road.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
People are already horrible behind the wheel so bringing in any other antagonistic beliefs, whether sexism or racism, will just heighten the intensity of their responses. It doesn't help that women being unable to drive is such a common trope


Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Condoning sexist harassment, history of infractions.
Sounds like your wife is a bad driver.


Oct 28, 2017
Did they happen to be driving white vans, Audi, BMW or Mercedes?

There is this bit in my commute where you have miles to get into the correct lane to keep on motorway. You get a procession of these idiots cutting in across a solid line and generally being abusive to anyone who tries to stop them.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like your wife is a bad driver.

Fuck outta here.

Did they happen to be driving white vans, Audi, BMW or Mercedes?

There is this bit in my commute where you have miles to get into the correct lane to keep on motorway. You get a procession of these idiots cutting in across a solid line and generally being abusive to anyone who tries to stop them.

The one who called her a bitch was a white van. The blowjob gesture guy was in a Fiat. A fucking Fiat.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
I was walking my dog the other day and a lady was reversing into her drive so I stopped and let her reverse since I wasn't in a rush, but one of the cars behind shouted "CUUUUNT" at her when he drove past because he had to wait 10 seconds. Just unreal.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
She got that all in one drive? Damn that's insane. Which city do you live in, not that it matters lol


Oct 27, 2017
That sounds like a collection of stories over time rather than something that happened in one drive. Especially with you in the car.

But yeah, the point still stands. Men do make assumptions about women drivers and I'm sure they make crude gestures and say nasty things. My wife luckily hasn't experienced it.


I'll think about it
Oct 25, 2017
Morizora's Forest
This is just prejudice.

Regarding driving and anger in general though. The trifecta seems to be, at least where I live, the elderly asian woman. The filth and shit I see aimed at them is disgusting. Even when they are in the wrong and driving dangerously causing stress and anger I don't necessarily think it warrants the amount of hostility. Especially when throwing that kind of stuff at someone can easily cause stress and panic leading to more danger.


Nov 14, 2017
Not a woman, but I once had someone flip me off because I dared to brake instead of driving into a couch that fell off of a truck in front of me or swerving into incoming traffic. Some people's driving style appears to consist of focusing only on the car directly in front of them and following them as closely as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
I think women are safer drivers.

Men are way more impatient.

The ones who actually beep and give abuse are just bullies. The fact they're protected by their cage means they feel safe giving that abuse.


Oct 29, 2017
Just ask insurance companies which REALLY is the worse/more dangerous gender behind the wheel.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't want to "both sides" this discussion, but... Well I don't know how to compete that sentence. If you think cuntish driving behavior is one-sided you obviously don't live or drive on the roads by me. There's really not even any predictive indicators for who these types of folk are either: men, women, young, old, big SUVs, tiny compacts, expensive cars, beaters... assholes all.


Oct 26, 2017
I got flipped off multiple times by an old jackass a few days ago at a yield sign. I started to pull into the on-ramp, didn't see him, stopped when I did and he went into full on rage, flipping my off twice. I didn't cut him off, or cause him to veer out of ther lane, it was raining hard and I just didn't see him.

I'm a 36yr old white male.

People are jerks when they get behind the wheel.


Oct 27, 2017
From personal experience (I've been passed for 4 years) I do see a lot of female drivers in big cars who seem to not know how to drive them correctly.

I do like how most female drivers don't speed especially when you compare it to males.


I have yet to see anything as bad noted above.
Oct 28, 2017
This doesn't really happen in the Netherlands (if it does it pretty limited). Though, I don't see a lot of road rage in general. Most people just rage in their car.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like most "rage drivers" basically rage against anyone, even other "rage drivers". Putting certain people behind a wheel causes a myriad of curious effects on them...


Oct 25, 2017
Cars were a mistake.
And yes I noticed this pattern here as well. It's really terrible.

Worst part is my mom who's pretty prone to road rage also goes "of course it's a woman!" sometimes. It's the worst.
Oct 27, 2017
Really? I don't think blokes are particularly patient or considerate with other male road users either. Most of my altercations are with male drivers.
Of course they do exist. I am just saying that there are plenty of men who gets mad whenever a woman is on the road just because she is a woman.

From my experience men fight for different reasons like driving slow or not driving instantly when the light turns green. Everything has a reason (as weak it might be) but most of the time they get annoyed just because a woman is driving.


Oct 27, 2017
Of course they do exist. I am just saying that there are plenty of men who gets mad whenever a woman is on the road just because she is a woman.

From my experience men fight for different reasons like driving slow or not driving instantly when the light turns green. Everything has a reason (as weak it might be) but for women they get annoyed just because they are driving.

Where are you getting this from? The vast majority of times I find myself getting annoyed with another driver, I have no idea if they are male or female.

It's a very Era thing to say to jump straight to "men are annoyed at women drivers just for existing", but I'm not seeing the evidence that it's the case.
Oct 27, 2017
Where are you getting this from? The vast majority of times I find myself getting annoyed with another driver, I have no idea if they are male or female.

It's a very Era thing to say to jump straight to "men are annoyed at women drivers just for existing", but I'm not seeing the evidence that it's the case.
I am not saying every man is this way. I am a man too and I don't feel that way about women driving. I am just saying there is a number of men that feels this way.
I get my information from other men around me. You will always find men that complain about women.


Oct 27, 2017
Insecurity. Media conditioning has made the car a symbol of masculinity. Hence many middle aged men buying shinny red cars when they reach their peak of insecurity.

'Help a woman is appropriating my symbol of PHALLIC POWER!'

Car is for big strong man how dare woman do thing.

By the way, I am an armchair psychologist with no certificates.


Oct 27, 2017
Where are you getting this from? The vast majority of times I find myself getting annoyed with another driver, I have no idea if they are male or female.

It's a very Era thing to say to jump straight to "men are annoyed at women drivers just for existing", but I'm not seeing the evidence that it's the case.
Yeah I don't see how you know the sex of the driver 90% of the time at the time of the incident. Afterwards, assholes will use the vilest gendered insults they can, but they would have beeped at anyone.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
I'm not saying you're wrong at all BUT in Miami people beep at pretty much everyone. I think the rate people beep here is much quicker than the time it takes to determine what sex the driver is.


Oct 28, 2017
I'll tell you the secret to making traffic work: decisiveness. Know what you want to do, when, and how. And then execute, within the guidelines of the simple rules that we're all taught when we get our licenses. I feel like too many people drive around like a tourist in a new city. They know where they're going, but don't care or know about the specifics.

Driving a 2 ton vehicle at 40-60 miles per hour is serious business. Too many people treat it like a stroll in the park, which causes collisions as well as just shitty traffic flow.


Nov 3, 2017
My mom in her old age has calm down, but when she was younger she would road rage, one time this dude called her a cunt and drove off, she chased him for 20 blocks cursing him at every stop light, dude apologized hahahahahahaha...


Mar 5, 2018
I hate ppl who complain and yell in their cars. I mean even if you are right, you're not helping by getting angry. You are just getting invested in it and I've seen some people drive like assholes because of that too.

Like... Let's say the speed limit is 50 but whoever in front of you is doing 40 or whatever. That is no reason for you to get angry, close the safety gap you are supposed to leave and moan and yell. People seriously need to relax more. You went to driving school (I hope) and part of getting a license is knowing that you shouldn't rage.


Oct 25, 2017
Got rear ended yesterday while stopped at a stop sign, and when I tell people first thing some say is, was it a woman?

It was a young man.


Oct 27, 2017
Cars are the original internet. The anonymity they provide, in that you can be as shitty as you want to others and they'll never see you again emboldens many. It goes for everyone. In fact in my experience White women are the rudest drivers I've encountered in my travels.


Oct 28, 2017
User banned (2 days): reinforcing negative stereotypes of women drivers.
Insecure fucks
Also men are orders of magnitude worse on the road compared to women

Have you been to South Florida? I can give you license plates and details on cars that will : go if the light is red, won't make a full stop or any at a stop sign, make U-turns if the coast is clear , etc. It's always the same people on the same roads. Been seen them for 3 years on my way to work. They are all women. Yes, men are reckless but a lot women here give a crazy competition. Anyone remembers that family guy clip with the Asian lady turning without a light signal? Picture that.