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Oct 25, 2017


Official ERA expert on Third Party Football
Nov 2, 2017

Q&A: Actor John Cena makes time for wrestling, Hollywood

John Cena has been revealed as this year's WWE 2K23 video game cover star. The wrestling game is out Tuesday. Cena can be spotted pretty much everywhere these days.

AP: Is it tough to reconcile the feelings you have toward Vince McMahon with the sexual misconduct accusations made against him?

CENA: No. I mean, everyone has the right to have their perspective. I have the right to have mine. When you love somebody, you take them as imperfectly perfect as they are. We all make mistakes, we all have poor decisions. Lord knows I've made my collection of poor choices. That doesn't mean I'm not going to love somebody. There's no way I can go on record and say I don't love Vince McMahon.


Oct 25, 2017
The question they gave him was even easy to answer in a way that wouldn't have looked so bad even if he didn't want to dump on Vince.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA

Q&A: Actor John Cena makes time for wrestling, Hollywood

John Cena has been revealed as this year's WWE 2K23 video game cover star. The wrestling game is out Tuesday. Cena can be spotted pretty much everywhere these days.

AP: Is it tough to reconcile the feelings you have toward Vince McMahon with the sexual misconduct accusations made against him?

CENA: No. I mean, everyone has the right to have their perspective. I have the right to have mine. When you love somebody, you take them as imperfectly perfect as they are. We all make mistakes, we all have poor decisions. Lord knows I've made my collection of poor choices. That doesn't mean I'm not going to love somebody. There's no way I can go on record and say I don't love Vince McMahon.
He really should look to how someone like Kevin Smith responded to questions about Weinstein. There's zero excuse for not being prepared for this question. Zero.


Mar 9, 2018
The pathetic thing is that Cena's opinion doesn't even seem to be that out of place in the wrestling community as a whole. I've lost count how many times I've seen someone say something like "I know Vince might not be a good guy, but WWE gave me such great memories from my childhood...I can't hate him too much." It's like giving Harvey Weinstein a pass because he produced some of your favorite movies.

(I'm obviously not talking about Era's wrestling community here, people here justifiably think Vince is a total piece of shit)


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Cena is pretty good at spinning bullshit. Honestly how surprised how blunt he was.

But from everything i seen, damn near everyone is saying the same thing. I guess its hard to dump someone who gave you fame and fortune.


Oct 25, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
It was obvious from those pictures of him dining with Vince a couple of months ago.

Taker, Cena, and others, are very loyal friends of Vince.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
But from everything i seen, damn near everyone is saying the same thing. I guess its hard to dump someone who gave you fame and fortune.

This combined with being the biggest show in town and there are only two shows left. Anybody who still wants to work isn't going to publicly badmouth Vince. Alternatively you don't have to speak as favorable as him either.
Oct 27, 2017
Cena's absolute loyalty to Vince isn't surprising.
It's disappointing to me but it's perfectly in line with everything we've ever heard about Cena.

Don't support wwe.


Oct 27, 2017
Is there a gun being pointed at Cena's head? He has a good chance at an acting career instead of being in the carny fest that is the WWE. Why would he continue to stump for that shithead.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a gun being pointed at Cena's head? He has a good chance at an acting career instead of being in the carny fest that is the WWE. Why would he continue to stump for that shithead.

So many wrestlers describe their boss (Vince McMahon) "like a father figure." How many can discard their actual parent for misdeeds like this? I'm sure that weird relationship totally plays a role because by talking shit about him, you're also burning bridges with the largest wrestling company in the world as Vince is slowly but surely crawling his way back in. Heaven forbid someone also has friends and family that work there too, because it's also a company that will take shit out on others like that. It's petty and weird.


Oct 28, 2017

Q&A: Actor John Cena makes time for wrestling, Hollywood

John Cena has been revealed as this year's WWE 2K23 video game cover star. The wrestling game is out Tuesday. Cena can be spotted pretty much everywhere these days.

AP: Is it tough to reconcile the feelings you have toward Vince McMahon with the sexual misconduct accusations made against him?

CENA: No. I mean, everyone has the right to have their perspective. I have the right to have mine. When you love somebody, you take them as imperfectly perfect as they are. We all make mistakes, we all have poor decisions. Lord knows I've made my collection of poor choices. That doesn't mean I'm not going to love somebody. There's no way I can go on record and say I don't love Vince McMahon.

Ah yes rape just a poor decision. Once a carnie always a carnie.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Another thing for WWE fanboys to ignore just so they can watch a bad product headed by a rapist, racist, Trumper.
Oct 27, 2017
Quitting watching and following WWE 5 years ago was the best decision I've made when it comes to how I spend my free time. I just wish I'd quit sooner.

It's never too late to quit WWE. Give up today. You'll get hours of free time back and you can ignore the video game.


Oct 25, 2017
Another thing for WWE fanboys to ignore just so they can watch a bad product headed by a rapist, racist, Trumper.

I know some (not on here, mind) giving the old "I don't give a fuck that Vince is a shit person, I don't want him to be my friend, I just like the product/I care about the wrestlers" defense

Fuck Vince and that family.


Oct 27, 2017
So many wrestlers describe their boss (Vince McMahon) "like a father figure." How many can discard their actual parent for misdeeds like this? I'm sure that weird relationship totally plays a role because by talking shit about him, you're also burning bridges with the largest wrestling company in the world as Vince is slowly but surely crawling his way back in. Heaven forbid someone also has friends and family that work there too, because it's also a company that will take shit out on others like that. It's petty and weird.
Yup. Kevin Nash if fairly left leaning and he still won't speak about Vince in a negative manner.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait for even more gross excuses to justify supporting this company from the Vincels, especially considering it being WrestleMania time.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Other than the rapes, sexual assaults, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Vince is SUCH a nice guy. Who could blame Cena for still loving this dude.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Vince and Linda are probably extra salty today since their buddy Trump is about to be put behind bars.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I know some (not on here, mind) giving the old "I don't give a fuck that Vince is a shit person, I don't want him to be my friend, I just like the product/I care about the wrestlers" defense

Fuck Vince and that family.

Honestly people not on their burner accounts just never say the quiet part out loud. There was WWE PPV hype thread shortly after these news stories was breaking. It took Kanye going full mask off and his agent actively trying to interfere in the 2020 election for people to finally stop making threads promoting his music. And people were still writing essays about how a certain book was important to their childhood when that game was coming out.

Era has stricter moderation than most communities, but I'm still never surprised when people pull that stuff.


Oct 29, 2017
Well you see. There is a very long and complicated reason why I still support the WWE. Let me tell you about it. Once upon a time I was a boy who dreamed.

Honestly if there has been one thing that is easy to drop. Its wrestling.

You can actually still watch high quality rasslin without giving him a dime


Oct 27, 2017

With rumours that Vince is already back doing creative I wonder if things are heading toward the Saudi-owned Vince-led future that cropped up at the beginning of the year

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
This story from a year ago just reminded me WSJ really has the hush money sex story market cornered, they broke Trump/Stormy and Vince.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
dude has less than a year long "vacation" and comes back with a $4.7M stock reward basically.