Mar 25, 2019
Have been loving my time with this game but am already starting to get bored with the combat on my second adventure. The combat itself is solid, but I wish there were more classes or at least more depth within the classes. Have been using the same basic abilities and strategies for every battle, and I care less about my characters when I'm making them yet another warrior hunter or mystic. This particularly stands out as an issue for me considering how often you are starting from scratch leveling characters. Don't need a PoE or Baldurs Gate level of class options but bringing it up to 5 classes and a bit more skill variety within would go a long way


Nov 16, 2017
Just finished my first campaign of this game, the default Gorgon tutorial one. Played on the second highest difficulty for most of it, but eventually I got tired of save-scumming through fights and knocked it down to Adventurer for the last battle, because that one was impossible. I tried to avoid losing characters, although I accepted a maiming or two along the way. At the end of the final battle, only my original mystic was left. Her lover died in the final battle, but their daughter survived. All the cool little emergent stories and character moments make this game really special, but I wish there was more variety in the classes. And the whole legacy system seems really confusing.

But yeah this game is great, shame to see this OT not very active.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
I want (and intend) to play this together with my tabletop group of a total of four players. When I start a new campaign, the starting party is only three characters. Have read that the party size goes up to five characters, how do I change it so that all four of us have one character each?


Oct 25, 2017
I want (and intend) to play this together with my tabletop group of a total of four players. When I start a new campaign, the starting party is only three characters. Have read that the party size goes up to five characters, how do I change it so that all four of us have one character each?
By playing. Someone will have to go without for a bit. You will eventually be able to recruit more people.

Also while battle parties go up to 5 (well 5 adventures you may have more with farmers) You can have more in general. The game I have going right now has 9 or 10 characters split into 3 different groups going around the world.

But the only ways to get more characters are by recruiting them at recruit spots (which cause legacy points) or through events (which also cost legacy points) or through the story (which sometimes cost legacy points)


Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
By playing. Someone will have to go without for a bit. You will eventually be able to recruit more people.

Also while battle parties go up to 5 (well 5 adventures you may have more with farmers) You can have more in general. The game I have going right now has 9 or 10 characters split into 3 different groups going around the world.

But the only ways to get more characters are by recruiting them at recruit spots (which cause legacy points) or through events (which also cost legacy points) or through the story (which sometimes cost legacy points)
Thanks for the reply. Guess I have to start out not having my own dude, but I'll be the one hosting the Remote Play session, making me kinda like a GM


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the reply. Guess I have to start out not having my own dude, but I'll be the one hosting the Remote Play session, making me kinda like a GM
It's really not that bad. It shouldn't take that long to get a chance to get another character.

I should note with multiplayer that when one person makes a choice it's made for everyone, it's not a vote based system. So especially the slowest reader needs to be careful as you can be clicking along the story and reach a choice spot and click something. After a bit it shouldn't be an issue, but early on it can lead to some accidental choices.

When recruiting sometimes the characters won't show up for other players, just hit randomize once and that should fix it for the other players.

and in general it's better if a single person is handling a lot of the stuff on the overworld as it can get messy if you are all fighting for it.

also with the characters make sure you assign them to people as otherwise people will likely accidently use them. If the person they are assigned to isn't around then they will be treated like they are unassigned. To assign just go into the character sheet and pick who controls them, or when you first get them at the start up menu. And this can be changed at any point by the host.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
also with the characters make sure you assign them to people as otherwise people will likely accidently use them. If the person they are assigned to isn't around then they will be treated like they are unassigned. To assign just go into the character sheet and pick who controls them, or when you first get them at the start up menu. And this can be changed at any point by the host.
The function where you assign specific control permissions to players is great. However, we're most likely gonna play using Remote Play Together with only me having the game. We haven't tested it fully yet (only myself with my desktop and laptop), so I'm unsure if the other players will have their own permissions or if we'll all share my instance of the game. In a game like this, it might just be easier for everyone to shout commands to me, like players would do to a GM


Oct 25, 2017
The function where you assign specific control permissions to players is great. However, we're most likely gonna play using Remote Play Together with only me having the game. We haven't tested it fully yet (only myself with my desktop and laptop), so I'm unsure if the other players will have their own permissions or if we'll all share my instance of the game. In a game like this, it might just be easier for everyone to shout commands to me, like players would do to a GM
Ah, yeah if you are doing remote play then I think you won't be able to assign characters. It was one of the reasons we opted to all get the game so we could control our own characters in combat.

But really aside from that, it won't change too much if everyone has their own copy or not.


Oct 25, 2017
I also picked it up recently during the winter sale. I've played 17 hours of it since I bought it, which is frankly a ton for my gaming habits in such a short period of time. This game is so up my alley. Tactical RPG heavy on characters and the interaction between them.

The level of attachment I feel for some of these mostly procedurally generated characters is absurd.

I love Astoria, my little wolf-headed hunter from my first campaign, my only remaining original squad member who tried her best to finish off the final battle on her own like she had with so many battles before, but it was just too far beyond her.

I love Timber, my poor, goofy mystic from my third campaign, who it seemed nobody liked, and frankly wasn't that useful (no doubt due to my choices). And I loved that halfway through my third campaign, we found my starting mystic from my first game and for once Timber had a companion that actually liked him and wanted to go on adventures with him. I got emotional during the ending scrawl where it showed them still adventuring together.


Oct 25, 2017
Just picked this up during the Winter Steam sale, any must key tips for a beginner?
in general just don't be afraid to experiment. You will likely fail, but that's okay. There is a lot to do in the game, and some combinations of things work way better then you'd think.

If you are struggling after playing for a bit then I'll happily try to help, but in general I've found the difficulty curve in the campaign to be quite well balanced in general. The game saves before you start any battle, and you can save in the middle of battle, so if you feel the need you can save scum some parts of the battle :P (I've only had to do this once, across all the campaigns lol)

now if you really want to know the most disgusting 3 person party I've ever created with my friends.

So, I think it's campaign 3 that during the story one of your characters get's a special power that lets them turn invisible once per combat. In the game there is also legacy heroes so you can bring them back. This character also had a sister, who just so happened to pair fairly well build wise. And then in campaign 4 I brought them both back.

So the character that could turn invisible once per combat was a mystic who could just damage things by walking by them, and that wouldn't get rid of invisible so they would just keep going by. and murdering.

The sister got the ability to place fire on any tile, which does good damage as you place it, and the fire lash it as an attack since you auto connect it to do a line attack for good damage, with long range, allowing her to murder from a distance.

the final piece of this party was a hunter who had bombs that would turn the party invisible or stun enemies (3 of them per combat) so if the first character got detected they could turn them invisible again, and then the ability to call a shot to shoot someone if they stepped there and stop them in their tracks.

The end result of this party was the one just walked by and weakened everything, the sister killed everything in range, and the hunter made sure the one walking around was never seen, and nothing could get close to her or the sister lol. This party was more effective than the five person other party that we had running around but we had some pretty strong five person parties at times too

but yeah, just have some fun with the game, and make sure to use all 3 classes. Warriors level up the fastest but also retire the earliest, so they get stronger faster, but you will lose them before the end on the longer campaigns.

mystics level up slow, but are powerful in the end, but you might lose them before the final chapter.

rangers are in the middle.
Nov 3, 2017
Just finished the first chapter of the beginning campaign this game is addictive as hell. Did not consider retirement age so that is a good call out, thanks.

Playing on normal, as I explore the overworld map should i split my party of four to take over areas faster or is the game balanced so that it is assuming I am tackling any encounter with a full team? Should I be looking to clear the whole map or make a beeline to clear out a chapter? The tactical battles I get but trying to wrap my head around the strategy layer a bit.


Oct 25, 2017
A bit of DLC.

This DLC unlocks four new armor types per class (with two tiers each) and four new Humble Ginnings per class, for a total of 36 new outfits—this triples the number of armors in the game! Each armor also brings its own new set of stats and mechanics, allowing you to explore new builds for your heroes. Try an armored battle-mage, an assassin hunter, or a gladiator warrior with lots of movement.




Oct 25, 2017
Saw this notification, and figured it'd be worth getting into again! Grabbed a few mods from the workshop (a few new events and weapons), and fired it up, and have been having a great time with it. Looking forward to seeing how these new additions shake things up!


Oct 25, 2017

Wildermyth - Wildermyth's second DLC, Omenroad, is coming!!! - Steam News

The Omenroad DLC gives you a new way to play Wildermyth: a roguelike challenge mode with progression across runs, and a new story campaign that uses the Omenroad format.

The Omenroad DLC gives you a new way to play Wildermyth. For the fighters, we have a roguelike tactical challenge mode
with progression across runs. And for the lovers, we have A Walk in the Unlight, a huge new story campaign
that uses the Omenroad format to take your heroes past the edge of the Yondering Lands and into worlds beyond.
  • 20 new boss fights
  • 20 new unlockable artifacts and augments
  • New Shadow spirit and Shadow weapons to discover in both Omenroad and the base game
  • 75 new battle maps with new objectives
  • A "Wall of Fame" with twelve challenge-based titles for heroes to earn
  • And for those hungry for another Wildermyth campaign…
  • A sprawling story that touches on the lore of all our previous campaigns
  • A new biome: Netherflare!
  • More than 25 new battle maps!



Jan 29, 2019
I can't believe this game didn't even crack 3 pages!

Omenroad is out. I didn't spend a crazy amount of time on the base game (still haven't completed the last campaign), but decided to give the DLC a go.

Sadly, it doesn't add any new classes or abilities. I've done the DLC campaign and completed 2 legacy runs, but since the base game is more or less the same, I'm feeling fatigued at the prospect of grinding out the meta-progression stuff where your party power gets crazy.

There's a few forms of meta-progression:

The legacy hero system from the base game where you get to upgrade a hero at the end of a campaign.
You can promote legacy heroes up to 5 times, and each time you promote them, their loadout gets saved (but the weapons and armour get scaled down to level 1 versions, keeping any elements or artifact modifiers).
If you take these heroes into a new campaign, you get to select up to their level worth of abilities from the list they were last promoted with.

For Omenroad they've added a sort of StS ascension system that make things tougher.
To counteract this, there's also a permanent upgrade system called "renown" where you get xp based on your campaign performance, and if your renown level goes up, you get points you can spend on permanent positive modifiers to be assigned as you see fit. They can be redistributed at will before a campaign, and last for the entire campaign.
These modifiers are very strong, ranging from simple +1/2/3/... health to each party member, to increased chances of random rewards showing up in battle, to class upgrades.

The class modifiers are particularly powerful, with stuff like "once per fight when HP reaches 0, survive with 1 HP" for warriors", "move through scenery" for hunters" and "your first infusion is free each turn" for mystics".

You can still get transformations from rewards. When you claim a transformation shrine, you can spend one Legacy Point for each additional limb you wish to transform, so you can get some fast and wacky stuff going on if you're lucky.

There's also a non-legacy hero-mode where you only play with new random recruits.

I hope I can stay interested for long enough to get some of these crazier mods unlocked, but at the rate of about 11-12 renown points per campaign so far, I don't think I'll be able to tough it out.

Overall, enjoyable if you really like the base tactics gameplay, more so if you never got some really powerful builds going, as the progress happens quite quickly, and it's fun to bring in your crazy transformed legacy heroes for another round of min-maxing.