
Nov 29, 2017
Well its certainly a more chill experience for the first few chapters. Where as TLOU2 went one way, Yakuza is very much more about the opposite in the orphan sections, its slow, but a really nice experience.

The one thing too many people overlook about the combat (and then complain about... lol) is that in this game you can get major powerful upgrades really early in the game (around chapter 4-5) - so basically look up the details to all of Komaki's training - as it lets you get all the best counter moves really early in the game - that includes the legendary Tiger Drop which is amazingly strong in this game AND can bounce people off of walls for follow up combos. So get it early and learn its timing to mess people up.

Other than that, just dodge behind people and attack them from behind (like, every Yakuza game) as this solves the more block happy enemies. Its really not hard or all that frustrating, I'd say its more a mix of people button bashing mindlessly and just not upgrading Kiryu. You get more than enough XP early on to unlock tons of moves, though it is worth leveling up in the first Kamurocho area before heading for the boss, because like many Yakuza games it forces you to unlock the stomp heat move (triangle when enemy is on the ground) which you'll use in the first couple of chapters before you get good moves.
3's got excellent combat if your willing to learn how it all works... Or just play it on easier difficulties, because hard mode actually isn't easy mode no.3 in this game!

Playing 3 on hard and getting the upgrades early results in the most perfect difficulty level of any Yakuza game. Fights are challenging but not unfair. People are missing a lot by breezing through on easy and writing the game off.


Oct 25, 2017
Playing 3 on hard and getting the upgrades early results in the most perfect difficulty level of any Yakuza game. Fights are challenging but not unfair. People are missing a lot by breezing through on easy and writing the game off.
For sure. Also, those that play on harder difficulties and then ignore all the upgrades don't do themselves any favours either (I see it happen all the time - rush through game, complain later on that they are under leveled).
The combat in the series isn't on the level of more focused action games like DMC etc. but there's enough depth there that I can have fun with the moves you unlock. Likewise, redoing some stuff on Kenzan this week and trying to do some of these arena fights without some later upgrades, while perfectly possible, is both less fun, and just more annoying because your just making the fights longer and harder for no good reason.

And I definitely foresee the exact same thing happening at a certain point for some in Yakuza 7.


Oct 25, 2017

Kiwami 2 coming to Xbox One at the end of the month.

Here's hoping that by this point, what with the Xbox thingy on July 23rd, we'll get some more info on what 7 is doing.

Meanwhile, I've been making nice progress on Kenzan. Done almost everything for the 100% list aside from the actual hard thing (mini games), with training being my latest focus. I should just have the melon cutting and waterfall stuff left to do there, and one random revelation.

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone here know how to play poker or blackjack?

I have no fucking clue how to do either and I'm just catching up on a Kiwami 2 playthrough where Haruka wants you to play card games.


Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone here know how to play poker or blackjack?

I have no fucking clue how to do either and I'm just catching up on a Kiwami 2 playthrough where Haruka wants you to play card games.

I know both. Blackjack is actually pretty easy to google and get a standard template of hit/stand/surrender moves. Poker is slightly more complicated, but honestly, usually it's an easy strategy to see all the folds and then bet high pairs (or better) with the Yakuza AI.


Oct 25, 2017
So to learn the Komaki moves in chapters 4-5 do I need to stock up on XP?

EDIT: Yakuza 3, sorry!
No XP required, in the chapter where the side story first triggers (which I'd recommend looking up ahead of time, as it can be a bit of a pain to trigger I seem to recall, its not marked on the map) once you unlock Dragon Palace and talk to Komaki you can then track down his apprentices around Kamurocho. Once you beat them you unlock a Komaki move - Tiger Drop, Komaki Counter etc. I believe you can also go back and speak to Komaki after learning the moves as he has some more to teach you, though I might be mixing that up with another game.

Hey y'all did we ever get an answer of yakuza 7 on ps5
No news about 7 at all. By that I mean they've not really talked about it on any platform aside from a quick showing in June that revealed sod all.


May 8, 2018
How long does it take Sega to put out a soundtrack?

Crazy that 7's soundtrack still hasn't released. There are so many great music in 7.


Oct 27, 2017

There's a very questionable substory in Yakuza 3.

"Phantom Tour guide"...and it's a black guy abducting schoolgirls...

Yeah, I uh, don't know about this one...


Oct 25, 2017
How long does it take Sega to put out a soundtrack?

Crazy that 7's soundtrack still hasn't released. There are so many great music in 7.
Well people are still waiting for Kiwami 2's soundtrack to be released. They are very inconsistent with the OST releases :( Its a pity as 7 has several songs I really love (mainly the boss themes from later game fights, they fucking rock). Oh, and several of the Karaoke themes, but I think those have been put out already - at least Full Spec versions of them are on Youtube so I assume they must have come from somewhere official...


There's a very questionable substory in Yakuza 3.

"Phantom Tour guide"...and it's a black guy abducting schoolgirls...

Yeah, I uh, don't know about this one...
Yeah, it wasn't the best look having one of the only black characters in 3 show up in that way... Believe it or not though, there were side stories that were more questionable that this one, but those were cut for the remaster.

At least they introduce Mack in Yakuza 3, the best PoC the series got (when they gonna bring him back dammit)


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it wasn't the best look having one of the only black characters in 3 show up in that way... Believe it or not though, there were side stories that were more questionable that this one, but those were cut for the remaster.

At least they introduce Mack in Yakuza 3, the best PoC the series got (when they gonna bring him back dammit)

There are actually two black guys in that scenario. The "tour guide" on the street, and then another guy who is part of the operation at the interior location the bring Kiryu to. And they have that second guy wearing a white "wife beater" tank top, of all things.


Oct 25, 2017
Getting closer...

3 more dudes to beat in the arena, 7 hostesses, and not shown are the 11 mini games I still gotta do. But I got all the training completed today, and aced all the melon cutting courses as well which I'm happy with.


Oct 25, 2017
Spent a couple of hours on the horseback archery stuff in Kenzan. As far as mini games go, I'm tempted to say its one of the hardest mini games to complete in the series. But that's down to the fact that the requirement for mini game completion (via the completion list) is perfect all four courses, and boy they make you work for that perfect...
Its basically an on rails shooter, and as you use a bow you gotta hold down your attack button before letting go to shoot - release too soon and you fumble your shot, missing completely...)
What makes it tougher, aside the camera shifting from left to right at points, is that lining up a shot gets annoying on the third course - targets are tucked into the left and right corners so the depth perception can get a little screwy, and since you have almost 0 time to aim (the targets and camera swooping around) means you gotta get in the zone and just nail it without thinking. That's not counting the ones that need charge shots to destroy. Oh, and you can't just hit the target anywhere, you gotta hit that insanely small bullseye bit which while moving fast and having 0 time to aim... yeah its not exactly a pushover! I've cleared the first two courses and know if I put enough time into it I could nail the last two, its just a matter of wanting to spend the time on it... I'll take a break and work on a few other mini games first, as Shogi and the card game might just prove to be impossible anyway!

Still way more fun than JCC in Yakuza 0 though, which is still the worst mini game in the entire series by a country mile.


Sep 29, 2018

There's a very questionable substory in Yakuza 3.

"Phantom Tour guide"...and it's a black guy abducting schoolgirls...

Yeah, I uh, don't know about this one...
Yikes, not good. I totally missed this substory when I played the game. Wonder why it wasn't cut like the transphobic substory in the remaster. :/


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck yeeeeeeeeeeeah

While the one English FAQ for Kenzan is a good all round guide its damn wrong about a good many things if your going after 100% completion. Case in point:
Horseback archery doesn't require perfect scores, rather NEAR perfect scores (huge damn difference there). As shown above, all four courses are now done (I'm overjoyed!)
Still requires a heck of a lot of skill to nail the score required (you essentially can either not miss any targets but miss a couple of bullseyes or miss a couple and then bullseye all the rest.

Now onto... Shogi. Shit.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, Yakuza 3 is actually quite good and somehow manages to hold up despite the very early PS3 jank. Not sure where some of the series' refinements come in but even though they're missing here I still find myself completely engrossed in the story.

Kamurocho looks really lively and vibrant (Okinawa felt a little rough to me) and it's still fun to explore and reacquaint myself with the streets and their individual charms.


GODDAMMIT there are WAY too many fucking pedestrians!!! What the hell?? It's really annoying (and don't even get me started on the barkers stick to Kiryu for nearly a whole block).


Oct 25, 2017
Barkers are only doing what they do in real life. Its one of those touches that I love in the series. As for the NPCs - if you stand around especially it generates a load of random NPCs to appear all around you. If you want to get rid of them, rotate the camera into a different direction, then back again. The game doesn't keep track of off screen NPCs so they all disappear.


Oct 25, 2017
People should stop expecting any Yakuza news that's not about Yakuza 7 for now. They've not done anything around the E3 season, doubtful anything will come of more ports until 7 is at least got a release date.

Anyway, more Kenzan progress - now the horseback archery stuff is done I'm working on Shogi. Its probably the toughest Shogi requirements in the series? Aside from the challenge mode (which is way more in depth than later Shogi challenge modes) you need to entirely clear, you gotta hit top rank in the normal Shogi stuff as well - which if you don't know how to play Shogi (me, still...) is a matter of using a computer program instead to do the work for me!
Now if only I can get my computer to do the hostess card game as well I'll be set!


Jan 22, 2019
I just finished Yakuza 0 yesterday and wow it was such a amazing experience, can't believe I've been missing on this series all this time!
Today I fired up Kiwami and I'm ready for another wild ride :D


Oct 25, 2017
Shogi all finished off on Kenzan. I don't think I really learned all that much aside from how scary the AI can be when doing the grand master shogi rank in this game (really interesting to watch the AI and the Shogi program duke it out to figure out a winning strategy, ended up boxing the enemy king into a corner where he was thoroughly surrounded)

Cee Lo and Chohan next I think, something nice and easy (and mindless) to do while I contemplate how the heck I'm doing some of these hostess related mini games... Ah 100%ing Yakuza games... a task no one needs to do, yet I can't stop myself from doing it anyway!


Oct 25, 2017
Shogi all finished off on Kenzan. I don't think I really learned all that much aside from how scary the AI can be when doing the grand master shogi rank in this game (really interesting to watch the AI and the Shogi program duke it out to figure out a winning strategy, ended up boxing the enemy king into a corner where he was thoroughly surrounded)

Cee Lo and Chohan next I think, something nice and easy (and mindless) to do while I contemplate how the heck I'm doing some of these hostess related mini games... Ah 100%ing Yakuza games... a task no one needs to do, yet I can't stop myself from doing it anyway!
What shogi program do you use?


Oct 25, 2017
People should stop expecting any Yakuza news that's not about Yakuza 7 for now. They've not done anything around the E3 season, doubtful anything will come of more ports until 7 is at least got a release date.

It's only now that Kiwami 2 has come out on Xbox One, I'm sure SEGA wants to have these releases with enough space to breath, along with other games. Seven is the one front and center now, though we don't know a release date for that YET (despite the early promise of Summer 2020, but that's probably out the window), odds are it will be November at the lastest since they want the XSX version available at launch. I'd wager any ports of the other games won't show up until next year.


Oct 27, 2017
Shogi all finished off on Kenzan. I don't think I really learned all that much aside from how scary the AI can be when doing the grand master shogi rank in this game (really interesting to watch the AI and the Shogi program duke it out to figure out a winning strategy, ended up boxing the enemy king into a corner where he was thoroughly surrounded)

Cee Lo and Chohan next I think, something nice and easy (and mindless) to do while I contemplate how the heck I'm doing some of these hostess related mini games... Ah 100%ing Yakuza games... a task no one needs to do, yet I can't stop myself from doing it anyway!

I would love to hear which Shogi program you're using. I tried one so far but didn't get very far, perhaps because I was using it wrong, lol.
This reminds me of the cheat engine in Judgment that earily got you through the lower ranks. Was interesting to see it taking longer and longer to calculate the next move.


Oct 25, 2017
Really hoping they announce a western release date for 7 next Thursday at the Xbox event.


Oct 25, 2017
For everyone who asked - I used ShogiGUI. It has an option to set it to English (which is always handy) and from there I just made the same moves as the AI in Yakuza made, and then took the programs moves and won Shogi in Yakuza! Its worth noting that most of the time in Yakuza you'll really never need to be using this, either you can avoid Shogi or just redo the challenge mode over and over for an easy win. Its only Kenzan that really forces you to do the rank mode for the completion list (though it will be damn handy to unlock stuff in other Yakuza games using this program). Honestly though I really wish I could learn how to play Shogi legit but watching the AI makes me realise that I just lack the foresight in making some of the moves to beat the AI...

Anyway. Cee Lo done, Chohan next.

It's only now that Kiwami 2 has come out on Xbox One, I'm sure SEGA wants to have these releases with enough space to breath, along with other games. Seven is the one front and center now, though we don't know a release date for that YET (despite the early promise of Summer 2020, but that's probably out the window), odds are it will be November at the lastest since they want the XSX version available at launch. I'd wager any ports of the other games won't show up until next year.
Well yeah, that's kinda the point I was making - 7 is the game they are focusing on so I doubt any news about any other game will show up before its release (which again, I agree with that it'll be November).
I just don't see any non 7 news coming to us before that point, especially since they've been so darn quiet with 7 as well :(

Well, aside from potential TGS news that is. I still hope we get some Yakuza news there even if its just a teaser for the first PS5 Yakuza game (though I expect it on PS4 as well). Since 7 has been out in Japan for a while by then, I'm hoping we get some sort of announcement.


Oct 27, 2017
For everyone who asked - I used ShogiGUI. It has an option to set it to English (which is always handy) and from there I just made the same moves as the AI in Yakuza made, and then took the programs moves and won Shogi in Yakuza! Its worth noting that most of the time in Yakuza you'll really never need to be using this, either you can avoid Shogi or just redo the challenge mode over and over for an easy win. Its only Kenzan that really forces you to do the rank mode for the completion list (though it will be damn handy to unlock stuff in other Yakuza games using this program). Honestly though I really wish I could learn how to play Shogi legit but watching the AI makes me realise that I just lack the foresight in making some of the moves to beat the AI...

Anyway. Cee Lo done, Chohan next.

Sweet, thank you very much!


Oct 25, 2017
Sweet, thank you very much!
No prob. Its a really good program. Whole host of options I've barely had a chance to really play around with, should be a good companion to all current and future Shogi requirements for the series for sure!

Oh, and completely unrelated to Yakuza, but anyone else checking out Ghost of Tsushima? Its pretty darn awesome (so far) and a nice game to complement my continual Kenzan 100% run. Looks darn pretty, but I do miss my heat moves :( (though the game does basically give you the Zanki counter right from the offset so the combat feels pretty nice in that regard).
Its also funny that once again Akio Ōtsuka is voicing a main character in a game - he's been in loads of stuff, most recently he voices Adachi in Yakuza 7 (and does a damn good job as well).


Oct 27, 2017
I'm interested in Ghost of Tsushima, yeah. Mainly because of the setting. Haven't tried it out myself yet as I currently don't really have the time for a big open world game. Slowly (quite literally with that framerate, lol) making my way through Deadly Premonition 2 right now while playing some PSO2 on the side. Ghost of Tsushima is definitely on my list of next big games to play, though! Glad to hear you're enjoying it.


Oct 25, 2017
I had to cross DP2 off my purchase list for now, that frame rate outside is not something I can in good faith put money toward, it'd be basically unplayable for me (and I love Dead Souls ffs, not like I mind when FPS dips!) Maybe a PC/console port improves things to the dizzying highs of consistent 20FPS! I do love the first DP though, so I will play it one day...

I'm not usually one for big open world games either. Ghost I can make an exception for because there's so few samurai games around. The open world is stunning as well (the norm for Sony games this gen) and the combat is super satisfying so that's really all I need to keep me going!


Oct 25, 2017
I wanna get back to PSO2, I tried and liked it, but I think there is a recent problem with my (crappy) graphics card that any 3D rendered game shuts down my PC after a few now it looks like I'll have to shop for a new one, maybe I can save up to splurge for one that let me play the RGG studio games at 1080p/60fps (previously have had to lower my resolutions and settings to real low).

Well yeah, that's kinda the point I was making - 7 is the game they are focusing on so I doubt any news about any other game will show up before its release (which again, I agree with that it'll be November).
I just don't see any non 7 news coming to us before that point, especially since they've been so darn quiet with 7 as well :(

Well, aside from potential TGS news that is. I still hope we get some Yakuza news there even if its just a teaser for the first PS5 Yakuza game (though I expect it on PS4 as well). Since 7 has been out in Japan for a while by then, I'm hoping we get some sort of announcement.

To be fair, they've been quite on a number of their plans, including the next Sonic project, thanks to the current situation. Outside of a new Miku announcement, a few Sakura Wars things, PC game franchises, Humankind, and other stuff that has been released, not much is coming out of SEGA (PR-wise) in the West at this time.

That might change soon with whatever MS has to announce on the 23rd, plus other events next month.


Oct 25, 2017
Made some time for Kenzan tonight. Working through basically the last of the stuff on my list - hostesses and their mini games... so far so good, 3/7 done and their respective mini games cleared. Bowling proved mainly easy (aside from one pro player that took a couple of tries) and the other game was fairly straight forward (though winning is less about you and more about hoping the AI messes up, which either can or cant happen so its just a matter of outlasting them)

Still... the next set of hostesses will make or break the run - as it has the toughest mini game (sorta) of the game and that's the poetry card game. Which is basically up there with Answer X Answer in terms of difficulty - both with how the AI can be amazing and how you might just get hopelessly stuck. I still need to figure out how the heck I plan on managing this one...


Oct 25, 2017
Actually managing to make some decent progress with this poetry card game thing in Kenzan. 2/4 cleared, aside from the obvious hike in difficulty for the last hostess, I should be able to do this (in theory). Getting closer to that elusive 100% completion list goal...


May 8, 2018
Still no mention of a dub. If next week's Xbox event does not feature a dub trailer, I would be convinced that there is no dub for 7.

Judgment dub announcement was 6 months before the game launched. There's at most 4 months left before 7 launch in the west.


Sep 29, 2018
Still no mention of a dub. If next week's Xbox event does not feature a dub trailer, I would be convinced that there is no dub for 7.

Judgment dub announcement was 6 months before the game launched. There's at most 4 months left before 7 launch in the west.
Yeah, I have a feeling it got affected by COVID sadly. There's also been no mention of FGIS translations which is a shame. We back to simply Japanese VO with English text. :/


Oct 25, 2017
Gimme a release date dammit. I feel that Sega have personally been keeping it from me ;) (I'm not quite sure why I'm so invested, I've finished the game... twice, not like I plan on replaying it yet again day 1).

The whole dub thing though is a weird point. On the one hand I'll gleefully smile knowing people have to play through the game using what would have been the superior way anyway (no English dub was topping Ichiban's Japanese performance, its still the best VA performance this year for me, its sat with me while TLOU2 is becoming a distant memory) but on the other hand... I so wanted English Karaoke for my own twisted enjoyment.

Kenzan 100% progress has somewhat stalled since the last hostess is basically amazing at her mini games (aside from bowling). I cleared the fan throwing game against her as well but even then she never missed a shot and only made a minor mistake to deduct a tiny number of points. The rhythm game goes on seemingly forever and she's reacting before the AI even reveals the card you need in the poetry mini game... not quite sure how the game is expecting me to get these cleared!
This'd easily be the hardest plat in the series had it gotten trophy support and required 100% completion. It makes Yakuza 3's trophy set look like Yakuza 6's.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
We back to simply Japanese VO with English text. :/

personal preference here but because I'm used to watching subbed anime so I honestly love Yakuza with Japanese VO. it's so much more expressive imo. all the Japanese Voice Actors put their all into the game and I really feel the emotion trying to be communicated.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
Gimme a release date dammit. I feel that Sega have personally been keeping it from me ;) (I'm not quite sure why I'm so invested, I've finished the game... twice, not like I plan on replaying it yet again day 1).

The whole dub thing though is a weird point. On the one hand I'll gleefully smile knowing people have to play through the game using what would have been the superior way anyway (no English dub was topping Ichiban's Japanese performance, its still the best VA performance this year for me, its sat with me while TLOU2 is becoming a distant memory) but on the other hand... I so wanted English Karaoke for my own twisted enjoyment.

I was meaning to ask you since you did finish the game when it came out and you seem to have heavy praise for the game (which has gotten me super amped up). Do you know Japanese? I wish to play the game in Japanese without English subtext but my Japanese language knowledge is pretty basic.

also how does it feel to know the story of the game while we're just gonna be waiting forever until we get the western release date lmao!


Oct 25, 2017
I have very basic understanding of Japanese, I need some supplementary material to help as I play the games, but I get by just fine. Most is easy to understand, the only hard bits are when the games start throwing tons of twists at me, especially if they do the ol' "government is in on it" thing, that can be pretty hard to follow.

And here's hoping people enjoy the plot (and Ichiban) as much as I did. I still think its the most fun I've had with a game story this year, its the perfect blend of light hearted and pretty dark all rolled into one (I put it way above TLOU2 purely for the characters, Ichiban, Adachi and Namba > Ellie and the gang all day long) - though I doubt many will agree with my opinion that 7's story is above TLOU2, pity really... I'd love to see Ichiban's VA get an award for his performance but you just know it'd gonna be TLOU2 dominating the plot/performance conversation when the game awards roll around...


Oct 25, 2017
Let's be honest, SEGA has been quiet on the game outside of a preview or two (even then, they've been kind of vague on releasing info). Who knows how things are operating at the moment, heck Sakura Wars finally got a release date about 3 months before launch. If we get a clear window of release this week, then I imagine they will be rolling out more information at a better frequency.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, they've really said nothing about the game - no word on enhancements, release date outside of "ready for next gen", dub or not (guessing not), what are they doing with DLC (I want it at launch so that I can at least take advantage of all the shop and job level related stuff) etc. I demand answers! Well, not really, I'm just curious. I'm getting the game either way.


Oct 25, 2017
Heads up, another EU PSN sale, and if for some bizarre reason you don't have Judge Eyes (unless your waiting for the mythical PC port), its on sale for £10 at the moment. Which is an insane bargain. Other Yakuza games are on sale as well, but JE is the standout deal from what I seen.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll rebuy the game for the PC. Will be the ultimate version - just imagine it - no pop in issues (in theory), better res, better performance, ORIGINAL HAMURA! That port can't come soon enough.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019

goddamn, they got George Takei for the English Dub. I'm gonna be playing in Japanese but this dub looks pretty good in my books.


May 8, 2018
The dub sounds generic and boring. Honestly could not tell the difference between dub Ichiban and Yagami.


Oct 25, 2017
I really dislike the dub right out of the gate. Takei sounds completely wrong for Arakawa and that's a huge issue for me. Nothing close to how he sounds in the Japanese version, which Kiichi Nakai does a phenomenal job of not only lending his likeness and his voice to the character. Oh, Namba's voice sucks as well, sounds to shouty/angry and in your face - where's that slightly more lazy/laid back tone he has? They already showed one particular scene with him and Ichiban drinking that sounds all sorts of wrong now :(
But hey, I'm sticking to the Japanese dub, would never dream of playing it any other way.

Honestly, only character that sounds good is Ichiban, he's the perfect blend of goofy and laid back.

But hey, dubbed Karaoke... and I'm glad its coming to PS5. There goes my only reason to give a damn about the new Xbox...