
Nov 8, 2017
Wow. It certainly doesn't feel like 10 years ago to me, but it has hit a point in my head where it feels like a long ago enough time for me to be nostalgic over.

I was there on day 1. It was a pretty bizarre console launch. There was this kind of skepticism online about how well it was gonna do, though people seemed a lot more positive than they'd be in a few months. I remember there was this kind of scramble to get in a pre-order somewhere after the Wii had rough availability for a few years and I ended up getting one in at Toys R Us of all places. There was one other lone person there with me, and we debated the merits of which model to get (he said he was going for the cheaper one because he never even got close to filling up his 360 HDD, I said I thought I wouldn't but got super into Rock Band DLC and I ended up buying the model with a bigger HDD after my console red ringed so I wasn't gonna take any chances this time). My original plan was to get in with NSMBU, Tekken Tag 2, and two pro controllers, but there was a problem. Toys R Us didn't carry Tekken Tag 2. It seemed uncertain if I was gonna get a copy anywhere that day, and they had some kind of 20$ off deal on getting a second game, so I impulse bought ZombiU along with everything I got, minus Tekken. I then called around and luckily the GameStop near my house had one copy of Tekken Tag 2 left, so I went out there and scooped it up. Ended up spending the day messing around in Tekken and Nintendo Land.

I was home from my freshmen year of college for Thanksgiving break that week, so I spent the next few days playing a good deal of NSMBU when I could, which I had fun with (it's still the best NSMB game imo). I don't think I really touched the other games much after day 1 until later (Tekken I think I played over Winter Break, and ZombiU during Winter quarter after I got a monitor for Christmas and brought my consoles to school). I actually still didn't have a proper HD setup at the time, so I played through NSMBU on a CRT using my Wii's composite cables, which seems extremely quaint in retrospect. Finals were coming up and I took on way too many courses for my own good Freshmen Year, so I couldn't spend a ton of time with the console as I had to be studying. I was also pretty busy with family matters (my grandpa was very ill at this point of time). I remember going to see "Life of Pi," and "Cloud Atlas" with my family in the theater that week. I watched the anime "Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions," on my laptop. I think I finished NSMBU on Thanksgiving if my memory serves me right.

My impressions of the console were pretty positive off the bat. I liked the controller. I liked the interface. I thought the games were promising. Yet, I don't remember really missing the console when I went back to school for a couple weeks and couldn't play it, and when I came back for Winter Break I was more focused on playing 999 and Pokemon White 2 (and then later Halo 4, Kid Icarus Uprising, and Star Ocean 1 after Christmas). I remember I had a friend online who was doing a media studies degree, and he decided to do his final project for a class he had on creating an infographic on the Wii U's launch week sales, which I gave him bits and pieces of input on and ended up going really well for him (I think his infographic even ended up getting posted on the old site).

I do have a nostalgia for that time in my life, but I can't say I actually like the Wii U a whole lot. To me, the Wii U is like, the minimum level of good a Nintendo console can be and not have me regret buying it. There were just enough games on it that were exclusive for just long enough to make me feel like it definitely wasn't a waste of money, but it was still weaker than all of Nintendo's other home consoles. I do miss the Virtual Console (even if some of the emulators were a step down from the Wii's), and I adored the Gamepad even though games never really used its potential.


Avalanche's One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
this thing will always hold a special place for me because it basically let me launch my youtube career and be freed from the shitty job i had. i got so lucky because i decided to beat NSMBU fast at launch.


Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand
Worst Nintendo console I've ever owned despite some great games. Short lived, horrid third party support, bad internet/multiplayer support, weird carryover issues with the Virtual Console from the Wii, expensive controllers to replace etc.

Sold mine years ago with zero regrets. The Wii is the GOAT Nintendo console and going from Wii to Wii U is the worst generation to generation console drop off since the Genesis going to the 32X.


Dec 6, 2020
Honestly probably Nintendo's best console by pure number of games it could run *natively*(Wii U, Wii, Gamecube) and decent emulation for NES and SNES, and good with GB through DS for the handheld side.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
God what a trash console. The gamepad was a bad idea in general. And all the noteworthy games got ported over to Switch Already at this point so there's barely any reason to keep it for legacy reasons.

Thanks for all the hours of Hyrule Warriors I guess? Otherwise I have no reason going back to this one.


Oct 25, 2017
Does anybody remember watching Triforce Johnson wait in line for like a week in front of the Nintendo World Store to be the first Wii U owner?

Correction: it was a month


Oct 25, 2017
I still have mine hooked up to this day so I'm still a big fan of the console. It was a good concept that didn't quite hit the mark yet it still had a great first party line up that has helped prop up the Switch over the years. As long as there isn't a better way to play Harvest Moon 64 or my Wii collection, it will always have a spot on my shelf.


Nov 2, 2021
I worked at a GameStop when this thing came out.

GameStop thought it was going to be another Wii-like doorbuster.......boy o boy were they wrong. We had straight up stacks and stacks of it sitting around for MONTHS because no one bought it.

The biggest shame imo is Nintendo actually patented the rounded-edge disc so kids wouldn't hurt themselves and that patent was used for the Wii U disc...only to be forever locked on that console's media.

...unless they come out with another disc-based console...

How many kids were dying from discs?


Nov 1, 2017
I picked one up on clearance as an impulse purchase. It's still hooked up, but I almost never play it anymore. It's basically just my machine for playing Wii games over HDMI, which again, almost never happens.

I'll probably just dump my Wii U games onto my PC and play them via CEMU if I ever want to revisit.

I also bought the Wii Fit U as an impulse (also on clearance), and didn't hook it up once. I think I need to stop making impulse purchases for no other reason than "what a bargain!" lol
Oct 27, 2017
Loved it. Burned bright and then things got gloomy right after launch. Still have great memories playing Nintendo land with family, zombi U, NSMBU and Sonic Racing.

2013 was rough as Wii U was my main platform launch until ps4 arrived. Love that flawed little box, wish the Eshop wasn't shutting down already


Nov 13, 2019
I was so stupidly hyped for this console. Bought the ZombiU bundle which wasā€¦ 400? 450? Euro

It was also either this console or the Vita I cannot remember which I completely bought with my own money lol

Honestly the WiiU wasn't bad I do get a strong urge that the Switch is everything I wanted the WiiU was. But the Switch isn't it for me anymore because it is dated

That's why I kinda want to believe Nintendo was 1 gen cycle too soon with the WiiU and it would have succeeded a gen later


Oct 31, 2017
Wind Waker came out in 2003. Wind Waker HD came out in 2013. It's going to be 10 years old next year.


God damn, we need The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker Super HD on Switch 2 (4k/60fps, texture upgrade) next year.

Oscarzx n

May 24, 2018
Santiago, Chile
I had plenty of good memories with this console, some of my favorite games come from it, but I also have some pretty bad memories with it for how terrible the release schedule was. It's not great but It does have some things going for it.
Also, stupid Gamepad battery, I have been using the console again recently to re play Bayonetta 1 and 2 and god the Battery last so little, is annoying.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Y'all just wait until you start feeling old because you have pain that's just there now forever. Wait until a doctor tells you "yeah, that just hurts now."


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Every bit of joy I got out of the system was in spite of it not because of it. Do not miss the system at all. Alright the pro controller was nice with its ridiculously long battery life. That's about it.


Apr 5, 2018
Gotta love an underdog. In spite of its failings (or maybe because of them), it feels more special than the Switch to me.


Oct 27, 2017
The Wii U first party library fucking owned

The controller felt good too, better than joycons. 2 out of 3 ResetErers agree

Which controllers were better (for single person use): Wii U gamepad or Switch Joy-Cons

Had a conversation irl about Spl3zzy (Splatoon Three) and how the Wii U crawled so that the Switch could fly. It came up that using the squid jump in S1 on a touchpad was better than having to press directions on a D-pad. We spoke of the feel of the joysticks and face buttons, and overall...

Oscarzx n

May 24, 2018
Santiago, Chile
Highly highly underrated console that got some of Nintendo's GOAT games. It's telling that the best Switch games are either Wii U ports or sequels to Wii U games.

As a 13 year old when I got the Wii U, it was absolutely magical for local co op in a time where Sony and Microsoft basically gave up on local co op entirely. My friends and I got hundreds of hours of entertainment out of it throughout middle and high school
Eh, I can think of many, many maaaany great Switch games that are neither


Oct 25, 2017
I still use the Wii U pro controller for side scrollers and roguelikes. The d-pad is great, and the battery life is insane.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Smash and Mario kart 8 made the system worth it. Lots of fun time in college with it
Jan 13, 2020
I enjoyed the launch. Nintendo Land was so fun! Especially Luigi's Ghost Mansion and Metroid Blast. Had some great times with friends.


Oct 29, 2017
Eh, I can think of many, many maaaany great Switch games that are neither
Oh definitely there are plenty of great Switch-only games, but when I look at my personal top Switch games:
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (upgraded port of Wii U game)
BOTW (Wii U/Switch)
SM3DW (upgraded port of Wii U game)
Pikmin 3 (port)
DK Tropical Freeze (port)
Mario Maker 2 (sequel to Wii U game)
SSBU (sequel to Wii U game, and it def builds off the foundation of SSB4 more than prior Smash games did off their predecessors)
Splatoon 2 & 3 (sequels to Wii U games, and imo the first Splatoon still has the best campaign)
Wonderful 101 (port)

Not to mention that Xenoblade Chronicles X, NES Remix 1/2, and Nintendoland are still trapped on the Wii U šŸ˜© (though it'd be pretty impossible to port the latter over)

No shade at Mario Odyssey, AC New Horizons, FE 3 Houses, and Xenoblade 2&3 though, all great games. But for me at least they are outnumbered by the number of incredible originally-Wii U experiences that have been further enhanced/improved on Switch.
Oct 26, 2017
It's crazy how Nintendo either hits the bullseye or misses entirely with it's consoles.

I was actually working in retail back when this released and I've never seen less hype for a console launch.
In fact, any talk about it was just straight up confusion as to what it was.


Nov 4, 2020
Legitimately disturbed at the thought of the Wii U being 10 years old.

I actually liked the Wii U, especially for Wind Waker HD and Splatoon. The Gamepad is one of my favorite controllers; comfortable to hold and had some nice convenience factor in games like WWHD for the inventory.

Mine still sees daily use because I turn it on every morning for a quick warm-up on Wii Fit U, but that's about it since my Gamepad's battery is nearly shot.


Feb 21, 2018
One of my favorite consoles. Despite the sluggish UI there was so much personality put into its menus and core apps. The Gamepad could be cumbersome and frustrating (e.g. required for system settings lol) yet it gave me multiplayer staples I still frequently revisit in Nintendoland and Game & Wario. And there were plenty of single-player titles that held my interest like Pikmin 3, WWHD, Bayonetta 2, DK Tropical Freeze, and NSMBU.

I place Switch just behind it due to the lack of party games I can play with any friends or family in comparison to Wii and Wii U, but that could still change in the coming years


Oct 27, 2017
No regrets on my WiiU at all. I bought one and legit it was my only console (+pc) for 3+ years. I just went through this phase post ps3/60 that it just felt that every game was an over the top blood fest shooter, and i had enough. I basically just played all the Nintendo first party stuff on WiiU (and some 3dsxl) and crpg/indie games on pc until I bought an Xbox One a couple of years after its release.

And Nintendo Land was fantastic, the Zelda and Metroid mini games alone made it worth it, and the Pikmin one was good as well. The multiplayer would be hard to translate to the switch unless they did it online, but I can't imagine there is enough interest to make it worth it.

And Breath of the Wild was meant for WiiU :D ... the only thing that bugged me was that the bonus shirt still was for the Switch, even in the WiiU version :(
Oct 27, 2017
The tablet controller made it one of the most interesting consoles for local multiplayer.

The fact that you needed 4 wii remotes to take advantage of that local multiplayer meant most people never did.

I maintain that the system should have come with the tablet and 4 cheap wired controllers like the Buzz quiz game on PS2. Just a d-pad and some buttons. Enough to enjoy the basics of the 5 player local multiplayer.

Within Nintendoland is Luigi's Ghost Mansion and Mario Chase. I don't think I've ever had more fun with local multiplayer.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
I think I ended up with that white Vita that or the year after?!?

I just was waiting and seeing as I was rather happy with the Wii and I had no reason to upgrade until such a time that I felt it was necessary...

Ended up getting it 3 years down the line with like 12 games for 200 bucks. No regrets and survived a house fire! Unlike my Saturn collection. :/


Oct 28, 2017
Have a lot of fond memories of the Wii U. The pro controller is one of my favorites and the games were anywhere between solid and amazing. 3D World might be my favorite Mario, or at least it has my favorite soundtrack. Not to mention between the Virtual Console, Wii backwards compatibility, and Nintendont, you could have a massive library of Nintendo classics on one console. I probably spent most of my time with it playing things that weren't Wii U games.

What I miss most about this era though is the personality of the interfaces. The Switch UI is perfectly functional but boring in comparison to what they were doing at the time with Wii U and 3DS.

Also, Miiverse! Good memories.

Aggie CMD

Dec 8, 2017
WiiTV for sports was A M A Z I N G! Guessing what play or shot would be next and the app keeping track was legit fun.

Deleted member 24540

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Wii U had an amazing Nintendo 1st party lineup as always.

Recall that this was a generation were Nintendo's developers were spread thin between 3DS and Wii U. Even considering, Wii U has plenty of first party greats.


Oct 27, 2017
I still remember the look the lady at Circuit City(? EDIT: Probably not, they went defunct in 2009, must've been Best Buy) gave me when I came in on launch day and asked if they were sold out. I was expecting it to be a huge hit like the Wii šŸ˜‚

As far as the lineup was concerned, DKC Tropical Freeze was AMAZING but most of the other big titles didn't really do much for me. I did enjoy the Metroid and Zelda minigames in Nintendoland.


Oct 28, 2017
They got a lot of things wrong that time. The Gamepad was atrocious and very few developers knew what to do with it, including Nintendo. Nintendoland was shit. Wii Party U too. But it did have same great games so I don't regret buying it (used, quite a few years later, but still). Super Mario 3D World was fun, Donkey Kong Country: TF almost a masterpiece and Rayman Legends was at its best on Wii U.