
The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
This article considers and rejects claims reform of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) to allow gender self‐declaration will undermine non‐trans women's rights and lead to an increase in harms to non‐trans women. The article argues that these claims are founded on a mistaken understanding of the proper legal relationship between the GRA and the Equality Act 2010 (EA), and that the harm claim, in any event, lacks a proper evidential basis.
The article considers three legal arguments made by gender critical feminists: that sex‐based exceptions under the EA cannot be invoked against trans women with a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), that the appropriate legal comparator for a trans woman non GRC‐holder in a discrimination case is a non‐trans man, and that section 22 of the GRA, which protects the privacy of GRC‐holders, undermines the ability of women's organisations to regulate access to women‐only spaces.

TERFs stay losing 👋


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Argh a headline that asks a rhetorical question where the answer is obviously no

my one weakness


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
If I'm reading this correctly the answer is: No. Duh.

But i'm sure TERFs will continue to use it as an excuse to continue to demonize transfolk while still allowing the people actually holding them down to continue to do so.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
What a ridiculous premise. At least common sense prevails.

Don't read the replies. They're just getting started but the idiocy is already there.


Oct 27, 2017
Here in the UK, that study would have resulted in several articles from high profile newspapers if it showed the opposite and sustained coverage and promotion from senior figures in the media.

However, right now... silence.

Terf scum media.


Oct 26, 2017
This is definitely not the first article to address this subject, although perhaps it is in the context of this particular legislation.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
One of the reasons I broke up with my ex was because she believed this shit. Even tried to get me to "understand" by watching random YouTube vids or declaring evidence such as random subreddits that just compiled lists of "trans-identified male" crimes with less than 1000 subscribers. Incredibly awful.
Nov 27, 2019
Of course the answer is no, but it's nice to have a study to point to.

I really hate this question, because it's just the latest guise of a history of obviously false, bad faith rhetorical questions. Will letting gay couples adopt harm children? Will allowing transwomen to use the ladies' room lead to sexual assault? It's bullshit, the people "just asking questions" know it's bullshit, they just want a fig leaf to legitimize their bigotry.

Meanwhile the inverse "will social gender constructs imposed on trans people cause harm?" is a absolute and resounding "fuck yes it will."


Oct 25, 2017
Should edit "(Answer: No)" into the thread title so people who don't read the OP don't get the wrong idea.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad the title wasn't the opinion being expressed, I had some choice words the instant I saw the title.

TERFs will always be a group of people who want to be marginalized just enough to feel special, while putting down other marginalized groups to the point where they will gladly shoot themselves in their own feet to do so. They're a stain on humanity.

Fuck TERFs.


Self-requested ban
Aug 13, 2019
I have literally spent most days of the last week battling with the shitty GRC system just so I can perform a crucial and basic function in another European country.

All because my UK citizenship blocks me from being able to properly access that basic right in said other country unless I can jump through enough stupidity hoops and show sufficient penance for existing for the Gender Recognition Panel's viewing pleasure.

It is a complete shambles.

The sooner the current system is burned down the better, but don't get your hopes up for this in England or Wales (especially with this government and Brexshit three days away).


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Here in the UK, that study would have resulted in several articles from high profile newspapers if it showed the opposite and sustained coverage and promotion from senior figures in the media.

However, right now... silence.

Terf scum media.
100% - the British media is trash when it comes to this and platforming TERF bullshit.
I was all ready to take you out back behind the wood shed, OP ...
Still can if the invitation is open, night is only young 🤭
I have literally spent most days of the last week battling with the shitty GRC system just so I can perform a crucial and basic function in another European country.

All because my UK citizenship blocks me from being able to properly access that basic right in said other country unless I can jump through enough stupidity hoops and show sufficient penance for existing for the Gender Recognition Panel's viewing pleasure.

It is a complete shambles.

The sooner the current system is burned down the better, but don't get your hopes up for this in England or Wales (especially with this government and Brexshit three days away).
This is shit. Sorry you're stuck because of this increasingly backwards-ass country.

I mean, knowing you posted it, I can say I knew where things were going 😏. Good news to see though.
T'is a bit of a spoiler indeed 😂 it is as you say good to see and have though and nice to celebrate the good amidst the bad.