Deleted member 2340

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

I've never played Golden Sun before. Despite hearing about it and thinking about getting it back when I owned a GameBoy Advance I never bought it.

I've always heard good things about these games. I saw this video go up and decided to give it a watch and I have to say... I really want to play these games now. The whole Djinn and equipping then with how they effect your stats and even over world abilities seems so interesting.. and I love Pokémon and SMT and I love collecting monsters and putting them to use.

It's sad that Nintendo is Nintendo and they decided to get rid of the Virtual Console in favor of this crappy NES 20$ a year BS. I would love to buy these games right now on the Switch and have it tied to me account. It sucks that depending on what Nintendo decides it maybe years before I have a chance to play these games.

So Era, have you ever seen a random YouTube video or read a article years after a game released and did it pique your interest to the point you wanted to play the game right away? If so, what game?

Oh the video! I got the idea and want to play Golden Sun from the video listed above. It has beginning spoilers in the video.


Oct 28, 2017
Most often it's not the entire video or entire article that make me interested. I just have to see the game - so it may be a nice GIF, screenshot or a short video fragment. I don't watch entire videos just to know something about any game, I watch them if I want to hear specific YouTuber's opinion. Same with written reviews.

Deleted member 2340

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The thing with me is that when Golden Sun launch I read multiple glowing reviews and was told by multiple people I knew in real life that I should be playing the games. I ignored them. For some reason or another the video I posted above got me feeling like I really missed out. Just sucks I can't buy it on the Switch.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Oh absolutely. Usually it's not years, but rather weeks ("DAMN, Northernlion/Ryab is so bad at this, I bet I could do it better. And I could see the game progress much faster..."), and then I buy it. And play, and keep watching and enjoying his videos, and I don't mean this as an insult, I'm just much more detail oriented when playing. I love the guy.

But there have been cases where it has been years, yup. Usually because of some old series.


Oct 26, 2017
Plenty. Most notably Shadow of the Colossus, which I played like a couple or three years after its release, ended up being my favorite game of all time.


Oct 26, 2017
All the time with all kinds of games. I buy more old games than current releases (at least if we are talking non-indie games).
VC not being available and publishers not caring about their back catalog sucks, but I make do by buying, ripping and playing via emulation.

Deleted member 2340

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This made me fall in love with everything NieR/Drakengard before I played Automata.

I think the Nier series is going to be the next "Golden Sun" for me as I haven't played any of the games yet. Not my fault though. Back when I was about to buy Neir Automata the devs did a interview where they said they will port it to the then just announce Switch if Square approves it. So I'm waiting for the port....

I will give this video a watch later. Thanks for posting it!


Oct 25, 2017
Tacoma, Washington
Absolutely, and in fact this just happened for me a few days ago. Was listening to a podcast and they got on the topic of Destiny lore, specifically the lore of the Hive, which prompted me to deep dive on their backstory and now I'm back into Destiny 2 after bouncing off of it super hard at launch.

Slightly different than hearing about a game you've never played before, but the effect was the same. My interest in that world was reinvigorated all because of some offhand comments on a podcast.


Oct 27, 2017
Lightning for Smash
I think the Nier series is going to be the next "Golden Sun" for me as I haven't played any of the games yet. Not my fault though. Back when I was about to buy Neir Automata the devs did a interview where they said they will port it to the then just announce Switch if Square approves it. So I'm waiting for the port....

I will give this video a watch later. Thanks for posting it!
Just keep in mind that this contains spoilers for a lot of games but if you're only interested in Automata then you're good :)


Oct 27, 2017
First example that springs to mind is when I randomly found out about Another Century's Episode series on PS2, they are crossover mech action games. I saw gameplay videos with Gundam and Macross mechs and was amazed. They had been out for a while, I had the Xbox 360 at the time, but they weren't that old.
Oct 27, 2017
Somewhere South
Frequently. Also, quite a few times I'll read an article/watch a video on a game that I've already played and liked and it will make me go back to it with new appreciation. Can't really tell you how many playthroughs of Vagrant Story and Shadow of the Colossus started like that.

Vague Rant

Oct 28, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Jeremy Parish's Game Boy Works is this for me. He's been going through every game produced for the Game Boy chronologically (there are also series for other platforms, but Game Boy is the most interesting to me). There's so many Game Boy games that look bare minimum like they're worth trying out that I've only learned about through Parish's videos, like Astro Rabby:


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
This happened to me with Bloodborne! I got it when it launched because of the hype over the years I tried to get into it multiple times, but I just never really vibed with it and more often than not just left frustrated each time.

But then earlier this year jschreier put out a bunch of articles and podcasts gushing over it, and seeing his journey from "eh" to "this is amazing" was the push I needed to give it another try. After that I finally managed to brute force my way through Central Yarnham and discovered I was actually in love with the game, and it slowly managed to climb its way up to one of my favorites of all time!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Souls series, had a buddy who was super into it and watched a bunch of videos about it over the years.

It's taken a while for to get through them but having started Demon's in 2015 I'm now working through Bloodborne at a good pace.


Oct 25, 2017
Good shoutout to The Completionist, he's been killing it lately, love his videos.

And yeah, it happens to me all the time. Whenever SNESdrunk puts out a new video, I feel like loading up an SNES emulator again.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess Civ 6 would count. Watched some YouTubers play Xcom campaigns and the like and as you might imagine they also play games like Civ. I dabbled in Civ 4 and 5 but was utterly clueless and then 6 came out and watching them play it did influence me to buy it when the first expansion came out. Almost 1,500 hours later.....


Oct 25, 2017
I'm having a blast (well, mostly, it has some terrible stuff) with Vampire the Masquarade Bloodlines, so yeah, I'd say so.


Oct 26, 2017
This is about a decade old at this point, but hearing Jenn Frank talk about Gabriel Knight on Retronauts made me buy the trilogy. I've only played a bit of the first game, but I still have this sort of second-hand appreciation of it.

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
I bought Anachronox after Errant Signal's review and the shockingly well-written humor in a JRPG-styled Western RPG.


It's the perfect franchise for SquEnix and Eidos Montreal to remake.


Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
This happened to me with Bloodborne! I got it when it launched because of the hype over the years I tried to get into it multiple times, but I just never really vibed with it and more often than not just left frustrated each time.

But then earlier this year jschreier put out a bunch of articles and podcasts gushing over it, and seeing his journey from "eh" to "this is amazing" was the push I needed to give it another try. After that I finally managed to brute force my way through Central Yarnham and discovered I was actually in love with the game, and it slowly managed to climb its way up to one of my favorites of all time!
Happy to be of service!


Oct 27, 2017
I was waiting for DQ11 to be on sale on Steam for dirt cheap until I stumbled across Tim Rogers' review on YouTube, in which I ended up getting it soon after I watched it.



Oct 27, 2017
Long Island, NY
All the time. And apparently I'm not alone. If a big YTer reviews a retro game (Game Sack, Pat the NES Punk, Johnny Millennium, etc) prices will almost undoubtedly go up.


"This guy are sick"
Apr 8, 2018
You didn't miss out on much with Golden Sun OP, don't worry.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
All the goddamn time.

Give me an hour and a half to three hour long video essay about some niche game and chances are it's purchased and I'm installing it by the time the video is finished.

Then there's the obvious, Butchering Pathologic, the essay that basically put Pathologic on the map in western markets years ago.

Or, this amazing essay by Sulmatul:

Granted, I'd already played Pathologic by that point, but many people come to Sul's discord saying they played the game entirely due to that video.


Jun 14, 2018
Got a copy of Anarchy Reign last month because of a video mentioning it. The soundtrack made me buy it. But turns out the game plays like crap, I should have just listenend to the OST on youtube.


Aug 22, 2018
YouTuber minimme has rekindled my interest in weird licensed games and portable console demakes, some of the more bizarre ones like Max Payne GBA just boggle my mind


Oct 27, 2017
Not a particularly old game and not a video or article, but listening to old Bombcasts reminded me that I'd never played StarCraft 2, so I'm playing it now. I'm digging it. I wonder if I'll have any interest in the expansions by the time I'm done.


Oct 28, 2017

Funny thing is, I was thinking about replaying the Golden Sun games just recently. This video reminded me of how amazing it would be to get a new one.

But as for the topic, I'm always looking for more info about interesting games, no matter when they were released.

Like, when I watched this video I thought that 4x4 Jam game for Dreamcast looked pretty fun, and that I should look into it or find other games like it.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
I bought Skyrim years after its release, due that youtube video highlighting the bug that make you fly towards the sky when the giants hit you.

And it was a good decision lmao