
Nov 13, 2017
Yeah, I'm right there with you. I cringe about that stuff a lot and keep my passion appropriate and not like that nerdy kid from Robot Chicken.
Or, you could perhaps surround yourself with people that care about what you think and not dismiss your opinions like a neanderthal? That might be another option. One that doesn't compromise your feelings and passions as a normal human being.

People are "nerdy" in to all sorts of things, aside from Video Games.


Oct 27, 2017
I honestly don't like any kind of identification through consumption, be it "nerd", "gamer", "cult" or whatever.

This shit is all cells in some marketing spreadsheet guys: identitarian bs created and reproduced by capitalism in order to segment and sell you more of the same stuff.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
Today I was talking to a friend and we were talking about Star Wars releasing next week, very casually not even really geeking out just saying how we're excited to see it. A girl that we know was standing next to us, not in the conversation, called me a "fa**ot". I was sort of taken aback because 1. I'm straight. 2. I didn't know we still used that word as an insult, it seems wildly childish and outdated. 3. Why is it "bad" that I'm excited for something I like? It's pure fun and entertainment, you don't have to like it but don't make me feel lesser. I don't really care that much, I still like what I like and I'm fine with that. I have a job because of it but it's still a bit odd.

I almost thought this time of nerd shaming was gone. I know it's not as prevalent, I mean "nerdy" media dominate the entertainment industry and pop culture but why is this still a thing and why was it ever a thing? Do you have any similar experiences either now or in the past?

EDIT: To be clear, this isn't just one time this has happened. Had a girlfriend who was really not into me playing video games, she just hated it and thought it was a waste of time and gross. I'm not one to get on a high horse and be like "ACTUALLY VIDEO GAMES ARE HIGH ART!!" and what not but I told her I liked them and why I enjoyed them. We eventually broke up, as you might imagine. Have had it happen with other people too.

That's probably the most commonly used insult in this day and age.

And nerd culture is seen as immature, as if people who are involved refuse to grow up. Perhaps not fair, but it is what it is.


Oct 28, 2017
hmm.. reading OPs post again seems a little fishy.... seems like a little more is going on considering the gf's reaction & someone just randomly calling you that word who wasn't in that conversation with you? does this seem a little fishy to anyone else? Feels like a badly written 90s high school tv show


Oct 27, 2017
It's pretty disturbing that nerds as a group is now somehow deserving of disrespect. Even if let's say its 100% proven nerds are more likely to be racist/sexists and misogynist, it is not right to put everyone into a single group and paint them with a broad brush.

I think there's a word for that...

hmm.. reading OPs post again seems a little fishy.... seems like a little more is going on considering the gf's reaction & someone just randomly calling you that word who wasn't in that conversation with you? does this seem a little fishy to anyone else? Feels like a badly written 90s high school tv show

It sounds fishy because it's not a random person but someone they knew, but there's no point debating it and dragging out people's dirty laundry over an anecdote.

I'm more repulsed by other people's posts here than the OP's massaging of the facts.


Oct 25, 2017
"nerds" want to be accepted so much that they self identify as a demographic to be marketed to.


Oct 25, 2017
Because people who identify as being "hardcore" into nerd or gaming culture often express poor priorities elsewhere, and treat their hobby with a gravity and seriousness that's somewhat crazy and pathetic-looking to others.

Oh my god so much this. A hundred thousand million times this. Yet criticism of things they enjoy is met with the response that it doesn't matter because it's just games man.


Oct 27, 2017
I got called the n word and accused of cheating today because I beat somebody in a game. Not exactly an uncommon occurrence. I'll shit on nerds all day.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
EDIT: To be clear, this isn't just one time this has happened. Had a girlfriend who was really not into me playing video games, she just hated it and thought it was a waste of time and gross. I'm not one to get on a high horse and be like "ACTUALLY VIDEO GAMES ARE HIGH ART!!" and what not but I told her I liked them and why I enjoyed them. We eventually broke up, as you might imagine. Have had it happen with other people too.
You didn't break up just due to a difference of opinion about video games though, I assume?

Not everyone is going to like video games or Star Wars or metal music or whatnot. But just because someone doesn't like those things doesn't mean they hate "nerd culture" or people who enjoy those things. If they think you're wasting your time, think about their consideration, and then tell them whether you think they're right or wrong. And if they can't handle that, their loss.

hmm.. reading OPs post again seems a little fishy.... seems like a little more is going on considering the gf's reaction & someone just randomly calling you that word who wasn't in that conversation with you? does this seem a little fishy to anyone else? Feels like a badly written 90s high school tv show
I've been insulted by random strangers out of the blue plenty of times. It's not uncommon, especially when alcohol is involved.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
You didn't break up just due to a difference of opinion about video games though, I assume?

Not everyone is going to like video games or Star Wars or metal music or whatnot. But just because someone doesn't like those things doesn't mean they hate "nerd culture" or people who enjoy those things. If they think you're wasting your time, think about their consideration, and then tell them whether you think they're right or wrong. And if they can't handle that, their loss.
No definitely not, was a multitude of things but that rubbed me the wrong way and signaled the beginning of the end because she seemed to think of me differently despite me being her boyfriend. I'd never disregard someone just because they don't like video games though.


Oct 25, 2017
Today I was talking to a friend and we were talking about Star Wars releasing next week, very casually not even really geeking out just saying how we're excited to see it. A girl that we know was standing next to us, not in the conversation, called me a "fa**ot". I was sort of taken aback because 1. I'm straight. 2. I didn't know we still used that word as an insult, it seems wildly childish and outdated. 3. Why is it "bad" that I'm excited for something I like? It's pure fun and entertainment, you don't have to like it but don't make me feel lesser. I don't really care that much, I still like what I like and I'm fine with that. I have a job because of it but it's still a bit odd.

I almost thought this time of nerd shaming was gone. I know it's not as prevalent, I mean "nerdy" media dominate the entertainment industry and pop culture but why is this still a thing and why was it ever a thing? Do you have any similar experiences either now or in the past?

EDIT: To be clear, this isn't just one time this has happened. Had a girlfriend who was really not into me playing video games, she just hated it and thought it was a waste of time and gross. I'm not one to get on a high horse and be like "ACTUALLY VIDEO GAMES ARE HIGH ART!!" and what not but I told her I liked them and why I enjoyed them. We eventually broke up, as you might imagine. Have had it happen with other people too.
Because it isn't what it was. It's pure marketing now. Look at TBBT

Surface of Me

Oct 25, 2017
No, but it's very often used as an excuse at the expense of other people. ie the age old defending harassment and blatant creepy behavior by saying "he's just socially awkward"

I can more often remember people in my life being labeled as "creepy" or "awkward" just by the way they naturally dress or act than people sexually harassing someone and saying "lol I'm just awkward".

Also y'all mock them for something they can't control and then wonder why they don't want outsiders in their corner? Lol y'all part of the problem you claim to despise.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey maybe this girl likes you and was waiting for you to make a move on her, but you kept talking about star wars so she called you a faggot... who knows
Oct 25, 2017
It's predicated on consumption and buying shit, coupled with a cultivated misogyny by insecure men. That, and hegemonic masculinity looking down on nerds.

Regardless, nerd culture is huge now and it's pretty much mainstream and socially acceptable in its more acceptable forms.

Pretty much.
And yea, the reasons I don't like gamer culture/identity are often going to be very different from the reason a random person looks down on gamers/nerds.
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Nov 5, 2017
Some nerds give "nerd culture" a bad name, that's just the way it is. Doesn't explain that girl calling you that particular slur though, that's just out of left field.

Deleted member 19702

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Because nerd means socially awkward, boring, unstylish. It's a stupid stereotype coming from arrogant and presumptuous trying to label people because of their personal tastes. I personally hate calling someone who likes games, movies, or anything else a "nerd". It's a common hobbie and I'm no right to call anyone names and judge anybody.

Some people needs to know what nerd actually really means.


Oct 25, 2017
Depends on which nerd culture we're talking about. People having issues with others just enjoying various nerdy scifi/fantasy stuff are weird, considering how popular a lot of this stuff is. Most people I encounter are varying degrees of nerdy about something, or simply don't care one way or another. I can't say I still encounter people who are "too cool".

Now of course there is the other seedy side of nerd culture in that we have a large percentage of folks who have latched onto various alt-right views and permeated them further, on top of many nerd communities/fields are heavily male dominated, which causes issues as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I sometimes get a look if I talk about a video game but then I laugh to myself when said individual then starts talking about a TV show.

People don't care to understand something so they just belittle it in their minds.
Oct 26, 2017
The issue I personally tend to have with a lot of "nerds" I know (although I'd label it more "geek") is the extent to which they let their identity revolve around their consumption of commerical pop culture. Fandoms, in-group signaling, etc.

But I have serious issues with fandoms in general so
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Oct 27, 2017
I sometimes get a look if I talk about a video game but then I laugh to myself when said individual then starts talking about a TV show.

People don't care to understand something so they just belittle it in their minds.

People who talk about survivor are less nerdy than people who talk about Star Wars apparently from the defintions we've been given.

It's distressing that people on this forum are so blase about labeling entire groups of people as worthy of ridicule and abuse because of the current political climate. So dangerous.

Beef Stallmer

Oct 27, 2017
It's because of The Big Bang with their ..... (pause and funny voice) "hu-mor"
-"don't you mean, 'humor' ?"
*laugh track with few laughs, 1 guy louder laughing*
"(pause and funny voice) "oh is it fun-ny?"
*laugh track explodes in laughter*
-"oh Sheldon"
*even more laughter*


Nov 3, 2017
Portland, OR
I can more often remember people in my life being labeled as "creepy" or "awkward" just by the way they naturally dress or act than people sexually harassing someone and saying "lol I'm just awkward".

Also y'all mock them for something they can't control and then wonder why they don't want outsiders in their corner? Lol y'all part of the problem you claim to despise.
Not sure how to respond to your anecdotal analysis of this.

1) Behavior can be controlled

2) There is a clear pattern of nerd culture excluding outsiders purely on the basis of blatantly discriminatory factors. I'm not sure what you think you're defending here.


Oct 25, 2017
My view is that nerd cultures generally suck. They tend to be elitist and socially maladjusted. That's not to say there aren't good nerd cultures out there, but they are too few to combat the stereotype. And this is all kinds of nerds: video games, science, literature, fine arts, sports... Nothing is safe.
Oct 27, 2017
I thought being a nerd was the in thing now thanks to Big Bang Theory.

But for me, despite loving video games and playing them a ton, I can't take the community seriously. Even if you put aside all the sexist shit going on, some of it is just cringey. Everything from shit like "I am a Gamer" video to eSports just makes me cringe.

People take this shit waaay too seriously.

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
"Nerdy" hobbies are often considered childish and socially unacceptable. People who like card games and role playing over, say, sports are often typecasted as being socially stunted, unappealing and immature in media. Some people take this to heart.
My mom sometimes drops "when are you going to stop playing games" and I just ask when she's going to stop watching tv. Usually she doesn't care enough to bother me about it, and I've certainly never run into someone willing to insult a stranger over playing games. Sounds more like a "her" issue. I honestly don't know what's up with her calling you a slur like that our of the blue.

Some people may dislike nerdy things because they had some negative experience with it (such as gamergate, or just general assholes being exclusionary and/or bigoted towards anyone they feel is "infiltrating" their space). I think these people would be less likely to turn around and drop a slur just because someone said they play vidya, though.

Beef Stallmer

Oct 27, 2017
I thought being a nerd was the in thing now thanks to Big Bang Theory.
"Hi Sheldon, I want to cheer you up, I got a N64 at a flea market, want to play Mario Kart"
*audience laughter*
-(awkward voice) "The N64 does not have HDMI"
*audience burst out in laughter*
"who cares about HD am I , let's play Mario Kart!!"
*more laughter*
-"yes I could take you out without any video output, I am the king at Mario Kart"
*audience again burst out in laughter*


Oct 27, 2017
I'll give you an example that is happening to me right now.

So I'm sitting in a food court eating my lunch when a group of nerds decides to sit a couple of seats to my right.

First thing I notice is that the stench of bad body odour from more than a metre away is actually overpowering the smell of the very fragrant Vietnamese wonton soup that is right under my nose.

Second thing, they proceed to discuss the Last Jedi and one of them inevitably mentions how he thinks that it is just going to be a remake of Empire Strikes Back. Cue stupid nerd bitching and complaining about star wars.

Fuck nerds and nerd culture. Have a shower and use deodorant.


Oct 31, 2017
I find laughable the idea that "nerd" culture is some fringe mis understood group of people

Listen NERD CULTURE = MAINSTREAM CULTURE. You are talking about friggin Star Wars the largest franchise in cinema history

you are as mainstream as it gets.

Maybe that girl that was rude to you, was just a rude person.


Nov 8, 2017
Misogyny/bigotry/general hatefulness (way more instances of harassment than other fan groups)

That being said I don't ever really see people giving a shit about nerd culture aside from other nerds. I don't ever really hear people complain about this stuff in real life. That woman just sounded like an asshole (and a homophobe). I can't imagine someone saying something like that to a rando unless they're really young or really drunk.


Oct 29, 2017
Why is there so much nerd self-loathing in this thread? Like y'all are posting on a game forum, you play games, you're kinda a nerd.

Also this shameful implication that using a homophobic slur in the anecdote is justified?
Oct 26, 2017
I'm a nerd in the sense I pore over technical aspects of most media I consume. I grew up in musical theater, play in a band/have a recording studio, game pretty heavily, used to code, and my dream job is to direct films, so it's important to me. Love talking science and math and sometimes politics too.

But it's really jarring when I talk to my nerd friends about, say, a particular movie, and try to explain I wasn't really into it because of issues like cinematography, leaning too heavily on tropes, poor coreography, unrealistic portrayals of certain things, etc. complete with examples, and just be met with "Yeah but this actor I am obsessing over this month did this thing that was kinda like in the comic/novel/original film/fan talk and it was SO COOL 10/10".

It's also annoying to talk to admittedly leftist people in nerd circles and see their annoyed reactions when I explain I don't consume (or at least pay to consume) Disney media because they're a garbage company. Let me tell you, saying that to my movie nerd family who lived in Orlando from 68-91and as a person whose uncle has a high up job at Universal Studios, this does not go over well - even with my more-left-than-me younger sibling. Seeing actors they like singing songs they grew up with or being part of the cultural phenomenon of these pieces of media is apparently more important.

And of course there is a small but notable segment of the nerds I know who are sexist/racist and identify so much with their media that they are personally offended if a remake or sequel is cast with more diverse actors. A lot of them happen to be really big in the collector's scene too, which I have lots of issues with.

Then there was this one random super stereotypically nerdy kid my roommate brought over when Pokémon Go released who spent his entire time in my house finding rude things to say about whatever he laid eyes on.


Oct 27, 2017
Nerds are fucking awful much of the time, and nerd culture is rotten to the bone. The other day I was in a line at Subway behind two of them and they were loudly singly anime themes to each other. One of them had steampunk-y goggles perched on his head. I'm sorry this girl was a piece of shit to you, though - that's sounds bad.
How dare they. I'm so glad you survived.


Oct 25, 2017
"Hi Sheldon, I want to cheer you up, I got a N64 at a flea market, want to play Mario Kart"
*audience laughter*
-(awkward voice) "The N64 does not have HDMI"
*audience burst out in laughter*
"who cares about HD am I , let's play Mario Kart!!"
*more laughter*
-"yes I could take you out without any video output, I am the king at Mario Kart"
*audience again burst out in laughter*


Oct 25, 2017
Lack of hygiene.





Wants their interests to be respected and considered as "high culture" but refuses to ever be introspective and can never take criticism about their interest in regards to the previous points.

Hides behind some kind of self-victimization while being extremely elitist.

Taking pride in not caring about important real world issues.

Pretending that games aren't subjected to all the same real world criticism and political discourse as literally every other form of media.

A weird displace desire to have a leg up on others.

Take your pick.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone posting here is a nerd btw. I Have to mention it as I'm seeing people posting ancient stereotypes not realising what they are. Shitting on your own doorstep.


Nov 6, 2017
Where the Fenians Sleep
I can more often remember people in my life being labeled as "creepy" or "awkward" just by the way they naturally dress or act than people sexually harassing someone and saying "lol I'm just awkward".

Also y'all mock them for something they can't control and then wonder why they don't want outsiders in their corner? Lol y'all part of the problem you claim to despise.

No one "naturally dresses" in a certain way.