
Oct 25, 2017
You think Hank would vote for someone from fucking New York with a bombastic attitude like Trump? lol no he had nightmares about voting for Bush and he's from Texas just because he had a limp handshake.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The only people I can imagine voting for Trump on KotH (off the top of my head) would be the following:

Cotton Hill (if he can get over Trump's draft-dodging shenanigans)
also if he was alive
Didi Hill
Kahn and Minh Souphanousinphone
Lane Pratley (of Pratley Cadillac Hyundai)
Principal Moss
Maybe Lucky (his weird code of honor might make it possible for him to go Trump, somehow)
Leanne Platter (Luanne's mom)
Buck Strickland
Ted and Cindy Wassonasong
Topsy, Stinky, Brooklyn, Linker, Pops (if they can get over Trump's draft-dodging shenanigans)
Jimmy Whichard (because he's an idiot)
Jack (Hank's barber - because he's crazy)
King Philip (because he's a misogynist)
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I'm doubting anyone who's saying he absolutely would even watched the show.
Yep, there are a lot of folks in here who never watched the show, or didn't understand it. Hank would hate Trump and if you think Bobby would be down with MAGA, I know for sure you didn't watch it. Bobby wasn't about any of that stuff. Peggy would be 100% Hillary, because she sees herself as a feminist and because she loves Mexico. Bill would vote for whoever Hank told him to vote for. Dale wouldn't vote. Kahn would totally vote for Trump.


Oct 29, 2017
Would Dale listen to a Alex Jones type or would Dale become the Alex Jones in the KoTH universe?

No he wouldn't. Although a staunch Republican, Hank Hill has morals. He couldn't vote for W. Bush. He'd see through the BS that is Trump. He wouldn't have voted for Clinton because she was a Dem and a woman. He would have wrote in someone else he values.

I'm pretty sure Hank voted for Ann Richards for Governor, don't think he'd a problem voting for a woman and/or Democrat when the right one comes along, he was a fan of LBJ even named his dog Lady Bird in tribute to his wife, though might've been aided by the fact that he was a Texan. With the other option is so repugnant there's no way Hank could bring himself to support Trump, he'd vote for Hillary with a heavy sigh. Hank would refuse to talk about it after. Hank at this point would probably drop his party affiliation and register as an Independent.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Regarding the LBJ thing, when did the Democrat/Republican flip happen? Looking up in a few places, it seems like the Southern Democrat died out after LBJ left office, right? Although I'm also seeing that LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act was influential in the South flipping to the Republicans...


Oct 27, 2017
Would Dale listen to a Alex Jones type or would Dale become the Alex Jones in the KoTH universe?

I'm pretty sure Hank voted for Ann Richards for Governor, don't think he'd a problem voting for a woman and/or Democrat when the right one comes along, he was a fan of LBJ even named his dog Lady Bird in tribute to his wife, though might've been aided by the fact that he was a Texan. With the other option is so repugnant there's no way Hank could bring himself to support Trump, he'd vote for Hillary with a heavy sigh. Hank would refuse to talk about it after. Hank at this point would probably drop his party affiliation and register as an Independent.
I forgot he voted for Ann.


Oct 25, 2017
Regarding the LBJ thing, when did the Democrat/Republican flip happen? Looking up in a few places, it seems like the Southern Democrat died out after LBJ left office, right? Although I'm also seeing that LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act was influential in the South flipping to the Republicans...

Ann Richards though.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The only people I can imagine voting for Trump on KotH (off the top of my head) would be the following:

Cotton Hill (if he can get over Trump's draft-dodging shenanigans)
also if he was alive
Didi Hill
Kahn and Minh Souphanousinphone
Lane Pratley (of Pratley Cadillac Hyundai)
Principal Moss
Maybe Lucky (his weird code of honor might make it possible for him to go Trump, somehow)
Leanne Platter (Luanne's mom)
Buck Strickland
Ted and Cindy Wassonasong
Topsy, Stinky, Brooklyn, Linker, Pops (if they can get over Trump's draft-dodging shenanigans)
Jimmy Whichard (because he's an idiot)
Jack (Hank's barber - because he's crazy)
King Philip (because he's a misogynist)


Oct 30, 2017
By the end of the episode he'll be marking his cross(or whatever it is Americans do) next to Hillary, because it was the right thing to do.


Alt account
Dec 5, 2018
He definitely would, if you don't think 'decent' people like him didn't vote trump, you have made up picture of who did


Oct 27, 2017
I think they'd mix things up and make Peggy a Trumper and Hank would be undecided or something then both end up supporting Hillary.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If you think Hank Hill wouldn't vote for Trump you missed the whole point of his character.
Please, explain.
Hank aint racist, economically anxious, or anti-establishment(the way Trump said he'd smash all government conventions early on). There's literally nothing about Trump or Trump's messaging that would appeal to Hank. He also lauds hard work ethic which Trump is ehh... not really known for.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Dale doesn't vote. Bill would possibly vote for Trump but he would get talked out of it by Hank. Only person I could see is Kahn .


Oct 27, 2017
Surprised no one brought up the fact that Trump was already in King of the Hill:



Nov 6, 2017
Dale doesn't vote. Bill would possibly vote for Trump but he would get talked out of it by Hank. Only person I could see is Kahn .

The moment Trump brings up Ted Cruz and his father being part of the JFK assassination, Dale is a lost cause. He'd wear that maga hat on his head proudly. There's a Vice mini-doc on Qanon people just like Dale, believes in batshit insane conspiracies and never voted a day in their life, but when the stupid whisperer came(trump) all of a sudden they are politically active.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
remember the episode where bobby did something nonconformist and after thirty minutes of hank reflecting on it he was all like "fuck my garbage son MAGA"


Oct 25, 2017
Denver, CO
Explain why Hank would dislike Hillary more than we know he would hate Trump.

He's pro-wall and the only thing that took the wind out of his sails for Bush Jr. was a weak handshake. As someone originally from Georgia, Hank is every uncle on my dad's side, and they all voted Trump, either for Christianity or to beat Hillary. I guess nothing is 100%, but I've watched KotH a lot over the years, and he seems like a guy who would vote for Trump mostly just for the GOP after the name.
Oct 27, 2017
He's pro-wall and the only thing that took the wind out of his sails for Bush Jr. was a weak handshake. As someone originally from Georgia, Hank is every uncle on my dad's side, and they all voted Trump, either for Christianity or to beat Hillary. I guess nothing is 100%, but I've watched KotH a lot over the years, and he seems like a guy who would vote for Trump mostly just for the GOP after the name.

He wouldnt vote. Peggy would convince him the wall is a bad idea.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He's pro-wall and the only thing that took the wind out of his sails for Bush Jr. was a weak handshake. As someone originally from Georgia, Hank is every uncle on my dad's side, and they all voted Trump, either for Christianity or to beat Hillary. I guess nothing is 100%, but I've watched KotH a lot over the years, and he seems like a guy who would vote for Trump mostly just for the GOP after the name.
Hank was "pro-wall" because he hates Kahn, not because he hates immigrants.

And he didn't vote for Bush Jr. even though Bush had "GOP" after the name. The dude thinks for himself most of the time and has a wife and son (and niece sometimes) that smacks him back to reality when he needs it. I just don't think he would have voted in this election, but I know he definitely wouldn't have voted for Trump.

Garrod Ran

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
I'm really glad that even with all the debates in this thread, the one thing we all agree that Kahn would unamibiguously, openly, and proudly vote for Trump
Kahn is one of the most "fuck you, got mine" characters in all of television


Oct 29, 2017
Midwest USA
The moment Trump brings up Ted Cruz and his father being part of the JFK assassination, Dale is a lost cause. He'd wear that maga hat on his head proudly. There's a Vice mini-doc on Qanon people just like Dale, believes in batshit insane conspiracies and never voted a day in their life, but when the stupid whisperer came(trump) all of a sudden they are politically active.

I've conversed with that crowd for years, not believing it but finding it entertaining and intriguing. Dale is the kind who would see that and create a crazier conspiracy about it all being a conspiracy to fool people like him.

As for OP, Hank would've voted third party but awkwardly not tell anyone and feel guilty about it until he confessed to Peggy. He then would try to rescind his vote after and find out that's not possible. He then would say the hell to all of it and the end learn it's ok to keep your vote personal and choose whoever you want. Politics never mentioned again.


Jun 18, 2018
I think we already had this thread and most people said he wouldn't and I agree with them.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
People saying Hank would vote third party forgot the episode where he literally made fun of them.

He's also made fun of hippies, Hillary Clinton, and people from New York, so that removes basically every other candidate. He'd vote Tom Landry.

Now that's the fucking truth. Dale and Bill.

Hank would probably not vote out of frustration.

...Have you actually SEEN King of the Hill? Or are you basing Hank off of his alternate from Bevis and Butthead?

Bill would vote Hillary most likely. Dale would never vote, because the whole system is rigged, man.