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Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
He's lucky she didn't die or get hurt even worse than she did, don't really feel sorry for her and don't feel sorry for him. Can't be bodyslamming 50 year old grandmas on pavement, she could've been 25 and it still wouldn't be justifiable. Both did something stupid but one of them might just get paid for it.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the thing that frustrates me about this sort of violence is that if it seems like it's outsized relative to the provocation it's mostly because this shit comes with no consequences
Wanted to go back and say I agree with this post (and pretty much everything you post), but this part is pertinent.

There is no recourse for black people when we are called nigger in public. There are no hate speech laws. Social media mobbing is frowned upon and largely inconsistent and ineffective anyway. Legally there are no consequences. And actions that come with no consequences are benign.

But I think it speaks to a deeper issue than that in regards to how inconsequential anti-black racism is is viewed by black folks and non-black folks. Individual instances of racism are like line items on a running tally. Non-black folks see just one line, a buck here, some change there. Black folks see nothing but the total, and are aware of the fact that no one is willing to actually pay it.

Racism exists in an omnipresent state of being for black folks that any individual racist transgression carries with it all of the baggage that came in the centuries before, and thus this woman's injuries are infinitesimally irrelevant to that suffering. For non-black folks who don't and cannot experience this lived context, it is impossible to view what transpired as anything but a single, individual instance that then must be viewed as a violent action to a single word.

And there's no way to bridge this perceptual gap. It's like trying to teach a dog how to count to 5 when they literally can't conceive of a concrete number beyond 4. Where do you even start?


Oct 25, 2017
Here's another video showing a different perspective. Look how compassionate and forgiving we are, even moments after being berated by that woman. Still nigga tho..

Its alot of black people up in arms about this as well. In the words of a great man, "I'm too Malcolm X for all of this MLK shit going on."

"she wasn't old when she hit my sister..."

was that on tape and was that one of the "regretful" actions she took?


Oct 25, 2017
Nigg*r is a grown ass man's word. You don't get to be a harmless little old lady after that leaves your mouth. Prepare to deal with the repercussions.


Oct 25, 2017
My B. I know the mods be busy.

But lol, fuck outta here with that.
Not sure what you mean? What I said is not inaccurate. The person was banned within like 10 minutes. Time and time again the mods explain they are not on 24/7 and rely on reports mostly. People reported it. The mods eventually got to it. It took some time.

Please explain your problem with my position? Thanks.

If like an hour had passed, then maybe I'd get your position.


Aug 18, 2019
It's because I feel obligated to call this bullshit out. I'm not tired of doing this shit. I'm not gonna sit back and let it happen. Fuck that. When you grow up in a community where all of your friends are treated like dog shit because of the color of their skin and you are treated like you're fucking human, it's enraging.

I'm not going to pretend that I will ever be able to fully empathize with someone treating me like shit because the color of my skin. But mother fucker I know what it feels like to be treated like shit and imagining that anger and hurt 10 million times that boils my fucking blood.

Figure it the fuck out you racist defending clown. Can't wait to hear how you're going to invalidate any of things I've said.
I've pretty much figured it out which is why it's funny you're lecturing me on how I should feel about racism. Trust me I know it. I don't go around body slamming old women into the pavement though. But whatever helps you feel good I guess, enjoy the jail sentence.


Dec 18, 2017
It's probably not a great idea to start playing the who has it harder game.
Its not the who has it harder game.

Calling someone the n-word is saying they are less than human. The n-word is rooted in slavery. You are basically calling someone a slave. There is no other racist word that is equivalent to the n-word.


Oct 25, 2017
Textbook sidewalk slam.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
Its not the who has it harder game.

Calling someone the n-word is saying they are less than human. The n-word is rooted in slavery. You are basically calling someone a slave. There is no other racist word that is equivalent to the n-word.

I apologized earlier in the thread, after that series of posts it seemed like it was a comparison but I read too much into it.


Oct 25, 2017
This topic just continues to make me heated. All I'll say at this point is there's no recourse if you're called some racist bullshit other than to take it and just be sad yet again.


Oct 25, 2017
My car engine just croaked and I'm trying to figure out what to do to solve this problem. Sorry for not seeing it.
As a person that has modded forums in the past, I almost wish mods would make complainers a mod for a day, preferably a day they had to work an actual job, just to see them quit and not do their assignments within 24 hours.


Oct 25, 2017
A grown ass man shouldn't be body slamming a woman that can't fight back. Not much else to it.

No good guys in this story.


Oct 25, 2017
We condone violence all the time in society. We build statues and observe holidays for people who supposedly fought back bigotry and racism with violence.
This ain't that dude.

This is some petty evil old piece of shit and a dude who lost control.

I am sure this guy is going to get screwed at sentencing, which I don't agree with. But you can't let someone get away with obvious assault.

I can't agree with him getting that violent as it wasn't self defense. It was an overreaction to some evil shit.


Alt account
Oct 18, 2019
Akira86 Found it!

This won't change anybody's mind but this is much needed context that shockingly didn't make it to the news article. Probably should be in the OP.

Here she is kicking somebody that triggered the employees to take it outside. Again she threw the first blow. She was allowed to leave and came back swingin. Fuck that bitch.

Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
A grown ass man shouldn't be body slamming a woman that can't fight back. Not much else to it.

No good guys in this story.
A grown ass woman shouldn't be racist and assault people. But yet here we are. It's funny how you say nothing about her racism. Both sides though, right?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Her attorney in the video is hilarious. "To follow a 55yr old grandmother out the store and physically assault her?" Fox News gonna jerk off to this one in their white suburban neighborhoods where most of their information about black people come from the news lol.

The fact that she was an old white woman is probably why she thought this wouldn't happen. She was counting on her privilege to shield her but she fucked with the wrong one 😂.

I ain't putting my hands on anyone. I personally would've probably just roasted her ass. The moment you call me that word you open the door for me to say absolutely anything in retaliation so be ready for that grilling.

But with the bullshit surrounding Popeye's lately with the sandwiches I'm not surprised homie had enough. They already get enough shit as is but being called that on a night shift? Nah.


Jan 11, 2018
Found it!

This won't change anybody's mind but this is much needed context that shockingly didn't make it to the news article. Probably should be in the OP.

Here she is kicking somebody that triggered the employees to take it outside. Again she threw the first blow.

"But she's just a poor defenseless old woman!"

Racist scumbag deserved what she got.

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I've pretty much figured it out which is why it's funny you're lecturing me on how I should feel about racism. Trust me I know it. I don't go around body slamming old women into the pavement though. But whatever helps you feel good I guess, enjoy the jail sentence.

I find it interesting that you know racism yet think that absolutely nothing should happen to someone who calls another person a racial slur.


Oct 28, 2017
Akira86 Found it!

This won't change anybody's mind but this is much needed context that shockingly didn't make it to the news article. Probably should be in the OP.

Here she is kicking somebody that triggered the employees to take it outside. Again she threw the first blow. She was allowed to leave and came back. Fuck that bitch.

So, asshats like TangFei still think nothing should happen to racist assholes? Don't answer. I know the response


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Akira86 Found it!

This won't change anybody's mind but this is much needed context that shockingly didn't make it to the news article. Probably should be in the OP.

Here she is kicking somebody that triggered the employees to take it outside. Again she threw the first blow. She was allowed to leave and came back. Fuck that bitch.

Oooooooooooooooooo boy


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
There are actually people ITT who want us to feel bad for a woman who screamed the n word in a room full of black people..... *insert Waka Flocka OK gif*
Really wish the admins slammed down harder on racism, tbh. There's too much leeway so people are being thinly veiled racists pretending to care and saying shit like "X person who stood up against the racist only made it worse" in EVERY single one of these threads when they don't actually care.


Oct 28, 2017
She lives, bones heal and she'll probably get paid. His life is ruined. Sure people can justify it. But the man's life is probably ruined I wish he never did it.


Oct 25, 2017
A grown ass woman shouldn't be racist and assault people. But yet here we are. It's funny how you say nothing about her racism. Both sides though, right?
If a pretty blonde 20 year old straight up attempted to shoot a Brother, they'd be complaining that the guy reacted by charging at the woman and knocking her down. They want to defend the person that looks like they do. Tell me I'm wrong? Maybe not here on the forum but they'd be thinking it. The reality is, none of these people see racial slurs as a big deal, at least not big enough a deal to understand any kind of reaction that isn't "I disagree with you ma'am, please have a pleasant day".


Oct 25, 2017
Really wish the admins slammed down harder on racism, tbh. There's too much leeway so people are being thinly veiled racists pretending to care and saying shit like "X person who stood up against the racist only made it worse" in EVERY single one of these threads when they don't actually care.

If only this were as serious an issue as PC game storefronts or something .


Oct 27, 2017
Akira86 Found it!

This won't change anybody's mind but this is much needed context that shockingly didn't make it to the news article. Probably should be in the OP.

Here she is kicking somebody that triggered the employees to take it outside. Again she threw the first blow. She was allowed to leave and came back. Fuck that bitch.

Watch them just say he took it far

Because white people never have to accept responsibility for their shit


Oct 25, 2017
Akira86 Found it!

This won't change anybody's mind but this is much needed context that shockingly didn't make it to the news article. Probably should be in the OP.

Here she is kicking somebody that triggered the employees to take it outside. Again she threw the first blow. She was allowed to leave and came back. Fuck that bitch.

This also, she says "Lady, half the Law is my family.....bring it"



Oct 28, 2017
They know racism, so don't lecture them on it mate. /s
With fucking racists, it's more than just words. There is always action behind those words. So it's always fucking amazing how fuck clowns like TangFei always jump to make excuses for racists yet have no sympathy for the victims. Amazing but not surprising. We know where they stand.


Oct 25, 2017
Watch them just say he took it far

Because white people never have to accept responsibility for their shit
That's basically been the argument from a lot of people in this thread.

I understand why he did what he did, I just wish he hadn't. Poor dude is going to get screwed hard by the legal system and this lady is probably getting paid.


Aug 18, 2019
Wow people get so heated and then call you the crazy person, I'm being called an asshat and fucking idiot because I don't think a racist old lady deserves to be body slammed into the concrete as she's walking away. I've been called the n-word before and slapped someone out of sheer shock. So please "woke" people in this thread, don't try to lecture on me on how I should feel about this lady being thrown into concrete.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
The thing is.
Racists are being bold cause Trump makes them feel ok to be racist. It's up to individuals and the rest of society that it ain't. Sitting there and turning the cheek or killing with kindness ain't gonna do shit. You gotta let it be heard loud and clear and this gentleman did exactly that. Should be applauded imo.
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