Help me gather the stones to end all arachnid life


    Votes: 48 11.0%

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Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Have fun with all the bugs our spider friends take care of behind the scenes.


Oct 28, 2017
You wusses worrying about spiders when the real threat are scorpions. (I know they're arachnids too so I only partially agree with op)
I live in AZ and go figure we have the most venemous version of scorpions (bark scorpions) who just happen to be the same color as dirt, most common tile colors, most common wall colors, most common carpet colors, they can climb anything, only 2 poisons work on them, they can not eat for like a year, can live underwater for days, come up through the sink and toilet, and scan squeeze through paper thin openings.

Imagine waking up to a sting on your finger, flipping your pillow over and seeing this...

Or laying on your couch on a hot summer day with your shirt of and one falls out of the ceiling air vent and lands on your stomach, stinging you multiple times...

Or putting on a pair of pants and feeling the tell take sting 4 inches from your nuts..

Or not wearing those pants for an entire year because of that only to finally put them on again only to be sting AGAIN by another one in nearly the same spot even though you killed the previous one and washed the pants.

Or sitting on the toilet and having one fall on your head in the middle of the night, landing on your thigh and sting you because they think it's funny.

Or going to check on your infant son in his crib in the middle of the night and seeing one a foot from his face. You take him out immediately and the scorpion is gone. So you grab a black light and see this...

Yes, 2 of them, not just one, glowing like little neon Satans.

Oh the best one. My wife sets a remote on the ground next to the bed and BOOM, scorpion sting. She screams, I know immediately it's gonna be something scorpion related so I grab a book and run over to smash it. Only..oh ya, scorpions carry their babies on their 100 of them. And the mommy scorpion isn't the threat, it's the babies. Immediately 50 baby scorpions scurry on every direction now that mom is dead and I'm defeated.

Baby scorpions are far more venemous than their disgusting looking parents. Once they get older and can catch and kill food with their claws their venom isn't as potent. It's like seeing a bunch of human toddlers with AK47s because it makes it easier for the to defend themselves and catch food

Btw those images aren't mine. I don't take pictures of them, I kill them.

Spiders..bleh. I find dead scorpions in black widow webs around my house. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I never kill spiders, especially not outside my house. Theyre the good guys and in general keep bugs in check.
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Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
I hate spiders as much as the next person. But I'm also acutely aware of their purpose in the ecosystem. No way I'd want to Thanos-snap them out of existence.

......I voted for Spiderman.

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
My last name is Webb.
Me an OP would go to war.


Oct 28, 2017
Why not zap out bedbugs or lice or something more parasitic? Even roaches serve much less a purpose.


Oct 28, 2017
Don't let fear rule over you, you nerd*.

*Infinity stones only work in their original universe.


Oct 27, 2017
That's some hot bullshit right there. (Zoology major)
Spiders and wasps are keystone predator species.
Besides they don't actively try to attack you unless threatened or you try to swat them like an idiot. Mosquitos and ticks actively hunt people down and contribute to so many deaths and awful diseases every year so vilify them if you got a problem with bugs.

Well, I was being facetious ( well, partially). Haven't had many encounters with ticks or mosquitoes in the bay area, but I can't count the number of times I've dealt with spiders. They are a plague and scourge that must be eradicated with extreme prejudice.
Oct 28, 2017
I was advised by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to kill every single Spotted Lanternfly I find on my property.

They killed one of my Asian Pear Trees prepare to die.

Spiders are chill.