Oct 25, 2017

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Xbox Introduces Enforcement Strike System - Xbox Wire

As Xbox continues to foster a safe and inclusive environment, we are introducing an enforcement strike system to help players better understand how their actions on the platform impact their overall gaming experience. Learn more inside.


  • Xbox's new enforcement strike system educates players about enforcement severity, cumulative effect of multiple enforcements, and the total impact on their standing.
  • Players can receive a total of eight strikes; each strike remains on record for six months.
  • Each strike results in a suspension from Xbox's social features for varying lengths of time.
  • Every player will begin with a blank slate, or zero strikes; previous enforcements must still be completed.
We are constantly improving our safety measures and bringing more systems and tools in place that empower players to respectfully interact with one another – because everyone deserves a place to comfortably be themselves online, free from harassment and bullying. One of the most common questions we get from players through feedback, posts, and appeals is how repeated enforcements impact their gameplay, how they escalate, what they escalate to, and how they know when their account is back in good standing. To help address this, we are introducing a new enforcement strike system.

The new system attaches strikes to every enforcement, ranging in severity based on inappropriate activity. Each player will now have a view of their enforcement historyincluding strikes and the overall impact these have on their player record. This revised system gives players a better understanding of enforcement severity and the cumulative effect of multiple enforcements. Enforcement transparency is about giving players clarity into how their behavior impacts their experience. Our content moderation efforts are not changing as a result of the new enforcement strike system.

As always, when a player believes they have witnessed a violation of Xbox's Community Standards, we encourage them to report. All reports are evaluated, there are no automated enforcement actions based solely on the fact that a report was made. No volume of inaccurate reports results in an enforcement. Only reports that have been reviewed by the Xbox Safety Team and determined to be accurate result in an enforcement.

With the new system, enforcements will also include strikes based on the severity of their actions. The system is similar to demerit strikes used in driver's license systems in many countries. For example, a player that has received two strikes will be suspended from the platform for one day, whereas a player that receives four strikes will be suspended for seven days. Players have a total of eight strikes and, once reached, will be suspended from Xbox's social features like messaging, parties and party chat, multiplayer and others for one year from the enforcement date. All strikes received stay on a player's record for six months. Today, players will all begin with a blank slate, or zero strikes. Any previous enforcements, such as suspensions, must still be completed; new enforcements as of today will result in strikes.

With these changes, Xbox is evolving enforcement to focus on protecting players. This is why even suspended accounts remain functional for single-player experiences and players do not lose access to purchased content. However, for the most serious violations – including illegal activity – Xbox retains the ability to permanently suspend all functionality of an account including access to purchases.

Enforcement Strike Image

In 2022, fewer than 1% of all players received a temporary suspension, and only 1/3 of those received a second. Our data shows us that players typically stop inappropriate behavior after one enforcement, quickly learning what is and is not acceptable based on the Xbox Community Standards and how to better engage on our platform. The strike system is designed to further empower players to engage positively and appropriately on Xbox and with the community. We'll share data and updates in our bi-annual Transparency Report.

Below is a visual of what players will see in their enforcement history:

Enforcement Strike Image

Like before, players will still have the ability to appeal eligible enforcements. Where applicable, if an enforcement is reversed, the corresponding strike will be removed. For more information, visit the FAQ on Xbox Support.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't play online MP, but how do they investigate alleged misconduct? Eg someone says someone else said something offensive. Is everything recorded?


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
I don't play online MP, but how do they investigate alleged misconduct? Eg someone says someone else said something offensive. Is everything recorded?

Xbox Launches New Voice Reporting Feature, Empowering Players with The Option to Capture and Report Inappropriate In-Game Voice Chats - Xbox Wire

Xbox’s latest safety feature, Voice Reporting, allows players to capture and report inappropriate voice activity on any multiplayer game with in-game voice chat on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.

tl;dr: you can select to take a capture of the last 60 seconds of in-game footage/sound to send as part of a report. It's not recording 24/7 and is player initiated. Just like saving a clip.


Aug 11, 2023
No automated enforcement actions is a good starting point, hopefully it's always humans behind each review and not something that's eventually offloaded to AI


Oct 25, 2017

Xbox Launches New Voice Reporting Feature, Empowering Players with The Option to Capture and Report Inappropriate In-Game Voice Chats - Xbox Wire

Xbox’s latest safety feature, Voice Reporting, allows players to capture and report inappropriate voice activity on any multiplayer game with in-game voice chat on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.

tl;dr: you can select to take a capture of the last 60 seconds of in-game footage/sound to send as part of a report. It's not recording 24/7 and is player initiated. Just like saving a clip.
Thank you. Looks good.


Oct 27, 2017
calling someone a poopy head -> +2 go to jail

cheating and ruining the experience of others online -> +1 slap on the wrist


May 1, 2018
8 strikes over a rolling six months is pretty lenient.

I guess in one sense it is, but when you think about some of the people you've probably heard on voice on CoD back in the day it's kind of easy to imagine how they could rack up eight enforcements pretty quickly.

I like the bans in-between though because if you haven't learnt by the time you hit 8 then yeah a year off seems fair.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds decent on paper, practice will show how is it in real life.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
Hmm I do like how the new system is detailed out for people to understand why they're getting banned, what infractions they have, and how long they keep said infractions. Other platforms/communities would do well to adopt something similar.

But profanity being a strike is a weird one given how many games are full of swearing and general violence. It's like text chat censoring swearing in M-rated games: why? Maybe it's contextual?


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
what is the point of online gaming if I cannot use it as outlet to portray my worst tendencies smhhh


Apr 26, 2018
Seems like a solid start, but there should be rewards for good behavior built in as well. They specifically reference driver's licenses as an inspiration for this, and at least where I live, if you drive well for a certain number of years you get discounts on your insurance ect. Not sure how that would be translated to Xbox Live, but I'm sure the could find a way (special deals for Platinum Community Leaders or whatever).
Oct 27, 2017
Seems like a big investment. Hopefully it helps clean up the worst aspects of their network.

I don't think I'll be turning vouce or text messages back on. Getting abusive text messages from team mates and opponents in Halo because I played badly or played too good made me turn texts off. I can only imagine the stuff I've been sent in the years since.

Yoga Flame

Sep 8, 2022
Nice one. As long it's not abused (unlikely due to being moderated by humans) and at the same time allows people to isolate trouble makers this is a welcomed step .


Oct 26, 2017
What happens if you get a single strike with a one day ban, and appeal the strike and it gets reversed? I know they remove the strike, but they still banned you for what they overturned. Add a day on to your subscription?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
What happens if you get a single strike with a one day ban, and appeal the strike and it gets reversed? I know they remove the strike, but they still banned you for what they overturned. Add a day on to your subscription?
Lol the cops don't take you to Denny's if you're absolved of a wrongful imprisonment.


Oct 25, 2017
I miss the appeals process happening on a public forum

For a while there was was some of the most consistently funny content on the internet


Jun 9, 2020
This system seems fair, if not a bit too lenient by requiring 8 strikes before a 1 year ban.

That said, it's really excellent when you take it in combination with the voice reporting feature they announced.


Dec 3, 2018
8 strikes over a rolling six months is pretty lenient.
I thought the same, but tbh if you're the type to be dropping slurs on XBLA, you're probably doing it pretty often

Lol, all Ryan had to do was read the blog post to find out about multi-strike infractions


Oct 28, 2017
I hope they have a lot of reviewers, because you know people are going to be reported for the smallest slight against them (or just out of spite).


Oct 27, 2017
It definitely feels like a platform level solution to badly behaving players is the only way to get to grips with it. GaaS games in particular struggle to properly punish players because they can so easily create new accounts.