Deleted member 1378

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Oct 25, 2017

The alpha client is out! Datamining has begun.

You can find information at:

Including new models, new music, new talents, pets, mounts, etc - and more!

Personal highlight so far:


The Zandalari travel and flight forms are AMAZING. Also, there's a GOD DAMN BEE MOUNT


And let's not forget AZSHARA!


Also, interestingly enough, it seems Lordaeron DOES fall to the Alliance


Oct 28, 2017
Pretty convinced now that Darnassus and Undercity will both either be destroyed or turned into Horde/Alliance areas respectively.

Hopefully this opens up interesting scenarios for Exodar and Silvermoon, with them being the only strongholds of the other faction on the two continents then.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was long established from the initial promo material that Lordaeron/undercity is becoming alliance controlled and darnassus is becoming horde controlled? basically the vanilla/cata continents are becoming single faction.

Also I still laugh at the people that keep thinking they're actually making an expansion about horde vs alliance and saying they don't like it, just a dead giveaway that those people haven't been paying attention to the plot in the first place, since it's VERY obviously an old god xpac.

Deleted member 1378

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Oct 25, 2017
"Zandalari quests seem to involve a possible new Old God called G'huun"

Finally, they decide to keep the sixth Old God. This is gonna be real, real interesting.

Pretty convinced now that Darnassus and Undercity will both either be destroyed or turned into Horde/Alliance areas respectively.

Hopefully this opens up interesting scenarios for Exodar and Silvermoon, with them being the only strongholds of the other faction on the two continents then.

At the very least, I expect to start seeing more use out of Thunder Bluff and Ironforge this expansion


Oct 25, 2017
What's the history of Alphas for major expansions? How far in advance do they generally release? Things feel roughly in-line with a Summer release of the pack.

Pretty convinced now that Darnassus and Undercity will both either be destroyed or turned into Horde/Alliance areas respectively.

Which does raise a bit of a question about whether I should Loremaster those areas before they change.


Oct 25, 2017
What's the history of Alphas for major expansions? How far in advance do they generally release? Things feel roughly in-line with a Summer release of the pack.

Which does raise a bit of a question about whether I should Loremaster those areas before they change.
This is in line with summer yeah.

Deleted member 1378

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Oct 25, 2017
What's the history of Alphas for major expansions? How far in advance do they generally release? Things feel roughly in-line with a Summer release of the pack.

Which does raise a bit of a question about whether I should Loremaster those areas before they change.
Legion's alpha went live in November 2015 and launched August 2016 - so it'd be a Fall release, most likely. So about a year of Antorus.

This is in line with summer yeah.
How is it in line with Summer? Warlords alpha/beta lasted 8 months, Legion lasted 10, Mists lasted 7. It's on pace for Fall - unless they actually live up to "shorter breaks between expansions", which they've promised for multiple expacs now.

Deleted member 1378

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Oct 25, 2017
Just a shot in the dark here, but

Mechagnome Island (New)
- Max players: 5.

There's seemingly something involving Mechagnomes in BfA. New Alliance Allied race down the line?

Deleted member 1378

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The Fall of Lordaeron
  • Step 01: Under Siege (New) - Find Saurfang.
  • Step 02: Spies in Our Midst (New) - Secure the Mage District.
  • Step 03: To the Heart! (New) - Follow Saurfang to the Heart of the City
  • Step 04: Evacuate the Heart of the City (New) - Evacuate the Remainder of Undercity
  • Step 05: To Battle! (New) - Use the Portal to meet with Sylvanas Windrunner.
  • Step 06: Push Them Back (New) - Break their front line
  • Step 07: Defend the Azerite War Machine (New) - Defend the Azerite War Machine
  • Step 08: Our Secret Weapon (New) - Use blight on Alliance forces to drive them away.
  • Step 09: Like Wildfire (New) - The Alliance have breached the wall. Meet with Nathanos Blightcaller to intercept them at a crucial chokepoint.
  • Step 10: Holding Them Back (New) - Intercept the Alliance with Nathanos Blightcaller.
  • Step 11: The King Piece (New) - Defeat King Anduin Wrynn and his Allies.
  • Step 12: Cry Havoc (New) - Sylvanas has called for the retreat.
  • Step 13: The Dark Lady (New) - Rendezvous with Sylvanas in the keep.

The Siege of Lordaeron
  • Step 01: The Third Fleet (New) - Meet with Genn Greymane inside Brill.
  • Step 02: Clearing the Way (New) - Siege Towers Defended
  • Step 03: Clearing the Way (New) - Defeat the Azerite War Machine
  • Step 04: Breach the Wall (New) - Keep Undercity's forces at bay with King Anduin until the trebuchets breach the wall.
  • Step 05: Blighted Grounds (New) - Evacuate wounded soldiers before they are infected by plague gas.
  • Step 06: The Light is Fading (New) - Fall back with King Anduin Wrynn.
  • Step 07: The Winds of Change (New) - Find Jaina at the walls of Lordaeron.
  • Step 08: What Lies Beyond (New)
  • Step 09: The Great Eagle (New)
  • Step 10: Pressing Onward (New)
  • Step 11: Abomination Wonderland (New) - Assault Lordaeron City
  • Step 12: Blast! (New)
  • Step 13: She's Getting Away! (New) - Pursue Sylvanas in the Gyrocopter.
  • Step 14: The High Overlord. (New) - Defeat High Overlord Saurfang.
  • Step 15: The Dark Lady (New) - Pursue Sylvanas.

The Stormwind Extraction
  • Step 01: In the Dead of Night (New) - Infiltrate Stormwind City.
  • Step 02: Down the Drain (New) - Open the sewer access gate.
  • Step 03: The Stockades (New) - Infiltrate the Stockades.
  • Step 04: Honor and Loyalty (New) - Release High Overlord Saurfang.
  • Step 05: The Primary Objective (New) - Release the prisoners and escape the Stockades.
  • Step 06: The Stormwind City Shuffle (New) - Escape Stormwind City undetected.
  • Step 07: WAY Behind Enemy Lines (New) - Escape the Cathedral district.
  • Step 08: The Harbor Run (New) - Reach Talanji's ship in Stormwind Harbor.
  • Step 09: Well, Ship (New) - Slay Admiral Lockheart.

so the alliance attack lordaeron, the horde fight back (they're using azerite for war machines now), nathanos and saurfang are defeated, saurfang is captured

sylvanas only attacks stormwind to get saurfang released from the stockades

also, holy shit, the alliance is going hard in on attacking the horde
Attack the Southern Barrens and break through the Great Gates of Mulgore.
Assault the final Horde bastion on the Eastern Kingdoms, and cleanse our land of their filth.
Launch a massive Naval assault on the home of Gallywix, Bilgewater will burn.

i feel like this is probably more genn than anduin


Oct 28, 2017
Guys, sorry for little offtop, but...

if I have Legion starter Edition, do I have to buy everything or just pre-order BfA?

Unfortunately I have my main character on my brother's account (I know it's not really allowed but we've started when we were both in high-school and it was hard to just let go of my Warlock with sweet mounts...).

Deleted member 1378

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Guys, sorry for little offtop, but...

if I have Legion starter Edition, do I have to buy everything or just pre-order BfA?

Unfortunately I have my main character on my brother's account (I know it's not really allowed but we've started when we were both in high-school and it was hard to just let go of my Warlock with sweet mounts...).
When BfA pre-orders go live, Legion will be added to the base game (which is $20). So you'll need $70 - the base game, and BfA.

For $25 you can transfer your Warlock to your new account as well

Deleted member 1378

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Oct 25, 2017
Getting some serious Witcher 3 vibes from this new model


Also, tons of new critter models are on the way. New crabs, cats, ferrets, etc.

And get a load of this Hallow's End cat


Oct 27, 2017
I got back into Wow just a few days ago after years of absence. I'm quite enjoying it, but it seems unbelievably easy now.

One question; The quest log used to show difficulty relative to your l bel with colours... It no longer seems to do that. Is that a conscious choice oram I missing something?

Deleted member 1378

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

lots of older models recieving face lifts, including
- wind serpents
- diemetradons
- lake threshers
- thunder lizards
- snakes
- hippos (odd since the last update was only in wod, but these have a brand new(?) skeleton)


kul tiras women are also larger than their playable counterparts


critters, too!
- prarie dogs
- pigs
- spiders
- chickens
- hermit crabs + crabs


new goblin mount

there are also new, high poly skeletons for
- gnomes
- dwarves
- goblins
so far

ETDP thank you for making this thread and updating it

absolutely! i won't be up much longer, but i'm gonna try and keep this thread updated with cool stuff people find


Oct 27, 2017
I got back into Wow just a few days ago after years of absence. I'm quite enjoying it, but it seems unbelievably easy now.

One question; The quest log used to show difficulty relative to your l bel with colours... It no longer seems to do that. Is that a conscious choice oram I missing something?
There has been a recent change in leveling content which make most of the zones scale to your level so you don't outlevel everything by turning in three quests, so the color thing is still there but you won't see it as much.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm loving the idea that Azerite is actually C'thun's blood. Would be sweet.

Then again, I'm still waiting for Anduin's three lies and Magni's turn to old gods. One day, perhaps.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm loving the idea that Azerite is actually C'thun's blood. Would be sweet.

Then again, I'm still waiting for Anduin's three lies and Magni's turn to old gods. One day, perhaps.

Isn't it confirmed that Azarite is Azeroth's blood? Maybe Azeroth is corrupted but that's a titan's blood not the old god's.


Here you go:
After the defeat of Argus the Unmaker, Sargeras was ultimately imprisoned by his kin at the Seat of the Pantheonwith Illidan as his jailer, bringing an end to the Burning Crusade. But before he could be taken by the remaining titans, Sargeras plunged his sword into the depths of Azeroth. The wound thus formed in Silithus caused Azeroth to bleed out. Her blood would crystallize as a mineral called azerite, pooling up across the planet.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't it confirmed that Azarite is Azeroth's blood? Maybe Azeroth is corrupted but that's a titan's blood not the old god's.
It would make way more sense to be Cthun's tho.
The sword fell on silithus, old gods have gigantic buried bodies we've never seen, and the whole Titan blood concept makes no sense at all with what we know about titans or what we've seen with Argus. It's supposed to be a world soul not a giant fetus.

So Cthun makes way more sense and would be actually interesting, which is why it probably won't happen. That said I believe they've refered to azerite as Azeroth's "life force" rather than blood most of the time so far, so I'm just going to take it at face value for now because that's usually what we get.
Edit: magni says lifeblood, so taking it litterally or not is a subject of personal choice I guess


Oct 25, 2017
It would make way more sense to be Cthun's tho.
The sword fell on silithus, old gods have gigantic buried bodies we've never seen, and the whole Titan blood concept makes no sense at all with what we know about titans or what we've seen with Argus. It's supposed to be a world soul not a giant fetus.

So Cthun makes way more sense and would be actually interesting, which is why it probably won't happen. That said I believe they've refered to azerite as Azeroth's "life force" rather than blood most of the time so far, so I'm just going to take it at face value for now because that's usually what we get

Even Magni who can speak with Azeroth says it's the blood of the titan.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm loving the idea that Azerite is actually C'thun's blood. Would be sweet.
The story implications of that would be so cool. Old God blood influencing both factions' actions as we unknowingly load ourselves up with it. Magni says it's Azeroth's blood but then there's that king of diamonds made a pawn whisper. I think that's too clever for a WoW plot though lol

Still it'll be an interesting theory to entertain as the expansion unfolds
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Even Magni who can speak with Azeroth says it's the blood of the titan.
The whole point of what we're tlaking about is based on the theory that Magni isn't speaking to azeroth at all but the old gods, so what he says doesn't matter. And as I edited he says lifeblood in silithus, which is kinda different but still doesn't matter, cause "blood" has many meanings anyway

I think that's too clever for a WoW plot though lol

My point exactly, lol


Oct 27, 2017
It's the current theory from people who still haven't realized a bot is randomly writing the story rather than actual writers with a plan
Didn't Blizz hired Christie Golden? That should improve the story a bit, at least the dialoge for the Legion epilogue cinematics was much better than before


Oct 25, 2017
I can agree about Magni being a pawn because I'lgynoth said so. However "it" never says to what faction he is a pawn for.... I still think he's a pawn for Azeroth, and Azeroth has been corrupted by the old gods (that's why Sargeras tried to stab her, not because he wanted to prevent it but he knew she's already corrupted) but still I think Azerite is the titan's blood. Just that it might be corrupted.

If not Azerite would be as powerful as Saronite and that's not worth it to start a world war over it.


Oct 25, 2017
The Alliance pandering by Blizzard over the last 4 expansions now is starting to really annoy me.


Oct 25, 2017
It being way too clever is a fair point. I'm expecting it to amount to nothing like whispers from Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron or the idea that collecting all titans relics will actually release the old gods (also based on whispers of Il'gynoth), but it's still an interesting idea to entertain, especially after the new cinematics.

E: honestly, after 11 years of following WoW I know to expect nothing from the story, but eh. The only thing that amazes me any more is how much more can they drop the ball in that department, but I don't know if anything can beat the WoD disaster.


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't Blizz hired Christie Golden? That should improve the story a bit, at least the dialoge for the Legion epilogue cinematics was much better than before
Yeah but unless I'm mistaken we have no idea what she's hired for, I doubt they gave her freedom to write plot or anything in game. Could be just cinematics.
I wish they took npc dialog more seriously, everything is written the same. Even the void enemies on mac aree were a huge disappointment, same cliché reused lines every enemy faction has


Oct 27, 2017
No more silly legendaries right? They took away all my lust for legion, never got any top tier ones. So I stopped playing.

Deleted member 1378

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No more silly legendaries right? They took away all my lust for legion, never got any top tier ones. So I stopped playing.
No, the legendary system and artifact systems are gone in BFA

Yeah but unless I'm mistaken we have no idea what she's hired for, I doubt they gave her freedom to write plot or anything in game. Could be just cinematics.
I wish they took npc dialog more seriously, everything is written the same. Even the void enemies on mac aree were a huge disappointment, same cliché reused lines every enemy faction has
Christie Golden is a senior writer for Warcraft now. She's heavily involved in the process + wrote the two cinematics that were just released. Going into BfA, a lot of the content will be written by Golden.


Oct 27, 2017
It being way too clever is a fair point. I'm expecting it to amount to nothing like whispers from Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron or the idea that collecting all titans relics will actually release the old gods (also based on whispers of Il'gynoth), but it's still an interesting idea to entertain, especially after the new cinematics.

E: honestly, after 11 years of following WoW I know to expect nothing from the story, but eh. The only thing that amazes me any more is how much more can they drop the ball in that department, but I don't know if anything can beat the WoD disaster.
Mists of Pandaria had an amazing setting, great story and very interesting themes that they (sadly) barely took advantage of, except in the legendary questline that not everyone played, and that they even removed from the game, lol
Even when they get clever they ruin it