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Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020



Apr 15, 2018
"..and new IP that we haven't even talked about yet that is gonna blow your mind "


So truly original new, or "new" new (reboot/sequel)? 😆 🤔
A new IP wouldn't be a reboot or sequel. But nothing in that statement says the IP is unannounced--just unrevealed. "new IP that we haven't even talked about yet that is gonna blow your mind." He could even be talking about Starfield or Avowed, because they haven't really "talked" about them.


Jul 16, 2020
What are the chances of Arkane Austin's game being announced at E3? I know many (including myself) are hoping for Dishonored 3, but I think it'll likely be Prey 2.

EDIT: Annnnnnnnnd yep definitely Prey 2. I think this will be a DH2/Prey situation. Main studio worked on DH2 and released it in 2016, AA worked on Prey at the same time and released it the next year. So Deathloop this year, Prey 2 next year perhaps?


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
Well I think it is live... kinda. I started the same game later but it didn't show the quick resume tag. Maybe there's just some blades and if you are very lucky you get to play on one, at least on pc. It seemed like a waste to get on one for that game though, lol.
Huh. Did Quick Resume actually do anything? I would be floored and so excited if cloud saves started to include Quick Resume states o.o I mean, that might be a technical nightmare, but it would be SO COOOL to pull your progress mid-jump from the console to the cloud and back. Would probably break once you go to like PC, but... still yea. I mean, that would be awesome, I think.


Oct 29, 2017
Huh. Did Quick Resume actually do anything? I would be floored and so excited if cloud saves started to include Quick Resume states o.o I mean, that might be a technical nightmare, but it would be SO COOOL to pull your progress mid-jump from the console to the cloud and back. Would probably break once you go to like PC, but... still yea. I mean, that would be awesome, I think.
Not really a technical nightmare, just a very large amount of data


Jul 16, 2020
Ima regret this, but man ya'll are getting me very excited for E3. Hit me with those big new announcements.


Apr 15, 2018
That's a bold quote by Todd, right there. The amount of work put into just getting a couple of SC planets even remotely interesting was huge. If Bethesda can somehow create an open galaxy with blended procedural tech that is an immersive match for what SC is delivering, but across dozens of localities, then this will be amazing. I definitely wouldn't bet on that, though. No Man's Sky gets boring fast and that's because all the flora/fauna ends up looking derivative, even with procedural tech. Modelling thousands of beings that you may never see or interact with is a non-starter, too I think. But then again. we don't even know what the scope of Starfield is. Claiming it's more epic than Star Citizen would be very bold, to say the least.
It is a bold quote, but while Todd is prone to exaggerating sometimes when he's excited, he doesn't really lie (contrary to popular opinion). So Starfield's scope is likely really big and ambitious. I don't know whether they can do stuff like what Star Citizen promised, but unlike Chris Roberts and his team, BGS has an established team and development pipeline that isn't prone to endless delays, so they would likely be far more efficient about making such a game than CIG. So who knows whether they can pull that kind of game off, but I don't doubt that they can actually try. Their games have been getting bigger, as far as the scope is concerned. FO76, for all its flaws, is much bigger than their previous games and yet its open world is still great without suffering from being samey.
Sep 7, 2020
Knowing about this pitch this early is kind of weird, like, I won't see this game for like 3+ years and play it probably in like 2025-26 lol. That's like 2/3rds of the way into this gen.
Yeah, IMO its cool to know about but not really something we are going to see for a long while. Prefect Dark and Elder scrolls could be coming out around that time or before it really.


Mar 17, 2018
I think this is the Xbox Game Publishing Typhoon game that Jez talked about. Seems to align completely - unannounced new IP that is supposed to be announced this E3 and is the closest to release among the big XGP projects. I just hope it is not a purely multiplayer game as has been teased.
We don't even know what the game is or who's developing it lol.


Oct 11, 2020
A multiplayer game won't kill you, guys...

I don't think multiplayer games are bad. It would be great if the game has a multiplayer component, I am just hoping that there is a single player component as well. I was just going off of what Windows Central said about the game, that they are going for an ambitious connected world setting from a prominent developer who is typically known for single player games. I have always been a single player gamer, that's all. I actually just bought the first console I have had in my life (apart from a cheap NES knock-off I had in the 90s), after having been subscribed to game pass pc for a while. So I am just hoping for more games that I would play on Game Pass.

The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
Here's my top 10 list:

1: Halo Infinite. I don't care about much, it's Halo and that gameplay demo looked fun as hell. Halo MCC has been my go to casual multiplayer game, and Halo Infinite having more of that awesome Halo gameplay is just gonna be awesome.

2: Starfield. I know nothing about this game but it's a brand new BGS game set in space and I have always really enjoyed playing BGS games and they just always get everything right in a way that no other developer has really done except for Obsidian with Fallout New Vegas. Elder Scrolls 6 is right up here with Starfield, but I feel like it's cheating to include both on this list as of now.

3: Hellblade 2. Not only will it likely be one of the first big "tech demo" kind of games this gen if it looks half as good as the reveal trailer, but the first Hellblade game told a great story and had amazing execution, and while very simple I felt that the combat was also incredibly fun and satisfying. A sequel that can expand on the story from the first game and continue going into everything on top of expanding on the combat (mostly getting rid of the lock on) will almost certainly be incredible

4: Deathloop. It's a brand new Arkane game and it looks like it will be fun as all hell. Getting all the new abilities and learning the world seems like it will be so much fun, and I am just so for that.

5: Wolfenstein 3. The unique almost grounded insanity of the reboot games have been awesome and gameplay has also been fun as all hell. Plus it's just Nazi killing awesomeness.

6: Psychonauts 2. Grew up playing the first game and it still holds up today. Very excited to play the sequel later this year.

7: Avowed. No idea why, but something about this game is just very exciting to me. A big budget Obsidian game presumably set in an open world that's free to be explored just sounds awesome.

8: Fable. I grew up playing the Fable games and I'd really love to see a modern take on the series. I just really hope it'll still have the co-op from 3 and I think 2. Either way, I just want some fun whimsical fantasy, nothing to crazy or serious. Lighthearted darkness like the original would be awesome.

9: Project: Mara. I just want an absolutely terrifying horror game that'll actually have something to say, and I think Mara might end up being this.

10: Everwilds. I know nothing about this game but the music, artstyle and the fact that it's being developed by Rare have me sold honestly.


Apr 9, 2020

55% of those surveyed said the main reason that they joined is to get new games at release – that day one content. That's why we made the investments that we have." he told GamesRadar. "We have 23 studios across Xbox and Bethesda, working on Halo, Forza, Fallout, and new IP that we haven't even talked about yet that is gonna blow your mind. We can deliver all of that into Game Pass on day one
Wait, what?

Isn't BGS Austin hiring for a new unannounced project? 👀


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
A multiplayer game won't kill you, guys...

I don't care about multi-player games anymore (unless it's couch co-op).

I'm 100% single player / couch co-op. As a dad with 3 kids my multi-player days are long gone. I either play local with my best friends on the weekend on the rare occasion we get together, or with my kids. Literally no time to pickup and "get good" at anything that is competitive online.

I'm fine with that though, haha. I use to tear things up online from the 90s (Tribes/Quake/Doom/Unreal) into the mid 2000s on the 360/PC/PS3. 😉 Those days are behind me. I like my games in spurts, or in adventures I can jump in and out of instantly.

Nothing wrong with great multiplayer games, but I want some new Single Player IPs. MP games are a dime a dozen.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
Not really a technical nightmare, just a very large amount of data
Sounds like a technical nightmare :p I was also thinking about launching and running from a paused RAM state. But, I suppose that might be a solved problem. I do not know haha.

I do wonder what the differences between a normal cloud save operation and a quick resume save are. Even if it's just a size problem, we're looking at like 10x-100x the size? But it'd be cool... haha.


Oct 27, 2017
So, the next game by Arkane would be Omen, with vampire setting?
Looks like yeah

Curious of this is true then.

I have some information about the next Arkane Austin game (can't tell how so believe if you want I guess)

The game is ironically inspired by the Prey 2 concept from years ago. But it is not a sequel to their Prey from 2017 but an original IP.

The game is an immersive sim set in an open world futuristic city with a Coruscant vibe. It features the classic intricate level design of Arkane, just on a bigger scale than ever.

You'll have different targets (they are set and have a story to them, it's not random characters) to take down (kill or neutralize like in Dishonored), you can approach them in the order you want and the way you want (much more than in Dishonored)

Filling up those contracts (and stealing stuff) grants you money than can be used to acquire new skills (by training or acquire gadgets). There are skills in tech/hacking or in "space magic" and you can mix and match like in Prey.

Pre-prod started before Prey 2017 release but the real big production started after Prey Mooncrash. They work in collaboration with people at Roundhouse Studios which are coming from the old Human Head Studios that worked on the original Prey sequel.

Target release date is 2022, only on next gen and PC

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