
May 15, 2018
As a black man I think we should get our reparations and that the Democratic Party should put this forward or free college

Other groups have gotten reparations I don't think it would be out of the normal for us to get them too

We are estimated at about 40 million of the US population there's not a lot of us


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah probs but I dunno if we even have the money for it.

Like the country is built off the back of
slaves and the government has officially acknowledged this but in a way so it couldn't be sued ....

I think they should do something thou. The politicians sitting up there likely are due to generational wealth because of this reason


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm ignorant on this. I️ always hear about reparations but what does that entail? Money? Education? I'm certainly not opposed to that. Just curious on what exactly people mean when they say reparations


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Indigenous and black people in the United States should both be the recipients of reparations, be it returning land, monetary compensation, investment in communities etc. While it may be political suicide (for reasons that baffle me), it's the right thing to do and well overdue at this point.

P.S. The same goes for us here in Canada. Actual reparations, not the half-assed, non-committal reconciliation Harper went with.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
In principle yeah, but it'd depend how what that reparation would entail. Some sort of mass investment in African-American communities would be nice.


Oct 27, 2017
So I'm ignorant on this. I️ always hear about reparations but what does that entail? Money? Education? I'm certainly not opposed to that. Just curious on what exactly people mean when they say reparations
In my experience it's usually referred to as money. Now that is my limited 15 years working with 25-30 black men at TruGreen. I would rather see something done about all the inequalities and disadvantages. Not sure how to go about that though.

Deleted member 15440

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Oct 27, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
It's a tricky and touchy subject. For those who were affecting by it directly I'm going to say yes.

I believe the money should come from those who benefitted from it the most and the government to an extent.

The reason I'm not saying the government fully is that when it's time to give it out they will make cuts in over places which could make it worse in the long run.


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't they estimate it would cost us 14 trillion? Would it even be worth it if it hyper inflates our currency?


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
"They got some land and some shiny coins now please shut up about it"

It didn't even need to happen. If the black community would've been left alone that would've been enough.

However, you got more fuckery. The black codes, burning down black neighborhoods, and so on. The US reaction to emancipation was complete opposition.

The black community has been skating uphill since the Civil War. The rink set up be the US federal, state, and local governments.

Anthony Mooch

Oct 25, 2017
As a black man I think we should get our reparations and that the Democratic Party should put this forward or free college

Other groups have gotten reparations I don't think it would be out of the normal for us to get them too

We are estimated at about 40 million of the US population there's not a lot of us
democrats run on a reparations platform they would never win any election ever again.


Nov 19, 2017
Reparations should be given. Tax exempt status should be given to African Americans to allow families to save money and help fix the wealth gulf between whites and blacks due in part to all the exploitation and systemic oppression black folks have faced for centuries. At the very fuckin least.
Oct 27, 2017
Not in terms of giving individuals money. Hell no, that would accomplish nothing and would just further divide this country.

In terms of heavily "investing" in improving the way of life, representation and treatment of black people in this country? Yes please.
Oct 27, 2017
There's an enormous wealth gap between white and black that goes right back to slavery and Jim Crow so yes, there should absolutely be reparations.


Oct 27, 2017
Sorry, the already bloated defense budget and rich people's tax cuts come before minorities, women, children and the elderly.


Oct 27, 2017
Giving a one time payment to many people isn't going to solve any issues, particularly the core systematic ones present in the United States. And that's not even getting into determining how much they should be, who gets them, where the money comes from, and the inflation it would cause. Free college to the families affected, especially lower income ones, sounds like the right move. It helps even the playing field against others with more privileged backgrounds.


Oct 28, 2017
It depends, maybe not direct cash because that's not what will fix the problems that white supremacy has had over our community. But things like free college, investments into communites, subsidies for businesses would be great. However those would be great to do in all of America not just black communities. So if they did do that for all of America then direct cash is fine.
Oct 25, 2017
I'd say free education and tax exemption for a period of time seems doable. I'd wonder how the latino community would react though, who seem mostly stuck in a similar socio-economic disadvantage too.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Definitely for them in the form of investing in education and development for black communities. Individual reparations would ultimately fail in court, even if it were done through tax incentives so it has to be done through investment. They would also be impossible to implement, does everyone who declares themselves as African American on the census get 100% or is there a way for some people of mixed racial background to get a different percentage? I don't think you could answer these questions effectively enough to implement them, plus you always have to worry that the money that went to many individuals might be consumed quickly like a lottery winner rather than reinvested for long term financial health. Unfortunately I doubt explicitly calling them reparations will ever be a winning issue on the national level and I would expect any such plans to be given less obvious names and hidden in other bills as part of a wider movement towards improving racial income inequality


Oct 27, 2017
The people directly owed reparations for slavery are long dead. At this point it would be more beneficial to solve core issues in society than give people a one-off payment that no one can afford for some moral theory.
Dec 12, 2017
The only reparations Black Americans asked for after the freeing of the slaves was free--integrate us into society and treat us as equals.

That's all we truly wanted and our country failed miserably at doing that.


Oct 27, 2017
Sure. How much do I owe?

Also, considering only 50% of my family heritage was in the US during the time of slavery, do I owe the full 100% or just 50%.
Also also.... considering some of that 50% heritage consisted of black slaves, do I end up needing to pay part of the reparations to myself or... How does this work exactly?

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
I am not sure the best way to invest money in order to best fix the economic distribution.

I imagine a great way to start is by fixing the education system so that schools in poorer areas aren't underfunded.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Not in terms of giving individuals money. Hell no, that would accomplish nothing and would just further divide this country.

In terms of heavily "investing" in improving the way of life, representation and treatment of black people in this country? Yes please.

I agree with this.

You could make every African American a millionaire and the defense budget wouldn't even crack.

Good luck getting this pushed through, however.

That would be 40 trillion. The defense budget is 640 billion.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Sure, especially after seeing the tax cuts. Our country owes decendant's of slaves somewhere around 5 or 6 trillion, and considering our government is giving away that much to the wealthiest individuals and corporations over a several year period, I have no problem at all with it. I also think it would help our economy as most of that money would be going towards people who likely would spend more, and start their own businesses. The tax cuts on the other hand are going towards entities that will hoard more on top of already obscene wealth.


Oct 26, 2017
Wouldn't this really not really do a whole lot for the lower class?
Tax unduly stresses the lower class which is why we have a progressive taxation system in the first place. While it's realized amount at the lowest income brackets might only be a few hundred a month that to a low income family can be the difference between eating 3 meals a day and not. Between needing predatory payday loans and not.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure. How much do I owe?

Also, considering only 50% of my family heritage was in the US during the time of slavery, do I owe the full 100% or just 50%.
Also also.... considering some of that 50% heritage consisted of black slaves, do I end up needing to pay part of the reparations to myself or... How does this work exactly?

The IRS worksheet would be amazing.

Gyro Zeppeli

Oct 27, 2017
We can't even get a modern healthcare system and a livable wage and you think reparations are going to happen? The country is fucked.
Jun 10, 2018
Absofuckinglutely, as well as believing more reparations needs to be paid to descendants of Native Americans.

As someone who is both, the $1000 voucher given to the first-born college bound Native-descendant in every family is incredibly insulting, among other things.

I'd even go a step further and say that ANY nation who has, or is currently, stripping Africa of its resources to the detriment of its people, and in turn, promoted prejudicial policies harming the land's native inhabitants, should be culpable in paying all of that back and then some.

But that's more a global responsibility, and one that has even less a chance of happening than America doing right by AA/NA.


User requested ban
Apr 16, 2018
Funding for college, businesses and home ownership for any black person who wants it sounds good.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's just such a vague notion to begin with. I'm for it on principle, but I worry about the economic ramifications depending on how it was done. I'm sure there are studies out there the issue is finding ones without significant bias - any windfall affecting that many people at once, unless it was relatively small, would havev a lot of potential outcomes in my mind, and more importantly I don't think would actually solve any of the bigger issues that face minorities in America (but obviously getting cash is always going to be AN avenue for advancement).

I don't even think something like free college is beneficial for a lot of people - with community college and grants and scholarships and whatnot it's already significantly easier to go to college for free as a poc (I'm not black, but I am native american, and believe me I took advantage of a lot of this myself), maybe not EVERY college, but in general money isn't what stops people from going. The biggest impacts would be directly in infusing that money into communities and education somehow, but at the same time, if you give everyone enough money to buy a house for instance, that's a big fucking step up, and I have a hard time arguing against that, other than the money just ending up back in some rich white real estate firm owner's pockets.

This is to say nothing of the social ramifications, of course, which I think would be a LOT of poor/middle class non-black people grumbling heavily about how they're stuck with no aid. Which of course is why it will sadly never happen to begin with, because it'd piss off too many voters that want theirs too.

It wouldn't be the only issue they ran on but it would be apart of it

As other groups have gotten reparations I don't see why it would be a problem for us
Because of what I wrote last above. People would see it as government money (that they're paying into) being paid directly to other citizens that aren't them, if it was just cash anyway in any form.