The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Too small a sample space to really tell... Chapter 1 isn't much. You'll be bombared with things to do in Chapters 3 and 4, so easy 1 and 2 can go pretty fast. Honeslty you can still breeze through these if you only stick to story missions and don't explore around too much... but you probably won't do that.
Thanks, I definitely won't. I checked IGN's guide out of curiosity and they mention two side quests being available, which I did, so maybe I am good.


Oct 28, 2017
Thanks, I definitely won't. I checked IGN's guide out of curiosity and they mention two side quests being available, which I did, so maybe I am good.

I just started Chapter 5, and I'm at 45 hours... on the Switch profile. The in-game timer is glitched, it will still count even when your Switch is on sleep mode. Which mine says like 75 hours, so I've had my game in sleep mode for over 30 hours!!


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
I just started Chapter 5, and I'm at 45 hours... on the Switch profile. The in-game timer is glitched, it will still count even when your Switch is on sleep mode. Which mine says like 75 hours, so I've had my game in sleep mode for over 30 hours!!
I guess I have even less time since I paused for dinner!


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Theory probably has the least fitting voice in the game. I have no idea what they were going for with that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't feel like there's been any real big emotional hook so far in XBC2 up to chapter 5. And that's not really bothering me. More in this game than the other two I find myself wanting to clear side missions and explore the world even though you aren't tangibly rewarded on the spot with EXP like you were with the first two games. And what's really getting me into XBC2 is the music in every area. I find myself wanting to go back to earlier locations just to walk around the town and talk to people and look for side quests, just as more of an excuse to be in that area to listen to the music! Same for exploring areas as well, I just backtrack to places I've already been to listen to music and try to open chests or kill some interesting monsters, whatever! The narrative is interesting but not super super intersting like the other two games, but the characters are fun and well voice acted. This has been a very enjoyable game, I'm curious to see where it ends up, because already Xenoblade 1 and Xenoblade X are my #1 and #2 GOAT JRPGs.

Emotional hooks are incoming, the game just puts them all in the latter half, well other than

Edit: Replied to the wrong post


Oct 28, 2017
Theory probably has the least fitting voice in the game. I have no idea what they were going for with that.

I had a Blade, that was one of the Putty Patrol Pokemon characters, with this hilarious East Texas accent. I wish I could remember who he was so I can put him in my party. He sounded terrible, it was hilarious!


Oct 28, 2017
The first core I open tonight (a legendary) and out pops Zenobia on 5th. Just need Adenine, Dagas and Dahlia now and I'll be complete. See if I can get anything with my remaining legendary and 11 rares (and 65 commons).


Oct 28, 2017
The first core I open tonight (a legendary) and out pops Zenobia on 5th. Just need Adenine, Dagas and Dahlia now and I'll be complete. See if I can get anything with my remaining legendary and 11 rares (and 65 commons).
How in the world do you open so many cores?! It's SO BORING. And you can't skip that stupid animation with the core in their hand and they're looking at it... damn. I have like 50 cores, but I can't find the patience or the time to sit there and open them all.


Oct 28, 2017
How in the world do you open so many cores?! It's SO BORING. And you can't skip that stupid animation with the core in their hand and they're looking at it... damn. I have like 50 cores, but I can't find the patience or the time to sit there and open them all.

Patience? I've got nearly 230 hours on my game clock. I love this game, I can put up with that.


Oct 27, 2017
Just finished chapter 7 ..

This was 100% HYPE level
Goddamn , the way the cutscene direction is handled still make me have such a big smile..

In the end , Chapter 7 was probably the chapter with the worst dongeons. Not that they were hard to traverse , but they were filled with so many small missteps. The last part had plenty of unique monster along the way , and all of them were pushing characters toward their deaths because it was just that broken.( that freaking cliff is too small dammit !! )

STill that chapter certainly had it's dose of awesome. it's the only thing that prevent him from going too low in my mind.

I finally started chapter 8 and i have a question :
Did my choice between ikari and homura have any consequence later ?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Fucking Malos in Chapter 7 now beating my ass sideways, not even the Jin and Malos fight afterwards that's supposed to be bad. Just Malos. 3 levels up and completely helpless.

Thought i was good enough to go back to the story, guess not.


Oct 27, 2017
Fucking Malos in Chapter 7 now beating my ass sideways, not even the Jin and Malos fight afterwards that's supposed to be bad. Just Malos. 3 levels up and completely helpless.

Thought i was good enough to go back to the story, guess not.
His habilities to
bring your blade level down
is a massive pain , not to mention the blade schakles , doing some fusions combos is really difficult.
I understand your pain since i was there too.. i was saved by boreas ( the healing blade ) that was mass healling me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I just realized that the Blades largely have American accents while the Drivers are largely British.

And yes, those Blades that sound like they're from the Southern US are hilarious.

Fucking Malos in Chapter 7 now beating my ass sideways, not even the Jin and Malos fight afterwards that's supposed to be bad. Just Malos. 3 levels up and completely helpless.

Thought i was good enough to go back to the story, guess not.

Make some Aux cores with Shackle Blade Resist and combo, combo, combo.

Also, run Nia as a Blade if you can get heals from someone else. She's fantastic and can fill the Mythra-shaped hole.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm about 11 or so hours in. I never did beat Xeno 1 (still havent played XCX either) despite getting to what I think was near the end (spoilers)
ended up going inside a titan and there was weird purple nerve things everywhere.
I wanted to play more of my Switch though and I'm definitely a fan of RPG's, plus the Xeno worlds have always drawn me in.

So here I am. I'm enjoying my time so far.

I was wondering though how bad the grind might be later on? I tried to get through the original pretty fast and found out that I'd needed ten or so levels to beat the final boss and just didn't have the heart to grind it out. The battles are still chaotic in a fine way and they still go on for a while (not so great) but I'm gonna stick it out for a while longer. The characters are earnest in that way only a JRPG can be and man, Monolith makes some dizzying good sights to run around in.

So can you unmod weapons and unequip aux cores? I haven't really messed with that yet. Just been trying to get a handle on combos and such. Also, I take it that it's a good idea to keep your pouch full a stuff at all times? I was checking out the helpful OT front page links although I didn't watch the video for fear of party spoilers. Any other useful beginner tips?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I just realized that the Blades largely have American accents while the Drivers are largely British.

And yes, those Blades that sound like they're from the Southern US are hilarious.

Make some Aux cores with Shackle Blade Resist and combo, combo, combo.

Also, run Nia as a Blade if you can get heals from someone else. She's fantastic and can fill the Mythra-shaped hole.

Can't. It reduces the overall healing throughput.

And it's not the shackle blade that's the problem, it's affinity down and simply too much damage.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I'm about 11 or so hours in. I never did beat Xeno 1 (still havent played XCX either) despite getting to what I think was near the end (spoilers)
ended up going inside a titan and there was weird purple nerve things everywhere.
I wanted to play more of my Switch though and I'm definitely a fan of RPG's, plus the Xeno worlds have always drawn me in.

So here I am. I'm enjoying my time so far.

I was wondering though how bad the grind might be later on? I tried to get through the original pretty fast and found out that I'd needed ten or so levels to beat the final boss and just didn't have the heart to grind it out. The battles are still chaotic in a fine way and they still go on for a while (not so great) but I'm gonna stick it out for a while longer. The characters are earnest in that way only a JRPG can be and man, Monolith makes some dizzying good sights to run around in.

So can you unmod weapons and unequip aux cores? I haven't really messed with that yet. Just been trying to get a handle on combos and such. Also, I take it that it's a good idea to keep your pouch full a stuff at all times? I was checking out the helpful OT front page links although I didn't watch the video for fear of party spoilers. Any other useful beginner tips?

Chips/weapons are single use, once you use it it's gone.

Aux cores can be unequipped.

And battles drag a little early on. Late in the game they can feel like they go too quick because you can't do what you want in the time that you have. Level is also less substantial than XB1. You are punished a lot less for being lower level than enemies.


Attempting to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 27, 2017
Austin, Texas
Thats awesome you lot are so far into the game I need to step it up. I'm still in Chapter 2. Problem was I made the mistake of playing Persona 5 right before this released. That game stole all my RPG steam with it's insanely long length. still recovering...


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a way to recognize which ones are unique monsters other than not seeing another monster with the same name?


Oct 28, 2017
Thats awesome you lot are so far into the game I need to step it up. I'm still in Chapter 2. Problem was I made the mistake of playing Persona 5 right before this released. That game stole all my RPG steam with it's insanely long length. still recovering...

I bought the game digital at midnight on release night and I only got to Ch.5 today 45 hours in. It's been a slow burn for me. I tried my hand at Enter the Gungeon and Tiny Metal during that time as well. It's a great game, I'm in no need to rush it. I think ill probably finish it in late Feb if I don't get involved too heavily in another game.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, maybe this is a bad game
Final chapter spoiler:
This part where I repeatedly die to my own party members and then have to run for 2 minutes just to die to my own party members again. This is, uh, shit.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Eng or jp?? Cause jp is damn Saber VA

English. She sounds like a 40-50 year old and it doesn't fit the way she acts or how she's treated by the cast and Praxis at all.

For all the complaints people have about the English VA, she's the only one I think sounds legit bad, and that's mostly just because she sounds completely miscast.


Oct 31, 2017
My Pyra went from rank S to S5 in one battle that maxed out her affinity chart. I didn't realize I had accured that many trust points (Mytra is S3 by comparison). This is without force feeding her at all.
You actually just saved me a lot of troubles. I wanted to test if the game was stealth saving up Trust point after you reached the A rank. or it stopped counting till you reached S rank
Oct 25, 2017
Fucking Malos in Chapter 7 now beating my ass sideways, not even the Jin and Malos fight afterwards that's supposed to be bad. Just Malos. 3 levels up and completely helpless.

Thought i was good enough to go back to the story, guess not.
Had a lot of trouble with that fight until I used elemental combo to seal blowdown first, than shackle blade next. after that I whacked him.

apart from Rex's really weird delivery (yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. hiiiiiiiiiiiii-ya, ) I actually really like most of english the voices. it's cool the characters all have different accents. I really like think Nia's english voice is awesome too.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
We already on Hangouts? That's why I can't see this in the VG section.

And still no KOS-MOS.


Oct 25, 2017
Are all the special attacks the same at the same levels?

Edit: Wow, game crashed while using core crystals.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
can someone help me out:

I'm trying to get Roc's Windmastery to lvl 2 but no matter how many Illumi Skeeter I defeat the requirement remains at a whopping zero...what am I doing wrong? do I have to land the finishing blow with roc?

dit: DOH: don't have his affinity to lvl 3


Oct 25, 2017
Fucking Malos in Chapter 7 now beating my ass sideways, not even the Jin and Malos fight afterwards that's supposed to be bad. Just Malos. 3 levels up and completely helpless.

Thought i was good enough to go back to the story, guess not.
I had trouble with this too... but I don't remember exactly how I beat it

(the latter part was done by selling out to get Malos to half HP ASAP, which ends the final fight)


Oct 25, 2017
Some things I never got to mention while I've been playing this.

Based on the introduction of bonding with a core, I thought failed bondings led to death. I thought that's why they were making a big deal out of even trying it.

Tiger Tiger is some next level bullshit just for the grinding. I got the 50,000 score for Poppi's ability in normal no problem. The costs of these upgrades is fucked. It seems you can't even win an element in the treasure chests. They should have adjusted the later stages of the game to give more ether crystals.

Ch. 5? Spoilers for Tiger Tiger and Poppi

And to top it off they make you upgrade the other Poppi versions separately. Reminds me of PS2 Era RPG time consuming sidequests.

Rare Blade Florena Spoilers

I had a surprise when I went to do a merc mission that required females and Florena wasn't applying to the female requirement. I can only take that to me that Florena is a guy.


Nov 4, 2017
Some things I never got to mention while I've been playing this.

Based on the introduction of bonding with a core, I thought failed bondings led to death. I thought that's why they were making a big deal out of even trying it.

Tiger Tiger is some next level bullshit just for the grinding. I got the 50,000 score for Poppi's ability in normal no problem. The costs of these upgrades is fucked. It seems you can't even win an element in the treasure chests. They should have adjusted the later stages of the game to give more ether crystals.

Grind Tiger Tiger for the drops and Crystallize them. I was pissed off at only getting 1K Ether per run but then I realized you also get about 2-4K of Ether from the items you can Crystallize.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm level 40 and still on chapter 3! Probably 150k from buying Sheba as well. Think I'm going to focus on the story for a little bit today, at least get to chapter 5 and then return to levelling affinity with my rare blades. I got Electra, Godfrey, Azama and Perun yesterday, all on Rex though. I want to progress more, get more party members and open cores with them instead.

How in the world do you open so many cores?! It's SO BORING. And you can't skip that stupid animation with the core in their hand and they're looking at it... damn. I have like 50 cores, but I can't find the patience or the time to sit there and open them all.

I have something on in the background when I'm about to open cores en masse, yesterday I opened 30+ common cores (I got two rares) whilst watching Justice League Dark on my laptop (Netflix is also a good alternative). Also helps when salvage farming as well, as long as you don't get too distracted and miss the QTE inputs!
Nov 3, 2017
Ah okay, seems like I'm stuck for a little while. It's not the end of the world but I'm not worried that everytime I use a crystal, I'm going to get a blade that suits a completely different character better.

As far as i know there's no penalty for releasing a blade they just go back in to the pool to be redrawn. So you can release them and try to pick them up on another character. I've one or two rares i want to release when i get a chance myself.

Did you guys know if you take control of Nia, she rides on her blade? lol its funny, she even rides on him up ladders.

First thing i did when i got control of the Party :)
I also love Nia's banter with #5 during battles, there again i like most of Nia's quotes so far especially "I'm Knackered..." and "I am a Lady, a Warrior Lady." they get me every time.

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm fighting a big boss with Jin at my side in the Torna Titan at the moment. Does Indol become hostile right after this or do I have time to do side quests still? Jin already told me that The Praetor sank Torna.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm fighting a big boss with Jin at my side in the Torna Titan at the moment. Does Indol become hostile right after this or do I have time to do side quests still? Jin already told me that The Praetor sank Torna.
You still have some time to do sidequests after that boss, I think it happens in the 2nd lvl of the next area.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm fighting a big boss with Jin at my side in the Torna Titan at the moment. Does Indol become hostile right after this or do I have time to do side quests still? Jin already told me that The Praetor sank Torna.
you still have some time
but it really does not matter as (If I remember right) all side quest get moved to other places/ Titans so you dont miss anything