
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I too wonder why there isn't any hype for the eleventh fucking sequel of a 30 year old series

I have no doubt that Mega Man isn't a mechanically sound experience but come on, it's Mega Man. Are consumers really missing out on Mega Man?
By not playing MM11, they're missing out on a superbly and tightly designed action-platformer.


Oct 25, 2017
Nostalgia stops people from admitting this is one of the best if not the best-playing Mega Man game ever made.
did you need to review the other fifty bazillion Mega Man titles to come to this conclusion

It's pretty remarkable that Tetris manages to consistently reinvent itself around the time of every generation and Mega Man is still

still a Mega Man title.

I mean even PAC-MAN has had more a meaningful evolution with it's formula with Championship Edition / CEDX / CE2 and yet Mega Man 11 still

still plays like a Mega Man game.

By not playing MM11, they're missing on a superbly and tightly designed action-platformer.

I mean is the world really short on those?

Celeste, Splasher, Unruly Heroes, The Messenger, Spelunky -- like we have oodles of those products. How the hell is Mega Man supposed to stand out in a field like that?

Capcom has to do more with the IP than just making a game and a lot of the MM playerbase doesn't REALLY see that.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean it speaks wonders that 4 games, each from it's own spin-off, are the only million sellers in a sea of 150+ titles.

Like. I don't doubt MM did 35 million but damn they really had to just throw some shit out to make it happen


Mar 5, 2018
It's pretty remarkable that Tetris manages to consistently reinvent itself around the time of every generation and Mega Man is still

still a Mega Man title.
Excuse me? Tetris has somehow reinvented itself? How? You know what also plays like the same old tired shit from 30 years ago? Super Mario Maker/New Super Mario Bros.

152 games released actually. Somehow I'm not buying that many games produced and 35 million copies sold equals niche, but I invite you to keep trying to convince me.
ok then it's not a niche title I guess, it's a major video game and out of 150 games only 4 were successfull because they sold over a million.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
did you need to review the other fifty bazillion Mega Man titles to come to this conclusion

It's pretty remarkable that Tetris manages to consistently reinvent itself around the time of every generation and Mega Man is still

still a Mega Man title.

I mean even PAC-MAN has had more a meaningful evolution with it's formula with Championship Edition / CEDX / CE2 and yet Mega Man 11 still

still plays like a Mega Man game.
Mega Man has been reinvented multiple times in all sorts of ways, from 3D action adventure games to tactical RPGs to Pokemon-like things. What a silly statement to make.

Classic Mega Man needs no reinvention when your fundamentals are as strong as they are.

Mega Man 11 plays awesome, that's all that matters. Giving you the ability to immediately change to any special weapon at any time is actually bit of a game changer (with the right analog stick), and the levels are designed for you to take advantage of that. I've played every single classic MM game out there and I have never seen more thoughtful level design than in this one.


Oct 30, 2017
I thought it was a bit overly easy and very short. The shortest fortress in the series history actually.

Levels were well executed but the new mechanics trivialized them.
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like we get these threads for every popular non-AAA single player game.

Without a huge marketing push and constant content delivery, sometimes there isn't much to talk about anymore, even if you like it.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
I mean it speaks wonders that 4 games, each from it's own spin-off, are the only million sellers in a sea of 150+ titles.

Like. I don't doubt MM did 35 million but damn they really had to just throw some shit out to make it happen

Capcom is a business. That ain't making 150+ titles of nothing out of love. It's their fourth largest franchise, behind only Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Street Fighter. But keep trying to spin it.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was a bit overly easy and very short. The shortest fortress in the series history actually.

Levels were well executed but the new mechanics trivialized them.

But it has the longest robot master stages in the series history so it evens out.

Also most complaints when it launched was that it was too


Oct 25, 2017
Capcom is a business. That ain't making 150+ titles of nothing out of love. It's their fourth largest franchise, behind only Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Street Fighter. But keep trying to spin it.

I'm not denying that nor am I trying to spin it. I just think shit's funny and jokes > facts

Excuse me? Tetris has somehow reinvented itself? How? You know what also plays like the same old tired shit from 30 years ago? Super Mario Maker/New Super Mario Bros.

Well yes I would hope game creation tools meant to emulate a 30+ year old franchise plays like a 30+ year old franchise

Tetris 99 and Tetris Effect are some of the most innovative and unique implementations of a long worn franchise in a very, very long time. Like It's not surprising that Arika still understands how to make an exciting Tetris product, and what more needs to be said about Tetris Effect's audiovisual implementation both inside and outside of VR within the core gameplay mechanics .


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's just another Mega Man game, which is fine, but limits how much people will like it. It doesn't do anything particularly new, didn't really bring in new players, and launched at a busy point in the year. No doubt it's still well regarded and sold well but as long as it's just a classically styled Mega Man game it can only do so much


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not denying that nor am I trying to spin it. I just think shit's funny and jokes > facts

Well yes I would hope game creation tools meant to emulate a 30+ year old franchise plays like a 30+ year old franchise

Tetris 99 and Tetris Effect are some of the most innovative and unique implementations of a long worn franchise in a very, very long time. Like It's not surprising that Arika still understands how to make an exciting Tetris product, and what more needs to be said about Tetris Effect's audiovisual implementation both inside and outside of VR within the core gameplay mechanics .
What is really the reinvention of Tetris Effect that hasn't already been done before by Tetris but having new fangled graphics? Is graphics simply enough for you? Much of the challenges and features are seen in past Tetris titles. Battle royale is brand new feature for the series though. And why not bring up Tetrisphere or Wetris or the like?

I can play this game you're doing too. Just being reductionist and crapping all over your fave.


Oct 25, 2017
What is really the reinvention of Tetris Effect that hasn't already been done before by Tetris but having new fangled graphics? Is graphics simply enough for you? Much of the challenges and features are seen in past Tetris titles. Battle royale is brand new feature for the series though. And why not bring up Tetrisphere or Wetris or the like?

I can play this game you're doing too. Just being reductionist and crapping all over your fave.

If you're taking my criticism of the franchise as 'crapping over your fave' then I don't know what to tell you, you seem to be seriously rooted into your argument.

I like Mega Man a lot. But even I know when a franchise needs more than just another sequel this day and age .

Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017


Alt Account
Jul 4, 2019
There have been like 4 Mega Man games that sold over a million copies. Mega Man is niche but has a cult following. Stop kidding yourself.

It's not sarcastic, I'm just asking, but why is Mega Man revered by some ? Is it a good platformer, like Mario for exemple ? Or is it for other reasons (marketing ?) ?

I never played one.


Oct 25, 2017
If you're taking my criticism of the franchise as 'crapping over your fave' then I don't know what to tell you, you seem to be seriously rooted into your argument.

I like Mega Man a lot. But even I know when a franchise needs more than just another sequel this day and age .
No, you've simply been arguing with everyone in this thread who has the most mildest of praise or like of the game. You seem to have something deeply rooted in your own arguments. There's nothing wrong with making games that appeal to certain demographics, fanbases, so long as budget and such are done with this in mind. You don't have to sell millions to be a success, and by all accounts, I doubt Capcom is imagining it to sell millions either. It's mid-tier developed title, so expectations are not astronomical.

Also, you've been ignoring plenty of the Mega Man reinventions, heck you brought up Zero series yourself, which was a reinvention for the series building upon what the X series did. ZX series also took a more open approach to the world. Then you have the Mega Man Legend series which was 3D. The Battle Network series, and so on. Then you have the Mega Man classic series, which 11 is a part of, but is also breaking conventions with its new gear system making it far more technical than any of the previous games in this classic series.

I also realize, one game is not to be considered enough or even considered "alive" either as I've always been super pessimistic with how the series has been handled, but you take the absolute cake in this thread.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
It sold well and is great.

I do think the art style wasn't exactly what people wanted so maybe that hurt the "appreciation" but it's fine I think.


Oct 25, 2017
And it's hilarious to even compare something to Tetris, a series that has no lows and has timeless gameplay that anyone and everyone can hop into and play.

Also I read about Pac-man in this thread? People are talking about Pac-Man? Pac-Man has a new game coming out or what? Or is it another Namco Museum?


Oct 25, 2017
And it's hilarious to even compare something to Tetris, a series that has no lows and has timeless gameplay that anyone and everyone can hop into and play.

Also I read about Pac-man in this thread? People are talking about Pac-Man? Pac-Man has a new game coming out or what? Or is it another Namco Museum?

Championship Edition 2 came out not even three years ago


Dec 23, 2018
Well, quite frankly, it's because I'd have taken X9, ZX3 or Legends 3 over it.

But I still bought it day one at full price. Is there any higher, more meaningful form of appreciation in this regard?


Oct 27, 2017
I bought it day 1. Nothing special about it and in fact I thought it was very average


Oct 30, 2017
But it has the longest robot master stages in the series history so it evens out.

Also most complaints when it launched was that it was too

People say that but I don't really think they are any longer than a classic stage from the later games. Mega Man 7 is about a ten minute longer game, 8 is about 20 minutes longer.
Nov 23, 2017
I too wonder why there isn't any hype for the eleventh fucking sequel of a 30 year old series

I have no doubt that Mega Man isn't a mechanically sound experience but come on, it's Mega Man. Are consumers really missing out on Mega Man?

In this day and gge where a 'good game' isn't enough to revitalize a brand, what is Capcom to do? Do they reinvent the wheel with another MM spin-off at the risk of alienating fans? Would Mega Man fans be willing for more experimentalism down the line or will they continue to ask for more of the same lmfao

I had my time with this franchise with the excellent Zero series and I do not se any reason to come back until something as exciting as Zero, or hell even Legends returns. Classic and X does nothing for me.
Why come into a thread just to shit on something

And then even admit you are here in bad faith and don't care about the franchise or game in question just to do some sales argument bs

You could just not


Oct 25, 2017
Why come into a thread just to shit on something

And then even admit you are here in bad faith and don't care about the franchise or game in question just to do some sales argument bs

You could just not

I didn't come in bad faith, though. I never said I didn't like the franchise but I'm not gonna be ignorant as to why there isn't enough appreciation for another Mega Man game.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
People seemed pretty pleased with 11, by and large. But I think there's a building anticipation for what's next. Whether that's 12, X9, or something else. People just want to know.


Always bets on black
Oct 25, 2017
Fantastic game, and one of the best amongst the classic series. Bring on 12!


Nov 12, 2017
Mega Man has been reinvented multiple times in all sorts of ways, from 3D action adventure games to tactical RPGs to Pokemon-like things. What a silly statement to make.

Classic Mega Man needs no reinvention when your fundamentals are as strong as they are.

Mega Man 11 plays awesome, that's all that matters. Giving you the ability to immediately change to any special weapon at any time is actually bit of a game changer (with the right analog stick), and the levels are designed for you to take advantage of that. I've played every single classic MM game out there and I have never seen more thoughtful level design than in this one.

This guy gets it.

Fans love to worship at the alter of Mega Man 2, some MM3, to the point that a large percentage of fans outright reject the games from 4-8 and 11. But they love 9. Because it's like 2.

Now I love 2. It was my first MM game followed by MM3. But god damn it's not like comparing treasure to trash. MM4 is excellent. MM5 is really strong too, despite not having as strong a soundtrack as 1-4 (but it's still good I don't care what anyone says).

I find so much to love in every mainline MM game, even 8 (8 is not bad, fight me) but 11's level design is beyond most of the them. It also introduces a mechanic that isn't a disposable feature or limited weapon but something that ebchanxes the entire experience.

It seems like most of the outright hate for MM11 is closed minded.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it just didn't have that initial "wow" factor to really get enduring exposure (like the decision to go back to 8-bit for 9). It's a grower, that I appreciated more and more every time I went through it. I think that people that aren't used to really digging into MM games aren't going to discover what a great game it is. It was a really thoughtful creation that stayed true to the series but advanced it with new mechanics, all while maintaining excellent bosses, tight level design, and somehow coming up with some of the best weapons in a 30 year old series.


Oct 25, 2017
Brilliant game aimed squarely at a niche fanbase that got zero content updates after launch to put it back in the news. The people it was built for loved it, and for everyone else it came and went.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a three year old game, compared to a game that came out less than a year ago

I don't know if this was some kind of weirdo gotcha attempt to defame my argument but well, I hope you enjoy what the eleventh sequel of a Mega Man title brought you
I simply don't see the point in bringing up why no one is talking about such and such though the game has been out for a certain period of time. Look at KH3 which came out months ago, and there's barely anyone talking about it now. It came and went, had a little bit more discussion around it with the reveal of the upcoming DLC, and that went away fast but it will spring back up when the DLC arrives. These days, games come and go, discussion around them largely relies on them being huge deals that do something that change the landscape, powerful storytelling, or a GaaS model that keeps people talking about the game on a regular basis. You're not going to get that from a Mega Man game, a Pac-Man game, or most games in general unless they were profoundly impactful in some way.


Mar 22, 2019
My heart belongs to the Battle Network games.
And this is where I'm at.

Battle Network and Star Force are my golden geese, with X after those.

I've never been huge on classic Mega Man but I appreciate it and thought 11 was a great return to form, but I got not much to say beyond that.

I'll go crazy if they announce X9 though, doubly so if they make another RPG in the Battle Network/Star Force verse.


Oct 28, 2017
I loved Mega Man 11. One of my top ten games of last year, and the Double Gear system brought a great deal of innovation to the tried and true gameplay the series has been known for-for 30 years. It wasn't just innovation for innovation's sake--it was actually an intelligent and FUN implementation that spiced up the gameplay in a beneficial way. Great game, only marred by the original music being less than fantastic, instrumentation-wise. Though, I really dug the DLC tracks.