
Oct 27, 2017
Lima Perú
Bf1 was announced at the height of the near future setting saturation and felt like a breath of a fresh air plus the unique setting and the prospect of how they will deal with the limitation of the historical setting. There was a lot of hype for that game.

For BFV we also have CoD WWII and more or less we are familiar with the setting.


Oct 27, 2017
That trailer was a clusterfuck and a turn-off. It looked like a Battle Royale done with Frostbite 3.


Dec 26, 2017
Do preorders really mean much of anything in 2018? Honest question.

Yes. Publishers use pre-orders to gauge interest in a game before release. Pre-orders can affect how much post-launch support a game receives, as well as if/how soon work on a sequel begins. It can also affect marketing decisions. If a big AAA sequel has low pre-order numbers, that's a red flag to publishers.

Obviously this is due to them adding women

I think you're saying that sarcastically but statistically, women are a tiny portion of the audience for military shooters. Statistics also show that the vast majority of men prefer to play as men. If you're marketing a military shooter and putting a woman on the cover, there's a good chance that a large portion of your audience will be less than enthused. It's disappointing but true. I wouldn't be surprised if the next BF's marketing returns the focus back to men.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably because BF1 was disappointing. As someone who was initially excited for WW1/WW2 era shooters coming back, I can't wait till battlefield goes back to modern era. BF1 got old fast.
Oct 27, 2017
I would have preferred a Vietnam era game... you'd still be able to have jets and helis, there's been more modern era Battlefields than anything else.

Bad Company 1 and 2
Battlefield 2, 3, 4
Hardline (it uses a modern day setting so. Yeah.)


Jul 24, 2018
Yeah, this is exactly what I'm thinking. Years of very samey WW2 media has set audience expectations for the setting. Hopefully it pays off for them in the end though. Game looks great and will be a nice departure from the relative seriousness of Battlefield 1.

Call of Duty WW2 was the same old same old look at WW2 and it was completely bland and boring. The BFV trailers are already more exciting than that game ever was.


Oct 28, 2017
I already saw vids on yt today which basically said preorders down cause whamen.

I personally wasn't that hype for BF1 and am gonna wait for reviews and more gameplay of bfv to see how the new stuff in the game is adding to the bf formula.

And most importantly, I never preorder games ever.

Maybe people just got smarter and the game will end up selling a ton without huge preorder numbers, if it is good that is.

Also, EAs battlefront practices etc. might have something to do with buyers caution.
Oct 25, 2017
EA has barely marketed the game. I'm seeing it next to nowhere, hell it was barely a glimmer on their EA Play presentation which would have been the perfect time to show it off but, it barely had any stage presence unlike Battlefield 1 and Battlefront 2 EA on the two previous presentations which were front and centre and had full gameplay streams immediately after. This feels like EA has put it on the backburner, especially considering the push for Anthem this E3. Or the single player tease at the MS conference turned out to be like a 40 second teaser with no real gameplay footage. You didn't really see the game being played until BF youtubers like Jackfrags and Levelcap gaming started giving little tidbits and day or two later.

Also that 20 minute first primere event held back in May was really lackluster. They talked about the game for 20 mins, then a "in-game" trailer that made it look like high octane COD campaign. I haven't really watched much of the close beta, but tbh no one who's played it is really talking about it in the places I visit for games (of course a bias has none of them may have any interest). Hell, BF1 hype was in full storm around this time 2 years ago. Where the hell is it this year? Even the "backlash" people have been reeling against it.


Oct 29, 2017
People like PUBG type game now. Everyone needs a modern day shooter battle royale game. This could be the reason behind lack of interest.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers
I think not going with 1944 for the big return to the WW2 era will prove to be a massive mistake. 1943 was generally well liked and that came out nine (!) years ago.

Honestly, I dunno where Battlefield goes from here. I'd love some sort of 2143 game but the backlash was so strong to future CoD.


May 28, 2018
People like PUBG type game now. Everyone needs a modern day shooter battle royale game. This could be the reason behind lack of interest.

Battle Royal in its pure essence is just a multiplayer game mode. So you are correct, the mode should be part of the multiplayer suit of any shooter, no different to TDM or Domination.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
It was very stupid of them to go WW2 and right after COD did it.

I was reluctant about BF1 going back in time but not knowing much about WWI and learning about the Harlem Hellfighters tipped the scales for my purchase.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno if this is an indication of how the game will ultimately sell (preorder numbers), but it sure doesn't feel like WWII. More like a modern shooter that's bogged down by catering to the last man standing game modes. From what I played, the pace is slowed down unnecessarily and camping is rampant (you know something is wrong when tanks are living on hills).

Massive disappointment. I hope they can manage to turn things around before release. This is coming from somebody who has pumped thousands of hours into BF titles.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
I dunno if this is an indication of how the game will ultimately sell (preorder numbers), but it sure doesn't feel like WWII. More like a modern shooter that's bogged down by catering to the last man standing game modes.
To me it feels like they started out making a more serious WW2 game like BF1942 or BF1943, but then halfway through development Fortnite took off.

And then EA called a meeting and said, "hey, we love what you guys are doing. But what the market really wants right now is Fortnite. So what we want you to do is make your game more like Fortnite. It's what the kids love. Can you do that? That'd be great. We think that'd be a great success for everybody involved. "


Oct 25, 2017
To me it feels like they started out making a more serious WW2 game like BF1942 or BF1943, but then halfway through development Fortnite took off.

And then EA called a meeting and said, "hey, we love what you guys are doing. But what the market really wants right now is Fortnite. So what we want you to do is make your game more like Fortnite. It's what the kids love. Can you do that? That'd be great. We think that'd be a great success for everybody involved. "
That is definitely what it seems like. The (lack of) flow has totally disrupted the feel established by previous titles in the franchise.


Oct 25, 2017
I think you're saying that sarcastically but statistically, women are a tiny portion of the audience for military shooters. Statistics also show that the vast majority of men prefer to play as men. If you're marketing a military shooter and putting a woman on the cover, there's a good chance that a large portion of your audience will be less than enthused. It's disappointing but true. I wouldn't be surprised if the next BF's marketing returns the focus back to men.

I'm sorry but I don't see how anyone can watch any of the BFV marketing content and come away from it thinking they are focusing on women or think they are focusing on women OVER men. The trailers still show mostly men. Anyone that could come away thinking that because people will have an option to play as themselves, DICE is somehow taking away a focus on men, and because of that, decide not to buy the game. Well, those people are insane in my mind.

I hope you are wrong because I'm not sure what that says about some men if even the most basic level of customization and inclusion is a reason to avoid a game. It's rather pathetic.


Dec 26, 2017
I'm sorry but I don't see how anyone can watch any of the BFV marketing content and come away from it thinking they are focusing on women or think they are focusing on women OVER men.

Have you not seen the cover art..?


Any store selling the game shows that.

I hope you are wrong because I'm not sure what that says about some men if even the most basic level of customization and inclusion is a reason to avoid a game. It's rather pathetic.

I feel like people here overestimate the average consumer. Marketing teams don't make random decisions. Everything they do is based on data. People like to complain about generic white, heterosexual male protagonists but that's what the majority of consumers want.


Nov 15, 2017
Why don't they just delay it til next year so that they can "polish the game more" and spend more time figuring out how to market this similar to how bad company 2 was marketed. Where are the teaser videos at of gameplay similar to what RDR2 did just a week ago with their first gameplay trailer?

With RDR2 coming out a week after (which also happens to be a game you don't see every 2 years), I can honestly afford to wait to play this next year.


Oct 27, 2017
Not buying until I read reviews.

Only way I'll ever pre-order another Battlefield game is if it's Bad Company.

Also, the fact it's going to have a battle royale mode at all is a massive turn off for me.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Not buying until I read reviews.

Only way I'll ever pre-order another Battlefield game is if it's Bad Company.

Also, the fact it's going to have a battle royale mode at all is a massive turn off for me.

The bread and butter of BF will always be conquest, and that's in. If they have tons of content and multiple game modes and free dlc, whys it matter if battle royale is in? Just don't play it, no?


Oct 27, 2017
The game was in development before cod revealed ww2

So dont play that mode? What a strange thing to say.

The bread and butter of BF will always be conquest, and that's in. If they have tons of content and multiple game modes and free dlc, whys it matter if battle royale is in? Just don't play it, no?

I'm worried that if it's good, it's what the majority of players will end up gravitating towards.
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly I enjoy battling with contemporary weapons. I skipped Battlefield 1 and will skip V. I'm sure they're great games but I'm burnt out on that period.
Nov 11, 2017
This doesn't surprise me. I have wanted another WW2 Battlefield for ages and I still don't care to play whatever this game is.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm worried that if it's good, it's what the majority of players will end up gravitating towards.

I can see that complaint. Personally no matter how good battle royale, I don't think I'd leave conquest for it. Conquest with a good squad and a good team is such a great fucking experience. Plus 1 v 100 on a rapidly shrinking map does have the same variety in gameplay imo.


Oct 30, 2017
The last trailer was better, but I'm still not convinced. I was not among those who asked for the WWII era. WWII may be cool for SP but for MP I prefer the modern era with perhaps some elements of the future (like R6S gadgets). I'm also doensn't like changes they brought with BF1. Plus I'm already pre-ordered Spider-Man and RDR 2 and I think they will keep me busy for at least until November-December.


Oct 27, 2017
This post is just weird.

"a map looked similar" = no buy? If I had a say, it'd include all of the good older maps.

Not sure what's weird about pointing out the obvious. Showing a map that's eerily similar to a map in the previous game seems too safe from a marketing standpoint when the whole object is to show "what's new in this Battlefield". Especially considering that's all that was shown during the Alpha.

Now the recent trailer is something I can get behind.


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure what's weird about pointing out the obvious. Showing a map that's eerily similar to a map in the previous game seems too safe from a marketing standpoint when the whole object is to show "what's new in this Battlefield". Especially considering that's all that was shown during the Alpha.

Now the recent trailer is something I can get behind.

So you're buying it now?


Nov 6, 2017
Ok I want to make this clear that I personally think the outrage of the women and prosthetics is hilariously stupid. I've argued with multiple people about the "realism" argument... It's fucking battlefield, the game is NUTS not realistic.

All that being said why are people spinning so hard that this has nothing to do with the women in the reveal trailer? The like to dislike ratio was horrendous, and the comments were incredibly sexist and misogynistic. It's weird to me that we can acknowledge sexism exists especially in the gaming community, but we can't acknowledge that, that same sexism can affect sales.

Again want to make it clear the outrage is fucking insane to me. I thought the reveal trailer was actually hype af. I only found out later that most people were pretty bent out of shape about it.


Nov 6, 2017
Ok I want to make this clear that I personally think the outrage of the women and prosthetics is hilariously stupid. I've argued with multiple people about the "realism" argument... It's fucking battlefield, the game is NUTS not realistic.

All that being said why are people spinning so hard that this has nothing to do with the women in the reveal trailer? The like to dislike ratio was horrendous, and the comments were incredibly sexist and misogynistic. It's weird to me that we can acknowledge sexism exists especially in the gaming community, but we can't acknowledge that, that same sexism can affect sales.

Again want to make it clear the outrage is fucking insane to me. I thought the reveal trailer was actually hype af. I only found out later that most people were pretty bent out of shape about it.
BF1's reveal trailer opened with a woman riding a horse, and it's the best selling BF game by a wide margin. I think the people bent out of shape about women in BFV are a loud minority.


Oct 27, 2017
It looks good and I vastly prefer a WW2 setting to modern for this kind of gameplay but I don't have time for another multiplayer game.


Nov 6, 2017
BF1's reveal trailer opened with a woman riding a horse, and it's the best selling BF game by a wide margin. I think the people bent out of shape about women in BFV are a loud minority.

A quick split second shot of a women, who you can't even know for sure is a women, vs. a women with a prosthetic who is pretty much the center of attention and is sold as a badass. Guys with fragile egos didn't respond well to it.


Oct 25, 2017
Not surprised. You gotta come with something's new to make a dent with Fortnite domination. If I'm EA I'm getting ready to show the battle royal mode asap
Oct 27, 2017
I gotta admit, I'm so used to the frantic pace, explosions everywhere, constant hail of bullets gameplay in Battlefield 1. Some of the changes I've read about for this game make it sound like there is lots of micromanaging between health and ammo changes. God knows I hate using the BAR in CoD WWII without the expeditionary class (means running out of ammo without it)
I'm not really keen on a slower paced game.
Nov 11, 2017
I gotta admit, I'm so used to the frantic pace, explosions everywhere, constant hail of bullets gameplay in Battlefield 1. Some of the changes I've read about for this game make it sound like there is lots of micromanaging between health and ammo changes. God knows I hate using the BAR in CoD WWII without the expeditionary class (means running out of ammo without it)
I'm not really keen on a slower paced game.
Wait... this is slower paced? It looks the same if not even faster paced due to being able to jump out windows and all that.


May 28, 2018
BF1's reveal trailer opened with a woman riding a horse, and it's the best selling BF game by a wide margin. I think the people bent out of shape about women in BFV are a loud minority.
I remember a time whenever anyone showed even the slightest critique of the original trailer the conversation would immediately get shut down with hordes of people accusing the person of not liking the women. There was no room for a constructive critique. That's where most of the noise came from most likely. The developers used it as a shield, and many joined in, generalising it to; if you don't like BF5, you don't like women.

At least that's how it seemed to play out to the passive observer.


May 23, 2018
I only just bought Battlefield 1 and I think I'm gonna burn out before V releases.

I hesitated for a while with BF1 due to the WWI setting even though I've been on Battlefield at launch since the original Bad Company. Battlefield 1 is still a great Battlefield game, but I want the series to return to a modern setting.

Same thing as me. I also bought BF4 shortly after I bought BF1 and it reminded me of how much I love modern Battlefield gamesgame moderm settings in general.


Nov 6, 2017
I remember a time whenever anyone showed even the slightest critique of the original trailer the conversation would immediately get shut down with hordes of people accusing the person of not liking the women. There was no room for a constructive critique. That's where most of the noise came from most likely. The developers used it as a shield, and many joined in, generalising it to; if you don't like BF5, you don't like women.

At least that's how it seemed to play out to the passive observer.

I didn't see that at all. I saw a lot of people trying to spin their anger about women into issues with "historical accuracy" or "realism" when the series has always been a pretty over the top out of control game.


Oct 28, 2017
Have you not seen the cover art..?


Any store selling the game shows that.

I feel like people here overestimate the average consumer. Marketing teams don't make random decisions. Everything they do is based on data. People like to complain about generic white, heterosexual male protagonists but that's what the majority of consumers want.

Interesting. Honestly, I COULD see that cover turning away some of the casual player base.