
Dec 13, 2019


May 15, 2019
PS5 and XSX are 12-13TF machines. If you ain't rocking a 2080 or better, you'll be playing at sub-console graphical quality.

12-13 TF is happening. The sooner people accept this, the easier it'll be to swallow.
I just don't understand how amd can't deliver something on par with 2080 and 2080 ti on pc market and will delivery in a console.... And for $499... I know right magic. They always had this secret power were just waiting for consoles... And with their horrendous tdp. A 5700 xt consumes more than a 2080.

All we know is console apus are 7nm and not 7nm+ so they are using rdna1 with features from rdna2( amd rt solution).


Dec 13, 2019

AMD TFs aren't the same as NVIDIA TFs. Enjoy being let down.
You really haven't been paying much attention son.

Things have changed significantly with RDNA, the gap has closed significantly.

PS5 and XSX are rocking 12-13TF, HW-accelerated RT, VRS and fast SSDs.

Most PC-rigs atm will be playing next-gen games with sub-console graphical quality.


May 15, 2019
I still think both Sony and Ms will hide tflops metric from their apus and will feed this bs 2x powerfull

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
All the PC gamers in this thread have conveniently forgotten about the console secret sauce all of a sudden.


Dec 13, 2019
I just don't understand how amd can't deliver something on par with 2080 and 2080 ti on pc market and will delivery in a console.... And for $499... I know right magic. They always had this secret power were just waiting for consoles... And with their horrendous tdp. A 5700 xt consumes more than a 2080.

All we know is console apus are 7nm and not 7nm+ so they are using rdna1 with features from rdna2( amd rt solution).
Bookmark my post. You'll be eating crow in February :)

See you in the new year my friend :)


May 15, 2019
You really haven't been paying much attention son.

Things have changed significantly with RDNA, the gap has closed significantly.

PS5 and XSX are rocking 12-13TF, HW-accelerated RT, VRS and fast SSDs.

Most PC-rigs atm will be playing next-gen games with sub-console graphical quality.
Yes they are man. They are high end hardware's for 499. The magic that only consoles can delivery and all that with a tdp under 250w.


Nov 7, 2017
Bookmark my post. Multiple reliable insider like Klee are pointing to 12-13TF machines.

Get ready to upgrade your PC. It's going to be outdated soon.

Yes, even high end PCs will be outdated within the next 5 years when devs start pushing PC graphics above what the consoles can achieve.
But early next gen titles probably wont pose too much of a problem.

What in the world is going on in this thread?

A whole lot of kool-aid.


Oct 27, 2017

lol. Good shit.


Oct 27, 2017
I think this console generation will finally close the gap with PCs a good deal.

The addition of SSD-based storage and sizeable upgrade in cpus and video card tech will be formidable. The current Xbox One X can realistically run some titles at native 4K with decent bells and whistles. Imagine even more overhead and drastically faster loading. If you are the type of person who just wants to hit go on games, whether they are PC or consoles, you're in for a treat.

PC games will always have a better suite of options and mods, but consoles will have more focused optimization. If Xbox costs about 500 dollars, you're getting a stupid value proposition compared to a PC that can achieve the same settings. My current rig cost about 2 grand and I fully expect a lot of software on next-gen consoles to run 4K stuff more efficiently than my 1080ti/3700x can.


Oct 25, 2017
They will likely use an exclusive game(s) as evidence that the consoles punch above their weight.
I mean, I dont get why console gamers have to be so insecure about the console performance. It is obvious nowadays why consoles which mostly use slightly modified market parts and architecture and target the mainstream audience with a closed platform at a very good price will not be able to compete with the "hardcore" all expenses audience.

We just need to be happy that this gen jump seems to be quite significant and that they did not cheap out in CPU like last gen.


Oct 27, 2017
this about sums up most of the dumb shit I see posted here with regards to new console gens

y'all say this every single gen lol

I was hoping I didn't need to specify sarcasm, but I guess that's on me

It's always so funny listening to predictions about console power

I mean no doubt they'll be a great value, but all those Tweets in 2013 about like "1080p. 60 FPS. Get used to hearing that a lot this generation" and lo and behold most games wind up running at 30 with moderate graphical quality.

It's like some people just do not get economic and physical limitations of tech. Can't just magically conjure up a $2000 gaming rig and turn it into a $499 home console that's a quarter of the size and consumes a third of the power.


Jan 27, 2018
I think this console generation will finally close the gap with PCs a good deal.

The addition of unified shaders and sizeable upgrade in cpus and video card tech will be formidable. The current Xbox 360 can realistically run some titles at native 720p with decent bells and whistles. Imagine even more overhead and drastically faster loading. If you are the type of person who just wants to hit go on games, whether they are PC or consoles, you're in for a treat.

PC games will always have a better suite of options and mods, but consoles will have more focused optimization. If Xbox costs about 500 dollars, you're getting a stupid value proposition compared to a PC that can achieve the same settings. My current rig cost about 2 grand and I fully expect a lot of software on next-gen consoles to run 720p stuff more efficiently than my 6800/Pentium 4 can.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll probably just have to upgrade my GPU to play Hellblade 2 at 4K / 144Hz / full raytracing, that's all.


Jan 11, 2018
I think this console generation will finally close the gap with PCs a good deal.

The addition of SSD-based storage and sizeable upgrade in cpus and video card tech will be formidable. The current Xbox One X can realistically run some titles at native 4K with decent bells and whistles. Imagine even more overhead and drastically faster loading. If you are the type of person who just wants to hit go on games, whether they are PC or consoles, you're in for a treat.

PC games will always have a better suite of options and mods, but consoles will have more focused optimization. If Xbox costs about 500 dollars, you're getting a stupid value proposition compared to a PC that can achieve the same settings. My current rig cost about 2 grand and I fully expect a lot of software on next-gen consoles to run 4K stuff more efficiently than my 1080ti/3700x can.

Unless Nvidia decides to be utterly stupid again with pricing then there's no way consoles are getting close to high-end rigs. By the time they launch next year Nvidia's 3xxx series will be out.


Nov 1, 2017
When games are running at native 4K at 60FPS or higher on consoles with graphics settings comparable to high or ultra PC graphics settings, then we can say the gap is closed.

But the biggest issues with consoles are price and power. They can't price consoles too high, so that means they need to cut back on components. On top of that, they have weaker power supplies which means the components in the consoles can't run at the same clock speeds as PC. Remember when the 360 launched and it had that massive power brick and everyone lost their mind?

I don't doubt that next-gen will be a big boost in power, but to say that anything less than a RTX 2080 will all of a sudden be obsolete is ignorance. I'm using a GTX 980, which came out five years ago, and I can run AAA games just fine at 1440p.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
When games are running at native 4K at 60FPS or higher on consoles with graphics settings comparable to high or ultra PC graphics settings, then we can say the gap is closed.

But the biggest issues with consoles are price and power. They can't price consoles too high, so that means they need to cut back on components. On top of that, they have weaker power supplies which means the components in the consoles can't run at the same clock speeds as PC. Remember when the 360 launched and it had that massive power brick and everyone lost their mind?

I don't doubt that next-gen will be a big boost in power, but to say that anything less than a RTX 2080 will all of a sudden be obsolete is ignorance. I'm using a GTX 980, which came out five years ago, and I can run AAA games just fine at 1440p.
but my teraflops


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
I was hoping I didn't need to specify sarcasm, but I guess that's on me

It's always so funny listening to predictions about console power

I mean no doubt they'll be a great value, but all those Tweets in 2013 about like "1080p. 60 FPS. Get used to hearing that a lot this generation" and lo and behold most games wind up running at 30 with moderate graphical quality.

It's like some people just do not get economic and physical limitations of tech. Can't just magically conjure up a $2000 gaming rig and turn it into a $499 home console that's a quarter of the size and consumes a third of the power.

Oh I knew yours was sarcasm, but it's a good microcosm of how things get around here with new gens


Oct 27, 2017
May as well throw out my 9700K/2080 now, the new consoles are gonna have the same performance for a third of the price.