
Oct 28, 2017
Just finished this an hour or two ago and really enjoyed the time I spent with it. The game never really throws you into interesting situations in which to test the satisfying gunplay, and the different locales you visit never feel drastically different from each other
Manhattan, New Orleans, Roswell underground and Venus are all almost interchangeable for me
. But the game is propelled by the crazy momentum of its story, and I always felt compelled to keep going forward to see what was going to happen.
The beheading and the crazy plan to keep Blazkowicz alive, and the audition sequence with Hitler were serious story highlights for me. The latter in particular is unforgettable. And I enjoyed the glimpses into the main character's past and revisiting the farm house.
All in all I hope a third part is coming, because there's so much to explore and the
is surely prime material to be told.
Oct 25, 2017
My god Blazkowicz, can you please stop talking to yourself? I want to enjoy this game, have fun and shoot some damn Nazis. I don't want to hear you crying and complaining about life and future all the time. FFS what is this game? It's not a Wolfenstein game, that's for sure.
I bet the next Doom is going to have a love story and lots of discussions about the existence of god.


Oct 28, 2017
My god Blazkowicz, can you please stop talking to yourself? I want to enjoy this game, have fun and shoot some damn Nazis. I don't want to hear you crying and complaining about life and future all the time. FFS what is this game? It's not a Wolfenstein game, that's for sure.
I had the same issue with BJ's narration. It was such a fucking bummer. But without giving anything away, there's a point where that all stops and he goes back to "Lets kill those nazi motherfuckers" mode.


Oct 25, 2017
Had no earlier problems but the game has just crash for me three times in the same area on ps4 pro
the Manhatten Subway district

Last manual save was an hour earlier and rather not replay it, the game can be frustrating enough

Edit: didn't realise it has two autosaves


Oct 28, 2017
He talked to himself a lot during The New Oder and Old Blood as well, I just think it is louder in this one.

I think I've turned around on the game, I'm enjoying my time a lot more, now that I've gotten used to all the mechanics.


Oct 25, 2017
So I beat it after 16 hours, haven't done the assassinations yet, and I really gotta push back against the negativity in here. The game has issues that are certainly gonna keep it from being in the same conversations as Mario and Zelda come GotY debate time, especially some lackluster and repetitive environments, an absurd difficulty, and really poor damage feedback. But for the most part I found the gunplay visceral and satisfying enough to ignore those issues, and you really start to appreciate the different approaches you can take to confrontations after dying for the fifteenth time and needing to reconsider how you're looking at the situation.

But the game's strength is its storytelling and presentation. The writing is light years ahead of the sort of stuff that usually gets praised around here, and this game has some of the best scenes and dialogue in the history of the medium. Between TNO and TNC, MachineGames have earned the spot that Naughty Dog always gets when it comes to gaming's storytelling merits, because IMO Uncharted doesn't come close this, and The Last of Us leans too hard on common zombie story tropes for me to take it as seriously as some others do. Most importantly, TNC touches on some subjects that most American literature and film surrounding WWII are too scared to touch, particularly how 1940s America and Nazi Germany had more similarities than we'd like to admit as a nation.

I have to agree with this.

While it might not win my GOTY, it's certainly the best story I've played this year--and that relies almost entirely on the writing and characterization that so, so, so many games in our industry miss the mark on.

With that said, it's the best FPS I've played since Doom. Bethesda/iD knows how to make em. In a lesser gaming year, this would have been my GOTY.


Oct 28, 2017
Just finished the game. Was very hyped to play this game since I adored TNO and as It mentioned earlier in this thread, I was kinda disappointed, even on the verge of selling. However after I turned the controller sensitivity down, the game and controls clicked with me. Love the characters and story. This game has it's problems, I would've like to see more diverse and interesting locales and the difficulty is weird, but I will be playing again through the Fergus timeline and collect everything. Good game indeed!


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't looked through the thread, but is anyone else running into crash dump errors with the game on PC? I'm looking for some sort of fix (temp or otherwise) and no one seems to have a concrete idea where it's generating from.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
I never thought TNO was that great, so I didn't go into TNC with high expectations. I guess that's why I've been enjoying more than some here. I do find some of the negative reactions a bit hyperbolic though.


Oct 26, 2017
Only managed to get around to playing this today. Just played through the first few levels and thought I was going crazy with the difficulty, hit feedback, frequency of the commanders, etc. only to see many of the same complaints here.

I'll reserve judgement until I've finished it but right now it's not grabbing me with the gameplay the way TNO did, which is a shame.


Oct 25, 2017
During the whole video there are zero times the guy on the left hit me, the hit markers are all from the front and front right.

I actually think the hit markers are based on where BJ's model gets hit, rather than where the enemy is coming from. I was getting shot at by a KKK member using the heat bullets(so you can actually see them as they travel) and when he hit my left side, the left hit marker was going off. In that situation the upper one should be going off since he was in front of me, but that definitely wasnt happening. So I definitely think those are bugged.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I actually think the hit markers are based on where BJ's model gets hit, rather than where the enemy is coming from. I was getting shot at by a KKK member using the heat bullets(so you can actually see them as they travel) and when he hit my left side, the left hit marker was going off. In that situation the upper one should be going off since he was in front of me, but that definitely wasnt happening. So I definitely think those are bugged.

I had a feeling something like this might be happening, but if that's true then...jesus.

The whole point of hit markers is to show direction shots are being fired from, if in that video the guy on the left is hitting my model in the head or right arm or something and popping up front hit markers, a player is going to look at the direction. When you add in more vertical locations and numbers to the mix it would get even worse. I think the hit markers also move as you do, so if you see one to the left and pivot left it starts moving to the top. That is suuuuper confusing feedback if that's what's going on.


Oct 25, 2017
Just watched all the Wyatt scenes after beating the game in the Fergus timeline. Since TNO I felt like the whole split choice thing was unnecessary and that they should drop it for this game but they really sold me on both characters in this game. Wyatt not so much, but his speech made up for it, especially compared to the alternate version.
Oct 25, 2017
Finished it today. I agree with the criticism here (which I've already made here too) about the difficulty balance, level design, and damage indicators. As a game play experience, it's subpar at best. I kept thinking, "I bought this game to kill Nazis, not to sneak past them."

But I still love the setting and characters. The scene in Roswell between the Klan members and the Nazi is one of my favorites in a long time, and I legit loved the last scene. The material with BJ's family was stunning. I found myself wishing this game had been a BioWare type rpg where you spent most of your time talking to people and then there was some combat sometimes (which is bizarre, imo).

Despite my dislike of its game play, I plan to replay it on the easiest setting soon, because actual Nazis came to my town a few weeks ago and tried to kill some people who spoke out against them. Because fuck Nazis and fuck our President for supporting them.


Using multiple alt accounts
Oct 28, 2017
This game plays like crap with a gamepad, had my PC in my living room so gave it a go with the pad and the aim assist seems almost non existant, had a pretty hard time hitting enemies.

Game is way, way easier with a mouse.


Oct 25, 2017
My god Blazkowicz, can you please stop talking to yourself? I want to enjoy this game, have fun and shoot some damn Nazis. I don't want to hear you crying and complaining about life and future all the time. FFS what is this game? It's not a Wolfenstein game, that's for sure.
I bet the next Doom is going to have a love story and lots of discussions about the existence of god.
BJ's narration and characterization is the core of why this reboot works so well.


Oct 26, 2017
Finished the campaign and the assassination stuff just now, and got one side-quest left. All in all, a weak 7/10 game and quite a disappointment after the stellar 1st game and the amazing trailers leading up to this.

- Guns are as fun as always and gibbing the nazis never gets old.
- Excellent characters and story videos, and love the bigger plot happenings in the game. Shocking stuff.
- Lengthy!
- Generally good level design, layout-wise.

- The hit detection feedback is the worst I've ever seen in a first-person shooter. It's seriously amazing they shipped the game like this.
- The sound mixing is shit just like in the first game; directional audio is sorely underwhelming, the weapons lack punch and are mixed too low, sound effects are missing here and there etc.
- Side-quests and assassination missions are pointless filler that kill the momentum of the campaign, but are needed if you wanna do some perk upgrading.
- Artistically, some really bland and samey-looking environments, especially the second half of the game.
- The game loses major steam after one major story-event in the game. Characters fizzle out, BJ starts feeling out of place and is being used as a tool and so on, and an underwhelming "that's it?" ending.
- No boss fights, which is a shame.
- Absurd difficuly levels on the higher spectrum. You're as fragile as a paper-thin biscuit, and coupled with the poor hit detection you go down constantly.

It's still a good game, mind you, but nowhere near what I was hoping for from a sequel to the first which is excellent. :( Hope the DLC is good.


Oct 30, 2017
Was loving this game until I got to that penthouse fight. Holy crap it's hard. I'm playing on Do or Die but I might have to turn it down a notch.


Oct 27, 2017
I really hate that they create this cool story and melancholic atmosphere and then throw me into corridor underground base after corridor underground base after corridor underground base. I had the exact same issue with the first game and was hoping that with move to US, we could explore and fight in some cool beautiful places, but they have been extremely few and far between. Even the last location where I am now is just yet another god damn base.
Plus stealth sucks.
But gunplay is fun (fortunately I chose normal difficulty so it is not frustrating) and the story moments are really, really cool.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there any point going for 100% collectiables, besides trophies/achievements? I already did the
EDIT: Doesnt the spoiler tag work? Well, quote my post to see the spoiler.


Oct 25, 2017
My god Blazkowicz, can you please stop talking to yourself? I want to enjoy this game, have fun and shoot some damn Nazis. I don't want to hear you crying and complaining about life and future all the time. FFS what is this game? It's not a Wolfenstein game, that's for sure.
I bet the next Doom is going to have a love story and lots of discussions about the existence of god.
I'm not surprised you don't like the sequel to a game you didn't like, I'm just wondering why you seem so surprised.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished it earlier in the week.

Would agree with the issues around hit detection, was surprisingly poor - only died a few times but they certainly felt like cheap deaths.

I suspect that the game is more balanced around keyboard and mouse this time, i had no difficulty issues - even bumped up from my usual to do or die, but watching youtube clips it the arena areas certainly seem a lot harder with the more restrained movement of a controller.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm enjoying the game overall, but this is the worst hit detection feedback I've ever seen in a FPS. How did the game get past beta testing with this???


Oct 25, 2017
I'm enjoying the game overall, but this is the worst hit detection feedback I've ever seen in a FPS. How did the game get past beta testing with this???
It was a minor issue for TNO that somehow turned into a major issue for TNC. I don't know how it happened, either.

TNO's feedback wasn't good, but it was there. TNC is like you think you're doing really well in a fight, and then you look down at your health and it's just 20, and you go "Oh..." and die.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think I'm about halfway through and enjoying it a lot more now. The first few levels weren't great but it's picked up since. I'd agree that the level design is inferior to The New Order - so far at least - but the gunplay is still really satisfying. The story is as good as The New Order, if not superior so far. Machinegames have done wonders with BJ.
Oct 28, 2017
I'm maybe 6 hours in and I don't know if I've ever been so up and down on a game. I love the characters and the writing, and the crazy narrative choices. I really dislike the level design though, and aside from a few fun moments the actually gameplay feels pretty bland to me. The visuals alternate between looking great (some of the interiors in particular look stellar) and looking a bit rough, it feels like they spent a lot more time on areas they knew you'd be exploring more, as opposed to just blowing through during combat (which is understandable). I hate managing weapon selection during combat, I wish they'd pause or slow down the game when the wheel is up. Sick of getting murked because I'm having trouble selecting a diagonally placed weapon from the wheel. I've also encountered quite a few bugs. I'm enjoying the ride but it's definitely a flawed game in many ways.


Oct 28, 2017
If anyone ever managed to finish the Mein Leben mode on this I'd like to shake them by the hand. And maybe take them out to dinner.

I got the platinum trophies on the other two but that mode would break me. It was tough enough on bring 'em on.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If anyone ever managed to finish the Mein Leben mode on this I'd like to shake them by the hand. And maybe take them out to dinner.

I got the platinum trophies on the other two but that mode would break me. It was tough enough on bring 'em on.
The platinum trophy achievement percentage was at 0.0% last time I looked.


Oct 27, 2017
Finished it last night.

Definitely enjoyable, but I am a bit surprised at the near universal praise it's received.
- very much agree with the hit detection and difficulty issues, just doesn't really feel like a fair shooter the way it's currently set up
- I like the story in these games, but its all a bit much sometimes
- levels lacked diversity - a lot of "facility" trawling, would have benefited from opening up some more outdoor levels

Still happy I supported it - particularly given the aggressively political marketing campaign - and hope machinegames continue trying to find their voice.


Oct 25, 2017
I had a feeling something like this might be happening, but if that's true then...jesus.

The whole point of hit markers is to show direction shots are being fired from, if in that video the guy on the left is hitting my model in the head or right arm or something and popping up front hit markers, a player is going to look at the direction. When you add in more vertical locations and numbers to the mix it would get even worse. I think the hit markers also move as you do, so if you see one to the left and pivot left it starts moving to the top. That is suuuuper confusing feedback if that's what's going on.

Yeah, it would be Nuts! I hope its something MG can quickly fix cause thats the only thing thats really been bugging me about the game.

The platinum trophy achievement percentage was at 0.0% last time I looked.

This is going to be one platnum that will be fun to track, lol


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah it's seriously the best. Didn't expect to see people bummed out about it.
Because it's just so fucking depressing, and it's one of the first impressions the game makes once it's really begun. While you're playing the game, shooting nazis in mech suits with over the top weaponry, mixed between weird comical shit going on at your base, BJ's narration is at odds with the rest of that because he basically sounds as if he has a gun to his head, writing his suicide note. Don't get me wrong, the writing in this game is great, but BJ is nothing but a wet blanket for the first half.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
Finished it a few moments ago (took me around 13 hours just focusing on story missions), ending was a bit underwhelming. Overall I thought it was orite, best thing once again was the characters and all that. Didn't really care much for the level design or enemy encounters. I died far too many times as well, was playing on Bring 'em on, but felt like I was on a much higher difficulty most of the time considering how quickly enemies could take you down.
Oct 25, 2017
How the game changes between the first and second halves was interesting, really did change the vibe of how I played and what was going on.

Did enjoy my time with it, think I'll blast through the rest of the Uberkommanders and then maybe trade in while it's worth something, depending on how interesting that stuff in the vault is.


Oct 25, 2017
Loved every bit of the game. I had no problems with the combat because I played it just like doom. I played on the third difficulty and did everything loud and nasty when I could and stealthy when the opportunity arose. Never really had a problem with damage indicators either, if I died it's because I walked into a room completely unprepared with the wrong weapon in hand or charged in blindly and got what was coming.

Narratively it's the tightest a game has ever been. I don't think I've played such a sophisticated story in a game. Not on this level. It subverts so many god forsaken tropes, has genuine connective tissue holding together emotional beats and character growth and I actually gave a fuck about the people I was around.

Easily in my top three games of the year. Machine really outdid themselves with this one and perhaps created one of the finest single player campaigns I've played in my thirty years on this planet. Can't think of another that worked this well.
Oct 25, 2017
Loved every bit of the game. I had no problems with the combat because I played it just like doom. I played on the third difficulty and did everything loud and nasty when I could and stealthy when the opportunity arose. Never really had a problem with damage indicators either, if I died it's because I walked into a room completely unprepared with the wrong weapon in hand or charged in blindly and got what was coming.

Narratively it's the tightest a game has ever been. I don't think I've played such a sophisticated story in a game. Not on this level. It subverts so many god forsaken tropes, has genuine connective tissue holding together emotional beats and character growth and I actually gave a fuck about the people I was around.

Easily in my top three games of the year. Machine really outdid themselves with this one and perhaps created one of the finest single player campaigns I've played in my thirty years on this planet. Can't think of another that worked this well.

That's the thing always walk into a room completely unprepared. That's why the encounter design is so bad/unfair. You have to replay sections over and over again just to know how the developers want you to play it. Maybe that's just my experience but it's really annoying.


Oct 25, 2017
That's the thing always walk into a room completely unprepared. That's why the encounter design is so bad/unfair. You have to replay sections over and over again just to know how the developers want you to play it. Maybe that's just my experience but it's really annoying.
I never felt unprepared all the time. The game has a lot of subtle cues. Especially with the script there's always these moments of "I can hear this conversation happening just above my head, I'm gunna pull out my silenced pistol and see if I can clear a room" and other times it's so dead quiet I know I'm about to walk into some sort of ambush or run and gun tactical spot. When I'm speaking of being ill equipped it's that maybe I should've started with dual shotguns to clear through the less armored guys and then swap in the sticker grenades as soon as I hear the heavies drop in from above. They did these audiotory ques that I at least caught onto quickly.


Oct 25, 2017
This game plays like crap with a gamepad, had my PC in my living room so gave it a go with the pad and the aim assist seems almost non existant, had a pretty hard time hitting enemies.

Game is way, way easier with a mouse.

This is probably why I'm flabbergasted by a lot of the comments here about the gameplay/difficulty. Must be almost an entirely different game playing with a controller.
Oct 25, 2017
I never felt unprepared all the time. The game has a lot of subtle cues. Especially with the script there's always these moments of "I can hear this conversation happening just above my head, I'm gunna pull out my silenced pistol and see if I can clear a room" and other times it's so dead quiet I know I'm about to walk into some sort of ambush or run and gun tactical spot. When I'm speaking of being ill equipped it's that maybe I should've started with dual shotguns to clear through the less armored guys and then swap in the sticker grenades as soon as I hear the heavies drop in from above. They did these audiotory ques that I at least caught onto quickly.

hmm, maybe it's just me then...I don't know :/

btw, the second half is way better than the first half so far.


Oct 25, 2017
I rented and finished the game in one sitting yesterday 6-7 hours. Hearing about the difficulty and poor hit detection, I just threw it on the easiest difficulty and went for the narrative ride. I must say that I enjoyed it much more than TNO which I thought had some problematic scenes that somewhat trivialize the holocaust. While this has some of the same absurdist humor, I feel it's more poignant in depicting society and politics in America. It's a shame that most of the shooting levels were confined to ships and U-boat hulls. I don't recall killing klan members as someone mentioned here when did that occur in the game?