May 10, 2019


Aug 6, 2020
SMT Apocalypse. What a mess, I've yet to remember what the game was about and I spend 30 hours playing it.


Aug 3, 2020
Halo 5 and Metal Gear Solid 4.
Okay, MGS4 probably made sense but ... ungh ... those story decisions don't sit well with me.

Kentucky route zero (only played ep1), what is going on in this game? It's just so weird for the sake of being weird. Never understood the hype.

Ah yes, this one, too!
I finished it last week, and I am still not sure what I played. I like the singing in Episode 3 though.
I'll probably replay it in chunks (an episode a day or a week) so that I can think about the story some more.
It is pretty artsy fartsy though...


Oct 27, 2017
DMC V is leaving GamePass so I gave it a go. The story is so nonsensical that I decided to ignore it completely and enjoy the parts I like - mostly how stylish the cutscenes are.


Nov 13, 2017
Death Stranding. Replaying it last week and got to the final moments with the repeated trips to
Amelie's beach
and just though Jesus... how can I be expected to still give a fuck about the 'story' at this point?

Still love the game though!


Oct 30, 2017
Man, there is a ton of info dumping in Digimon Cyber Sleuth about how the mechanics of hacking and virtual reality work and it's delivered in huge blocks of text that is both important and unimportant to the plot. It's mixed together.

Then I found out that King Drasil was actually a mistranslation of Yggrdrasil and had a hearty chuckle. Not that it mattered regarding the plot, if the guy was named King Drasil or Yggrdrasil, it's not like he was a tree or needed to be anything besides an authority figure, but the game's various translation hiccups made me uninterested in reading all that lore if it was gonna be haphazardly translated so I started mashing through some explanations. Bummer. I still enjoyed it though! Just maybe not as much as I could've.

SMT Apocalypse. What a mess, I've yet to remember what the game was about and I spend 30 hours playing it.
I'm playing it right now and actually thought it was pretty straightforward! Unless the plot swerves hard in the endgame. The emails from your partner keep you updated on your goals and the characters with mysterious motivations are intentionally so. I'm riding pretty high with the expectation that all this buildup has been properly setup and is going to pay off. Surprising since I haven't played IV in years and Apocalypse relies strongly on knowing IV lore but I think they did an admirable job condensing it into the Cliff notes bits.


Oct 28, 2017
Not a single thing in Kentucky Route Zero made any sense and I have no idea what that story was about.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
If you stop to think about it none of the really popular games makes really sense. What's the damn logic behind fortnite? Why DotA and LoL work they way they do? Why counter terrorists and terrorists keep facing themselves in small numbers and arenas in such an orderly fashion ?


Jan 10, 2018
That would be Astral Chain. The game is fun but the story and the world doesn't make any sense at all

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
When you consider the lengths they've made regarding the backstory and lore of the game, your average Overwatch team makes absolutely no sense when it's a mix of OW and Talon operatives.

Heilige Kip

Oct 30, 2017
For me it was the Evil Within. Even after completing the game i didnt know what was going on. And I liked that about it


Oct 27, 2017
Ribbit King is the most random I have ever played. The attempt at a story (at least in English) makes no sense at all.


Nov 1, 2017
Demons bad, shoot them in the face

What makes no sense? :P
Did you play Doom Eternal? It has a jarring tonal shift from the first game, and it's like there is a game missing in between. I'd love for it to just be "shoot demons" but there is a story there that the game takes pretty seriously.


Oct 25, 2017
RE6, for sure. I got the platinum trophy but I couldn't tell you a single thing about the game besides Leon goes to help the president, Piers gets infected and final boss T Rex guy. It was a boring slog that all just blended together


Oct 30, 2017
Culdcept had some weird ass shit

like your mentor is an old dude's head on a cane



Nov 1, 2017
there's this game, like, you're controlling some italian guy from brooklyn but for some reason he's in some sort of fungus-themed fantasy world fighting like, turtles and shit.


Nov 20, 2017
Pretty much every JRPG I've played has a nonsensical story.

As for overall, there was one where you are this two-headed cylinder person and you have to basically trap your opponent and it was in the style of Katamari or Nobi Nobi Boy and it was weird as fuck.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Literally the first thing I thought of when I read the topic title was Joust:

Someone explain this to me, because I can't.


Oct 26, 2017
Flower Sun and Rain is in my top 5 yet i dont know what the fuck was happening through most of the game.
Those lost and found puzzles are actually nonsensical i dont know how suda expects you to know how to solve them.


Oct 27, 2017
I grew up with the Commodore 64. Half the games on the platform were like weird fever hallucinations.

I kind of miss it.


Oct 30, 2017

Yes this... Something about getting lost in a forest, falling in pits, telephone parts, weird symbols at the top...

Raiders of the lost ark on Atari 2600. The game was obscure as fuck

Also This, wander from a ok I don't really know what that area was... to a market place, then walk off a cliff? then I am in some sort of marsh? Back in in area I don't know what it is, I can blow up this random wall to get into a cave, whats this flashing red symbol thing chasing me?

And then there is also Superman 64...
So Superman has to fly through a bunch of rings, and when he gets to the end he has to save pedestrians by picking up cars before they run them over, then you throw the cars because I guess driver's / passengers lives are not important. Then more rings, once you get to the end of that you have to help the police car get to the end of the road by picking it up and flying it there...

You know I can't help but think I may have made some poor purchasing decisions when it comes to games in the past...


Oct 25, 2017
I played Noby Noby Boy and I don't think I ever gleaned what it was about. Metaphorically speaking. Linger in Shadows was another one. I am sure they meant something to the people who made them. I enjoyed reading how to get the trophies for both lol

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Only two I can think of:

Halo 4
Had no idea what was going on due to the game relying so much on material from the books. I still don't remember who or what the Didact is except he has a weird face. And his goal was to turn people into digital skull robots or something?

Final Fantasy 13
I played this game for at least 5 hours and I still had no idea what was going on. Who are these characters? What is going on? Who are these people being rescued? What's the deal with the world this game is set in? WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

I need some kind of reference poi t for the games I'm playing, whether it's someone explaining what's going on, figuring it out through clues in the storytelling or environment, etc.

For example, Final Fantasy VII starts off with a big action section in a world you don't know anything about yet, but within a few minutes you're given at least SOME context and soon after that Barrett basically explains everything to you. It also helps that you can tell you're in a big city, even if it's a fantasy city.
FF13 just felt like nonsense of hyper futuristic stuff. Am I in some kind of city? Space station?
I seem to be on a rescue mission, but who am I rescuing and why?


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2018
Killer Is Dead. Decent action game but man, I had no idea what the heck was going on with the game's narrative or characters.