
Sep 2, 2022
So I may or may not have been inspired by a recent X-men 97 episode…

This clone has all of your memories from birth and think of themselves as just you. They made all new memories after with your loved ones while you were trapped in a lab. You finally escaped after years and run back home.

Do you think your family or friends today could accept you back into their lives. You don't share any memories they lived with the clone you. How would go about your life or interact with that clone?


Sep 2, 2022
Wait, you got replaced by a clone when you were 18?

Explain for the people in back who don't care about X-Men.

It's just a fantasy prompt. Let's pretend you were walking home one day and some evil looking magic man kidnaps you and makes a clone of you to live your life….

I can't read and somehow I thought they had clone memories of living with your parents.

Essentially they have your memories that you've had for the past 18 years. So if parents asked them about a time when your 5 years old, they could recall it.


Oct 27, 2017
Let's assume that the me writing this post is the clone.

If the original version of me was locked in a lab at 18...he would be completely lost. I no longer have any of the same friends or family that I did then. What's he gonna do? Go visit the dad that died 5 years after he was locked in a lab? The mom that disowned us? Talk to my wife that he never met?

Hell, I'm almost 40. I've been living as the main version of us longer than he did.

Sir Wiart

Mar 11, 2024
Oct 26, 2017
It's just a fantasy prompt. Let's pretend you were walking home one day and some evil looking magic man kidnaps you and makes a clone of you to live your life….
The prompt initially seemed like the clone would be me at 18 rather than it happened when I was 18.

Given that, the time frame is super fucked here. My family would have no choice but to accept me unless my clone was way cooler (very possible) and I wouldn't even bother with old friends. They're the clone's friends at this point.
Oct 27, 2017
So I may or may not have been inspired by a recent X-men 97 episode…

This clone has all of your memories from birth and think of themselves as just you. They made all new memories after with your loved ones while you were trapped in a lab. You finally escaped after years and run back home.

Do you think your family or friends today could accept you back into their lives. You don't share any memories they lived with the clone you. How would go about your life or interact with that clone?

This feels like that Paul Rudd series


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I imagine how old you are now would have an impact. If you were kidnapped at 18 and escaped 6 months later then yeah everyone will be like "you're the real you." But the longer it's not you, the more events they'll experience with the clone and more they will consider them at the least an equal of you. Better get used to going by your middle name.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't this happen in Tsubasa Chronicles?

(probably the only who remembers that manga)
Oct 25, 2017
If you're the one that's been out of the game stuck in some lab for years while your duplicate went on living life as normal, sorry, you're Thomas Riker now. This basically happened in Star Trek.
The one that remained stranded for years ended up taking a new first name because his life had left him behind. He was accepted back and tried to continue where he left off before he was stranded.

Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Limbus Patrum
I'm sure it'd be awkward but my family 100% would welcome me back. In short for my family it'd be the Riker situation, clone would probably go by my middle name and my family would treat her as my sister.

As for friends, I haven't really kept in contact with anyone from my high school years or before outside of family. So the friends would be 100% friend's the clone made.

Edit: VorpalNonsense has the right of it. Only I'm assuming I'd still keep my name as I was the original. And knowing my mother there is no way she'd let me change the name she gave me. It'd be the clone she didn't name going with the new moniker.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I'd apologize to the Clone for not replacing a better person, can't believe two people had to live this shit. But that aside, clearly it's the clones life now. I don't know what I'd do.

Didn't this happen in Tsubasa Chronicles?

(probably the only who remembers that manga)
I remember.
That twist blew my fucking mind back in the day.


Aug 11, 2020
<-- Coast
Makes me think of Farscape. Such a brilliant season. But yeah we'd work things out, whatever that meant. Especially with how distant I can be with my family.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, I would hope they accept me back into their lives. Also I wouldn't get mad about the clone thinking they were me. They have as much ownership of that life as I do my own. I would just have to create new experiences. Some of the friends I have right now are friends I had from when I was 18 and some are ones I gained well after, so the struggle would really only be that we have a few shared friends.

And I would have to learn how to be my own person and chase after my own dreams. If I have been trapped since I was 18, all of my hopes and dreams are different from the me of now. Not TOO different, but enough that I would hope my clone would support me in my pursuits?

By virtue of that alone, I would like be going to college and meet all sorts of different people than my clone.

My mom might be a bit overwhelmed by having two daughters now instead of one, but she'd love me no different.

I think it'd be the clone I'd have to work with? We wouldn't be physically the same so that would cause some resentment in both of us I'm sure. The me of now who wishes to be a bit thinner and the me of then who dreamed of being able to put on weight and have a figure...the clone me of now who isn't happy...the original who would have to come to terms of knowing she will never see her grandmother, father figure, and many other loved ones again...that she's missed out on years with her mom and friends, and how her mom is older and more fragile. And the clone who had all of that time. Reconciling lost time will be harder than being accepted by loved ones who are still around.

It won't be easy but nothing ever is, right?


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
I think a decent factor to consider is were you conscience during the time since you abducted at 18 years of age or have you lived as a prisoner for that entire time.

If was a prisoner the whole time, there's a very good change that by now I'd have grown quite resentful of those I knew since they never tried to find me as far as I am aware (because "I" was never missing). I don't think I'd even try to reconnect at that point.

If I were in some kind of stasis though (mentally...physiologically isn't really as relevant in my scenario), I have no doubt my parents would absolutely be happy to take me in as the original because despite staying on decent terms with them over the years since, there's a lot of things they'd definitely prefer to chalk up to me not being me since then.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't know what my "real" self thinks because my real self was trapped in a lab for over a decade.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
I assume this is happening to everyone? Like Invasion Of The Body Snatchers?

This is where the whole thing falls apart…..

So let's say I have a clone out there who's now dating my girlfriend's clone. And they fuck…..and now she's pregnant. They have a baby. The baby is now born from 2 clones but there is no original clone baby. Now, let's say my REAL girlfriend had a real bsby too. There's no way the two babies could be clones of one another since they're born from a real and clone version of the same two people. So now theres no "true clone" of the baby out there which causes an anomaly in the system. The baby born by the clones is now its own original baby. This happens on a widespread level across the globe and the system cannot handle it and implodes.

Theeeeeee end. 👏


Sweet Commander
Oct 25, 2017
Eh. The clone probably did it better than me. I'd probably not even tell my friends and family and just fake my way through conversation.

The real question is which one of you wins in a fight to the death. One has a baseball bat and one has a hunting knife.

Osu 16 Bit

QA Lead at NetherRealm Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, IL
I mean, I guess they'd accept me, but the situation is completely messed up. I am 42. I am nothing like I was at 18. Did clone me end up coming out as trans? Did I while I was in the lab?


Sep 2, 2022
I would think it would be very hard for my clone to just accept my return so easily. His life was just turned upside as he too also found out he has been a clone the entire time. That probably could fuck with him mentally and maybe become hostile towards me. I could see him trying to convince the family that I'm the imposter and I'm trying to steal them from him.


Publishing Producer at Weappy
Nov 9, 2023
they start working for me, I buy an island and live my happy life


Oct 27, 2017
Louisville, KY
Lol that's disgusting I knew someone would be sick enough to ask that. Anyway. Can I fuck my clone while another clone watches from the closet? 😳 👉 👈👀
What if the clone in the closet turns out to be the real you and both of you fucking end up being the actual clones.

OP: I think I would just slink away and start a new life if it had been an extended amount of time.


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
The only real problem would be if I had met my wife and had kids before the cloning happened. But at 18 I was just an introvert nerd kid that had never had a girlfriend so there wasn't much baggage. My family would accept the both of us.

DoctorPlayer MD

"This guy are sick"
Feb 4, 2021
If I was stuck in a lab for the past 18 years then the clone would be much more successful and skilled than mr, it's kinda unfair to challenge that.

Unless I also get his memories and habilities after I woke up (Jean did), I'm a 36 year old with a high school diploma and would be a burden on my family. At this point the clone would have to support me.


Oct 28, 2017
After 18 years clone you would look completely different from real you. Clone you may have a beer gut, a desk job and losing hair from stress. Lab you may be fully fit with the strict exercise and diet regimen of a lab rat. None of the other folks would recognize you. Back to the lab you go.