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Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017

Hey hey you guys cut him some slack.

He has little to work with.


Banned for use of alt account
Feb 16, 2018
WW? No not at all, it won't be close.

I think theoretically its possible domestically. Panther has become an outright cultural milestone in the US for the African American community, and I'm not sure how many of those people they will actually convert into going to see IW. I get the vibe a lot of that audience is just here for interest in BP itself and not the overall MCU.
can you see BP taking the 4th spot overall all time box office

i believe it has a higher 4 day than even Jurassic World which is in 4th right now


Oct 28, 2017
I was working 16-20 hour days Wednesday through Sunday so seeing BP was a no-go. Was only 8 hours today so I finally had the privilege of adding to this 4-day total.
My mostly-white crowd went nuts for this. The theater had screenings spaced no further than 45 minutes apart and it was late afternoon but the room was packed.
The visual effects were mostly trash but it didn't affect my enjoyment.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. We'll see how Matt Reeves handles Batman in his film. We don't have much to go on besides the brief quote he gave when War for the Planet of the Apes released,

I like that idea well enough, and I trust Reeves a lot with anything after his Apes films, but alas, my ideas I think just aren't going to be. It happens to everyone.

Like, obviously Batman stories are rooted in disrupting corruption. I just this it'd powerful to see something akin to the animated series where corruption can be portrayed as something to be rehabilitated. We've focused for so long on retributive stories. On the other hand, that risks portraying certain segments of hatred and decay as "we just need to talk to people", which itself carries some pernicious qualities.



Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
can you see BP taking the 4th spot overall all time box office

i believe it has a higher 4 day than even Jurassic World which is in 4th right now

It's possible sure, but right now its kinda way too early too tell without seeing Panther's normal weekdays / next weekend hold. Even $600 isn't locked in I just think its going to get there because as Kswis said this has that feeling that the breakout top domestic films get. There's always some sort of weird chance this movie is crazy front loaded though that seems unlikely but its too early to say anything definitive about its final total.

IW I just feel is going to outright murder internationally. Ultron by itself did almost a billion outside of the US and I fully expect IW to go over a Billion without any sort of domestic gross included. People forget just how strong Ultron was internationally. The only reason it didn't pass the original Avengers was because Domestic take fell off quite a bit, but it did great overseas


Oct 25, 2017
It's possible sure, but right now its kinda way too early too tell without seeing Panther's normal weekdays / next weekend hold. Even $600 isn't locked in I just think its going to get there because as Kswis said this has that feeling that the breakout top domestic films get. There's always some sort of weird chance this movie is crazy front loaded though that seems unlikely but its too early to say anything definitive about its final total.

IW I just feel is going to outright murder internationally. Ultron by itself did almost a billion outside of the US and I fully expect IW to go over a Billion without any sort of domestic gross included. People forget just how strong Ultron was internationally. The only reason it didn't pass the original Avengers was because Domestic take fell off quite a bit, but it did great overseas

I'd be curious to see if the avengers follows a traditional trilogy pattern where part 1 soars, 2 dips, and 3 comes back strong. There's at least two major facets complicating that - 1) can this be a normal trilogy given the universe aspect, and 2) what happens when folks realize this leads into a quadrilogy rather than remain a trilogy?


Oct 24, 2017
Looking at the numbers, my guess is that BP passes Wonder Woman's domestic total within its first (full) two weeks. So next Thursday at the latest. Maybe before then.


Nov 16, 2017
I'd be curious to see if the avengers follows a traditional trilogy pattern where part 1 soars, 2 dips, and 3 comes back strong. There's at least two major facets complicating that - 1) can this be a normal trilogy given the universe aspect, and 2) what happens when folks realize this leads into a quadrilogy rather than remain a trilogy?

Marvel has the juice. This is the 10 year ending, and they are feeling themselves with how they set this up.

The Avengers we know will come to a close and will be wrapped up. And there will be a rightful crowning of the new team. The 2nd MCU Chapter after 3 Phases.

I wouldn't be surprised if thats what Avengers 4 is suppose to be. The torch passing film. The New Avengers will cycle again. People are here for the ride.


Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah Everything points to IW being a monster, both domestically and WW.

IDK I think I'm just being a bit cautious about its domestic take because Ultron burned me a bit. Early on that looked like it was going to be able to compete with the original Avengers in the US as well and it just......didn't. IW probably will crush every other Marvel film in the US but I'm being a bit more careful with this one


Oct 26, 2017
You guys, I just saw it today and I was absolutely blown away. Got emotional a couple of times. This was a really good movie, and I hope it starts a new era where Hollywood finally realizes that representation matters.
Oct 31, 2017
Yeah Everything points to IW being a monster, both domestically and WW.

IDK I think I'm just being a bit cautious about its domestic take because Ultron burned me a bit. Early on that looked like it was going to be able to compete with the original Avengers in the US as well and it just......didn't. IW probably will crush every other Marvel film in the US but I'm being a bit more careful with this one

Every time I look at that trailer I get more and more hyped. The thing to watch out for though, the last Russo brothers Marvel movies skipped leg days, and their first one wasn't a leg day champ either.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd be curious to see if the avengers follows a traditional trilogy pattern where part 1 soars, 2 dips, and 3 comes back strong. There's at least two major facets complicating that - 1) can this be a normal trilogy given the universe aspect, and 2) what happens when folks realize this leads into a quadrilogy rather than remain a trilogy?
The Russos have already done part 1 of their trilogy, that was Civil War. Then comes Infinity War and then Secret War next year. Winter Soldier is a prequel.


Oct 25, 2017
Marvel has the juice. This is the 10 year ending, and they are feeling themselves with how they set this up.

The Avengers we know will come to a close and will be wrapped up. And there will be a rightful crowning of the new team. The 2nd MCU Chapter after 3 Phases.

I wouldn't be surprised if thats what Avengers 4 is suppose to be. The torch passing film. The New Avengers will cycle again. People are here for the ride.

I have to admit, I want a total emotional roller coaster in these films. Like, I don't want Cap to die, but I do. Because it feels like his destiny to defend humanity to his end, and it would be so resonant in a theater. I don't want Spidey to suffer, but I do. Because it means personal growth and a call to action like Uncle Ben would have done. I don't want Tony broken down, but I do. Because he rises above his limitations when put in those corners, and because I want him and Cap to have one moment together before the end.

Like, I make fun of WB's handling of the DCEU because I find their incompetence baffling, but I really wish fans of that franchise can feel about their chosen characters the way I do about these ones. I'm a grown-ass man, and not even one obsessed in any way by these films, but I really have come to love it all.

Also, the newspaper saying Zac Efron is the new Batman is genius.

I'm likely certifiable in saying this, but honest to god, Efron would be a great Nightwing. He's got the build, the hubris, his acting chops in Neighbors were shockingly good, and he must come pretty cheap.


Oct 25, 2017
Michael B Jordan can replace Will Smith in MIB sequel if he doesn't come back. He would make a great replacement.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Nohing you said here tells me Sony can take Holland and have him be Spider-man outside of the MCU. Again, they may be able to do so, but it would be foolish for Marvel/Disney to have accepted that in 2015.
I don't think there is a clear contract that has been leaked. But Spider-Man is Sony's IP. They can take their character and leave the MCU if so desired. The former head of Sony Pictures and the current president both are ambiguous with regards to whether or not they will stay in the MCU. I think it's fair to assume (again, Homecoming is a Sony picture) that they can do whatever they want with Spider-Man. Will it piss off Disney? Maybe, but again, it's their IP. Maybe there is a contract that prohibits that, but I have yet to see anything.

BTW I actually didn't know Marvel liked the other actor over Holland for SM. Anyone got a link for that? And who is the other actor?
Jeff Sneider leaked it on a podcast. Marvel wanted Charlie Plummer. Sony liked Holland. Apparently Holland tested better with RDJ.
Here's a link that sums it up:


Oct 27, 2017
The following scene:

At the casino, the general (I forget her name - she is the woman in the red dress that hated her wig and preferred to be bald) is engaging with henchmen on the second floor. The music changes to this awesome theme that goes like "woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo" and then the camera pans up to the second floor and shows the genera obliterating the henchmen her pike. The sequences ends with her jumping onto the first floor driving the pike into a henchman, the camera following her on the way down.

is the best scene in all the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Saw this movie today and it was amazing. Overall it was not the best MCU movie. I still put Avengers 1, Civil War, and Guardians Vol. 2 on top as my 10/10 MCU films. Black Panther is a 9 for me. Wonderful movie.


Oct 25, 2017
The following scene:

At the casino, the general (I forget her name - she is the woman in the red dress that hated her wig and preferred to be bald) is engaging with henchmen on the second floor. The music changes to this awesome theme that goes like "woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo" and then the camera pans up to the second floor and shows the genera obliterating the henchmen her pike. The sequences ends with her jumping onto the first floor driving the pike into a henchman, the camera following her on the way down.

is the best scene in all the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Saw this movie today and it was amazing. Overall it was not the best MCU movie. I still put Avengers 1, Civil War, and Guardians Vol. 2 on top as my 10/10 MCU films. Black Panther is a 9 for me. Wonderful movie.


Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Are you saying Will Smith isn't that good of a an actor ? :/ lol
Guys been nominated for several oscars.

Smith is good, I think Jordan is (potentially) better though.

And I also feel like that sort of role fit Smith more. Will is down to be in more comedic roll's while I view Michael B Jordan as a straight up fantastic dramatic actor.

Granted while I say this he was in that awful Fantastic 4 movie, but I really think he should be pursuing better roles than something like MiB


Oct 27, 2017
The following scene:

At the casino, the general (I forget her name - she is the woman in the red dress that hated her wig and preferred to be bald) is engaging with henchmen on the second floor. The music changes to this awesome theme that goes like "woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo" and then the camera pans up to the second floor and shows the genera obliterating the henchmen her pike. The sequences ends with her jumping onto the first floor driving the pike into a henchman, the camera following her on the way down.

is the best scene in all the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Saw this movie today and it was amazing. Overall it was not the best MCU movie. I still put Avengers 1, Civil War, and Guardians Vol. 2 on top as my 10/10 MCU films. Black Panther is a 9 for me. Wonderful movie.
Enjoy this then:


Oct 25, 2017
Smith is good, I think Jordan is better though.

And I also feel like that sort of role fit Smith more. Will is down to be in more comedic roll's while I view Michael B Jordan as a straight up fantastic dramatic actor.

Granted while I say this he was in that awful Fantastic 4 movie, but I really think he should be pursuing better roles than something like MiB

I would of said the same thing about willy after watching The pursuit of happiness, lol.
If his a good actor he should be able to play both types of roles I'd say, my opinion off course.


Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I would of said the same thing about willy after watching The pursuit of happiness, lol.
If his a good actor he should be able to play both types of roles I'd say, my opinion off course.

Hey you won't ever hear me talk shit about Will / The Pursuit of Happiness. That movie and his acting hit me hard. I'm not trying to be down on Will.

I just think there is better opportunities out there for Michael B Jordan than MiB so I would prefer him to take a different route than that.


Oct 25, 2017
The best actors in the world have horrible movies on their list. I just think Michael B is in a position to get a lot more interesting roles than MiB of all things

Wait, what's so horrible about Men in Black? The first one was a massive hit. The sequels did well but they let the budgets get out of control, and bringing back Tommy Lee Jones was a mistake.

Men in Black clearly needs a proper full on reboot, but it has a ton of franchise potential.


Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Wait, what's so horrible about Men in Black? The first one was a massive hit. The sequels did well but they let the budgets get out of control, and bringing back Tommy Lee Jones was a mistake.

Men in Black clearly needs a proper full on reboot, but it has a ton of franchise potential.

I just don't think that's the direction Jordan should be going in. I think he should start chasing Oscar nominations cause he is that caliber of an actor.


Nov 14, 2017
Saw BP for a 2nd time at a 9:15PM showing. About 90% packed. The movie got even better the 2nd time around.


Oct 29, 2017
Under my Hela Hela
Wait, what's so horrible about Men in Black? The first one was a massive hit. The sequels did well but they let the budgets get out of control, and bringing back Tommy Lee Jones was a mistake.

Men in Black clearly needs a proper full on reboot, but it has a ton of franchise potential.

Getting rid of Tommy in the first place was a mistake.

Who the Hell thought Smith and Linda F was a good idea?


Oct 25, 2017
Michael B Jordan is a good actor but he's far from a great one and it's especially telling if you compare him to Chadwick Boseman who heavily outdid him from an acting standpoint in Black Panther.

The issue with Michael B Jordan is that in most of his roles he just Michael B Jordan. He lacks range as an actor. It's especially telling while he did good in Black Panther the dialogue is what truly elevated his performance.

Good actor but he really needs to work on his delivery.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey you won't ever hear me talk shit about Will / The Pursuit of Happiness. That movie and his acting hit me hard. I'm not trying to be down on Will.

I just think there is better opportunities out there for Michael B Jordan than MiB so I would prefer him to take a different route than that.

Fair enough, couldn't think of anyone else replacing him in MiB, thats all. Sony will probably cast The Rock and Kevin Hart after the success of Jumanji lol.
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