
Oct 27, 2017
They've done a pretty good job with ESO after a poor start so I'm excited to see what they do next. I'm surprised it's a new IP though.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
huh interesting. New IP is indeed intriguing. Wonder how long they've been in pre-production.

One can only hope that Game Pass might rein in some of the monetization excesses that ESO has experienced at times. But in general, people have good things to say about ESO. So, interested in what comes out of this. When they say "new engine" I wonder if they're creating something new from scratch. That does speak to some ambition, I feel. Kinda surprised they didn't use an established engine with a lot of internal support like Unreal. But, maybe this is smarter for an in-house long tail live service game.

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
will bethesda get to use it? or will they make their own?


May 14, 2020
Do companies under Zenimax not share their technologies? ID, BGS and now Zenimax Online have their own engine, why don't they try to put their expertise together?


Oct 27, 2017
Do companies under Zenimax not share their technologies? ID, BGS and now Zenimax Online have their own engine, why don't they try to put their expertise together?
Not all engines work for different kind of games. A FPS game engine might be difficult for a MMO game. Kinda the problem Frostbite had/has


Oct 27, 2017
Part of me thinks "new IP" is a bit loose in the context of online games and reports like this.


Oct 27, 2017
New IP? OK thats interesting wonder if that means another Bethesda IP or something entirely new.

I'm guessing this will be another online MMO style project?


May 14, 2020
Do companies under Zenimax not share their technologies? ID, BGS and now Zenimax Online have their own engine, why don't they try to put their expertise together?

Different engines are built for different games.

Id Tech would need a massive revamp to work on BGS titles for example, that's why it's only DOOM and Wolfenstein so far.
Arkane made their own engine with Dishonored 2
Tango also made their own engine with TEW 2, but they switched to UE4 for GhostWire.


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
I hope it's an MMORPG, I love playing those at launch if they are well made.


Oct 27, 2017
No. They just massively overhauled it, "their biggest overhaul since Oblivion," according to Todd.

To be fair, and I say this as an unintentional member of the Bethesda Defence Force who tries to best back at the internet meme that is Bethesda, Todd has said this basically every release. While not exactly a lie every time, the results don't always mean their games are suddenly on the visual level of, say, Sony's 1st party titles. So, expect folks to still complain about the look and feel of Starfield because it's simply part and parcel of a Bethesda game.


Oct 26, 2017
Yep, they've been hard at work on this for quite a while. I think that's why we've seen very little of Matt Firor on ESO updates (project lead, ostensibly) and a lot more of Rich Lambert (creative director). Baton was effectively passed years ago while Firor finally gets to make the MMO he really wanted to make (he always said he wanted to make ESO DaoC2 in all but name). I think that's why it was such a misfire at launch on so many levels.

They did a fantastic job turning ESO around though, and have a really good handle on what people want from a modern MMO now (mostly solo content, with optional group PVE and PVP end game, and the odd multiplayer focused world event like world bosses). I'm really interested to see what they're cooking up!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait to see what they do. Fantastic studio. Hope we get some details sooner than later, but I won't get my hopes up.


Apr 15, 2018
To be fair, and I say this as an unintentional member of the Bethesda Defence Force who tries to best back at the internet meme that is Bethesda, Todd has said this basically every release. While not exactly a lie every time, the results don't always mean their games are suddenly on the visual level of, say, Sony's 1st party titles. So, expect folks to still complain about the look and feel of Starfield because it's simply part and parcel of a Bethesda game.
Well, to be fair to Todd, their games always improve visually, FO4 looked better than Skyrim, and FO76 looked better than FO4, but you're right, their games always look just decent graphically. However, this time I'm inclined to believe him more, because the CPU upgrade in the consoles will help Bethesda immensely. Bad CPU was always the bottleneck that held back their games because of the sheer numbers of interactive objects their worlds have. So I do expect their games to make a big leap forward this time.


Executive Editor for Games at Wccftech
Oct 26, 2017
Yep, they've been hard at work on this for quite a while. I think that's why we've seen very little of Matt Firor on ESO updates (project lead, ostensibly) and a lot more of Rich Lambert (creative director). Baton was effectively passed years ago while Firor finally gets to make the MMO he really wanted to make (he always said he wanted to make ESO DaoC2 in all but name). I think that's why it was such a misfire at launch on so many levels.

They did a fantastic job turning ESO around though, and have a really good handle on what people want from a modern MMO now (mostly solo content, with optional group PVE and PVP end game, and the odd multiplayer focused world event like world bosses). I'm really interested to see what they're cooking up!

Yeah, Elder Scrolls Online is the best MMORPG on the market as far as I'm concerned. I would hope they'd add some sandbox elements in their next title, though.


Oct 27, 2017
MMOs need a revolution. Something that pulls us out of the themepark MMOs with the Tank/DPS/Healer trinty.

Technology has changed drastically since WoW was developed. I know there have been some attempts at a more sandboxy MMO but none of them really took off.


Aug 21, 2020
Something that pulls us out of the themepark MMOs with the Tank/DPS/Healer trinty.

It'll never happen. Not because designers can't think of alternatives but because the MMO diehards hate games that don't have the trinity roles. GW2 sold itself hard on being an anti-trinity MMO with no raids, but what happened when the first expansion dropped? They added raids and trinity roles.


Oct 27, 2017
MMOs need a revolution. Something that pulls us out of the themepark MMOs with the Tank/DPS/Healer trinty.

Technology has changed drastically since WoW was developed. I know there have been some attempts at a more sandboxy MMO but none of them really took off.

imo they have "evolved" but into mmo-lites and 'traditional' MMOs (WoW, ESO ect) became but a handful of games that suck up that particular part of the market

i remember playing Lineage 2 back in the day and chatting with my clan i was bitching about how rigid these type of games were and somebody said "look man this is basically aim chat on a treadmill, how do you really 'fix' it. it's what it is"


Oct 28, 2017
Quite interesting, I wonder what kind of game it'll be considering it's unlikely to be another Elder Scrolls or Fallout. I wonder if it'll be another MMO, there aren't many out there so I do hope so. Also please have good combat this time around


One Winged Slayer
Mar 12, 2019
ZOS has had their stuff together for a while, excited to see what they can pull with their new family


Oct 25, 2017
MMOs need a revolution. Something that pulls us out of the themepark MMOs with the Tank/DPS/Healer trinty.

Technology has changed drastically since WoW was developed. I know there have been some attempts at a more sandboxy MMO but none of them really took off.
Guild wars 2 removed the trinity and they still eventually managed to make classes heal everyone eventually.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
ZOS has had their stuff together for a while, excited to see what they can pull with their new family
Yeah the pace and quality of their expansions and updates have been great for ESO. I have no doubt that this game will see great support out the gate.

I think it might be a sci-fi or science fantasy setting since they hired Colin Campbell as a lead level designer, and he was a level designer for the Mass Effect games. That's a stretch, though, since he can obviously do other kinds of level design.