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Jun 9, 2018
Would he really be dumb enough to turn this into subscription only with verified identities? (CNBC commentators)


Oct 25, 2017
Welp that's depressing.

Tbh I only use Twitter to follow artists I like, so this might push me towards deleting my account.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if Musk will make the Twitter employees shit on the floor like the Tesla employees?


Jun 24, 2020
Trump will be back on Twitter.


Greedy fuck has enough money to buy Twitter, but doesn't want to pay his taxes.


Oct 25, 2017

Not a good idea to link to Hoeg Law.
This video is indefensible.

-Doesn't even acknowledge the trans community or any of the comments/action of Rowling
-Doesn't acknowledge that buying the game further funds her attacks on the trans community
-Writes off her words and actions as "a difference of opinion"
-Mocks era for suggesting that we ban discussions of the game
-Writes off gamergate harassment as a handful of bad apples that gamergate can't be held responsible for
-Pretends like conservatives are being attacked simply for being conservative and not for their bigoted views
-People with "differing opinions" just need to have a conversation! So i guess trans people just need to talk it out with JK rowling and women just need to talk it out with gamer gaters i guess?
-Shouts out neogaf
-High fives Colin Moriarty in his twitter replies to the video

My goodness.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Would he really be dumb enough to turn this into subscription only with verified identities? (CNBC commentators)

The talking heads on CNBC are some of the biggest idiots on earth, so anything they say is just no bearing on reality. ... bbbbbut...

There have been some ideas on how Twitter can monetize better, for a social media company with that many members and that much influence, the value of the company has always been really low and they've never been able to really cash in effectively... ANd one of those ideas is charging a fee for reach of major, influential accounts.

There's some big questions about how it would work, but if you look at the reach of businesses on Twitter ... like major media companies, sports companies, businesses, and so on, it's kind of crazy that the site is completely free for them.

I support any kind of monetization strategy that gets off of the "everything will be paid for with the data of our users," even if it fails I want to see some companies try... so I was happy when Twitter revealed Twitter BLue, even though I'd never pay for it and don't see the value in it, I thought it's the right thing to explore.


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
Really?! REALLY?!!! Facebook is never the answer! As much as Musk has the potential to do a lot of horrendous shit in the near future, Fuckerberg HAS done a lot of damage to society through Facebook.
Honestly, there is no answer. Twitter is relatively unique in the social media space.

Well at least it was. Now it's just going to be Gab with a bigger audience (for now).


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
why do we keep linking Hoeg's Law, they are literally a Gamergate apologist


Oct 27, 2017
I'd like to think this breaks the habit of twitter embeds masquerading as forum discourse, but it probably means Twitter gets even more insidious and powerful in the media sphere.

Don't downplay the influence this is going to have on the next election since America seems hell bent on letting the corrupting influence of money and power go to its logical extreme.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
The only positive of Musk ingratiating himself with the far right is that I don't see the EV train stopping at this point. Teslas will become the new BMW for rich, white conservatives. The stigma against EVs among working class people will go away too.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
Not that I was on Twitter much to begin with, but




Oct 29, 2017
Why do people on this site hate Musk so much? Is there something I am missing? He seems like the closest thing we have to a Tony Stark in our lifetime and after watching the documentary about SpaceX, I have even more respect for him. I know he can say some pretty ridiculous things sometimes but I don't get people calling him a fascist.
if iron man then he's being written by mark millar


Oct 26, 2017
Would he really be dumb enough to turn this into subscription only with verified identities? (CNBC commentators)
CNBC commentators are some of the dumbest people in the world, especially when it comes to tech.

Hard to know what's the odds of that happening exactly, because you really just trying to guess how stupid Musk is. The thing about owning a company is that you can just do it, it would be amazingly stupid, but Musk is not the smartest person in the world. He just think that he is, and that's a bad combo.

Though I would say that even though I already think Musk is pretty damn stupid, he needs to be significantly stupider than even my hater ass think he is for him to do something like that.


alt account
Jul 27, 2021
When has Twitter ever actually moderated hate speech though?

Seriously lol.

You want to see how utterly non existent Twitter moderation is, go follow anyone in India (especially if they are a woman or Muslim) who has criticised Modi on Twitter. The amount of vile abuse that is allowed to float unchecked is utterly insane.

There are TV channels whose twitter feed is straight up encouraging genocide in India. With blue checkmarks.


Jun 11, 2018
I know people hate Elon but I feel like the current owners of Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Tik Tok, and so on and so on aren't exactly the best people either. its kind of a devil or deep blue sea with any of these networks. Not saying I approve of it but people saying they are gonna cancel their twitter accounts if he buys it and then still using tiktok or reddit probably need to re evaluate.
We probably need to look at why its only possible for a shitty person or un elected group of people to own these hugely influential networks and how to change it. I obviously don't have any good practical answers but when these private networks have such huge power to influence elections, create public outcry and generally manipulate public opinion and discourse maybe there should be some sort of public democratically elected board, or at the very least far more public insight into how they are run. I see this as being a bigger and bigger issue as time moves forwards and they become more and more powerful and even more integrated into our daily lives


Oct 25, 2017
I know people hate Elon but I feel like the current owners of Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Tik Tok, and so on and so on aren't exactly the best people either. its kind of a devil or deep blue sea with any of these networks. Not saying I approve of it but people saying they are gonna cancel their twitter accounts if he buys it and then still using tiktok or reddit probably need to re evaluate.
Not meaing to be rude, but are y'all not reading the thread to see the reasons people are saying this?

Musk is literally an anti-woke troll who thinks "free speech" (ie: freedom from consequence) is some holy crusade, that people should be able to say whatever they want and the people themselves should moderate it.

Which is many times worse than what we had for obvious reasons.

Hate speech and misinformation is likely going to be run free, you must be able to understand how this is alarming.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
I know people hate Elon but I feel like the current owners of Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Tik Tok, and so on and so on aren't exactly the best people either. its kind of a devil or deep blue sea with any of these networks. Not saying I approve of it but people saying they are gonna cancel their twitter accounts if he buys it and then still using tiktok or reddit probably need to re evaluate.
We probably need to look at why its only possible for a shitty person or un elected group of people to own these hugely influential networks and how to change it. I obviously don't have any good practical answers but when these private networks have such huge power to influence elections, create public outcry and generally manipulate public opinion and discourse maybe there should be some sort of public democratically elected board, or at the very least far more public insight into how they are run. I see this as being a bigger and bigger issue as time moves forwards and they become more and more powerful and even more integrated into our daily lives

just Google search his bullshit claims and you'll get a small hint as to why we are really concerned


Oct 25, 2017
Why do people on this site hate Musk so much? Is there something I am missing? He seems like the closest thing we have to a Tony Stark in our lifetime and after watching the documentary about SpaceX, I have even more respect for him. I know he can say some pretty ridiculous things sometimes but I don't get people calling him a fascist.
I've lost track of what's copy pasta and what isn't.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Regarding free speech, let's see how long until he blocks and bans negative talks about amber turd. I give it two weeks.

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
And I'm out. It was nice to be able to follow a few weird accounts and politicians, but I refuse to give this piece of shit on thin dime in advertising payments.


Oct 27, 2017
I know people hate Elon but I feel like the current owners of Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Tik Tok, and so on and so on aren't exactly the best people either. its kind of a devil or deep blue sea with any of these networks. Not saying I approve of it but people saying they are gonna cancel their twitter accounts if he buys it and then still using tiktok or reddit probably need to re evaluate.
When that "devil" is personally spouting off repeated transphobic bullshit yeah I'm gonna be more inclined to tell the platform to fuck off. Twitter is enough of hotbed of virulent bigotry without it coming directly from the very top of the chain and I don't gotta contribute my engagement anymore.
Nov 13, 2017
Why do people on this site hate Musk so much? Is there something I am missing? He seems like the closest thing we have to a Tony Stark in our lifetime and after watching the documentary about SpaceX, I have even more respect for him. I know he can say some pretty ridiculous things sometimes but I don't get people calling him a fascist.

We didn't see Uncle Ben in the new Spider-Man movies because Stark called him a pedo guy and it just destroyed his reputation.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Not meaing to be rude, but are y'all not reading the thread to see the reasons people are saying this?

Musk is literally an anti-woke troll who thinks "free speech" (ie: freedom from consequence) is some holy crusade, that people should be able to say whatever they want and the people themselves should moderate it.

Which is many times worse than what we had for obvious reasons.

Hate speech and misinformation is likely going to be run free, you must be able to understand how this is alarming.

Yup. It's not 'Musk' we hate, its he has not been shy about his planned policies. At least Zuck gives lip-service to controlling the worst elements on his platform while doing nothing, Musk doesn't even care to that level and is on the good old 'marketplace of free ideas' which has brought us such great top ten hits like an insurrection, vaccine misinformation, a sharp spike in hate crimes, NFT scams…


Oct 27, 2017
for now this maybe a joke but I don't think it's too far out from the realm of possibility
I see it possible that they will start charging brands that until now have basically been using the platform for free.
It will be interesting to see how they react. I doubt very much that they start charging random users, it would be necessary to be incredibly stupid.

Well, now that I think about it, Elon Musk is incredibly stupid but I don't know if he's that stupid.


Jun 11, 2018
Not meaing to be rude, but are y'all not reading the thread to see the reasons people are saying this?

Musk is literally an anti-woke troll who thinks "free speech" (ie: freedom from consequence) is some holy crusade, that people should be able to say whatever they want and the people themselves should moderate it.

Which is many times worse than what we had for obvious reasons.

Hate speech and misinformation is likely going to be run free, you must be able to understand how this is alarming.
I understand and already felt like I was entering the wall of text length post so didn't elaborate as fully as maybe I should . I think everyone's concerns are absolutely 100 percent valid. My point was that I don't exactly think the current leadership was acting in the publics best interest, and certainly other companies that are not in the current media spotlight have some pretty heinous track records. Maybe I was not super good at articulating but my overall point, that I feel like there should be some sort of way of stopping any of these social networks having that have such insane influence having these private owners and boards in the first place. I think there has to be some way in the future that we recognize their power goes beyond that or normal private companies and maybe there has to be some sort of democratic and public influence on how they are run. I don't know if that is possible or could ever be achieved but I was trying to highlight that it shouldn't be possible for an insane Billionaire like Elon or for that matter shady group of people to own such influential companies, especially as they only become bigger and bigger


Oct 26, 2017
Yup. It's not 'Musk' we hate, its he has not been shy about his planned policies. At least Zuck gives lip-service to controlling the worst elements on his platform while doing nothing, Musk doesn't even care to that level and is on the good old 'marketplace of free ideas' which has brought us such great top ten hits like an insurrection, vaccine misinformation, a sharp spike in hate crimes, NFT scams…
Hold up, I also hate Musk.

I am also not sure Musk is worse than Zuckerberg, like fuck Musk forever but he's a genocide short from being on the level of harm facebook brought to this world.
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