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Oct 27, 2017

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Oct 25, 2017

Unless I'm remembering wrong, the actors were fairly close to their age of the characters? Plus, Usagi and them start out 14-15 anyways, right before High School starts (which is a point of contention later in the series, since Usagi is struggling with the Kanji needed to pass the High School exams).

Not to say there aren't absolute examples in the series itself where the characters look really close to the adults, but...
Nov 17, 2017
Tobey Maguire plays a high school age Peter Parker in the first Spider-Man movie when he was in his late 20s. I never noticed at the time cause I was a kid and all high schoolers looked like adults to me but watching it now that I'm in my late twenties it's so obvious and sticks out.


Oct 28, 2017
Been rewatching The Last Kingdom from the beginning, and the pilot has a ton of this. Uhtred is supposed to 8 years old in thx7e pilot, but everyone else (Ubba, young Ragnar, Guthred) is the same age as in later episodes where Uhtred is 20+.
It's as if everyone else was an immortal vampire or something once the swap in the "adult" actor.

This was my post, but I actually wanted to complain about them not even trying to age him or anyone else up even a bit over the decades this plays out.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
Unless I'm remembering wrong, the actors were fairly close to their age of the characters? Plus, Usagi and them start out 14-15 anyways, right before High School starts (which is a point of contention later in the series, since Usagi is struggling with the Kanji needed to pass the High School exams).

Not to say there aren't absolute examples in the series itself where the characters look really close to the adults, but...

I didn't bother looking up the rest of the cast, but the lady playing Sailor Moon was 16 at the time.

Deleted member 46948

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Aug 22, 2018

This was my post, but I actually wanted to complain about them not even trying to age him or anyone else up even a bit over the decades this plays out.

It's jarring especially with Young Ragnar and Uhtred - in the pilot, Ragnar is already an adult while Uhtred is a kid, and then, several episodes later, they look the same age (Tobias Santelmann and Alexander Dreymon are 2 years apart).


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Probably already been posted but I really wish they had a different actor in facial prosthetics portray the young 20-something Frank in the Irishman. Images don't convey this well but the thing that gives it away the most is that this otherwise excellent CG creation moves and sounds like an old man.



Jul 12, 2019
Probably already been posted but I really wish they had a different actor in facial prosthetics portray the young 20-something Frank in the Irishman. Images don't convey this well but the thing that gives it away the most is that this otherwise excellent CG creation moves and sounds like an old man.

He still has a lot of lines on his face, he makes for a really old looking young 20-something


Oct 25, 2017
Probably already been posted but I really wish they had a different actor in facial prosthetics portray the young 20-something Frank in the Irishman. Images don't convey this well but the thing that gives it away the most is that this otherwise excellent CG creation moves and sounds like an old man.

"Here's the kid I was tellin you about"


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

To be fair I'm pretty sure they're supposed in their 20s but the movie can't make up its mind in what period they want the movie to be set in so everyone is younger than they're supposed to be
They are definitely supposed to be in their 20s but the movie's incompetent.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers
they're meant to be 14/15 years old...


They're juniors when the show starts so 16 but then the show repeats junior year in S2 and never mentions it.

Been rewatching The Last Kingdom from the beginning, and the pilot has a ton of this. Uhtred is supposed to 8 years old in the pilot, but everyone else (Ubba, young Ragnar, Guthred) is the same age as in later episodes where Uhtred is 20+.
It's as if everyone else was an immortal vampire or something.

Aethelflaed's actress is literally playing half her age at one point early in S2 (she's 26 now, 23ish when S2 filmed, early S2 she's supposed to be a tween)

Bear Patrol

Oct 27, 2017
There's nothing wrong with Azula. When I was in 8th grade there were plenty of girls in my class that look like they could pass up for adults.
Some of y'all need to step outside a little more. As someone who works at a school, I can tell you that some some students grow out of baby face sooner than others. It is interesting because some people don't really finish growing until after high school while others are pretty much adults before they finish junior high.

If you look at an 8th grader and think "They look like an adult", you need some help.

I've coached high school sports clubs and there is no way in hell that any of those cars look like adults either.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers
And yeah, counting live action for this is dumb but Lucas Black is just so egregious you have to mention it. Also, at the beginning of Tokyo Drift he races against one of the kids from Home Improvement, whose character graduated from college on that show. Here is though in 2005 playing a high schooler again.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017

young DeNiro in the Irishman. He looks like he's from the Tintin movie. Several young scenes with him had the issue of his body and mobility looking his age (late 70s) even if the face looked decent. But even when the face looked convincing, it usually looked about 10 years older than what it was going for.
Nov 2, 2017
Inazuma Eleven has a lot of examples to be honest (especially if you look at unimportant team members of certain teams), but ones that come to mind first are Hijikata Raiden and Edgar Valtinas.

Both of them are middle-school students.



Aug 20, 2018
fucking Ichigo is supposed to be 15 in the beginning.

Is he in the basketball team or something...



Oct 25, 2017
Season 3 of the crown. It starts off and the Queen is supposed to be in her 30s. It covers like 15 years so it's weird. The actress doesn't age so she looks the same in the 1965 episode as the 1975 episode.

She looks her age by the end of the season but starts out looking way to old at first.

The rest of the cast has similar issues. Either they look to young or too old cause 15 years is covered and the actors aren't aged up or down.

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019
Most of the Disney Princess are designed like young adults despite them being canonically teenagers.

How old is everyone supposed to be in the post-First Class X-Men films?

McAvoy, Fassbender, and Nicholas Hoult in particular are the characters in 1962 and they are only slightly older in Dark Phoenix's 1992.

Fox's X-Men franchise never cared for consistency. Dark Phoenix was solely made to retain the film rights to X-Men.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
I think the ridiculous nature of JoJo characters in general warrants them looking a bit off their age lol. Araki got better about it as time went on for sure but I feel it's a bit more tongue-in-cheek than the whole "I'm actually 1000 years old" moe girls.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
I expected this thread to be mostly anime given Era's... penchants for drama, but it's no exclusively, thankfully.
Art styles and all. Yes anime/manga, but Araki's art style changes between story arcs (hell, even within story arcs, from one page to another during DIU). Jotaro ends up looking younger each time you see him because of slimming don and just everything being more sparkly and soft. JJBA in the 80s (first 3 arcs) looks way more 80s and Tetsuo Hara-esque than later.
It's not as though his face is super wrinkled or anything, and I know plenty of people who have either balded or gone grey way earlier than expected in their late 20s and mid 30s.
Can prove this, as I've been greying steadily since my early 20s. I've had more grey in my hair since I wasn't quite 30 than Auron, there.
This is Cleo from Broken Blade.


She is 12 years old.
To be fair, though not to excuse it, her friend actually makes fun of her about it, because it's actually noted that she's more developed than most girls her age. Also, I've known enough girls her age, when I was that age, that were just as developed (or even moreso) whether I take art style into account or not.

Hanayama Kaoru, from Grappler Baki/Baki the Grappler
Age: 15
Baki is also super exaggerated in, like, everything. Anatomy is actually super spot on at all times, it's just really, really exaggerated.
Sailor moon's teacher doesn't look too different from her students:


Makes this look awkward

This was a combination of adopting a manga where everyone looks young both intentionally and because of Takeuchi's art style and the 90s anime being just... egh. I honestly have no soft spot for this version for a lot of reasons, as it hasn't really aged that well for me, but this is another case of the teach looking super young and actually gets called out for it a few times.
I actually think he looks younger. Mostly because he's so much slimmer.

This. It's ridiculous, haha.


Oct 30, 2017
Madonna @36 tried to sell the idea that she is 15 year old Eva Duarte in a pedophilic relationship with a mid-thirties Agustin Magaldi in Evita . . . . it didn't work.

Richard Castellano, the actor who played one of Vito Corleone's caporegime in The Godfather, Peter Clemenza, was actually just 7 years older than actors James Caan and Al Pacino who played his supposed godsons, Santino and Michael Corleone, respectively.
Oct 27, 2017
They've rectified it with the recent Ghost Recon appearances but canonically Sam Fisher was at his oldest in Blacklist, being one of the few game protagonists aging in real time, but actually looked de-aged and a voice actor in his early 30s didn't help things at all.

I do believe they made a compromise somewhere along the way and moved his birthdate up 10 years or so taking him to his early 60s instead of his early 70s as he would be by now.

I love Michael Ironside and I think he would be great as the new Lambert, and transitioning the actual player character to a younger and new operative instead. I can stretch my suspension of belief as far as it'll go because I love Sam but it's getting harder to fathom that a man in his mid-60s who was a Navy Seal and has been performing covert ops for another 20 years or so still has body functionality left to be mission capable.
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