The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017

Bring it.


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
Obviously, I have heard of the "Snyder cut" and requests to release it.... but I don't know anything beyond that. What is this cut supposed to be? New scenes?


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
I feel like if anything, Zach Snyder seems to be a great guy to work with even if he's creatively limited/weak when it comes to writing and ideas. The whole cast happy to come back and work with him and every exec involved happy to give this a go and finance it with another 30 mil? Dude must be good to work with.

I liked MoS and the BVS theatrical cut (mostly, it was too overstuffed tho) and I like the cast/music. Having more BatFleck and Super Cavill is good in my books.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
I saw Justice Leage a couple years ago, and yeah it was a really forgettable movie. Is Snyder re-filming anything or just editing in cut scenes to make this mediocre film even longer?
Seems that 75% of what he shot ended up on the cutting room floor, probably they'll finish that and whatever the original script and plan was.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
It will never stop being hilarious to me that a mythological director's cut by a director who almost exclusively makes terrible films was as in demand as it was.


Oct 27, 2017
People remember we live in bizarro time now.

There's every chance this will somehow end up being the capekino people have been memeing about for years.
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like if anything, Zach Snyder seems to be a great guy to work with even if he's creatively limited/weak when it comes to writing and ideas. The whole cast happy to come back and work with him and every exec involved happy to give this a go and finance it with another 30 mil? Dude must be good to work with.

I liked MoS and the BVS theatrical cut (mostly, it was too overstuffed tho) and I like the cast/music. Having more BatFleck and Super Cavill is good in my books.
Doesn't matter how nice he is. He ruined people's childhoods. Obviously that means he's a POS.


Layout Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Bothell WA
Obviously, I have heard of the "Snyder cut" and requests to release it.... but I don't know anything beyond that. What is this cut supposed to be? New scenes?
It's the version he intended to release, but couldn't due to the death of his daughter which made him drop out of the final edit. WB hired Joss Whedon to come in and essentially reshoot over half the movie to make it "brighter" and have more jokes. Zack's theatrical version would've probably been 3 hours long, but the version we got was 2 hours on the dot.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Feb 1, 2020
It will never stop being hilarious to me that a mythological director's cut by a director who almost exclusively makes terrible films was as in demand as it was.
the fan base he has amassed will never stop astonishing me. Even his best films really are just... not good imo (300, dawn of the dead remake). Guess some people resonate with him for some reason.


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
It's the version he intended to release, but couldn't due to the death of his daughter which made him drop out of the final edit. WB hired Joss Whedon to come in and essentially reshoot over half the movie to make it "brighter" and have more jokes. Zack's theatrical version would've probably been 3 hours long, but the version we got was 2 hours on the dot.

Got it, thanks. Looking forward to it, then.


Nov 12, 2017
ERA has spent the past 4 years abusing, making fun of, trolling relentlessly and just being mean spirited about Zack Snyder and his movies. You have the same people saying that Snydercut people are toxic but refuse to actually look in the freaking mirror at themselves. Have you guys seen the way you talk about Zack Snyder here?

This movies/shows existence does not affect you in anyway. No idea why you can't just let people enjoy whatever the fuck they want to enjoy without trying to spoil it for them. Then agains mods participate in it too so you know.

Let's not forget this is the forum where some person made a Man of Steel topic to shit on it because they were not happy that TROS was getting bad reviews.
Damn, I empathize. This is how I feel every time someone says something positive about an MCU movie and is immediately trounced by comments telling them they have shit taste and should learn to watch other movies (the last two Endgame threads). I've been ripped apart for liking the MCU. I've also been insulted for not hating Rise of Skywalker enough and for not hating Justice League more than BvS. Seriously.

There's definitely a sea change on this forum lately that blurs the lines between criticizing a movie and flat-out attacking someone just for liking it.

While I probably hate BvS more than any movie I've ever seen in my life, I still love DC, Batman, Superman, I'm a Man of Steel apologist and I even like some of Snyder's other movies. I'm really interested to see how this turns out.

I hate BvS but I don't want to mistreat people for liking something that I don't. I'm sorry if you've ever been treated shitty for liking a Snyder movie.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Oh, so the meme is real now?

I mean, this is a timeline where Kinberg got to make Dark Phoenix despite his track record, and the same applies (albeit to a lesser extent) with Avi Arad with Venom. I don't see WB allowing Snyder to complete his vision as any less astonishing or incredulous.

I just hope that we get more Batfleck out of it and it's not as incoherent as BvS.
Nov 7, 2017
I have no faith that Snyder can fix Justice League with his directors cut and I think he might actually make it worse

He's just not that great of a director sorry


Oct 25, 2017
So a question, did Zack Snyder managed to finish filming Justice league before he left at the time or he only got to film the majority of it?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Can someone explain why this is important? I'm a bit OOTL

Fans boosted an idea that there was some sort of "Snyder cut" of the film that exists. WB is now having Snyder go back and finish this to get people on HBO Max. It's a smart move.

The confusing part is how fans expect this to somehow make the movie not terrible when Batman v. Superman was already a Snyder cut and already terrible.


Oct 31, 2017
Just because they can doesn't mean that they should.

Maybe we end up getting a better villain than whats-his-face.


Oct 25, 2017
The confusing part is how fans expect this to somehow make the movie not terrible when Batman v. Superman was already a Snyder cut and already terrible.

They probably liked the BvS Directors Cut, because they like and agree with Snyder's vision for the DC universe. They like that its edgy and different from the comics and the MCU. The film being atrocious changes none of that for them, because they aren't looking for good filmmaking.


Oct 25, 2017
This is nuts, gotta admit I thought the #snydercut was always a myth, but here we are. Worst part is that it will empower those crazy nutjobs and their online harrassment.

Also don't see how any cut can save this movie, but it's a trainwreck I'm definitely gonna watch.


Oct 25, 2017

I always wondered what politician thought "btw, lets sanction a public statue and have it be this creepily realistic death skeleton over the city" and did it. Or maybe hte artist was told to make a regular statue, but decided to go to down with it. There was probably political backlash from like Karen moms who were creeped out but then internet goth nerds thought it was cool and I guess the rest of the internet decided it was meme worthy, but only if he was called "Skelly McSkullface". And that's the statue Batman is intimidatingly standing on, Skelly McSkullface.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
They probably liked the BvS Directors Cut, because they like and agree with Snyder's vision for the DC universe. They like that its edgy and different from the comics and the MCU. The film being atrocious changes none of that for them, because they aren't looking for good filmmaking.

I'll never understand it.

When the director of said edgy films talks about his idea of dark is that Batman would get raped in prison, I don't understand how his "vision" could ever be trusted.


Oct 25, 2017
I always wondered what politician thought "btw, lets sanction a public statue and have it be this creepily realistic death skeleton over the city" and did it. Or maybe hte artist was told to make a regular statue, but decided to go to down with it. There was probably political backlash from like Karen moms who were creeped out but then internet goth nerds thought it was cool and I guess the rest of the internet decided it was meme worthy, but only if he was called "Skelly McSkullface". And that's the statue Batman is intimidatingly standing on, Skelly McSkullface.
This is Gotham City we're talking about.


Oct 25, 2017
TIL: There was a Justice League movie that came out. Somehow I purged that from memory. I had heard of the #SnyderCut numerous times, and always thought it was referring to BvS because of how awful I had heard that movie turned out to be. Whoops.


Oct 27, 2017
After another ERA member explaining this to me, yeah I'm excited to see this. I like Snyder (big 300 fan!!) and would like to see what he had in mind for the film. I already have HBO Now so yeah, I'm in baby!


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
From another thread:
The major differences between the theatrical and Zack cut would be...

Cyborg changes/additions
- Footage of Victor playing football and winning the game looking to the stands to find his dad, who is not there
- We would see the car accident that killed his mom and injured him
- Discovering his abilities such as flight and how he deals with the massive amounts of information he can now process
- The Parademon's finding Silas and kidnapping him which Victor tries to stop, but fails
- More STAR LABS research into the Mother Boxes featuring Ryan Choi (the new Atom)
- Silas dies in the Snydercut

Wonder Woman changes/additions
- The museum heist is somewhat successful as the bomb does indeed go off before Diana can throw it up and out of the building
- No Flash falling into her boobs moment
- The Lasso of Truth moment with Aquaman sitting on it wouldn't be in Zack's cut
- She kills Steppenwolf by beheading him... The head rolls through the boomtube right to Darkseid's foot where he looks down and crushes it with his foot

Batman changes/additions
- Entire intro fight on the rooftop would be gone
- No dumb jokes like, "Yep, that's definitely bleeding" or the weird smile face gif
- No puffy Ben
- Much more Bruce searching for Arthur
- Slightly different interaction when he meets Barry
- More back and forth between him and Diana
- More Bruce researching the Mother Boxes and Kryptonian DNA

Flash changes/additions
- We'd get to see Iris West and Barry saving her from a car accident
- Few more fight scenes added (like the stuff that was in the trailer where he dashes into all the Parademon's)
- End credits scene with him and Superman racing would be cut

Aquaman changes/additions
- Way more time spent in "not" Atlantis
- Vulco (William Dafoe) would have scenes with Arthur telling him about something or other

Superman changes/additions
- Obviously all the terribad CGI lip scenes would be gone
- More of Superman fighting the League after he got resurrected
- More of Clark and Lois at the farm
- Superman finding the black suit
- Superman talking to Alfred would be put back in

General changes
- Original Junkie XL score put back in
- End movie red sky CGI back to the blue tinted version
- Entire Russian family subplot cut from movie
- More time spent by the League in other locations to build story
- Flash back scene of Amazonians, Atlantians, and Gods fighting Steppenwolf would now open the movie and feature a young Darkseid along with a longer battle sequence showing Zeus and Ares
- Different Green Lanterns would be featured somewhere
- Martian Manhunter may have made an appearance

There's probably a bunch more I missed, just going off the leaked footage and storyboards/comments Zack made on Vero over the past year that I can remember off the top of my head.
Dec 22, 2017
It's at the point where genuine conversation can't be had, and should be given warnings or bannable for thread derails

Agreed, it's just needlessly mean spirited.

I am an unapologetic MCU fan with zero vested interest in the DCEU but can still appreciate why people would want to see a directors cut of a movie, free from the meddling of studio execs. Regardless of whether it's any better, I think fans have every right to be excited, if only to settle their curiosity.

Deleted member 19533

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Imagine seeing TFA and TROS, and wanting more JJ 😆
TFA, while a retread and unoriginal, was easily the best of the 3. Of the two directors, I'd want the one that understands the material and how trilogies are supposed to work. Not the one that threw the whole thing under a bus while screaming, "subvert expectations!"


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Can someone explain why this is important? I'm a bit OOTL
I'll preface this by saying I haven't actually seen the movie myself yet, and am just repeating what I've read and heard from other people. So take this for what it is, I guess.

Zack Snyder was the original director of the movie, but he stepped away from it after his daughter committed suicide. Joss Whedon was then brought in to finish the film, and in the process, the film's tone was changed to be more lighthearted, and scenes were either changed drastically or cut entirely, to the point where the theatrical movie apparently isn't very similar to what Snyder had intended for it to be. Now, years after its release, WB is allowing Snyder to create and release the film as he had originally wanted it to be, seemingly with little intervention.


Oct 25, 2017
It will never stop being hilarious to me that a mythological director's cut by a director who almost exclusively makes terrible films was as in demand as it was.

I think it has to do with set up and pay off. There were a number of things that Snyder set up in his previous films that were completely abandoned in the studio cut of Justice League. They are hopeful seeing Snyder's true vision in the end will be higher quality if only because he'll be telling a complete story (ignoring the fact he wanted JL o end on a cliffhanger that led into Darkseid movies).