
Oct 25, 2017
Interesting people find this combat better than 0/Kiwami's. I enjoyed it, but felt the lack of moves (both heat moves and normal moves) hurt it in the long run compared to the huge number of heat moves and counters from the two previous games. Kiwami 2 went a ways to fixing that (its way better) but still missing some moves I loved in 0. That said, Out of all the recent Yakuza games I'd rank Fist of the North Star top for combat, that combat system is bloody amazing.
Oct 26, 2017
Interesting people find this combat better than 0/Kiwami's. I enjoyed it, but felt the lack of moves (both heat moves and normal moves) hurt it in the long run compared to the huge number of heat moves and counters from the two previous games. Kiwami 2 went a ways to fixing that (its way better) but still missing some moves I loved in 0. That said, Out of all the recent Yakuza games I'd rank Fist of the North Star top for combat, that combat system is bloody amazing.

yeah the problem is choice, right? 0 and Kiwami at least give you a choice if style even if you stick to said style and mash. Here there is no choice on which set you want to spam. I dunno, at the end of the day it's still spamming combos


Oct 25, 2017
yeah the problem is choice, right? 0 and Kiwami at least give you a choice if style even if you stick to said style and mash. Here there is no choice on which set you want to spam. I dunno, at the end of the day it's still spamming combos
I don't really spam combo's though, I go out of my way to do the opposite - use counters, different combo's and heat moves (and weapons where available) to prevent monotony from setting in from using the same combo over and over (as you could just spam the same combo over and over if you wanted to for 90% of the encounters).
That's where Kiwami and FOTNS come into their own - Kiwami gives you the fast style switching out of many different moves that really lets you mix things up nicely, and FOTNS has a surprisingly deep combat engine that really lets you chain different attacks, air combos and juggles together once you get the basics down, its pretty impressive just how much they packed into it.

Anyone enjoying 6's combat will no doubt love Kiwami 2 in that case, since it gets even better thanks to the ton of added heat and weapon moves, plus the faster pace really added to the fun in my experience while still keeping the "heavier" feel to the combat that 6 introduced. The best thing in 6 (and Kiwami 2) in my opinion is punting a downed enemy halfway across the map, the physics work wonderfully as the enemy flies across the floor before colliding with a row of bikes and knocking them all over. Love it!


Oct 25, 2017
Just beat Amon, had to turn the difficulty down from Normal to easy for the first and only time.

He felt even cheaper than the last time I thought him (Kiwami 1 which I didn't turn down the difficulty for). The drones and explosions did it I think. Without them, it'd not be as bad. Though that Red Spinny move that took me from full to near 0 (only survived cause I healed in the middle of it) was a BS move.

Ah well, I won anyway :D


Oct 25, 2017
Just beat Amon, had to turn the difficulty down from Normal to easy for the first and only time.

He felt even cheaper than the last time I thought him (Kiwami 1 which I didn't turn down the difficulty for). The drones and explosions did it I think. Without them, it'd not be as bad. Though that Red Spinny move that took me from full to near 0 (only survived cause I healed in the middle of it) was a BS move.

Ah well, I won anyway :D

I thought Amon was the easiest of all of his incarnations myself, its the first one I managed to beat on Hard mode. There is a trick to the instant kill explosion though - really you want to be fully leveled up for the fight anyway, but for this you definitely need the heat burst mode move that saves you from death once. Basically when he starts his silly countdown you go into burst mode and when you inevitably get hit by his massive explosion you'll lose all but one point of your health. Now heal immediately and start beating the crap out of him before he gets the chance to do it again! That worked for me, other than that just try heat move'ing him and some Tiger Drops for good measure and he should go down.


Oct 25, 2017
One thing that has really annoyed me in this game is the inability to skip certain cutscenes such as the one in the clan creator after you win. Adds needless amounts of time.

If there is a way to skip these annoying cutscenes (and by annoying, I mean fun the first few times, but gets old fast), do let me know >_<
Oct 25, 2017
Another annoying thing about skipping.

During substories in previous Yakuza games you could read at your own pace, skip to the next text line and the animations and direction would flow naturally.
If you skip text / audio in Yakuza 6 the characters will jarringly be half way across the room or you'll completely miss animations. The way to solve this is just to put the controller down and let it play out.

I get why, but it's still irritating sometimes.


Oct 30, 2017
My biggest problems with this game come from the story. It's also a love/hate thing for me, because I like interactions, and I think it can be quite an emotional ride. The characters are well crafted too, with having some villains I just really hated in a way that made me want to fuck them up so much. To get into slight spoiler territory

I just hate how it's also a very depressing game I guess. I already spoke in another thread how Haruka's actions are really fucking stupid, and she kinda causes all the problems in this game. Kiryu's going to jail at the beginning of this game is not justified very well, and out of all people, why just Kiryu other than to give us this story. Seeing Haruka grow up these games, I feel like I knew her, especially after Yakuza 5 where we played as her. I am as pissed as a father would be about his daughter getting knocked up to be honest, and after going through the story, I'm not as forgiving about it as Kiryu. I am so god damn disappointed with her after all she went through, with shitty Yakuza types, that she would get her self pregnant by a yakuza! I think Haruka even calls him a "good guy" Haruka, he's not. A guy you see pummeling a person from the media, just for doing their job, is not a fucking good guy!

I wanted some happiness for her and Kiryu after 5 ended, especially since she gave up the idol career which she was so good at, and had people work so hard with her for. Instead, we get such a downer, that it just doesn't make me feel good. I know this is a series about organized crime, but even other entries have done a better job at making you feel good about it when you reach the end. This game doesn't at all.

Kiryu, you are not fucking spider-man. Your loved ones are not safer if you fake your death and stay away from them forever. Haruka got into the whole mess in this game without you being around, and from her own dumb actions. Imagine how fucked she'd be if you weren't around. Those kids at Sunshine have gotta be so bummed that he's not even keeping his word to come back.

I'm obviously quite passionate about this, which can be a good thing, and shows that the developers and writers did a good job in some respects, but I don't like that I feel this way either. I loved playing the game, but I feel so angry about the story stuff. Haruka was so fucking stupid in this game, uggghh! I wanna just go back to singing "So much more" :(

Just wanted to get some of this off my chest, since I wasn't really able to before it came out.

story spoilers ahoy
I didn't think Haruka's actions were stupid. She's dealing with the fallout of tanking her Idol career. Kiryu decides to serve his time so that he can return to the orphanage as a redeemed man, but he's not there for Haruka who is struggling with literally just abandoning her dream so as not to cut people she cares for out of her life. The paparazzi are shaming her and it's affecting the other orphans, and she makes the exact same choice that Kiryu did in 5. In order to let them get a chance at their dreams she needed to leave so that the the shadow of her past doesn't hurt their choices then tries to go incognito to another town to just try and live her life where she will not feel judged for the tough choices she's had to make.

That paparazzi was sure as hell trying to invade her personal life and ruin her chance at trying to live normally all because she was raised by a member of the Yakuza, a thing she never had much of a choice in. The person she respects the most and is the closest thing to family is a guy who solves problems by punching the shit out of them who has saved her life multiple times saving her life by punching the shit out of problems. So she runs into the junior mafia guy beating the shit out of a paparazzi whose continuing coverage will jack up her life and probably the orphans left behind lives some more, and tell her that the town knows who she is but they are pretending not to because they all like her and want her only to feel accepted. Sure, having watched her grow up in the games it's like, this guy? But through the game he seemed like a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve and is willing to put his life on the line for what he believes is right, plus Kiryu beat some sense into him.

I'd think 3, 4, and 5 show that Kiryu doesn't know how not to get involved with Yakuza matters and that his existence draws trouble to those around him. He can change his name, pretend to be someone else, etc but they'll find him anyway. Faking his own death at least draws a lot of heat off of them to use them as pawns against the former 4th Chairman, and I'm pretty sure Date, Akiyama, Daigo, Majima, Saejima, and the rest would make sure anyone who tries in the future to make Haruka's life hell or any trouble she gets in will go away quickly. Not to mention the money will make sure the orphans get a chance to chase any dream they had.

I just don't know where he's going to go unless he becomes a hermit in the mountains. I'd love to see a spin off title where they're a bunch of old men come together for one final battle.

ok, time to make some money, i'm running low.

Clan wars makes a lot of money as does spear fishing.

I thought Amon was the easiest of all of his incarnations myself, its the first one I managed to beat on Hard mode. There is a trick to the instant kill explosion though - really you want to be fully leveled up for the fight anyway, but for this you definitely need the heat burst mode move that saves you from death once. Basically when he starts his silly countdown you go into burst mode and when you inevitably get hit by his massive explosion you'll lose all but one point of your health. Now heal immediately and start beating the crap out of him before he gets the chance to do it again! That worked for me, other than that just try heat move'ing him and some Tiger Drops for good measure and he should go down.

It's easy once you've maxed everything out but up until then that one hit kill explosion is a bastard.


Oct 27, 2017
So my After Hours copy arrived today and have gone through a six hour binge. First impressions are very positive. Was immediately shocked by how heavy they were leaning into previous entries of the franchise. While it doesn't quite solve the issues with Yakuza 5 and the ending being kinda shit, it makes it a much easier pill to swallow with how well the stories flow. I was expecting some recton rush job to establish the current world but kudos to the Yakuza team for actually building the current situation nicely from the last game. I thought this would be another case of quickly diminishing everything that happened previously for a self contained story.

Early spoilers:
Seeing the kids from Sunshine (or "Morning Glory" now) made me so happy. I am one of the few people who really liked the kids from Y3 and seeing them after so long really hit home. I think it unintentionally made the reunion with Kaz more impactful because it felt like I was catching up with them after so long too. Walking around Sunshine couldn't help but bring a smile to my face.

It has also been so refreshing to 'relearn' the Yakuza minigames once again. While I think a lot of them have been made much easier, at least it was something new to come back to. I am really digging the new focus on experience and growth as well. They took the essence of the Yakuza 0 money focus and spun it into a more personal growth that is very open to play-style. As for the combat, I am disappointed with how simple it seems. I love how it flows but I think it lost a bit of the depth in combos the previous games had. Also, I lost my shit over just walking into buildings without a load screen. I just ran into the batting cages again and again because it was very needed.

Still very early on but am amped to continue on and see where the story takes me. Was planning to play this and God of War simultaneously but Yakuza 6 has pulled me in hard (which is surprising considering over the last year the franchise has eaten well over 200 hours away from me). A shame there doesn't seem to be another 100% trophy but I might still go for it for the shits and giggles.

Deleted member 8106

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
If you input the code to get secret characters for your clan, you can breeze through the mini-game. At least I completed all the Onimichi part on my first try. Dunno if in Kamurocho the minigame will turn to be impossibly hard.

Hey guys! Glad you're enjoying Y6 so far!

I was looking at your Clan Code list and noticed at least one code you're missing. Heh.

Anyway, stop by the SEGA Live stream tomorrow and hang out with Scott and me. We're gonna play through the first bit of Y6 with localizer commentary!
Well, what is the code?


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I have to pick the "wrong" dialogue option most of the time as they're too absurd/funny not to. Thankfully there doesn't seem to be any consequences for goofing around in these conversations so far.

Deleted member 29464

Account closed at user request
Nov 1, 2017
That's Tojo's crest. 东 means east in Japanese (the character is not used in Japan though).
Thanks, though why isn't it used in Japan?

I feel like I have to pick the "wrong" dialogue option most of the time as they're too absurd/funny not to. Thankfully there doesn't seem to be any consequences for goofing around in these conversations so far.

I do the same, I think in some cases, at least in older games you get worse rewards, but those reward differences where never really worth it.


Oct 25, 2017
So my After Hours copy arrived today and have gone through a six hour binge. First impressions are very positive. Was immediately shocked by how heavy they were leaning into previous entries of the franchise. While it doesn't quite solve the issues with Yakuza 5 and the ending being kinda shit, it makes it a much easier pill to swallow with how well the stories flow. I was expecting some recton rush job to establish the current world but kudos to the Yakuza team for actually building the current situation nicely from the last game. I thought this would be another case of quickly diminishing everything that happened previously for a self contained story.

Early spoilers:
Seeing the kids from Sunshine (or "Morning Glory" now) made me so happy. I am one of the few people who really liked the kids from Y3 and seeing them after so long really hit home. I think it unintentionally made the reunion with Kaz more impactful because it felt like I was catching up with them after so long too. Walking around Sunshine couldn't help but bring a smile to my face.

I love the kids as well. I also started with Yakuza 3 so I'm rather attached to the kids after going through all the stuff in the Okinawa sections of Yakuza 3. I do feel like the kids should look older? Than they do that is but it probably isn't worth changing their models too much for small sections like that I guess.

That said, I may be misremembering how old they look in Y3.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't understand how Kiryu can be so insanely likeable despite being the most stereotypical protagonist ever.
He's so consistently great.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand how Kiryu can be so insanely likeable despite being the most stereotypical protagonist ever.
He's so consistently great.
I still have a hard time understanding why it works so well, but I think it's a mix of his resolve never budging, no matter what, his endearing naivety, the fact that this kind of hero isn't that prevalent nowadays and thus making it refreshing, and how the story rarely rewards him for being that way.
Oct 25, 2017
I like really like how it's emphasised that he's a bit slow, often not immediately grasping what's going on. It contrasts well with his other traits.


Oct 25, 2017
All of that + he has a damn good VA.

Again, someone brought it up earlier in a spoiler tag but there is a section of the game rather early on where he demonstrates his anger in a way that is so well done.


Oct 25, 2017
A shame there doesn't seem to be another 100% trophy but I might still go for it for the shits and giggles.

I wish you good luck on this! The two things that stopped me from completely 100%ing the completion list in 6 were the following:

Beat all opponents in Puyo Puyo - some seem to only spawn late into the game so you need to win several matches in a row against opponents of increased difficulty. And it gets bloody hard later on! Never managed to beat the last couple.

Hit max level in spear fishing - this just sucks. I forget the max level but it basically requires you to grind for an obscene number of hours to hit this target. I gave up as I worked out that it'd take way too long to hit the max level, especially when you get sod all for doing it!


Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad we don't have to hit 100% for Platinum BUT

I think 100 items was too low. 150 - 200 would have been a better number for me. A large amount of things but small enough that you don't need to do some of the harder items (or the ones that just take too long to do).


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, you'll probably get 100 just by playing the game and exploring a bit. If your going for all the other trophies you'll easily get over 100 without even trying. But I don't really mind. The list is still there for completionists like me to chip away at but those that want to get the trophies aren't stuck with a real grind in places (unlike another recent Yakuza game I could name!)


Oct 25, 2017
I got mines while playing through the story yeah. But I think something like 150 would have been better. Get at least half of the completion list done for the trophy while completionists can go for 100%

I'm a completionist generally but some things on the list are just too much for me in these games.


Oct 25, 2017
I still have a hard time understanding why it works so well, but I think it's a mix of his resolve never budging, no matter what, his endearing naivety, the fact that this kind of hero isn't that prevalent nowadays and thus making it refreshing, and how the story rarely rewards him for being that way.
Plus really good delivery by the VA. You feel the tone and cadence of his voice even in non-voiced dialog.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad we don't have to hit 100% for Platinum BUT

I think 100 items was too low. 150 - 200 would have been a better number for me. A large amount of things but small enough that you don't need to do some of the harder items (or the ones that just take too long to do).

Even so, we still have mundane things like 100 clan battles, like seriously, I'm only at 30.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm glad we don't have to hit 100% for Platinum BUT

I think 100 items was too low. 150 - 200 would have been a better number for me. A large amount of things but small enough that you don't need to do some of the harder items (or the ones that just take too long to do).
I kind of agree. I'm less than half way through the game and already hit that trophy.

Unrelated, but does any one know if there's somewhere you can check to see how much time you've spent playing?


Oct 25, 2017
Someone convince me to either buy or NOT buy the After Hours Edition. I have it sitting in my cart on Best Buy along with GOW and a GCU membership and I can't bring myself to click purchase.


Oct 25, 2017
Even so, we still have mundane things like 100 clan battles, like seriously, I'm only at 30.

I'm working on it as well but it's not so bad (outside of being unable to skip cutscenes after victory x.x). The money is helping me finance the Rizap drinks (which I need for the green exp) and the clan battles also giving me plenty of purple exp.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah exactly, the VA work in Yakuza is usually great but Kiryu specifically is so good and fits him so well. Kuroda is Kiryu.
That aside, there's something about Y6 that I've wanted to mention and is that its world is so real, and I'm not talking about the visuals, but the way it treats its characters. When I started 5 I assumed everything would work out eventually, but I slowly realized that's not the kind of world they live, it's been a thing in past entries too, but in 5 and 6 specifically it becomes clear that Kiryu lives in a world where being a good person with good intentions simply isn't enough to guarantee your happiness or safety, it's very tragic. This hit me super hard during a substory in 6 where you meet a girl who wants to be an idol but doesn't want to leave her crush behind in Onomichi; now without going into much detail there's a scene later where Kiryu and her have a talk while watching the sea, they mention how the world is a harsh place and the whole thing felt so melancholic and well realized, and I think it's a good representation of the general tone of the game.

I know I'm rambling but tl;dr Yakuza 6 is a very bittersweet game that mixes silly, over the top stuff with a pretty real, melancholic look of adult life that I really enjoyed. It feels extra fitting that 6 is the game to emphasize this the most because it's the culmination of Kiryu's journey and growth as a person.


Oct 25, 2017
I love the kids as well. I also started with Yakuza 3 so I'm rather attached to the kids after going through all the stuff in the Okinawa sections of Yakuza 3. I do feel like the kids should look older? Than they do that is but it probably isn't worth changing their models too much for small sections like that I guess.

That said, I may be misremembering how old they look in Y3.
They DEFINITELY look older than in 3 by quite a bit. And they did change a little bit before and after jail.


Oct 25, 2017
They DEFINITELY look older than in 3 by quite a bit. And they did change a little bit before and after jail.

I'll have to look back again at the before and after jail but idk. Just feels like they should look older. Also surprised they haven't gotten more new orphans between 3 and 6 but oh well. Just some small nitpicks.

I still love the orphans. :)


Oct 25, 2017

Only in Chapter 4 lol. It was my mission. One of them has the same name as one of my cats, too.

Deleted member 8106

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Someone convince me to either buy or NOT buy the After Hours Edition. I have it sitting in my cart on Best Buy along with GOW and a GCU membership and I can't bring myself to click purchase.
It's not worth it in my opinion. It's 30€ more for just a couple of glasses, which are nice but totally not worth the price. Buy the regular edition instead, which comes with a nice artbook for free.
Anyway how can I complete the quest of the cemetary? I beated the ghosts until they told me the next one will be the last fight, but they never respawned. I cleared other sides, even story mission but it's night and there's nothing in the cemetary.


Oct 27, 2017
The karaoke mini game is just so much better. It's more legible, but most importantly, more predictable. So much frustration when it switched to a new line in the old system and it just changed speed all of a sudden.


Oct 28, 2017
Just finished it this afternoon, thoroughly enjoyed it. Took just under 14 hours to complete, 2nd shortest Yakuza after Kiwami for me. Admittedly I rarely touch side content but will probably go back for virtua fighter...


Oct 27, 2017
Admittedly I rarely touch side content

You rarely touch the side content in a series known for its side content? Your call, but you're really missing out. In my opinion, only the main story of 0 is strong enough to be considered equal or better than the side content. And maybe this game, I cannot say yet.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand how Kiryu can be so insanely likeable despite being the most stereotypical protagonist ever.
He's so consistently great.

Kiryu is pretty endearing because at the core of it all, he's a good dude who is constantly dealt a shit hand. He's naive as fuck, not dumb but still makes bad decisions sometimes, and always tends to choose the hardest path even when he really doesn't have to. But you never see him really complain about stuff; yeah, he'll be uncertain a lot of times, but he's never mopey or navel-gazing (and tends to be pillars of support for the people who do).

But he has just enough of a kind of quirky and dorky personality behind it all that it makes it so much more worth it.


Oct 28, 2017
You rarely touch the side content in a series known for its side content? Your call, but you're really missing out. In my opinion, only the main story of 0 is strong enough to be considered equal or better than the side content. And maybe this game, I cannot say yet.

I know it's odd but I really enjoy binging on the story in Yakuza games. Maybe I'll try the side stories in all of them on a repeat play... kiwami 1 with the annoying regenerating boss health might be skipped.
Oct 25, 2017
Started watching the stream that the Sega localizer guys just did earlier today.

Only a few minutes in, but it's pretty interesting. They're talking about how they approached translating and representing the Hiroshima / Onomichi accent.
It also looks like they're showing off the Kiwami 2 localisation near the end of the stream as well.

*Spoilers for the first two hours it looks like*

@ 24 minutes, talking about localizing the Live Chat.
@ 50 minutes, they're discussing the reason why they changed the objective box to display Kiryu's thoughts.
@ 52 minutes, they're talking about the decision to correct the orphanage's name.
@ 58 minutes, comments on lack of facial emotions during substories.
@ 1:13 minutes, discussion on the relationship between Sega Japan and the English localization team.
Last edited:

Deleted member 29464

Account closed at user request
Nov 1, 2017
I couldn't get the satsuki code to work and the OHERCULESCUTTERO code should be 0HERCULESCUTTER0. Zeroes instead of letter Os.

I should clarify, it won't let me enter the Satsuki code because it's too long.


Oct 25, 2017
Coral Springs, FL
I still haven't had much time to play(or found a single cat) because I'm deluged in more study material than every orphanage character combined, but feel free to let me know if I missed anything.
I couldn't get the satsuki code to work and the OHERCULESCUTTERO code should be 0HERCULESCUTTER0. Zeroes instead of letter Os.

I should clarify, it won't let me enter the Satsuki code because it's too long.
I'll fix it, I only quoted someone who provided them.


Oct 25, 2017
I couldn't get the satsuki code to work and the OHERCULESCUTTERO code should be 0HERCULESCUTTER0. Zeroes instead of letter Os.

I should clarify, it won't let me enter the Satsuki code because it's too long.

I posted this earlier and it never got corrected I guess.

Opened Clan Creator, gone through all the codes, some corrections:


The one quoted won't fit into the text limit

The first and Last O should be 0

The O should be a 0 between H and M.

And the 0 here is actually supposed to be an O

I've entered all the codes in the op now.

Also some more here: