Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if it's fair to categorize the Co-optional podcast as an alt-right podcast. You think an alt-right podcast regular would have a rainbow flag in their twitter profile? And as a secondary focus of this conversation, here's what that same member had to say about Bain's post-death coverage recently:

It's not alt-right, and I know they had to stick up for their friend but their big mistake was not condemning his actions. It made them just as complicit in the movement spreading the way it did.


Oct 25, 2017
What does supporting GamerGate mean? Is there a body that calls itself GamerGate with a set list of objectives? Or is it just a term applied to gamers who are bigots?
It was just a hashtag they used to try and spread their message, there's no specific body or leader or set of goals. They claimed themselves as a campaign for ethics in journalism but were actually using that as a front to attack and pressure those who favoured inclusion in gaming.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of good answers here, but another big one is simply that there was a window for the mostly unaffected people in this industry, both in the press and in game development, to stomp down on GG, renounce it, and throw it into the trash where it belonged. Instead, the vast majority of people with a voice stayed quiet or only passively dismissed them.

They missed that window by a long fucking shot, and it's still depressing to look back on. As soon as they let that moment pass by, that was when this became something that couldn't just be stuffed back in a box.

A lot of people fucked up real bad, and the end result has been a whole lot of people on the receiving end of some awful shit as a result.

Yup, yup. It took till October for most big sites to say anything, in one burst, and even then a lot of it pulled some "both sides", "you deserve each other", "we thought it would end on its own", etc. trash.

And meanwhile companies couldn't spend 5 seconds Googling what was going on so there were "topical" jokes that seemed supportive of it because they had no idea what they were talking about, and every time a company actually came out against harassment they tended to only vaguely say that much, and you'd see "guys, guys, they mean the horrible people who are against ethics and call us a hate movement! they're with us" over and over.

There was a time it could have been majorly shut down and that time was wasted.

I don't know if it's fair to categorize the Co-optional podcast as an alt-right podcast. You think an alt-right podcast regular would have a rainbow flag in their twitter profile? And as a secondary focus of this conversation, here's what that same member had to say about Bain's post-death coverage recently:

Reread. They didn't call it an alt-right podcast. They said he used it as a platform for such people; having GG and/or alt-right guests on counts as that.

(Also, uh, yes I absolutely 100% think an alt-right podcast could have a rainbow flag in their Twitter profile, either as a shield or because they might just be self-hating. Milo exists.)

Meanwhile, I haven't seen that Forbes article so I'm going to read it now, but tentatively- anyone who legitimately objects to him being called what he is can fuck off. He did what he did and had his time to atone.

The only thing that dude who came in here to suddenly whine about people calling out TB, and people like them, was mistakenly right about was that big sites shouldn't have waited to report on it when he was dead. But that's only because they should have also done it when he was alive and actively hurting people instead of palling around with him, not because his death means we should only say positive things; just like GG itself, anything's now feels too little too late.. (The same criticism of not saying it when he was alive can't extend to most of the less popular people who criticized him, because they absolutely did do that publicly for years, or else were scared out of it given what we're discussing.)

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I had an interesting run in about gamer gate from a gay gayme refrained of mine recently who has nothing against women in gaming at all

He said that gamer gate was actually started about review scores and in particular a group email thread between an. Number of high ish profile journalists on various video game mags and sites trying to bury other game joirnos they didn't like. The claim was qhentnuks was uncovered they claimed it was about women in the game industry being hassled to get attention away from:them.

I'm not saying anything more about this as I can't tell if there is any relation to this and what gamer gate became to this.

I found stuff about the email thread he was talking about but decided not to look any further as don't want to go near gamer gate

Was there any relation between them?

There were definitely useful idiots at one point who came up with the idea that Gamergate was about their favourite games not getting the scores they wanted, except it's really only the useful idiots who were about that, if you went into 8chan or wherever there was no escaping anti-Semitic stuff or racist and misogynistic rhetoric.

Basically, either you were insisting that Gamergate was about something else without having actually talked to any other Gamergate people or knowing what Gamergate was about, or you hung around with the Gamergate crowd for the hatred.

Deleted member 35777

User requested account closure
Dec 9, 2017
Like minds migrate together and form communities.

We are no different in that regards then GG'ers.

Only reason they are still around.


Oct 30, 2017
From one of my favorite pieces of games writing ever, "The King and His Objects":

Magical Wasteland said:
Consider how successful and widespread "gamer" is as an identity despite the fact that it hardly means anything at all. The reason the gamer identity has become so laden with bad connotations– misogyny, Doritos– is because the identity itself doesn't really matter except for one crucial aspect: the buying of games. As long as "gamer" means someone who spends money, preferably a lot of money, on products that are produced by the game industry, the rest of that identity is left undefined. There's no incentive for the largest groups that do things around games to attempt to define gaming as, say, something that makes you interesting, or as a noble pursuit. Anything anyone knows about "gamers" is just that they purchase games.


Nov 1, 2017
Fuckin banned lol. Don't spend too much time whining about it on twitter, I'm sure you need to put time towards your next failure.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Buckley was dumb enough to not see the hypocrisy in that last panel.

"Video games do NOT make us violent, we're NOT violent people. Also, DON'T FUCK WITH US OR WE'LL FUCK YOUR SHIT UP. But again, we're not violent so stop saying we are."


Oct 25, 2017
And meanwhile companies couldn't spend 5 seconds Googling what was going on so there were "topical" jokes that seemed supportive of it because they had no idea what they were talking about, and every time a company actually came out against harassment they tended to only vaguely say that much, and you'd see "guys, guys, they mean the horrible people who are against ethics and call us a hate movement! they're with us" over and over.

Gamergate was a harbinger of the 2016 election in so many ways. The media was absolutely unprepared to deal with a large "political movement" willing to lie through their teeth about literally every aspect of their identity, ideology, motivations, and tactics. They used the anonymity of the internet to hide their identities; pretended to be women or people of color (#NotYourShield); used botnets to amplify their numbers and send large-scale harassment to journalists, developers, and others; and developed a useful idiot cover story ("ethics in journalism") that the media bought into because the alternative required them to come to the sobering realization that thousands of people were lying to their face about their political goals, and they couldn't believe that to be true.

Unfortunately, two years later Trump did the same damn thing.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
What does supporting GamerGate mean? Is there a body that calls itself GamerGate with a set list of objectives? Or is it just a term applied to gamers who are bigots?

It's a movement/hashtag/mob that they self-identify as. There is no set list of objectives because that's how they had plausible deniability and could say "well, that wasn't us". Their unifying theory is "ethics in games journalism" but that really just means attacking anyone who dares care about social issues in relation to games or is friends with another journalist, etc. The rationalwiki page linked in this thread probably explains it well enough.

I had an interesting run in about gamer gate from a gay gayme refrained of mine recently who has nothing against women in gaming at all

He said that gamer gate was actually started about review scores and in particular a group email thread between an. Number of high ish profile journalists on various video game mags and sites trying to bury other game joirnos they didn't like. The claim was qhentnuks was uncovered they claimed it was about women in the game industry being hassled to get attention away from:them.

I'm not saying anything more about this as I can't tell if there is any relation to this and what gamer gate became to this.

I found stuff about the email thread he was talking about but decided not to look any further as don't want to go near gamer gate

Was there any relation between them?

What you are describing is the massive misunderstanding of "GamesJournosPros" that GG tried to push. It was just a Google group for journalists to discuss things, arrange doing multiplayer for embargoed games, etc.

GG of course learned about this very early and thought they'd discovered the illuminati pulling the industry's strings they were seeking. But this was still weeks after it started by attacking Zoe Quinn, and then branding as GG and attacking other women.

First few links on Googling it are all GG resources but this explanation by its creator seems ok enough.


Jun 14, 2018
Gamers as a group have always been prone to "us versus them" thinking. I think gamergate was just a particularly malignant manifestation of that, targeting two groups who weren't "real" gamers: women and journalists. It never went away because gamers as a whole never really stood up to it. Too many gamers (and publishers, and even journalists) found it easy to ignore because they weren't in the crosshairs.
I just want to point out that Raiden for instance in Metal Gear Solid 2 was designed via a poll of highschool aged girls. Of course Raiden was subject to a huge backlash, and MGS2 marketing didn't feature him. But MGS2 did sell millions of copies, and generally reviewed quite well.

So I think the industry has a history of attempting to cater to diverse audiences, but journalists and publishers actually exploited attitudes that said gaming is only one particular thing. I mean there was a time were JRPGs were the darling of the industry. Then there was a time where writers openly said they are bad because the male characters are "feminine." So it isn't just the audience that became sexist. It was the culture from the top down incubating these toxic, problematic attitudes, specifically in the past 15 years.
Oct 25, 2017
(Also, uh, yes I absolutely 100% think an alt-right podcast could have a rainbow flag in their Twitter profile, either as a shield or because they might just be self-hating. Milo exists.)

First of all, Dodger is not gay. Second, she's among the most progressive voices in the gaming personality scene. Guilt by association shouldn't undermine that.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
First of all, Dodger is not gay. Second, she's among the most progressive voices in the gaming personality scene. Guilt by association shouldn't undermine that. I'm really not sure how you managed to read "an alt-right podcast" and think it meant the exact same podcast I literally said was not being called "an alt-right podcast" in the same post, but to be clear, I was speaking about alt-right podcasts in general.


And, honestly, I find it pretty laughable that someone so close with a person who was a GG figurehead is somehow one of the "most progressive voices" when it comes to popular gaming personalities but then again, I guess the bar is sorta low once you get that high of a following.

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
The industry needs to do more to ostracize alt-reich activity like hatergate. However, I think they're reluctant because they want to keep their player base.

If they had more guts, the ideal solution would be to suspend or ban the perpetrators' accounts on all platforms and report them to the police.
Oct 25, 2017
3,784 I'm really not sure how you managed to read "an alt-right podcast" and think it meant the exact same podcast I literally said was not being called "an alt-right podcast" in the same post, but to be clear, I was speaking about alt-right podcasts in general.

Sorry, I misunderstood the post. Thought you were attacking Dodger and other Co-op podcast regulars like Jesse Cox for something that isn't even close to true.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
I'm a huge Halo fan abrs I've never heard of these people
Really? GameCheat (shame I missed him, have fun with your ban if you see this fuckwipe~) wasn't an uncommon sight in the OTs in The Old Place, first when he was modding H5 and later when he joined the El Dewrito team, which he subsequently fucked up by showing off their efforts to get the campaign running.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, I misunderstood the post. Thought you were attacking Dodger and other Co-op podcast regulars like Jesse Cox for something that isn't even close to true.

You can read my edit for my thoughts, because the rest of that post did address them. The reason I separated that bit and put it in parentheses was because it was an aside, which could have been clearer.

"Guilt by association" is when who you're following on Twitter is questionable. When you're on a podcast with someone leading harassment every week, and you see nothing wrong with that, that's just guilt.


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
The industry needs to do more to ostracize alt-reich activity like hatergate. However, I think they're reluctant because they want to keep their player base.

If they had more guts, the ideal solution would be to suspend or ban the perpetrators' accounts on all platforms and report them to the police.

Just take away their internet forever.

Wish it were possible :/

Deleted member 1120

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There a lot of people with shitty bigoted views that are in those communities. Just look at Era vs the hundreds of other sites. This is going to go on for a long time.


Oct 27, 2017
Seriously, it is literally a google search away to see that it was a harassment campaign with no basis in factual information, but but some gamer's and popular gaming community members still swear that it was about protecting honest game journalism... case in point, these two prominent Halo community members.

Hm. It's a response to someone who just started a podcast (gaming podcast, nonetheless) with Colin fucking Moriarty. Quelle surprise he attracts fuckwits like this.


Nov 27, 2017
Because gamers can be pretty easily manipulated into believing some 'them' is out to get them. And 'Internet Cool Guys' still often get to be the top of the pecking order in a lot of online communities where anonymity is king and empathy is a sign of weakness.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
I just don't understand what this whole GamerGate thing is. I'm not going to look into it at all and will just assume that "both sides" are somehow at fault.

please tell me you don't need an /s tag, GamerGaters are fucking trash
Oct 25, 2017
You can read my edit for my thoughts, because the rest of that post did address them. The reason I separated that bit and put it in parentheses was because it was an aside, which could have been clearer.

"Guilt by association" is when who you're following on Twitter is questionable. When you're on a podcast with someone leading harassment every week, and you see nothing wrong with that, that's just guilt.

Nah, it's still guilt by association. People aren't perfect and that fact will extend to who they associate with. Could there be some cognitive dissonance involved when they end up being progressive voices while associating with non-progressives? Yeah maybe, but that's just part of being human. People aren't obligated to speak up about every injustice that goes on in their circle even when they're very much on "the right side of history" in every other way.

And that goes double when you're a personality and HAVE to interact with some number of problematic people. It's unavoidable. Every single youtuber that often gets posted on this side of the site with even some community threads dedicated to them applies here.

This whole line of discussion just makes me think of the uncomfortable narrative surrounding the Chloe Bennet controversy and her dating choices.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I just don't understand what this whole GamerGate thing is. I'm not going to look into it at all and will just assume that "both sides" are somehow at fault.

please tell me you don't need an /s tag, GamerGaters are fucking trash
Man, I've seen this post a few too many times without being /s for it to not need the /s.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing of any serious consequence was ever actually done about Gamergate. The gaming industry for the most part ignored the elephant in the room.

Didn't GamgerGate get an industry-wide condemnation? At least by the big companies like Activision-Blizzard, Sony, Microsoft, Intel etc.

...Which is funny, because all the good devs are anti-GG, you think these so called *ethical* snowflakes would take a hint and make the connection.

For what its worth I think GamerGate itself is a failed movement, what remains is the undertones, beliefs and toxicity that incited the incident in the first place. But there's no "central" movement or anything like that anymore (if one even existed beyond a twitter hashtag).


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Because unfortunately this community is full of sexist men.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Didn't GamgerGate get an industry-wide condemnation? At least by the big companies like Activision-Blizzard, Sony, Microsoft, Intel etc.

...Which is funny, because all the good devs are anti-GG, you think these so called *ethical* snowflakes would take a hint and make the connection.

No, the ESA put out a spineless statement on it around a year or two later talking about not supporting harassment, but gamergate has never been unequivocally condemned. They're afraid


Oct 25, 2017
The Dark One's prison is weakening and we can feel his influence on the material world.
Of course we can, he's the President.
People smarter than me have written long explanations of the connection between gaming culture, white male fragility, Gamergate, 4chan, the alt-right, and Trump, so I'll just sum it up briefly:

1. Video games have traditionally been presented as a "male" hobby. Young girls are dissuaded, by culture, their parents, and male gamers, from playing video games. Many women do end up playing games, but they aren't the hardcore types who populate gaming forums
2. As a result, online gaming communities end up being overwhelmingly, or even entirely, male
3. In the late 90s and early 2000s, various politicians sought to ban or restrict violent video games. The gaming community and gaming media unanimously condemned these efforts and were, seemingly, on the same side for many years
4. Young men who play enormous amounts of video games lack the social skills to make friends or meet women in real life as they enter their teens. Severely socially stunted, they retreat into their online, male-only communities, becoming angry and resentful at women

This is where it ended, for the most part, until 2012-2014, when the following things happened:

4. Social justice issues became more a more prominent focus of the gaming industry. The harassment wave aimed at Anita Sarkeesian ended up being condemned by a number of gaming media sites (though not nearly enough), leaving many male gamers with the impression that the media that previously aided them in their war against Jack Thompson had since been infiltrated or co-opted by the feminists who supposedly want to destroy video games as he did
5. 4chan's /pol/ board was created and almost immediately became a recruiting ground for white supremacist and men's rights extremist groups, who spread their ideas to unmoderated gaming communities across the internet
6. The Zoe Quinn incident that incited Gamergate was, again, condemned by (most of) the gaming media. The far-right, who had spent decades sowing distrust of the media, encouraged the gaming community to revolt, saying "This is what we've been telling you for years -- they're liberally biased and hate white men"
7. Gamergate was roundly criticized from across the gaming and real-world media and largely failed to succeed in its goals. As a result, its members became further jaded and radicalized, getting hooked into further racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, and other hallmarks of what would become known as the alt-right
8. Trump shows up. The alt-right and 4chan immediately begin to support him
9. Apocalypse happens

Doesn't help that the industry at large looks the other way or even awards them on a yearly basis

Have yet to see a leading figure from even one of the supposedly progressive studios speak out unequivocally against it
sadly there's a couple of reasons why.

1: The gaming industry (as well as all other tech sectors) are full to the brim with techno objectivist scumbags. Who either sympathise ( or flat out agree) them.
2: Nazis buy games too.
when another gamergater gets Trendung Gamer this year and all those AAA fuckups just shrug their shoulders again...
FTFY. Unfortunately. *sigh* :(


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, it's still guilt by association. People aren't perfect and that fact will extend to who they associate with. Could there be some cognitive dissonance involved when they end up being progressive voices while associating with non-progressives? Yeah maybe, but that's just part of being human. People aren't obligated to speak up about every injustice that goes on in their circle even when they're very much on "the right side of history" in every other way.

And that goes double when you're a personality and HAVE to interact with some number of problematic people. It's unavoidable. Every single youtuber that often gets posted on this side of the site with even some community threads dedicated to them applies here.

This whole line of discussion just makes me think of the uncomfortable narrative surrounding the Chloe Bennet controversy and her dating choices.

I am absolutely going to judge anyone like this for the "cognitive dissonance" of their friend/family member/loved one being shitty and them not only doing nothing to stop it, but acting like nothing is wrong. Just because something happens a lot does not make it "part of being human" or inherently excusable and acceptable behavior.

And thinking of, say, the harassment your friend is doing right in front of your face as something you're "not obligated to speak up about" is beyond ridiculous.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I had an interesting run in about gamer gate from a gay gayme refrained of mine recently who has nothing against women in gaming at all

He said that gamer gate was actually started about review scores and in particular a group email thread between an. Number of high ish profile journalists on various video game mags and sites trying to bury other game joirnos they didn't like. The claim was qhentnuks was uncovered they claimed it was about women in the game industry being hassled to get attention away from:them.

I'm not saying anything more about this as I can't tell if there is any relation to this and what gamer gate became to this.

I found stuff about the email thread he was talking about but decided not to look any further as don't want to go near gamer gate

Was there any relation between them?

Your "friend" is a liar.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't GamgerGate get an industry-wide condemnation? At least by the big companies like Activision-Blizzard, Sony, Microsoft, Intel etc.

...Which is funny, because all the good devs are anti-GG, you think these so called *ethical* snowflakes would take a hint and make the connection.

For what its worth I think GamerGate itself is a failed movement, what remains is the undertones, beliefs and toxicity that incited the incident in the first place. But there's no "central" movement or anything like that anymore (if one even existed beyond a twitter hashtag).

No, it didn't. A few publishers said "harassment is bad, we all agree on that", but were too cowardly to actually call out GamerGate. Most likely because they were afraid of losing customers or getting harassed directly by the movement.

The only major publishers/devs that actually called out GamerGate specifically were DICE, Avalanche Studios and a few other Nordic companies.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't GamgerGate get an industry-wide condemnation? At least by the big companies like Activision-Blizzard, Sony, Microsoft, Intel etc.

...Which is funny, because all the good devs are anti-GG, you think these so called *ethical* snowflakes would take a hint and make the connection.

For what its worth I think GamerGate itself is a failed movement, what remains is the undertones, beliefs and toxicity that incited the incident in the first place. But there's no "central" movement or anything like that anymore (if one even existed beyond a twitter hashtag).

The problem is that, as I've mentioned before in this thread: the companies seriously didn't ever make it clear enough that GGers had to make connection, particularly as they love to draw illogical connections instead when they can.

As Labor said, the ESA put something out; looks like that was mid-October 2014, almost 2 months after it started. They, like other companies at various times since, just worded this in terms of harassment being bad, which was so nebulous that it let GGers 1. act like that means they're fine, it's only someone else that's bad, because GG totally didn't harass anyone in their eyes, and 2. act like it was actually the people they were attacking who got angry at them that were the harassers being described. And sometimes companies would, at events, sorta joke about it in even more unclear ways (that indicated they didn't actually know what it was) and that was also read about support by GGers.

There was never an unequivocal condemnation. A number of sites, also in mid-October, spoke more directly at times but couched it in "both sides" and were vaguely apathetic, and were too little too late besides. And of course it's inherent not like GG was going to listen to journalists anyway.

And, well, KiA and such still exist, there's still places for there to be more organization to it than you'd think, even if it's died down.
Oct 25, 2017
I am absolutely going to judge anyone like this for the "cognitive dissonance" of their friend/family member/loved one being shitty and them not only doing nothing to stop it, but acting like nothing is wrong. Just because something happens a lot does not make it "part of being human" or inherently excusable and acceptable behavior.

And thinking of, say, the harassment your friend is doing right in front of your face as something you're "not obligated to speak up about" is beyond ridiculous.

I never said it was acceptable behavior. The fact of the matter is people have to compartmentalize a ton of crappy stuff if they want to have any kind of meaningful relationship and live in society, and that includes picking their battles when it comes to loved ones and others in their personal lives. Getting value out of a relationship with a problematic person to the point of not wanting to cut that person out of their lives doesn't make them a monster.

And to clarify, I agree with you that toxic behavior should be called out by those same loved ones, but I'm not going to suddenly start labeling them as toxic for not wanting to rock the boat when I know zero about their relationships beyond what is being broadcast to me.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
It's not alt-right, and I know they had to stick up for their friend but their big mistake was not condemning his actions. It made them just as complicit in the movement spreading the way it did.
Not to mention they are whining about people dragging TB's reputation know

He did more damage to his own reputation than anyone could ever hope to do by enabling a hate group. That's his legacy.


Oct 25, 2017
Umeå, Sweden
Decided recently to uBlock the comment section because how gamergaters are so common there.

That place is just filled with alt-righters and gamergaters which is a damn shame cause I still get quite good news articles from the site, their moderation team however is complete shit that rather delete posts that contains the word "fuck" than people who are openly harassing their writers (check any article written by Andy Chalk) or who are attacking other users with "cuck", "SJW" and all that usual alt-right garbage etc. because it doesn't completely fall in the line of "bad language". Plus there is just a fuckton of open racism and sexism going on, the only times the moderation team steps in is when people are literally defending Nazis (Wolfenstein 2 articles).
Oct 27, 2017
Same problem with racism, hate isn't to be tolerated but corporations are too scared to speak up because hateful people are customers too. People don't speak up for many reasons, fear of losing "friends", it could be family as well, also they're not educated on how something like that is wrong because they may be too young , naïveté.


Oct 28, 2017
I really don't think Gamergate is particularly prevalent anymore in the gaming community. I usually only see it mentioned when press link it to whatever new harassment is happening online that isn't using the rag, or bring it up as a comparison.

Without the press, I rarely ever see it. I suppose if you go on r/Kotakuinaction you can find it fairly easy though, but the hashtag has gone into irrelevance.
Boy, this is a real "ban bait thread", innit?

To answer the question, you would first have to answer the question of why the nerd community at large is so curiously full of bigoted theorists. Video games, anime, sci-fi, even fuckin' furries have that shit going on.

Given what "red pill" philosophy peddles, it's actually kind of fascinating. Or maybe it's not - the world has always been more full of people who love to talk than people who love to walk.

it seems the Halo community has a lot of shitlords.

You have no idea.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I really don't think Gamergate is particularly prevalent anymore in the gaming community. I usually only see it mentioned when press link it to whatever new harassment is happening online that isn't using the rag, or bring it up as a comparison.

Without the press, I rarely ever see it. I suppose if you go on r/Kotakuinaction you can find it fairly easy though, but the hashtag has gone into irrelevance.

They've just stopped using the hashtag as much. The people and sentiment are still there


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
It's part of his legacy, but not all he'll be remembered for. The guy did alot for indie games, and enough people will remember that too along with the bad.
That's fine and all, but it's ridiculous that people think it is "proper etiquette" to expect that people not speak of the bad parts of his legacy.

If TotalBiscuit was so worried about his legacy, he could have not supported a hate group. If the people close to him actually cared about his legacy after he passed, they'd have fought to get him to not cause shit in life.


Oct 25, 2017
Seriously, it is literally a google search away to see that it was a harassment campaign with no basis in factual information, but but some gamer's and popular gaming community members still swear that it was about protecting honest game journalism... case in point, these two prominent Halo community members.

If it wasn't for the spelling mistake, I wouldn't know what side they're on. lol