Should there be a new OT?

  • Yes

    Votes: 496 54.3%
  • No

    Votes: 417 45.7%

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Jan 12, 2024
What could they say about exclusivity though? No one would believe him regardless. Same goes for Studio shutdowns really. He will juts use a bunch of word salad like Sarah Bond did that ultimately means noting and move onto the next subject.

Just "as mentioned before we dont think exclusivity is good for our industry but we will keep doing what's best for Xbox. Today our friends at Id announced Doom as multiplatform, but as you all know Avowed and Indiana Jones are coming this year and they are launching as exclusive. We will still be seeing both scenarios in the future."

lol i think im good at corpo talk.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Even if he lied multiple times, hearing they still care for exclusivity is important imo. Instead of talking around the topic.
But they don't. It's clearly not their plan going forward. Xbox Series has cratered and is on life support. They're moving on and we're in the softly softly transition period. Propriety hardware platforms with exclusives isn't in Xbox's future.

So with all that it mind, I don't see why it's important for them to say it.


Sep 7, 2020
I'll listen to the interview, but I really don't give a shit what Phil or any other corporate head has to say.


Jan 12, 2024
I expect him to almost word for word repeat what Jez said, about how there is no change in our exclusive strategy, this is just like Minecraft and COD, and it makes perfect sense for DOOM to be multiplatform.

He'd be right tho wouldnt he? Minecraft Legends being multiplatform is kinda the same situation. So they need to reassure consumers about other exclusive planned titles.

Man everyone needs to go and Microsoft and Xbox needs full executive replacements but anyways.


Dec 18, 2018
I think they should just stfu and focus on the games until they are ready to talk about their next gen plans. Then detail out the hardware and why people's libraries are safe and blah blah.


Prophet of Truth
Apr 22, 2020
Yes, and this is the promise they made to Xbox players since 2018, and it absolutely meant exclusive games. They have hardly delivered on that with the kind of games that people expected. I think my main takeaway is that starting acquisitions in 2018 was too late for a comeback. It needed to happen in 2014-15 or even in the late 360 era. Saying the multiplat stuff is a "strategy shift" is really understating reality. And let's recap their first party to say they've tried everything. Halo Infinite? Launches a year late and not with the new console, with a still non-existing multiplayer pipeline. Starfield? Launches a year late, is hyped up to the extreme, but is just a good game, not another BGS classic. Forza Horizon is great and so is Game Pass. Most other projects were fun but they're simply not what would make people buy an Xbox. Their hardware strategy with cloud was terrible, they even raised prices of their hardware and they delivered an absolute stinker with Redfall. Most other big projects are yet to be seen in 2024, while Hellblade II is a graphical stunner, but ultimately the same limited scope as the first game. If this all they tried to convince new users to come to Xbox, then they didn't do good enough. They have good hardware and services, but the games pipeline still just isn't there, and now it's too late, apparently.

This is the most frustrating aspect of this strategy shift.

Yeah, Xbox Series hasn't turned out how they wanted I imagine - but that isn't because their exclusivity strategy didn't work. We have seen very little in the way of compelling software to communicate that vision.

The standout examples were Halo Infinite, Forza Horizon 5, Redfall and Starfield. Halo Infinite was delayed after becoming a meme on the internet, only to launch with underwhelming content support. Redfall was an abject failure, with Starfield meeting very mixed reception among players and content creators. The only significant release was Forza Horizon 5, which was a cross-gen release. Two of the years were barren in terms of major releases, with Fall 2021 as the peak of the generation it seems.

In hindsight, I completely agree: the platform needed investment around the time of the Minecraft acquisition. Now, as the exclusive games we have had strung out in front us to keep us hooked in are launching, the end of the traditional console ecosystem is seemingly impending as well.

Just sucks


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Just "as mentioned before we dont think exclusivity is good for our industry but we will keep doing what's best for Xbox. Today our friends at Id announced Doom as multiplatform, but as you all know Avowed and Indiana Jones are coming this year and they are launching as exclusive. We will still be seeing both scenarios in the future."

lol i think im good at corpo talk.
That would just get them under unnecessary fire when the Indy port is announced for example


Nov 13, 2019
Finally started Hellblade II

Jeez those graphics!! Like playing a movie. The textures and character models are insane


Self-Requested Ban
Sep 5, 2021

I get why people get upset with the game but they really nailed the environment and atmospheric parts. New atlantis and akilla city are the best designed video games cities in recent times. Their studio strength lies in those atmospheric environmental story telling. Cant wait to come back to play the game when complete edition launched.

also I felt people shouldnt pitchfork montresor on the other thread, he means no harm


Oct 26, 2017
Now with more and more games coming to other platforms, will Microsoft start making deals with Valve or Epic games to bring their stores to Xbox
Since their Console isn't special anymore ?


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
I'm currently enjoying Return of the Obra Dinn after finishing HB2. Chants of Sennaar got me in the mood for more deduction games.

This one is a doozy though. Incredible design. Only have about 15 solved out of 60 so far


Nov 27, 2021
Been playing Fallout 4 the last few days for the first time. Feels good to play a Fallout game with good gunplay! I'll probably won't play Starfield until the DLC comes out, but thank god they have removed FO4's oversimplified dialogue system, I cant stand it


Jan 12, 2024
Glad we are talking games

Starfield is insane ive been hoping on and off since launch and it just gets better and better, there are sooo many stuff its impossible to not miss and the loop is so fun. Currently im just wandering around finding cool spots and hijack some ships. Doing that i also did so many cool side quests man some of them are really deep. I just wish similar to obsidian games we could have killed literally everybody. Some jackass people need to die in Starfield but cant be killed. Also a tip from NoSodiumStarfield sub, from time to time just close the game music, the enviroment noises are orgasm to my ears, Cydonia was insane ship engines are so cool.

I also play Pillars of Eternity, really really good CRPG but it needs a KBM support. Well maybe next Xbox will be a PC and we wont have these issues. Im really not fun of the combat i like good turn based similar to Larian games. I know the sequel has that so im pumped but the lore and worldbuilding is cool and the two games are connected so im playing the first game as well.

Lastly, Forza Horizon's new map and radio is fire.
Oct 27, 2017
Yup, once this multiplatform strategy starts bringing porting out the big hitters, all it's realistically going to be good for is keeping Xbox users in the ecosystem. If the service was already not enticing enough to get people to go to Xbox (at least not in the numbers they wanted) back when everything was still perceived as exclusive, it's certainly not going to do any better once people realize they can stick with/buy a Playstation and eventually get whatever they're missing out on.

And that's just for the exclusives that ended up coming months/a year later. If we really are going day and date in the future, then yea, even worse.

It is what it is, I'm covered for the next 3+ years, I'll enjoy the savings I get it from it for sure. But yea, certainly would've went in a direction if I knew things would turn out like this

I can't wait to finally join the debate between which is better, DOOM or Eternal lol
Yup, was shocking to see a lot of people say they preferred the first when Eternal seemed to have high praise.


Apr 16, 2021
Yup, was shocking to see a lot of people say they preferred the first when Eternal seemed to have high praise.
I remember thinking I liked 2016 better after I finished both. I can't remember why now though, lol. I also bought the dlc for eternal like a year ago on sale and have yet to play it, guess I should get that done soon. Shame that it isn't play anywhere though as I'm trying to switch to PC since the writing is on the wall for console at this point, and I bought the dlc on console. 🫤
Oct 27, 2017


Avowed right? 😍


Nov 4, 2017
I'm currently enjoying Return of the Obra Dinn after finishing HB2. Chants of Sennaar got me in the mood for more deduction games.

This one is a doozy though. Incredible design. Only have about 15 solved out of 60 so far

Really want to do Obra Dinn soon. Got Chants loaded up. Won't be able to play anything until our move is done. Probably another week… and I'm only halfway through HB2 (really enjoying it).


Apr 9, 2019
I can see fable getting a year or at most something like fall 2025 but I agree we won't see a solid date till next year's dev direct.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I'm currently enjoying Return of the Obra Dinn after finishing HB2. Chants of Sennaar got me in the mood for more deduction games.

This one is a doozy though. Incredible design. Only have about 15 solved out of 60 so far
It's a shame his other game Papers, Please isn't on consoles


Mar 23, 2020
Honestly I can't really say I agree with this. Doom Eternal's story is hilarious and honestly at times felt like a parody of modern AAA games. And even with the story being so over the top, I felt it was just like a slightly more gory Saturday morning cartoon.

I think it's... how much exposition there is, and how it is handled.

In 2016, Doomguy clearly doesn't give a fuck with anything Samuel Hayden has to say, so he basically stops lecturing and just points Doomguy at the problem to take care of him. Olivia Pearce herself has maybe two minutes of screentime tops. We get exposition in the form of holographic flashbacks between characters who care about it. There is LORE, but it's in codex entries you are free to skip.

I agree that Eternal's lore is powermetal edgelord badass stuff that swings all the way to hilarious, but like, we get a lot more of it. Sam Hayden goes off at length about the judge of Helll that you kill with a punch puzzle and discusses how Argent Energy is made (It's people. PEOPLE!), we get a lot more big fancy names and like, are given highly specific backstory about the Icon of Sin and how by interrupting that ritual he is uncontrollable (instead of just being a controllable rampaging skyscraper-sized goat man). And Doomguy seems into it--like in character, I get why he may be more interested in the ramblings of the Hell Priests or Knights of Argenta than Hayden, but like... Doom 2016 had a grimdark powermetal edgelord Lore setting up a plot that Doomguy himself gives zero fucks about, he's just there to rip and tear. Eternal seems to take itself more seriously, even if it is the same grimdark powermetal edgelord lore.

Like, I love Doom Eternal, it's a fantastic game, but like, if the joke of Doom 2016 is that Doomguy doesn't give a fuck and just wants to kill demons, they walked that back for eternal. I don't even think it was bad in terms of powermetal edgelord demonslaying, but it is a bit much. Also, the thing about the Father and the Demon Lord is eeeeehhh.

Lady Gaia

Oct 27, 2017
i just want PD to open so that people can stop parroting game dev troubles which were quite old and to see how it is shaping up

If they open with new PD CGI or a quick cut trailer where it's hard to say for certain what's gameplay and what's just a scripted animation it won't do much. People who were skeptical will remain skeptical and people who were already sold will remain sold. It'd feel like a win without being one.

To change the conversation they'll have to show a fair bit of exposed, unedited gameplay footage that sells what the actual experience is like. I've been ready for the triumphant return of the franchise since the very first teases of a Perfect Dark sequel emerged prior to Rare's acquisition. Here's hoping the teams they have on it can deliver!
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