Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
Wow.. i wonder why they left that out. Is this 100% truth? Not that i don't believe it but to be sure it happened.

I guess the dude didn't like the noise of kids.

The piece is written by a reporter who was doing investigative journalism on them at time, using court transcripts and interviews, so I'd lend it credence. The things he described may have been isolated incidents and not indicative of the the prevailing norms, but most of the behavior he describes is right out of Cult 101, so it's not too hard to believe.

He does say in the piece that the rival paper was in the tank for the cult, so opinions were divided at the time as well.

One of the more fascinating things to me in the story was how Sheela formed her own personality cult and successfully ran a parallel operation. When they reveal that she ran off with her group and $55mil and the guru was pissed, it's a good piece of schadenfruede—the man who fleeced marks got played himself. He taught her well.

Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, that New Republic article kinda makes me appreciate the documentary less.

The documentary makes the opposition to the Rhajneeshees feel like they exaggerate everything to a certain extent. Hearing about the sexual assault, Rhajneesh praising Hitler, etc really makes it clear that Sheela was not just the lone sect of crazy in the group.

Like, why did they not ask or include questions about that stuff to Stephen King lawyer guy, who STILL believes Osho was the most beautiful man alive?


Oct 27, 2017
The piece is written by a reporter who was doing investigative journalism on them at time, using court transcripts and interviews, so I'd lend it credence. The things he described may have been isolated incidents and not indicative of the the prevailing norms, but most of the behavior he describes is right out of Cult 101, so it's not too hard to believe.

He does say in the piece that the rival paper was in the tank for the cult, so opinions were divided at the time as well.

One of the more fascinating things to me in the story was how Sheela formed her own personality cult and successfully ran a parallel operation. When they reveal that she ran off with her group and $55mil and the guru was pissed, it's a good piece of schadenfruede—the man who fleeced marks got played himself. He taught her well.
Yeah that Sheela was something. Pretty badass lady, wow. Sure she was dangerous and criminal as hell but i did grow some respect for her during the documentary.
She stood her man the entire ride. She hurt him bad. He even broke his three year silence just to try and insult her.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, that New Republic article kinda makes me appreciate the documentary less.

The documentary makes the opposition to the Rhajneeshees feel like they exaggerate everything to a certain extent. Hearing about the sexual assault, Rhajneesh praising Hitler, etc really makes it clear that Sheela was not just the lone sect of crazy in the group.

Like, why did they not ask or include questions about that stuff to Stephen King lawyer guy, who STILL believes Osho was the most beautiful man alive?

For sure. They went really soft on them. It doesn't help that most of the run time is letting the cult members ruminate on their lovely experiences. It's really well produced and entertaining but I'm definitely disappointed they didn't take a more cutting look at the cult.

Finished, I like Sheela.

She's a total sociopath


Oct 30, 2017
I'm two episodes in and bored af. Does it pick up?

Making a Murderer put me to sleep too and everyone loved that so I realize it's likely me that's the problem.


Oct 26, 2017
Was going to listen the Dollop podcast episode about this (think it is 23), but maybe i'll just watch the show first.

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah that Sheela was something. Pretty badass lady, wow. Sure she was dangerous and criminal as hell but i did grow some respect for her during the documentary.
She stood her man the entire ride. She hurt him bad. He even broke his three year silence just to try and insult her.
Lmao I had the same reaction. It's so tempting to overlook her crimes because of how fucking hardcore she was when protecting her people.


Oct 25, 2017
How many of us fellow members would fall for a movement which has a guru

- who talks peace
- who talks "sexual freedom"
- who says all religions suck
- who says humanistic approach to sex and society is the way to go
- who has an aggressive second in command who people admire for loyalty to said guru

I can guess the percentage will be pretty high


Oct 27, 2017
4 episodes in, the first three had really sympathized with the cult. Now things are really ramping up. This cult is getting nuts


Oct 26, 2017
I'm on episode 2 but the doc doesn't seem to be detailing the awful stuff the cult was doing. Any reason why or is that detailed later?

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
I'm on episode 2 but the doc doesn't seem to be detailing the awful stuff the cult was doing. Any reason why or is that detailed later?

It delves into that more later, but still seems to leave a bunch of major nefarious stuff.

It's because the story is primarily from the cultists perspective and is a sort of framed as a fall from grace/expulsion from eden narrative so they try to build up the promise of the cult as seemingly utopian.


Oct 25, 2017
How many of us fellow members would fall for a movement which has a guru

- who talks peace
- who talks "sexual freedom"
- who says all religions suck
- who says humanistic approach to sex and society is the way to go
- who has an aggressive second in command who people admire for loyalty to said guru

I can guess the percentage will be pretty high
His views dont seem so bad. He's pro abortion rights too and euthanasia. I can see how christians hated the dude, and his sex views really are more accepted today

Documentary doesnt talk about his evils, I dont know why they didnt interview people that didnt have such a grand time, and he worked his evils through Sheela, who by all accounts is a major piece of shit.


Self-requested ban
Oct 30, 2017
I just started watching episode 1 - is the old footage real or did they "re-create" it for the documentary?


Oct 25, 2017
Watched the whole thing the other day. Mind blowing is an understatement, OP. It's crazy that such a major cult incident just kind of got swept out of the public consciousness in less than 30 years.

The documentary seemed way too pro-cult though. Since most of the footage was from the cult members themselves. Left me feeling like we were missing some info.

How many of us fellow members would fall for a movement which has a guru

- who talks peace
- who talks "sexual freedom"
- who says all religions suck
- who says humanistic approach to sex and society is the way to go
- who has an aggressive second in command who people admire for loyalty to said guru

I can guess the percentage will be pretty high

I'd consider that last choice for friends you don't like.

I think the "has 90 rolls royces" bit would immediately put the majority of people off of him.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Five episodes in so far, really fascinating stuff. Observing the clash of the two sides in this "county war", it occurred to me that, if you combine the xenophobia, bigotry, and smug privilege of the white townsfolk with the rabid fanaticism and cult of personality of the Rhajneeshees, you basically have today's Trump MAGA-ite. Not a comforting thought.


Oct 25, 2017
Five episodes in so far, really fascinating stuff. Observing the clash of the two sides in this "county war", it occurred to me that, if you combine the xenophobia, bigotry, and smug privilege of the white townsfolk with the rabid fanaticism and cult of personality of the Rhajneeshees, you basically have today's Trump MAGA-ite. Not a comforting thought.
This is exactly why my family and I spent most of those first episodes sympathizing with the cult. Even after watching the whole thing, my Mom wasn't sure she could say the cult was all that bad since every crime they committed seemed like a retaliation against the xenophobia.


Oct 26, 2017
Let's imagine that people it's now immune to salmonella for life, if that was a thing sheela wouldn't be so bad
Jan 29, 2018
Finished, I like Sheela.
Let's imagine that people it's now immune to salmonella for life, if that was a thing sheela wouldn't be so bad



Oct 26, 2017
I wondered if The Dollop had done an episode on them and they did! Episode 22 which is how I missed it - http://thedollop.net/wp/episode-22-dollop/ .

I'm halfway in but it def goes more into some of the awful stuff they did I'm only on ep 3 but really don't like this obvious "both sides" stuff the doc is clearly trying to do. I def see the narrative like Fancy Clown mentioned above now, I just don't like it. Gonna stick with it for sure though, just wish it didn't have that framing.


Oct 29, 2017
Enjoyed it. Can't believe I've never heard of this crazy cult before. They believed they were untouchable which was their downfall. Most guys probably went to get laid rather than the teachings.

Any good documentary recommendations on the Jonestown Case?

King Tubby

Oct 25, 2017
I think the Rajneesh do come off as sympathetic at points, because when you see a lot of the footage of locals who were hostile against them, it is reminiscent of rural/small-town white folks not wanting the "coloreds" in their town (in this case I suppose that color is blood orange, but still). Of course, that facade gets shattered when you see the insane Machiavellian depths that some of the Rajneeshees sink to, and really the failings of leadership, particularly of Rajneesh himself. I think it's a good approach honestly, because it helps you understand this community and movement more than a simple true crime condemnation type of story, but it also doesn't gloss over the fact that they did horrible, bizarre things. It's a great documentary.
Oct 29, 2017
Watching now. Pretty amazing what they built, an example of what could be achieved when people are committed to a vision and a cause and have the know how.
But then again... crazy whack cult strikes and now i know where The Joy of Sect ep of the Simpsons get their dear leader doing the morning drive in his rolls royce from lol.
I can definitely see many ERAmembers who are 'disillusioned' with the current system falling for such a cult for sure lel. And ofc the framing of the local residents as being pretty much Trump voters doesnt help either in the doco but lel... guess that was what the doco was going for, to draw out modern day parallels.

And Sheela calling everyone 'bigots' lol. Sure reminds me of certain aspects of the left soo yeah
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished the first episode, fantastic stuff so far. Super fascinating, can't wait to watch more. Its a long weekend and its just me and the cats so i imagine i'll find time to power through most of it.

King Tubby

Oct 25, 2017
Wrote my last post after watching the first 5 episodes. One thing I will say is that the last episode feels far too sympathetic to Rajneesh and some of his higher level followers. Wrong note to end on in my opinion.

And man, it's still so hard to empathize with the Oregonians. They keep invoking God and religion and such. The cries of bigotry don't seem too far off.


Oct 26, 2017
Absolutely loved this series. Can't believe I've never heard of this cult. Hopefully they do a series on Aum Shinrikyo. People need to know about this psychotic man and his followers.
Just googled Aum Shinrikyo. Wow some fucked up shit. But those people wont talk so it'll be hard to get their point of vue.


Oct 25, 2017
Know nothing about this at all. Halfway through the 1st episode and had to stop because my nieces and nephews wanted to play games. Can't wait to get back into it though.


Oct 25, 2017
The best line is "perfect bitch". Dude is all so happy and positive and then the hate comes out so strong.

Doc didnt really emphasize why they were so terrible though (the actual beliefs and the cult's society). Im not seeing an issue with the orgies and non traditional relationships.


Oct 29, 2017
The best line is "perfect bitch". Dude is all so happy and positive and then the hate comes out so strong.

Doc didnt really emphasize why they were so terrible though (the actual beliefs and the cult's society). Im not seeing an issue with the orgies and non traditional relationships.

The spirituality + capitalism was enough for me to realize it was a scam of the highest order


Oct 25, 2017
The spirituality + capitalism was enough for me to realize it was a scam of the highest order

Was there a "pay for more spirit points" system or something? I thought people gave money willingly, and the spirituality didnt seem so bad-- Osho didnt believe in god and saw life itself as god, and all that other nonsense that really doesn't seem so harmful