
Oct 27, 2017
2D Dragon Ball 'grounded' fighting game, similar to the recent Dragon Ball fighter Z visually , but based on original series when Gokuh was a kid. No super sayan madness. No gameplay like Marvel vs Capcom either.


User requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Final Fantasy Tactics 2
Valkyrie Profile Hrist
^all of these, and tbh I see a new Golden Sun happening before the others since Nintendo is actually known to bring old IPs and ideas back. VP and FFT II (or a new Ogre game) are pipe dreams in the state SE is currently in and I also think Sony has abandoned Japan so no more Wild Arms.

As for me... Uh... Well, the easiest one is a new Wave Race, probably. Likelyhood of it happening seems next to nil though.
A new JRPG with turn-based combat, set in a time period equivalent to the early 20th century, cel-shaded graphics, a globe-spanning adventure, lots of characters and a healthy dose of fanservice without slipping into borderline porn territory. Would probably come from an indie production rather than any established studio.
An anime-style WRPG similar to Sudeki. Also a new Jade Empire. See neither of these happening soon.
Jan 10, 2018
A Gran Turismo game with real team management. You build and expand your own work site with wind tunnels, factories etc. There you can also build your own test track, gather sponsors, decide the team colors, logo and outfits, hire personnel, look for second drivers/test drivers and so on. Racing is determined not only by your driving skill but also by the team that you have put together. If you hire less functional personnel it might hurt your on-track strategies, if you bring the wrong kind of drivers it might hurt the morale, and if you decide to go cheap on car parts it might cost you reliability. The point is to give the player a much more complex reward/risk experience where your bond with your entire team and want to bring success not only to yourself but also everyone involved in the effort. Imagine going into the pit-lane and you know the name of all the mechanics chancing your wheels, because you hired them personally. And the reason that they pulled off a new personal best is because you have worked towards a good team spirit where everyone is happy and has great synergy.

I know this video game will never happen because it's so ambitious, but I refuse to let go of the dream!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
Jump Stars Musou...

Probably never because it's arena fighter or nothing for these types of games.


Oct 27, 2017

Full on sequel to Tooie that expands on the bear and birds moveset, while scrapping the Nuts and Bolts mechanics. Interconnected Metroidvania-esque levels where you can unlock new pathways if you return to earlier levels.
Developed by a young team at Rare, supervised by Gregg Mayles, while Kirkhope returns as the composer.

Yeah, I don't see that ever happening.
Oct 27, 2017
Back when I wa sa teenager, I dreamt of a Battle Royale game, like, a licensed one from the movie. I guess PUBG is the nearest thing we will get.


Oct 25, 2017
The World Ends With You 2. The Switch port heavily implies a planned sequel so I give it a 50% chance of happening.

Deleted member 25140

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Sonic Adventure 3 - I'm sure it's coming sooner rather than later but probably not in the way I imagined it after all these years. I'm sure rather than expanding on the first 2 games it'll end up being a cheap nostalgia rehash of elements of both games with maybe a Chao Garden if they're feeling generous and probably classic Sonic shoehorned in for shits and giggles


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Star Citizen is pretty close to my dream game, just needs to come out and be good.

Honerable mentions are probably variations of Metal Gear Rising and Breath of the Wild. Like, an MGR boss rush game with aesthetics similar to Furi, or Breath of the Wild but with an even weirder high fantasy style world.

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
R-TYPE Dimensions 2 - Full HD remasters of the following:
  • Super R-Type(maybe)
  • R-Type LEO
  • R-Type III: The Third Lightning
  • R-Type Delta
These would contain all the features of Dimensions EX plus features from other compilations - shout out to Digital Eclipse's SNK Anniversary Collection - such as rewind, replays you can jump into, and finally an option to turn off environmental collision damage. They would also feature extra levels by original Irem staff. I'd also like extra music by Chris Huelsbeck and animation sequences by Otaking.

R-TYPE Final HD - Big HD uprez plus:
  • Arrange Mode with re-arranged levels to match the quality of the previous games.
  • All aforementioned features of Dimensions 2

Chances: With R-TYPE Final 2 being recently announced, I find all of these to be much more likely. Doubly so with Dimensions EX on Switch and Steam.
Last edited:


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Chrono Break is the only one I can really think of off the top of my head. The series has too much name recognition to never be revisited, so I'm sure we'll see some sort of follow-up someday. (The more specific dream of Yoko Taro's Chrono Break, perhaps less likely.)

Aside from that, I'd still like to see Ron Gilbert get to make another Monkey Island someday, but it sounds like he's not interested unless he could get the IP, which seems........ unlikely


Oct 27, 2017
A massive modern, open-world Panzer Dragoon RPG with turn-based sections as well as action-shooting sections.

I think, literally, 0%.


Oct 29, 2017
I feel like I've already gotten my dream games lol; Smash Bros. with almost a hundred characters and a realistic cowboy sim.

The only other game I really want is another New Vegas esque game in terms of freedom and branching story paths, and it seems like Obsidian might pull it off with their newer games.


Oct 25, 2017
Earthbound Beginnings remake in 3D. Deeper story.

Then, two years later, EarthBound remake.

Finally, two years after that, Mother 3 remake, retitled EarthBound Finale in the West.

Also, a fighting game consisting of characters from my and my friends' worldbuilding universe. Will never happen for obvious reasons.


Oct 25, 2017
Freespace 3. Never happening. I backed Star Citizen as a sort of replacement, but it's shaping up to be something fairly different from what I wanted.

Ffxiv with Tera combat. Never happening either.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I feel like I've already gotten my dream games lol; Smash Bros. with almost a hundred characters and a realistic cowboy sim.

The only other game I really want is another New Vegas esque game in terms of freedom and branching story paths, and it seems like Obsidian might pull it off with their newer games.
I cant believe Smash Bros with almost 100 characters actually happened. TBH this is pretty close to a dream game I had too.


Jul 25, 2018
I wanted Trauma Team 2 on the Wii U with stylus controls so much. The dream died years ago, of course, but it still makes me sad.


Nov 15, 2017
A good dinosaur game :(

(Horizon came the closest I guess, but at the end of the day they were robots lol, and just a few were dino-inspired)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Xenoblade Chronicles X Online.
With continental wars PVP with battles outdoors in mechas and inside battles in buildings with weapons.

It will never happen


One Winged Slayer
Panzer Dragoon Saga remake by Bluepoint.

0.000001% chance that's their mystery project, so, uh, not holding my breath. But it is a nice dream...

I can only hope the upcoming remakes of Panzer Dragoon 1+2 turn out decently.

Error 52

Nov 1, 2017
Skate 4 (Odds: 40/60)

A Driver: San Francisco sequel (Odds: 20/80)

New Burnout (Odds: 30/70)

Mario Strikers 3 (Odds: 60/40)


Nov 12, 2017
Alan Wake 2
The fact that I haven't seen it mentioned once in this 250 post thread should tell you how likely it is. I loved this game so, so much and it makes me really sad that we didn't get a resolution to the cliffhanger. I used to get so mad at Sam Lake for teasing it and hyping it on Twitter, even long past Microsoft telling them to kill it. He would post pictures flashlights with batteries "something special is coming" or photos of him with the IRL character model for AW "someone is coming back" and on and on. Now I realize he was probably just trying to keep interest alive. :(

Sonic Adventure 3
There was a great Sonic news site (prob still exists) that I used to check regularly because their teases and rumors were usually grounded in reality. I finally bailed after 8 years of constant SA3 rumors and teases. It ain't happening.

Sonic Mania 2
I don't trust Sega to back something that people actually want anymore, no matter how well received.

Half-Life 3
Fuck Valve for this. Stop making excuses for them. They flat out promised the game, they intentionally made a cliffhanger ending in an episode 2 of a 3 episode story. They funded and developed several other games over the course of a 10 year span all while coyly answering "it's still coming" in every interview without any further details. "All you need to know is that it will come". "Trust that it's still coming". Eventually they stop answering. Eventually the members of the team are either fired or quit. Eventually they let people make their own sequels. Eventually gamers start collectively defending them "they don't owe you anything" "they make enough money, they don't need to make games" or the worst one: "any Half-Life 3 wouldn't be good enough after such a long wait." Fuck that and fuck Valve. Not just for not making it, but for promising it and then going completely silent on it.

Paper Mario 3
Or a true Paper Mario RPG sequel in the vein of the first two. It will never happen.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
A Cowboy Bebop game in the style of Uncharted (huge set pieces and fun vehicle segments), but not just a third person shooter, also having melee combat like Sleeping Dogs.
Nov 11, 2017
After all these years, I still just want a new Goemon game. Konami being what it is these days, I know it'll never happen, but a man can dream.


Oct 27, 2017
Either a new Banjo that isn't N&B-ized, or Chrono Break.

(First has a lot better chance that the second coming true, though...)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Freespace 3. Never happening. I backed Star Citizen as a sort of replacement, but it's shaping up to be something fairly different from what I wanted.

I too, know this pain.


Oct 30, 2017
Fallout New Orleans by Obsidian, very very low chance we get that since Obsidian is a MS studio now, we will however get another decent Fallout entry from Bethesda, which I'm sure I'll enjoy.

Love Machine

Oct 29, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Platinum or Tango (ex-Clover team?) making a new God Hand style beat-em-up.
Extra points for it being a Bayonetta spin-off where you play as Rodin.

Likelihood: 0


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
A berserk game similar to witcher3 or Skyrim: it will never happen.

Vagrant story 2: maybe? No, I don't think so.


Oct 27, 2017
Banjo Theeie - They have to make this at some point? I mean an actual release, not some half arsed entry. Outside of Mario we haven't seen many competent platformers.

Shadowrun - Still hoping we see a major release on this IP. The fusion of fantasy races with sci fi and magic is fascinating that could be interesting if done right. My dream release would be a AAA open world RPG done by Obsidian.


Oct 28, 2017
FF Tactics sequel/prequel by Matsuno.
Warhammer 40,000 AAA WRPG.
New MGS with The Boss and Cobra Unit.

None of them will happen.


Oct 27, 2017
Full remake of Golden Sun + TLA as one game on the Switch2 or whatever the successor turns out to be called.

Chance of existing: Close to zero.

Camelot simply isn't large enough for a project of that size and they'd likely make less money on it then another Mario sports game.

I'd also take a remake of Xenogears with the disc 2 content fleshed out/playable. I could sorta see that coming into existence though still very unlikely.

Some other ones:

Platinum Games + Gurren Lagann. W101 is the closest we'll get, Gainax or whoever owns the rights wouldn't fund it and it would ideally have Trigger collaborating.

Fromsoft + Berserk. Actually could happen, though I'd like it to happen once the manga is complete so the adaption isn't left unfinished... ughhh... Yeah maybe that's kinda unlikely in my lifetime.