
Oct 27, 2017
Why? Think about. Everything is provided for you, but in return you'll need to work a job that matches your skill set. This means that you'll be good at the role and more likely to enjoy it. Sod getting assigned a job for life that you don't enjoy.

It means you are stuck in a role that you can't grow out of. For example, lets use the games industry. You start as a QA because you are unqualified and lack experience anywhere else. As you spend more time on the team you start learning more from a production perspective and want to move into that role, or you teach your self programming for an engineering role. How long do you have to wait before you can even attempt to "change" your pre approved role?

Also getting a job that you are good at doesn't mean it's a job you are going to be more likely to enjoy. That's a terrible way of thinking.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 26, 2019
South Carolina
You know, I honestly haven't and cannot think of a response to every situation. How about this. Let's say the happiness survey shows the islanders are happier then the islanders can get the go ahead for invasion.

The points cannot be gifted or traded. They can only be used at government locations in exchange for luxury goods.

"Sold my soul at the company store"


Nov 27, 2017
Probably start with world hunger and biodiversity, cynicism aside our species and lives are too unique and random to just condemn due to political bullshit. Same for all the other life on our planet.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth federation, kind of like the USA with federal and state governments. The executive sets goals (environment, poverty, research, health), maintains peace and makes sure every citizen has access to basic rights, education, health care and basic income (probably as a negative tax) - also, complete freedom of movement. States have local parliaments and can make their own laws.


Oct 25, 2017
I tried. I really did; when they asked me to make a perfect world, I tried. I gave them freedom, I revolutionized technology and the economy, created a post-scarcity world and gave them the stars. They burned it down in conflicts of ideology and government. So I took that away from them, I removed their ability to make war, installed myself as their master and ran a well-ordered society. They rebelled, claiming I had taken away their freedom. So I gave them their own worlds to run; trapped them in everlasting simulated paradises. They got bored and began to self destruct--anything so that they could feel something other than the monotony of constant pampering.

I was at a loss.

But then I realized: happiness is fleeting. Joy is not a constant, but a byproduct of new positive reinforcement. It could not be held on to, it could not be kept. It could only be experienced for a short time before vanishing into the ether. The more you deprive a being of something, the more intensely they feel it upon its return.

And so I understood, and my long work began.

I stare out upon my creation, my magnum opus. One hundred billion years it took, but it is almost complete. The sky is dark; beyond the supermassive black hole that used to be the local supercluster there are no stars. I stripped the galaxies of their material, converted what I could into my work and funneled the rest into the black hole. The singularity is completely encased within a dyson shell of my own design, many light-years in diameter and only structurally sound thanks to the black hole's gravity preventing the expansion of space-time from tearing it apart.

It's not to last though; nothing does forever. Its permanence is not the point. Rather, it is best to think of this as a work of art in real-time.

I call them my flesh gardens. A trillion worlds, a trillion civilizations. Their bodies are twisted and misshapen, carved and bent in ways they shouldn't be, bolted to each other and the dyson shell and endlessly simultaneously tormented and preserved by countless nanoswarms under my direct control. None are allowed sleep or distraction; they experience their hellish existence for every minute of every hour of every day. They stretch beyond the sight of mortal eyes in all directions, their endless moans and cries of torment and anguish a symphony in honor of my work, my sacrifice for them. It's all for them. All for The Moment when it comes. For a hundred billion years all they've known is unspeakable horror and pain, but like a lover momentarily denied their climax, the longer they wait the more of a rush it will be when they experience their relief.

The shell will not last forever. Soon it will break. Already it buckles and groans under the pressure as I feed more into the singularity and its gravity well intensifies. Soon it will shatter, and in that one perfect eternal moment, my people will know peace as they are sucked into oblivion. They will know bliss, they will know relief.

For one long eternal moment, they will at last know happiness.


Aug 5, 2019
A fully automated communist utopia.

Nobody works unless they want to. I assume most people would work in passion projects. But whatever human labour does exist is completely unionized and owned by the workers. Your favorite video games and movies would still exist, obviously, because people genuinely love making those. You'd obviously still have your smartphone too because a robot made it. There is no scarcity of food or resources. The whole concept of "wealth" and even "money" doesn't need to exist. You just have what you need and access to what you want.

People of all backgrounds, ethnicities, and genders have true equality, including equal access and opportunity. Protections from discrimination still exist, but don't really need to because people stopped being assholes in my new world. Mental healthcare is as well understood, funded, and supported as any other healthcare. The prison system is mostly abolished and replaced with social and rehabilitation programs. Similarly, policing is mostly abolished and replaced with social workers and unarmed responders trained for specific scenarios.

We've eradicated most disease and genetic disorders through gene editing, but there's a very long and well-detailed document about appropriate boundaries for such technology so it doesn't get used for racist or Gattaca purposes. There's catgirls too, but that would be buried somewhere deep in like page 82 of my full proposal on gene editing. AI companions are commonplace and have a bill of rights.

Cities look something like this:


Those towers are bioreactors producing endless clean energy with algae and water. The city is also covered in vertical farms and gardens. There are no fossil fuels burned for heating, electricity, or transportation. Clean drinking water is everywhere. The temperature of the world drops a few degrees C. Vegetation and water returns to desert regions. We stop putting garbage in the ocean and found a way to cleanly and efficiently atomize or reuse all waste product. Meat consumption is banned as synthetic alternatives hit market.

For the good of the world, we'll probably have to abolish the USA too. Can't see them being on board with my godking agenda.

Why not abolish all borders as well?


Oct 25, 2017
Sheesh you guys have set up some needless bounds for yourself. If I had *unlimited* power? As in, nothing I imagine was impossible? That's easy. Allow everyone to create their own reality, their own planets, their own copies of people which may or may not be sentient depending on what the god wants, with whatever degree of consciousness overlap or material creation out of thin air they wanted. There; done. Everyone can become a god of their own universe with limitless potential for impeding encroachment.

In the meantime good lord is OP's idea just absolutely god awful. I mean it's all bad and that goes a long way in also making it hilarious, but my favorite part was that his idea for a justice system was to have randomly selected roving mobs beating people to death with bats for wearing a hat.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I dont know how you think government dictated uniforms and haircuts is a far left utopian idea when its literal authoritarian dictatorship nonsense OP. Also your points system for doing well at work? Thats literally just money. You've invented capitalism with more steps.


Oct 25, 2017
Having the advantages of the internet without all the shit going on and that people understand or at least tolerate that it is ok when someone is different from them.


Oct 25, 2017
I tried. I really did; when they asked me to make a perfect world, I tried. I gave them freedom, I revolutionized technology and the economy, created a post-scarcity world and gave them the stars. They burned it down in conflicts of ideology and government. So I took that away from them, I removed their ability to make war, installed myself as their master and ran a well-ordered society. They rebelled, claiming I had taken away their freedom. So I gave them their own worlds to run; trapped them in everlasting simulated paradises. They got bored and began to self destruct--anything so that they could feel something other than the monotony of constant pampering.

I was at a loss.

But then I realized: happiness is fleeting. Joy is not a constant, but a byproduct of new positive reinforcement. It could not be held on to, it could not be kept. It could only be experienced for a short time before vanishing into the ether. The more you deprive a being of something, the more intensely they feel it upon its return.

And so I understood, and my long work began.

I stare out upon my creation, my magnum opus. One hundred billion years it took, but it is almost complete. The sky is dark; beyond the supermassive black hole that used to be the local supercluster there are no stars. I stripped the galaxies of their material, converted what I could into my work and funneled the rest into the black hole. The singularity is completely encased within a dyson shell of my own design, many light-years in diameter and only structurally sound thanks to the black hole's gravity preventing the expansion of space-time from tearing it apart.

It's not to last though; nothing does forever. Its permanence is not the point. Rather, it is best to think of this as a work of art in real-time.

I call them my flesh gardens. A trillion worlds, a trillion civilizations. Their bodies are twisted and misshapen, carved and bent in ways they shouldn't be, bolted to each other and the dyson shell and endlessly simultaneously tormented and preserved by countless nanoswarms under my direct control. None are allowed sleep or distraction; they experience their hellish existence for every minute of every hour of every day. They stretch beyond the sight of mortal eyes in all directions, their endless moans and cries of torment and anguish a symphony in honor of my work, my sacrifice for them. It's all for them. All for The Moment when it comes. For a hundred billion years all they've known is unspeakable horror and pain, but like a lover momentarily denied their climax, the longer they wait the more of a rush it will be when they experience their relief.

The shell will not last forever. Soon it will break. Already it buckles and groans under the pressure as I feed more into the singularity and its gravity well intensifies. Soon it will shatter, and in that one perfect eternal moment, my people will know peace as they are sucked into oblivion. They will know bliss, they will know relief.

For one long eternal moment, they will at last know happiness.

See this is why I wouldn't get caught up in the "responsibility" of being an omnipotent god. Even if I could do anything I wouldn't fool myself into thinking I can impose my ideals onto everyone else and expect them to be happy.

In my mind if I ever attained godlike power it'd be better to just be a passive observer and let humanity control its own trajectory. If worst comes to worst and they fuck over the planet I can snap my fingers and terraform its charred husk after the last human dies.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
Earth federation, kind of like the USA with federal and state governments. The executive sets goals (environment, poverty, research, health), maintains peace and makes sure every citizen has access to basic rights, education, health care and basic income (probably as a negative tax) - also, complete freedom of movement. States have local parliaments and can make their own laws.

That's almost the exact same as mine. It's one world government.

Would you keep national flags, anthems etc or just have one flag and anthem for Earth?

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
OP goes out in public and gets mad at all the different haircuts they see around town.

Sorry for the double post, but just saw this and felt it needed a response.

Look, the reason for this idea and as I've said before, I've spent years and untold amounts of money on fly garms and flash shit in order to look boss AF. It didn't improve my life getting that Kenzo hoodie or buying that dsquared hat. It just cost me money and made me shallow.

So let's rid the world of materialistic and designer clothing. This also includes cheap throwaway shit. Let's have the govt clothe us, or let's give people the skill to make their own garms.

Deleted member 33319

Account closed at user request
Nov 15, 2017
Sorry for the double post, but just saw this and felt it needed a response.

Look, the reason for this idea and as I've said before, I've spent years and untold amounts of money on fly garms and flash shit in order to look boss AF. It didn't improve my life getting that Kenzo hoodie or buying that dsquared hat. It just cost me money and made me shallow.

So let's rid the world of materialistic and designer clothing. This also includes cheap throwaway shit. Let's have the govt clothe us, or let's give people the skill to make their own garms.
I don't think we need to give up individuality because you have a strange relationship with name brands


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry for the double post, but just saw this and felt it needed a response.

Look, the reason for this idea and as I've said before, I've spent years and untold amounts of money on fly garms and flash shit in order to look boss AF. It didn't improve my life getting that Kenzo hoodie or buying that dsquared hat. It just cost me money and made me shallow.

So let's rid the world of materialistic and designer clothing. This also includes cheap throwaway shit. Let's have the govt clothe us, or let's give people the skill to make their own garms.

What works for you isn't going to work for everyone. If I wear a cool hat that someone else more creative and stylish designed but which also fits my own personal sense of style, that's not just my own expression of individuality. It's also a shared moment of humanity that reminds me of my connection to that designer, however tenuous. Your rule enforces a false sense of community between individuals by denying them the right to choose their bonds.

Which is why I've formed a team of plucky highschoolers to harness the power of fursona to attack and dethrone you.


Oct 26, 2017
That's almost the exact same as mine. It's one world government.

Would you keep national flags, anthems etc or just have one flag and anthem for Earth?
As long as there are no other populated planets national and regional flags will still be more relevant than a global one imho. A global emblem will probably exist for administrative reasons though.

I struggle a bit while thinking about how we're supposed to make a truly global anthem though, that would have to sound like something representing 7 billion people. It would be the plainest shit one could imagine.