
Oct 25, 2017
About the deal with Pyra and Mythra being seperate. I think it just mainly has to do with fanservice. They given the player a choice to choose between them both so it's not a surprise that they'll make both appear to satisfy both Pyra and Mythra fans is how I see it.

Yeah, I really wish it would have just been Pneuma or OG Pyra. It seemed to me like Rex fell in love with Pyra (the most, at least) compared to Mythra.


Oct 28, 2017
Fair enough, not a triangle, but definitely unnecessary and shit.

But yeah, I agree.

I really hate the writing where you develop a really good character and then dump on them for no reason. And also when you ignore your own writing everyone can see to push an angle.

Its just poor to write a character as good as Nia who quite literally never acts irrationally nor overtly expresses emotion as such and them just passively toss her an L. It just feels so dumb because she even takes the L like a champ which makes her more likeable right after completely breaking character for her.

Fuck Rex. Its even worse because they make her Rex's blade and she has a god damn special combo attack with the girl she loses out too. It's like they were unaware of how shitty they were being.

The women in this game are all really well written bar a few instances. Poppi is the most feels inducing robot ever.


Oct 27, 2017
I am puzzled by one thing in this game

Bana blew himself up after the second Rosa fight, but you can find him in behind a locked room in the first area. What is this?


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
I felt very little for Poppi until the ending. Poppi's scene was the only part of the game where I cried and now I think she's a wonderful character.

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
Pyra is an alternate personality created from the need for Mythra to seal her power so that she wouldn't cause so much destruction i think what the explanation is
so basically like
I am puzzled by one thing in this game

Bana blew himself up after the second Rosa fight, but you can find him in behind a locked room in the first area. What is this?
the nopons found him and threw him in jail i guess


Oct 26, 2017
Poppi is just too adorable

Fuck Rex. Its even worse because they make her Rex's blade and she has a god damn special combo attack with the girl she loses out too. It's like they were unaware of how shitty they were being.

Lmao, didn't even realize this. You made it even worse lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Anime does this shit all the time too. You have amazing side characters that are super likable and developed but they also lose out to generic uninteresting leads.

Also, isn't Rex also like 14 years old? I thought the Rex / Pyra pairing was creepy from that age difference alone. The post game start screen is hilarious though, with Rex holding both Pyra and Mythras hands like a bawssss. I cracked up when I saw it.

I also wish there was more in the Zeke / Morag front. There was a heart to heart where Morag jokes about being buried at the same place as Zeke and then proceeds to get flustered about it. Stop teasing us damnit! I just want to see more post game. What happened to the characters afterwards. How is life on Elysium, etc.

Pyra on the streets, Mythra in the sheets.



Oct 26, 2017
Just finished the game, so amazing. I guess I can see Klaus' plan but it seemed like a really long time in the making. Then I guess Amalthus fucked it by awakening Malos and set everything back leading Pyra into the mix through Addam and then that leading to Amalthus destroying and ruling Alrest basically. Which is sad in many ways, Amalthus had a sad fucking life.

Why did Malos want to go after Pyra at the beginning of the game though? To ensure she wouldn't stop him?


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished the game, so amazing. I guess I can see Klaus' plan but it seemed like a really long time in the making. Then I guess Amalthus fucked it by awakening Malos and set everything back leading Pyra into the mix through Addam and then that leading to Amalthus destroying and ruling Alrest basically. Which is sad in many ways, Amalthus had a sad fucking life.

Why did Malos want to go after Pyra at the beginning of the game though? To ensure she wouldn't stop him?

To repair himself using her data


Oct 26, 2017
To repair himself using her data

Oh that's right, would have saved him a lot of trouble lol.

Another thing that bugged me was Jin. He wanted to kill the architect because of what happened to Lora I believe? Did Rex just show him that he was wrong about the relationship between Blades and Drivers and that's why his motivation changed?

Damian Mahadevan

User banned for use of alt account
Nov 26, 2017
I have a question. Blade cores turn into titans and titans form life on thier backs. The titans can be as weird and imaginative as it wasts but the blades are stuck as male humanoid, female humanoid and beast? That seems odd. I feel in that context even the rare blades dont go far enough because most of them are human. Do I have this wrong?

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
I have a question. Blade cores turn into titans and titans form life on thier backs. The titans can be as weird and imaginative as it wasts but the blades are stuck as male humanoid, female humanoid and beast? That seems odd. I feel in that context even the rare blades dont go far enough because most of them are human. Do I have this wrong?
the blades you can collect are not all blades that exist in this world (there are blades you can never obtain / blades that akhos and malos use in the beginning for example)

Damian Mahadevan

User banned for use of alt account
Nov 26, 2017
Oh that's right, would have saved him a lot of trouble lol.

Another thing that bugged me was Jin. He wanted to kill the architect because of what happened to Lora I believe? Did Rex just show him that he was wrong about the relationship between Blades and Drivers and that's why his motivation changed?

Jin hated the world because of how blades lost their precious memories when they die, he felt it was wrong. Rex telling him that Blades should be like humans and preserve their memories by passing on information and that blades dont have to lose their memories when they return to their core crystal.

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
Just finished the game, so amazing. I guess I can see Klaus' plan but it seemed like a really long time in the making. Then I guess Amalthus fucked it by awakening Malos and set everything back leading Pyra into the mix through Addam and then that leading to Amalthus destroying and ruling Alrest basically. Which is sad in many ways, Amalthus had a sad fucking life.

Why did Malos want to go after Pyra at the beginning of the game though? To ensure she wouldn't stop him?
amalthus was a great villain. what a twist too.. sucks that indol isnt accessible post game though.


Oct 25, 2017
Going through the artbook now and its so strange to see some characters with certain facial expressions.

Morag for example looks so different when she's crying or flustered / blushing. Same with Patroka, who barely had any expressions besides "Fuck you"

Addam's face is largely covered but the bit thats visible looks so much like Rex. I also really love Lora's design and I wish she was playable or something. One of my favorite designs in the game.

This game honestly has fantastic character designs. Its a damn shame the main female cast and some of the blades were was designed to pander.
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Oct 27, 2017
How did I miss this?

So Alvis is either way more powerful than the other Aegises, or the dimension he went to is more malleable than the original.

Also, something that always bugged me (Xenoblade 1 spoilers): "Why did you choose Shulk?" "Because he just happened to be there, no reason." *Looks exactly like Shulk, even in the past*


Oct 28, 2017
Poppi is just too adorable

So well written. I also just realized that Poppi's robot speak is actually very much Nopon speak. She doesn't do the meh meh meh stuff but her speaking mannerisms are the same as Tora. It actually is pretty clever.

Lmao, didn't even realize this. You made it even worse lol.

As I'm jusy going through the game doing more heart to hearts it further cements that 1) Nia is the best 2) the cast has a really good dynamic 3) they add further proof that Nia likes Rex (look at Tora's Angst Heart to Heart as an example. As a side note that one made me like Tora a lot more, he gets dumped on a lot by people but I genuinely like his character) 4) VA is on point.

Pretty much they had a solid character in Rex til all the melodrama bullshit kicked in gear. He's just so much less likeable when all he is doing is scraming Pyra.

Also, I love Zeke. He is actually much wiser than his jokester persona gives off.


Oct 27, 2017
Addam's face is largely covered but the bit thats visible looks so much like Rex.
This is actually one of my pet peeves in fiction. I don't like it when the successor to a hero is exactly the same as a previous hero, unless they're a literal reincarnation like Link.

This happens in One Piece, with Luffy's-just-like-Roger this, Luffy's-just-like-Roger that. A fundamental trait of goodness being shared is fine, but smiling when you're about to die? Even other characters in One Piece smiled right before they died, and they weren't likened to Roger for it.

In this game, a heart-to-heart shows that Rex even likes the same food as Addam. I mean, come on. Let him be his own character.
Oct 27, 2017
I have a question. Blade cores turn into titans and titans form life on thier backs. The titans can be as weird and imaginative as it wasts but the blades are stuck as male humanoid, female humanoid and beast? That seems odd. I feel in that context even the rare blades dont go far enough because most of them are human. Do I have this wrong?

We know from Klaus that Core Crystals are basically computers in where the personalities of real people are saved, which were used in an attempt to gain immortality according to him. So my guess is the core crystals were part of some weird San Junipero/Second Life/MMO hybrid were people could freely choose their avatars. You could even explain away why some Blades are animals and even even the more... unreasonable body proportions on females with this.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Im just doing side missions. Found 2 secret areas in Uraya and Gormont (great views). Found a over lvl 100 monster in Gormont, that was unexpected. Now I need to go to
and continue chapter 5. This game is already my goty.

Damian Mahadevan

User banned for use of alt account
Nov 26, 2017
We know from Klaus that Core Crystals are basically computers in where the personalities of real people are saved, which were used in an attempt to gain immortality according to him. So my guess is the core crystals were part of some weird San Junipero/Second Life/MMO hybrid were people could freely choose their avatars. You could even explain away why some Blades are animals and even even the more... unreasonable body proportions on females with this.

Hmm.. Makes sense. But why would those turn into those weird titans?


Oct 27, 2017
So I beat the game a few days ago, and it's still been on my mind (partially because two of my roommates also finished it, so we've been talking)... But I just recalled a cutscene that I feel like never went anywhere or I just forgot.

So back in I think Chapter 5 (when you go to Indol), there is a brief cutscene between Pyra and Brigand. Brigand is telling her about how she keeps a journal to try to preserve some of her memories of her past lives. My question is unrelated to that, though. In that cutscene, Brigand tells Pyra that she basically shouldn't keep secrets from Rex because he's her Driver. And that she should tell him sooner rather than later when it would hurt more. Something about a feeling of rejection, too. What is this scene talking about? What was Pyra keeping a secret? She never told him anything dramatic as far as I know. Unless it's just she was worried Elysium wouldn't be there (but she acted surprised when they found it in ruins in Chapter 10)? Anyone have any clue? It also felt like the entire game, Pyra knew she would have to sacrifice herself or knew something bad would happen to her at least. Not sure how she would know that though lol

Also, what was the point of the third sword exactly? What made it disappear? Was it really that it was so old? I thought maybe it was related to Alvis not being in that world anymore and that was his sword (especially since right before it disappears, the game shows you a flash of the experiment happening in space).

Damian Mahadevan

User banned for use of alt account
Nov 26, 2017
So I beat the game a few days ago, and it's still been on my mind (partially because two of my roommates also finished it, so we've been talking)... But I just recalled a cutscene that I feel like never went anywhere or I just forgot.

So back in I think Chapter 5 (when you go to Indol), there is a brief cutscene between Pyra and Brigand. Brigand is telling her about how she keeps a journal to try to preserve some of her memories of her past lives. My question is unrelated to that, though. In that cutscene, Brigand tells Pyra that she basically shouldn't keep secrets from Rex because he's her Driver. And that she should tell him sooner rather than later when it would hurt more. Something about a feeling of rejection, too. What is this scene talking about? What was Pyra keeping a secret? She never told him anything dramatic as far as I know. Unless it's just she was worried Elysium wouldn't be there (but she acted surprised when they found it in ruins in Chapter 10)? Anyone have any clue? It also felt like the entire game, Pyra knew she would have to sacrifice herself or knew something bad would happen to her at least. Not sure how she would know that though lol

Also, what was the point of the third sword exactly? What made it disappear? Was it really that it was so old? I thought maybe it was related to Alvis not being in that world anymore and that was his sword (especially since right before it disappears, the game shows you a flash of the experiment happening in space).

Pyra's secret is that she wanted to go to Elysium to die.


Oct 25, 2017
I think people shouldn't try to fit XB1 and XB2 into some sort of continuity. There isn't any. I doubt the third core is Alvis and this Klaus is definitely NOT the one who became Zanza. The point of the reveal is very simple - there are infinity realities in the world, and this is one of the constants that links realities: Earth will eventually be destroyed by war and conflict leading to a man called Klaus activating the Zohar. This is something that will universally happen in any numbered Xenoblade game I guess, but the results will always be different.
Oct 27, 2017
I think people shouldn't try to fit XB1 and XB2 into some sort of continuity. There isn't any. I doubt the third core is Alvis and this Klaus is definitely NOT the one who became Zanza. The point of the reveal is very simple - there are infinity realities in the world, and this is one of the constants that links realities: Earth will eventually be destroyed by war and conflict leading to a man called Klaus activating the Zohar. This is something that will universally happen in any numbered Xenoblade game I guess, but the results will always be different.

The game more or less explicitly tells us that Klaus' missing half is Zanza? Also Malos is using Monado Arts, ergo the Aegises (?) are basically Monados, which can only mean Alvis is the missing core since he also explicitly tells us in XB1 that he is a computer built to observe the world.

So I beat the game a few days ago, and it's still been on my mind (partially because two of my roommates also finished it, so we've been talking)... But I just recalled a cutscene that I feel like never went anywhere or I just forgot.

So back in I think Chapter 5 (when you go to Indol), there is a brief cutscene between Pyra and Brigand. Brigand is telling her about how she keeps a journal to try to preserve some of her memories of her past lives. My question is unrelated to that, though. In that cutscene, Brigand tells Pyra that she basically shouldn't keep secrets from Rex because he's her Driver. And that she should tell him sooner rather than later when it would hurt more. Something about a feeling of rejection, too. What is this scene talking about? What was Pyra keeping a secret? She never told him anything dramatic as far as I know. Unless it's just she was worried Elysium wouldn't be there (but she acted surprised when they found it in ruins in Chapter 10)? Anyone have any clue? It also felt like the entire game, Pyra knew she would have to sacrifice herself or knew something bad would happen to her at least. Not sure how she would know that though lol

Also, what was the point of the third sword exactly? What made it disappear? Was it really that it was so old? I thought maybe it was related to Alvis not being in that world anymore and that was his sword (especially since right before it disappears, the game shows you a flash of the experiment happening in space).

Brighid knew Pyra had a secret goal in reaching Elysium but she only knew as much. She said herself she can only make an educated guess. Maybe she even already guessed that Pyra wanted from the Archtitect to end her life and what consequences that would have for Rex.
I don't think theres much more to it.

The third sword I don't know, maybe it was always meant as some methaphorical price since the blade just represented Pyras and Mythras true form, which could only be controlled by her true driver. So Addam needed to hide something that would draw the attention of the future Aegis driver and he brought that rumor into the world by himself through that book.
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Soul Lab

Nov 17, 2017
I rewatched some cutscenes. In the end of chapter 1, what does Malos see in the eyes of Rex?
Oct 27, 2017
I think people shouldn't try to fit XB1 and XB2 into some sort of continuity. There isn't any. I doubt the third core is Alvis and this Klaus is definitely NOT the one who became Zanza. The point of the reveal is very simple - there are infinity realities in the world, and this is one of the constants that links realities: Earth will eventually be destroyed by war and conflict leading to a man called Klaus activating the Zohar. This is something that will universally happen in any numbered Xenoblade game I guess, but the results will always be different.

We're told that half of Klaus went into another dimension. Then we're told that his other half is about to die. Then we hear a quote from Shulk who is about to kill Zanza.

There's really no ambiguity there at all. It's practically stated outright that it's the same Klaus.


Oct 25, 2017
I think people shouldn't try to fit XB1 and XB2 into some sort of continuity. There isn't any. I doubt the third core is Alvis and this Klaus is definitely NOT the one who became Zanza. The point of the reveal is very simple - there are infinity realities in the world, and this is one of the constants that links realities: Earth will eventually be destroyed by war and conflict leading to a man called Klaus activating the Zohar. This is something that will universally happen in any numbered Xenoblade game I guess, but the results will always be different.

WellbornWarrior said it best. But also you straight up hear Shulk say his line about killing gods right before he kills Zanza coming from the portal so it's basically 100% confirmed. The continuity isn't even that confusing, they just happen in different universes at the same time.


Oct 25, 2017
Pyra on the streets, Mythra in the sheets.

This says a lot about people fantasizing about a little kid not old enough to drink doing it with a more or less CPU. Works perfect with the furball obsessed about teaching his maid robot moe. It's even more idiotic that making a robot maid blade was also the dream of his father and grandfather. Proof that mediocrity can be passed on through genes.
Oct 27, 2017
Come to think of it, the revelation in XB2 gives the scene where Alvis teaches Shulk how to use the Monado a whole new dimension.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 8, 2017
I loved the game, to be honest. Faults and all, I genuinely enjoyed this more than Persona 5. I didn't anticipate this at all, considering I've been a fan of SMT for a while now and this is my first Xeno-title.

Deleted member 2340

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
We're told that half of Klaus went into another dimension. Then we're told that his other half is about to die. Then we hear a quote from Shulk who is about to kill Zanza.

There's really no ambiguity there at all. It's practically stated outright that it's the same Klaus.

Thanks. I was coming in here to confirm this. I don't remember the end game of Xenoblade Chronicles 1 at all.


Oct 25, 2017
When was the Shulk line? I don't remember it. I really don't believe the other half of Klaus is Zanza, or that Alvis is the third part of the Trinity Processor. It just doesn't line up as well as it just being different permutations of the same event in different realities. Alvis was a support computer system on board the space station itself, for monitoring the Zohar. The scenes on the Beanstalk are also different. If Takahashi wanted it to be specifically linked, he would have. Instead he talked about other realities.

The fact that both Xenoblade worlds spawned new life on the backs of giants, and that the Monado exists as a master key, does not mean that the Monado in XB1 is from XB2.


Oct 27, 2017
When was the Shulk line? I don't remember it. I really don't believe the other half of Klaus is Zanza, or that Alvis is the third part of the Trinity Processor. It just doesn't line up as well as it just being different permutations of the same event in different realities. Alvis was a support computer system on board the space station itself, for monitoring the Zohar. The scenes on the Beanstalk are also different. If Takahashi wanted it to be specifically linked, he would have. Instead he talked about other realities.

The fact that both Xenoblade worlds spawned new life on the backs of giants, and that the Monado exists as a master key, does not mean that the Monado in XB1 is from XB2.

When in the final boss, the game cuts to Klaus and Shulk utters his last words to Zanza in the vortex. Whether Alvis is, in fact, Ontos is not confirmed, a synonym of Ontos is "Individual" which is far too similar to "monad" which fits all too well given what we know of Alvis.

The Event in XB2 is probably a retcon of the one in XB1 but way better.

Nose Master

Oct 27, 2017
It still bugs me that Nia had anime god powers for literally ten seconds and then it was never mentioned again.

As much as I loved the XB1 twist at the time, it kind of feels like shallow fanservice in retrospect. Wish they would have went deeper.

The happy ending was garbage, also. /spends 15 minutes on a sacrifice scene "LOL JK ALSO WHOS DOWN FOR A THREESOME" Awful.


Oct 28, 2017
When was the Shulk line? I don't remember it. I really don't believe the other half of Klaus is Zanza, or that Alvis is the third part of the Trinity Processor. It just doesn't line up as well as it just being different permutations of the same event in different realities. Alvis was a support computer system on board the space station itself, for monitoring the Zohar. The scenes on the Beanstalk are also different. If Takahashi wanted it to be specifically linked, he would have. Instead he talked about other realities.

The fact that both Xenoblade worlds spawned new life on the backs of giants, and that the Monado exists as a master key, does not mean that the Monado in XB1 is from XB2.



Oct 25, 2017
Ontos is Ousia in Japanese btw. A curious change because the meaning is similar and it's still Greek??

Anyway, yeah I'm more convinced of the other half of Klaus being Zanza now. Does anyone know if Gratia has the same VA as Meyneth in Japanese?