
Oct 26, 2017
An interesting video on this stuff :

It's been pointed out but this video is talking about weird, animated videos with no actual children...

BUT I'd like to also point out that in this video he notes many of the animated videos are recreations of live-action videos, and also he shows one animated video with baby Mickey and Minnie involving syringes and stuff (the one Restsupurae covered)---so, I imagine that this video may have been based off a live-action video with actual babies making it disturbing.

Deleted member 18568

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So they get these videos taken off YouTube... then download them and post the most salacious clips in their own ad-sponsored story. Buzzfeed can blow me.


Oct 28, 2017
Expect these scumbags to continue making sockpuppets as long as the morbidly curious give them money from views. Is there an easy way to tell if someone on YouTube is an alt of a banned account? If not, then YouTube may ultimately have to give in and let these roaches do their thing. I hope it doesn't end that way.

Deleted member 3058

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There is a kids video were Spiderman spanks Elsa and then slaps her on the face. Then she puts a clothes peg on his dick. This is actual people playing these characters btw. It's fucking weird
While that is bad this thread is about channels that are simulating abuse on actual children


Oct 27, 2017
I thought this was gonna be about those Elsa and Spiderman videos that get crazy amounts of hits. This is just fucked up.
There's overlap between the two things, I believe. Like, these guys are all grinding out videos with common repetitive elements so they can game the algorithm system, even the live action acted ones like the dude who got shut down. It just all ends up feeling like the same endless nonsense random word salad given sentience.
Oct 26, 2017
You know how some people would say they arrived on the weird side of YouTube? All that is peanuts compared to what I'm reading here. What in the actual fuck man, Jesus.

The fact that these channels actually had so many subscribers..... how? I honestly don't even know what to say anymore.
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Oct 27, 2017
YouTube gets five billion hits per day. It is simply not possible to police an open platform like that, or any other on social media.
It's actually very possible, but it would mean cutting down on those gangbuster profits. but we are so brainwashed to the point where we think that 'gee, they're too big, all they can do is throw their hands up in the air :/'

source: I used to work for a contractor for google/youtube and did some of their policing. they have real people doing things. they just need more. they DO have the money.

do NOT give companies like this credit by saying it's impossible. it's very possible, it just costs millions or billions of dollars (gee, youtube couldn't possible afford that, could they)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is horrible, but honestly is also a failure in parenting. Who are these parents that let their kids go on hours watching YouTube unsupervised?
While the parenting is an aspect, it's not feasible to watch your child literally every second of every day. These videos appear as related videos even with parenting settings enabled.


Oct 26, 2017
I had a Prince song on my channel for a hot minute. instantly taken down. But this shit flies? Seems like they've taken the Steam school of marketing and promotion.

Bo Neslek

Oct 25, 2017
Canada's Ear
Algorithms are not the way to screen content for children. It requires actual people screening the content. Like we as a society agreed upon with television ratings. Youtube has more than enough money to employ the necessary people. YouTube has a chance to do this before they bring regulators down upon themselves.

Yup. We really need to get on this.

I was chatting to a friend today about the bad shit that's all over Youtube. He had no idea and was sure his son - who only watches Youtube in the family room - hadn't viewed anything 'questionable'. Texted me an hour ago saying that he'd gone through his son's view history and seen a few disturbing ones.

We have standards for film, television, books, music - but virtually zippo for things like Youtube. It's a really bad situation.

'Do no evil' indeed, you fucks.


Oct 30, 2017
I had a Prince song on my channel for a hot minute. instantly taken down. But this shit flies? Seems like they've taken the Steam school of marketing and promotion.
A YouTube algorithm can Shazam your prince song and know it's copyrighted. Youtubers that shoot their own video have no content for YouTube to compare to. The only way to catch this stuff thus far has been to sit an actual human being down to watch these videos and people with these jobs tend to either quit within months or require counseling and therapy.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That's fucking disgusting, and Youtube is as fucking slow as ever to react to this shit. They only care about things when advertisers start pulling out.

Men, even if he isn't mentioned here fuck daddy of five or whatever his name was
This guy deserves to rot, what a horrible excuse for a human being.


Oct 26, 2017
My daughter tried watching Toy Freaks a lot. Disturbing and annoying as fuck. I never did see anything that would make me freak out, but the kids always acted in a manner that made me lose faith in people's abilities to properly parent. Rude yelling, throwing food, and hitting each other. I always made her change it.

And at the end of the vids, the dad would always come on with his creepy voice saying things like "wanna know what happens to this little girl? Subscribe now.."

YouTube was a mistake


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
Ya know, of all the weird things on youtube I never knew this was going on. Never saw one of the videos, never saw one trending or in my recommended lists, never saw a thread about it on a forum, nothing. The closest that would count is that Daddy o' Five or whatever guy.


Oct 25, 2017
While looking see some stuff up on YouTube and some how I ended up on the dark side of YouTube and a lot of those videos would pop up.


Oct 26, 2017
With all these advertisers pulling out, what would it take for Google to just shut Youtube down as just not worth it?


Oct 30, 2017
This is honestly terrifying. If I have kids they are going nowhere the fuck near tablets or youtube I don't care how much it keeps them quiet.

Deleted member 3812

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What's fucked up is YouTube allowed the "DaddyOFive" YouTube channel to exist despite videos of children being abused and what both got was just probation NO jail time at all!!!!:

September 11, 2017

The couple behind the controversial "DaddyOFive" YouTube channel were sentenced to five years of probation on charges of child neglect in Frederick County Circuit Court on Monday.

Michael and Heather Martin of Ijamsville entered Alford pleas to two counts of child neglect each — charges that stem from "prank" videos that caused a viral outcry from viewers who thought they amounted to child abuse. Under their Alford pleas, the Martins maintain their innocence while acknowledging that prosecutors have enough evidence to win a conviction.

Frederick County Assistant State's Attorney Lindy Angel said that an investigation into the Martins began in April after "various sources" alerted the Frederick County Sheriff's Office to Michael Martin's YouTube channel, "DaddyOFive." In more than 300 now-deleted videos, the Martins were seen destroying an Xbox, and berating and cursing at two of their five children. In other videos, Michael Martin is seen pushing his son Cody Martin into a bookcase, giving him a bloody nose and ordering one of his stepsons to slap his daughter, Emma Martin, in what he deemed a game.

Angel said that a neuropsychologist who worked with Frederick County Child Protective Services during the investigation found that 11-year-old Emma and 10-year-old Cody Martin, the biological children of Michael Martin and the stepchildren of Heather Martin, had experienced "observable, identifiable and substantial impairments of their mental or psychological ability to function."

"It became correlated directly to the behavior and actions of the defendants, the Martins," Angel said.

The Martins received a five-year suspended sentence for each charge. Frederick County Circuit Judge Theresa M. Adams ruled that, under the terms of the couple's probation, the Martins could not have contact with Emma, Cody or the children's biological mother, Rose Hall, unless permitted by a court. Adams also said the Martins cannot post video recordings or images of Emma and Cody to social media unless it is for legitimate family purposes, and that the couple should submit evaluations and adhere to mental health treatment as advised by their supervising agent.

Represented by defense attorney Stephen R. Tully, Michael Martin and a teary-eyed Heather Martin entered the courtroom around 10:45 a.m. Michael Martin handed her a box of tissues.

Tully said after the hearing that he thought the ruling brought justice to all parties. He said what the Martins displayed in their videos was negligent, but not intentional, and that they've learned to "be careful with children and social media."

Tully said he will file a motion soon asking the judge to consider dismissing or reducing the sentences and/or expunging charges from their records should the Martins abide by the conditions of their probation. If the Martins violate their probation, they could face up to 10 years in prison, but Tully said he felt "comfortable" that the Martins would adhere to the terms.

Angel said she also was pleased with the results of the hearing.

"When we began the investigation, I don't think anyone was certain there was criminal [activity]," she said, but the psychologist's reports made the state pursue neglect charges.

"I think everyone's interests are served, both the Martins as defendants and the state's interest in protecting the children," she said. "I think it was a fair result for everyone."


User requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
This shows how much Google doesn't give a shit about what happens on Youtube so long as it doesn't affect profits.

I hope Google dies within the next decade or two, so fucking tired of this hypocrite piece of shit of a company. Amazing how this was the same company I used to root for, and believed in their "do no evil" mantra. Shit, I even dreamed of working for them. Now they're just this faceless advertizing megacorp that only exists to sell our data to the highest bidder.
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Oct 25, 2017
Between baby boomers and Google, the younger gen never stood a chance. Fucked, stunted and shamed.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This feels like a completely separate issue from the "Joker cracks upon Hatchimals with Pregnant Elsa From Frozen" type videos that we've discussed around here. This seems like it's meant to appeal to pedophiles while the former stuff is actually targeted at toddlers and bots.

This is much more insidious and the police should be looking close at the people making these videos.


Oct 26, 2017
The Toy Freak videos sound pretty bad and sound like abuse but I never saw anything in their Freak Family videos that I thought was particularly bad. The videos annoy/disgust me because of the open-mouthed chewing of their food and smacking of their lips and all that, it's like nails on a chalkboard hearing it. I don't think there was anything of value in the videos. Still, my daughter enjoyed watching the Freak Family videos though (I did explain to her that their bad manners and the way they eat is staged and meant for 'entertainment,' and that they are incredibly wasteful for buying as much food as they do only to essentially use it as a prop to make a mess with).
I'm assuming the Freak Family videos are gone because of the creator's association with Toy Freaks probably? That it was easier to just take down all of the father's videos than to screen each one?

EDIT: Just read more about the Toy Freak videos and they sound incredibly fucked up. I don't believe anything of value has been lost by their removal.
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Oct 25, 2017
If they can put together an algorithm that can pick up and auto-block copyrighted content, surely they can create an algorithm that can detect specific content?
I mean, if this stuff has gotten so many views, then it's probably been recommended to people through their algorithm. It's certainly never been recommended to me, so there's something in the algorithm that says that this is not fit for Uhyve.

There's something in their system saying that this is abhorrent content only to be viewed by certain people. They have such an advanced bot recommending stuff, I feel like someone at Youtube must've known this, especially with the reporting feature. There's really no excuse for Youtube allowing something like this on their network.

Edit: Good lord, guess there's alot of "kids friendly" stuff we don't get exposed to looking at this:
An interesting video on this stuff :

Urgh, I hate Youtube right now. Why don't they ban that MCN?

Edit2: There seriously needs to be a Youtube for kids twitter campaign right now, this is all so awful.
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Nov 21, 2017
Christ, on one hand I'm absolutely relieved that I had no idea shit like this was going on, but on the other hand I'm really disappointed that millions of other people did and did nothing about it. We've already entered the "new world" in regards to virtually zero barrier of entry to the internet, its time that more actions are taken to clean up the horrible child exploitation going on. This situation is way, waaaay worse than the internet in the 90's when parents were trying to figure out how to stop their kids from accessing pornography. Now you have sexual predators actually talking to kids on their cell phones and tablets without parents even knowing.


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017
Well they didn't use any copyrighted material, so not a priority for YT.

YouTube gets five billion hits per day. It is simply not possible to police an open platform like that, or any other on social media.

Yeah it may sound mind-blowing, but I am sure a multi million dollar company could hire a few more people to speed up the process.
Oct 25, 2017
In other videos, the children are kidnapped, or made to 'play doctor' with an adult. The videos frequently include gross-out themes like injections, eating feces, or needles. Many come from YouTube 'verified' channels and have tens of millions of views.

WHAT!? I'm pretty knowledgeable about Youtube stuff, but this completely passed me by. How the fuck was something with tens of millions of views allowed to go on for so long?

Edit: Seems I may have misunderstood the severity of these. If they're just animations and weird acting, that's certainly a lot more acceptable even if it's kind of fucked up. Thought this was another Daddy o Five situation, but much worse.
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Oct 25, 2017
As someone who has grown up alongside the platform and has published content on Youtube for almost a decade now, I agree that this is abhorrent and incredibly creepy.

However, the bigger problem to me is that I am having a hard time understanding why parents feel comfortable enough to let their kids watch YouTube in the first place - is it just a lack of education on their part or willful ignorance? The entire premise of the platform is that anyone can upload videos and share their content. That's the core of why the platform is so great and has done so many life changing things for so many people. It's not regulated by the FCC and there is no real penalty for violating Youtubes' guidelines other than having their account shut down, which might as well be inconsequential to the majority of people. If you're creating content for children and you publish questionable content that's clearly not intended for children on YouTube, you will have your account removed or the video deleted. If you somehow manage to broadcast mature content on television aimed at children, you're automatically looking at severe legal repercussions.

Therefore, because the penalties are not equivalent one would assume that creeps and trolls would be more prevalent in one platform than the other. Why even take the chance that your kid could stumble onto something nefarious that could negatively affect them growing up? Would you rather have your child watching programming that has gone through an approval committee by a public corporation that protects its brand name and has actual stake in whether or not the content is age appropriate or watching content created by some weird 40 year old living by himself in rural Arkansas with no board of directors to answer to, no real aversion to online scrutiny, no job on the line to lose, and no real meaningful consequences if he gets caught?

I don't have kids but if I did I cannot even remotely fathom letting them watch YouTube at such a young age without constant supervision. Why not just put them in front of the TV instead if you need to relax? Like honestly, is this just lazy/ignorant parenting or am I missing something here?

There is a YouTube kids app that is filled with this shit. I thought we were safe using that app but my daughter also stumbled upon this crap. I thought she was watching pepa pig clips but my wife noticed they were violent. Luckily she noticed right away really.


Oct 25, 2017
WHAT!? I'm pretty knowledgeable about Youtube stuff, but this completely passed me by. How the fuck was something with tens of millions of views allowed to go on for so long?

Edit: Seems I may have misunderstood the severity of these. If they're just animations and weird acting, that's certainly a lot more acceptable even if it's kind of fucked up. Thought this was another Daddy o Five situation, but much worse.

These are not animated videos, its real kids and people. It's very similar to Daddy o Five.


Oct 29, 2017
This shit has been floating around Youtube for a long time, unfuckingbelievable that it's taken this long to grab their attention. I don't think that's even the worst of it... Giving kids unsupervised, unrestricted access to the internet including Youtube is dangerous for a lot of reasons including the creeps and pervs, and (or also) the racist, homophobic right wing assholes indoctrinating kids with propaganda under the guise of entertainment. I would've thought parents of my generation would've figured this out, especially ones who grew up with internet access. It's exponentially worse now with social media. When I was 15 or 16 and new to having my own internet access I use to chat with someone who I later found out was a guy in his mid or late 40s posing as a 15 year old girl using pictures of his daughter... That was... Disturbing. I'm pretty sure he ended up getting arrested. I only found out because his wife did and sent a mass message to everyone his ICQ list. Didn't take me long to develop internet trust issues which was probably a good thing I really can't imagine just how much worse it is now.

Okay that went off topic...

the fuck?

reminds me of some shit I stumbled upon years and years ago. There are sites out there that aren't child porn, but are. Like photo shoots of little kids in "outfits". At the time I assumed they were clearly visible on the web so they must be legal...but man I wish I had reported it.
You mean those "modeling" sites? Yeaaaah that shit was big in the late 90s/early 2000s that walked a fine line between legal and porn existing in a gray area until IIRC laws were updated, there was a crackdown in I think the mid, maybe late 2000s where several people involved with those sites (mostly the "photographers" who usually ran those sites) got arrested and went to prison. Unfortunately laws passed here didn't do anything for garbage produced outside the US, like in South America or especially Eastern Europe which was way worse, I know several European countries cracked down as well but not enough. Then there's those Chan sites, including the original...

Way too many people seem to think this is all underground or "hidden away" on the dark web when in reality it's not, type the wrong thing (even if something totally innocent) into Google image search and things can pop up and probably lead to you being put on a watch list. There's a lot of similarly questionable shit on Youtube, never mind what can be stumbled upon on popular porn streaming sites. I've mentioned it before on the other site about how someone I knew had and still has leaked/stolen images they took when they were under 18 that were and probably still are used in ads.

There's only so much Google's curation can do and I guess that can go to the Youtube side as well but fuck, people have to be reporting stuff on Youtube regularly so it shouldn't be.


Oct 25, 2017
Algorithms are not the way to screen content for children. It requires actual people screening the content. Like we as a society agreed upon with television ratings. Youtube has more than enough money to employ the necessary people. YouTube has a chance to do this before they bring regulators down upon themselves.

My friend had his kids channel demonetized as a result of this. No explanation of the offending videos.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
My daughter tried watching Toy Freaks a lot. Disturbing and annoying as fuck. I never did see anything that would make me freak out, but the kids always acted in a manner that made me lose faith in people's abilities to properly parent. Rude yelling, throwing food, and hitting each other. I always made her change it.

And at the end of the vids, the dad would always come on with his creepy voice saying things like "wanna know what happens to this little girl? Subscribe now.."

YouTube was a mistake
For situations like this I recommend the video blocker extension for Chrome. Can outright block content from ever appearing on YT, even in the sidebar, based on entered keywords and channel names.


Oct 26, 2017
What kind of people watch that kind of thing? just the concept of children suffering make me sick as I guess to most of the people but that shit get tons of views.


Oct 25, 2017
While the parenting is an aspect, it's not feasible to watch your child literally every second of every day. These videos appear as related videos even with parenting settings enabled.

I agree for older children, once your child enters school is far more difficult to monitor, but many of these videos are aimed at toddlers, some of these barely have spoken words.


Oct 25, 2017
I am personally very disturbed that the audience for these videos are millions of people.


Oct 25, 2017
I am personally very disturbed that the audience for these videos are millions of people.

It's important to know many of this videos *and* views are robots porgramed to exploit YouTube's algorithms. It's very troubling regardless, but keep in mind those views are never 100% human beings actually watching.