"Hehe, you still play that stuff?!"

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2,183 85.9%
  • (Lie) N-no. That's not me. Someone else was playing...(Speech check 50% chance)

    Votes: 35 1.4%
  • (Intimidate) Don't "hehe" me. Mind your fucking business. Fuck you lookin over there for anyway?

    Votes: 113 4.4%
  • (Vex) Do something random to distract them. (+1 Charisma)

    Votes: 34 1.3%
  • (+2 Awkward)(+3 Intimidate) Do nothing. Just stare at them.

    Votes: 175 6.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
I don't get ask this but at the same time the question remains irrelevant to me at least.. but if I do get ask I'll just be like " a little bit here and there".

For the most part folks don't go out their way to ask me such things just like I don't either.


Oct 25, 2017
I envy some of you that that have never been talked down to or side-eyed for playing video games as an adult.

It's something I have dealt with since hitting high school. From my friends, my own family, coworkers, and family in-law. In the past I would deflect or lie like the OP, but not anymore. It is more important to be true to yourself then bend over for some ignorant asshole.

In the past one of my brothers would give me a hassle about my gaming habits all the time. He would say I was wasting my time on a Friday night, and then he would proceed to go out and get drunk and/or do drugs. Now he is an alcoholic and addicted to narcotics. Can't hold a job and barely surviving. Meanwhile I game more than ever with a steady job and enough expendable money to buy any game I want. Jokes on him, I guess.

Recently my sister-in-law blurted out at a family function that she is glad her finance doesn't "game". This is in the middle of a conversation I was having with another in-law about a Smash session we had the night before. We just shook our head and laughed before continuing our conversation.

A few days ago she was over watching the Bachelor episode that was three (!) hours and I said "people still watch this fake stuff?" as I walked past her with Switch in hand. I felt bad about it immediately after, but a small part of me felt vindicated.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
I always get the "how do you still have time to play video games?" Condescension. It's because I manage my time in such a way that I can play a decent amount of video games if I want to, just like people make time to watch movies/tv or read a book.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I play games, read books, watch movies, shows, anime. I do not care what others think. People who give others a weird look for consuming entertainment that is quite normal have more issues.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
A lot of these responses sound defensive. Treat it as no big deal and they'll respond in kind.


Oct 27, 2017
I just say you're god damn right.


Oct 29, 2017
Midwest USA
My walls have gaming art and my pop socket is a Pokemon. "Yeah? How could you not know that?" Then point to everything.

They will feel shame before I do for not knowing and then I'll tell them it's ok I'll teach them. Wouldn't be the first time.
Jan 10, 2018
I answer with a excessively long PowerPoint presentation how far gaming has come since Pong. It is a slowburner, but sheet 87 with Turok is where the mood really changes.


Oct 28, 2017
I answer Yes but it's so hard not to go on a rant on why this isn't as different than people wasting time watching sports for hours. It's just another hobby.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
Yes. But my real passion is painting miniatures!


May 7, 2018
Ivoted yes, but only because you didnt let me choose "ofcourse I do, its fucking great".


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
Answer yes. If they're being particularly shitty about it ask them if it's somehow a problem.

Deleted member 4413

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I can't imagine a situation where I would get side eyed by someone if they found out I played videogames. Maybe if I started hanging around old folks homes?

I generally don't identify myself as a gamer though. I just play videogames.


Dec 16, 2019
the general universe
Depends on the video game:
Super Mario: Um, yeah, you would play it all the time! But hey, I get it, you're not an epic gamer like me.
Legend of Zelda: Um, yeah, it's literally 10 times better than Fortnite!
Fortnite: Hey, are you, uh, talking to me? Because Fortnite is bullsh*t!
Roblox: (lie) Um, of course not! Why would I play a game that died 15 years ago?
Minecraft: (lie) Well, um, mayb-uh, so, um, yeah, well, what were we talking about?


Oct 25, 2017
"Yes I love them."

My coworkers know I'm a gamer, but it's only the old people that feel weird about it.


Aug 17, 2018
I envy those of you who have never gotten these questions. Luckily it's become a lot less common over the past decade or so.

I've developed a way of saying, "Yes I do" that heavily implies how bored I am with the question. It generally throws people off and they backtrack to show they didn't mean to be rude. "Oh, yeah my (boyfriend/kid/sibling/etc) is too. I just can't get into modern ones" or something to that effect is almost always the response. And then we just move on. Anything more isn't worth the time or effort.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. That's not weird. It's a billion dollar industry. I watch cartoons and comic book movies too.


Oct 25, 2017
The main thing that drives this question is the stigma surrounding geeks and techy shit. People probably assume the worst about the demographic.
Apr 24, 2018
My dad used to incredulously say to me "You're still playing games?!" around the time I was in/just graduated college. To be fair, I did stop playing videgames for a couple of years to focus on other things. These days, he's changed the expression to "Stop buying games" without seriously meaning it. My dad's a pretty gruff guy and just thinks that videogames are a waste of time.


Oct 26, 2017
I play video games so much that there's no one in my life to even ask that question.

Majora's Mask

Oct 26, 2017
I don't think I've been asked this question. And if I did, I'd probably answer something like "Yeah, they keep getting better and better". Shrug it off and change the topic.

I don't think I'd get defensive. People have different kinds of hobbies and that's fine.


Dec 3, 2018
Just a dry yes, if they annoy about it, I remind them I work, pay my expenses and I have the right to spend my free time as a I damn please.

Deleted member 41651

User-requested account closure
Apr 3, 2018
Yes. It was only a major stigma back in like the late 90s when jocks weren't on board yet, calling my friends and I the "f-word" because we weren't getting laid. There was also the heart warming moment when my stepdad came into my room drunk and said "you gonna sit there and play games all your life?" I said yes.

I don't really keep or want anybody around in my life who questions my choice (in an aggressive manner) of harmless recreation.
Aug 10, 2019
I had this comment come out late yesterday when I had someone over. My PC was on and a game was visible on the big screen downstairs.

I could tell the comment was coming because they had this kinda taken aback look like "ewww". And that's when it happened.

I answered "yea?". But I felt like I had to explain my situation. "I was just bored for a bit. I just started playing for like, 5 mins.." I realized how embarrassed I was and caught myself mid explain. I calmed myself like an anime character. I slowly closed my eyes and gave a sideways smirk while turning my back to them. "Hmph", I said. They were confused but started laughing at me and then we went for drinks even tho they know I don't drink. I was the boring designated driver... The whole time, all I could think about was being home and enjoying my next game on gamepass. Oh well.

Anyways, you ever get side eyed for enjoying the hobby by family or friends?

What do you say?
You need better friends mate. Hanging out with someone who judges you for your hobbies and then proceeds to get drunk while you wait to drive them home doesn't sound like someone who respects you.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I'm a 40 year old in Sweden, and it never happens to me. Friends, family and colleagues, all play games.

And even if it did, who cares? If you find value in playing games (I certainly do), then just do it, for yourself.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
"Yes". If they ask why, "because I like it". The end.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yes because I'm a human being who is younger than 35 and lives in a first world country.