John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
I would devote my time to philanthropy (through labor or the provision of goods) and environmental activism.

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
Id buy the planet and tell everyone to fuck off. Better luck next time!
Maybe Mars aint so bad!

#beachfront property everywhere
Oct 31, 2017
Build many orphanages, make sure they are managed well. Every family member will have it made**. Live in a castle, own the holy trio (p1, laferrari, 918)

** family members who act a fool get axed.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't get the people in here scalping or reselling stuff. Like whats the point? Money means nothing to you why go through the trouble?

I can understand opening a business or something and do something you love but just being a middle man to make money? Don't get it.


Oct 26, 2017
Probably get really in to fishing and/or become a bbq pitmaster. Other than that, Peter from Office Space had the right idea. Do nothing.

Quantum Leap

Oct 25, 2017
I'd honestly just live a modest life. I don't really care for luxury and I would still work, Probably shoot photography (headshots for work, etc) for free for people that don't have the funds to afford it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd keep my job because I'd feel like a bum with no job or purpose in life.
I'd buy a house and 2 nice cars - 1 sports car and one nice 4 door luxury car. Then sell my current car.
I'd upgrade my computer to the max. Then I'd sit on my couch staring into the sunset like Thanos.


Oct 25, 2017
I would build a fancy animal shelter, taking in all kinds of pets, but especially old and sick animals, treat the ones that are treatable and make the others as comfortable as possible.

I would also build a good house, not super big or super small, but something nice and easy to maintain. And get a good car to transport all my animal friends in need.


Oct 26, 2017
Buy the politicians via lobbying and enact some of the most liberal policies I can all around the world.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Buy a nice condo with a great view and just make music and DJ and travel the world.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't get the people in here scalping or reselling stuff. Like whats the point? Money means nothing to you why go through the trouble?

I can understand opening a business or something and do something you love but just being a middle man to make money? Don't get it.
It's like billionaires doing everything they can to get more money even tho they can buy anything.

Deleted member 179

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I would do what I need to to set myself up comfortably. House, car, etc. Then I would probably use it to open a business in something I love, like a game studio, but pay everyone decent wages, work them normal hours, and release when necessary. I can foot the bills, even if it's for a company loss. Then I would start fronting bills for projects and ideas to progress the world. Like NASA, food for the hungry, homes for the homeless. I can buy anything for free, why wouldn't I help those in need?


Oct 29, 2017
First I'd live comfortably, then I'd pursue getting into game development. I've always dreamed of having unhindered creative liberty doing something that I love.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
1. Buy a house
2. Buy a beach house
3. Buy every corporation
4. Better working conditions for all!
5. Buy a nice gaming PC
6. Buy every game.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd just want a nice, spacious apartment/house with a great view, probably in San Diego. I'd spend most of my time as I do now, but with more of an opportunity to focus on programming.


Oct 25, 2017

Underrated post


Oct 27, 2017
I'd lay claim to Apple Corp and make all of their products in penis form. Want an iPhone? You now have to talk into a big-ass dick device.


Oct 25, 2017

I'd get a house, a Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 (or 32), new desk, more ram, a 1080 ti, build a threadripper system with titan xp's And start making cartoons and hiring people to make backgrounds, help and so on. Make an animation studio and bring 2D animation back to theaters with films for the whole family and R rated stuff only for adults and everything in between.

Deleted member 14002

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Charity work immediately. Abandon whatever I'm currently doing.

Start with buying homes/food for local homeless, paying off student debt/CC debt. Continue that shit up to the government level, get the country to back further philanthropic efforts in other countries.

Well yes, but do you want that responsibility and stress when money is of no importance?

Yes because you can do so much with it Eg. Better working conditions.

With running Facebook alone you could immediately put an end to the spreading of hate on the platform and crack down on bullshit articles/sources.

You take it over, hire people you trust, roll all of them up into a mega corp.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Get a house, forniture/tv/fridge,etc. and then just whatever i need on my daily life, ocasionally new consoles/pc/gadgets and games and stuff.

Dedicate my time to trying to improve my writing and art.


Dec 15, 2017
Charity work immediately. Abandon whatever I'm currently doing.

Start with buying homes/food for local homeless, paying off student debt/CC debt. Continue that shit up to the government level, get the country to back further philanthropic efforts in other countries.

If you never had to pay for anything you would be able to have a completely free political campaign. You could easily become the most powerful person in the world with a virtually unlimited reach.

On Topic: What the they said.

Cymbal Head

Oct 25, 2017
I have a serious answer because I know exactly what I'd do: I'd quitqmy job, pay off my debt, update the parts of my house that need it, and then live a life in pursuit of the hobbies that having a job and a house keep me too tired for. Mostly brewing, songwriting, and generally learning new things. Take college classes whenever I feel academic (no worries about pursuing a degree), and pay for lessons on more practical skills like woodworking.


Oct 25, 2017
Buy a big ass castle with a crocodile-filled moat around it and finally achieve my dream of writing shitty stories that no one wants to read forever.


Nov 22, 2017
Why lol? Some beautiful spots. I just took a vacation to visit my folks and drove through Colorado. The whole time I wished I had an extra day or two so I could just chill on the Colorado river for a day.

Next year I'm going to a beach.
More often than not the USA are just incredibly far from everything. Travelling is such an expensive option compared to Europe. So many amazing places filled with people and cultures, all so close. 3 different continents with cultures of thousands of years old are just 3 hours away by plane. I'm in NY, I feel far from everything.
The image of seeing cool places on a laptop is relateable and a little sad.


Nov 1, 2017
I'd travel a lot, experience different cultures and all that. Maybe get into photography. I can't see myself owning too may things proper, since material goods with no practical use would essentially be worth nothing to me. I'd have to be very careful about the visibility of my acquisitions, since I imagine being gifted things that people desire would draw a great deal of ire.

OP touches upon whether this would be fulfilling. As a species, tend to normalize things very readily, and at some point a decadent lifestyle can become empty and boring; this is well-documented. We require things to have meaning in order for life to be fulfilling, and most of us project meaning onto material things because we worked to afford them. Every article I've read concludes that it's our relationships with others that contribute most positively to feelings of happiness or fulfillment, not "things".