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Oct 27, 2017
Mieruko-chan END

This is absolutely out of my normal genre.

I don't really do "horror". I don't really consider this scary though, just gross. I don't think I'm saying that as a compliment, just that is the word that comes to mind. Even the arcs are just weird like how instead of the guy being someone that harms cats he's actually just a straight up murderer and that's just glossed over.

I liked Miko's attempts to not notice, the constant food eating for spiritual energy, and the one friend who assumed/misunderstood basically every interaction that she had.

I assume the fox spirits are pissed bc they wanted a sacrifice or something and all she offered was food and money? Based on the unsatisfying cliffhanger of an ending that answered absolutely nothing I also assume this is covered in the manga and a potential second season of this show?

I don't think I'll return to this genre again any time soon. Maybe if this gets a second season bc I would like to at least see one of the many unanswered questions get some resolution.

Edit: oh and maybe they can cut back on the fanservice that wasn't necessary in any way (and oddly front loaded into the first couple episodes).
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Shirobako 21-22
Taro and Hiraoka being friends is eww, they're perfect for each other I guess.

Looool @ Kunogi getting jealous. The Aoi fashion show continues. Shizuka scenes are sad :(

Shirobako 23
Oh my goodness the scene with the director meeting up with the author is peak fiction. The Street Fighter references lmaoo. Glad the editor got his ass handed to him

LET'S FUCKING GO, SHIZUKA. I cried along with Aoi šŸ„¹


Oct 26, 2017
BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! 1-13

I'm catching up on some of the stuff I missed last year, and I'm glad I decided to do so because this might actually be the best show of 2023.

Conceptually the closest comparison to MyGO would be Given. This is not only because both are written by the same author (Yuniko Ayana), but also because both are extremely similar thematically. While appearing as a simple high school boy-band show on the surface, Given was actually a brilliant and emotional exploration of gay love and of using music as a form of overcoming trauma and communicating feelings that can't be spoken any other way.

MyGO does something similar, but focuses instead on neurodiversity, with its protagonist Tomori being very clearly autism-coded, but in a way that never feels exploitative, and her growth throughout the series is handled with the same level of delicacy and care as Mafuyu's was in Given. This is done particularly brilliantly in episode 3, which is shown entirely in Tomori's first person perspective.

But one major way in which MyGO departs from the storytelling in Given is in its much bigger focus on the other band members. Given was primarily a story of Mafuyu and Ritsuka, with their other band members taking more of a supporting role and only receiving major attention in the follow-up movies.

MyGO instead immediately gives a much greater focus to Tomori's bandmates, particularly Anon and Soyo. And while the Given bandmates were friendly and supportive, Anon and Soyo start of as legitimately terrible people. Anon is self centered, and only joins the band in the hopes that it will make her more popular at school, using Tomori as nothing more than a prop. On the other hand, Soyo is cold and calculating, and is only using the band to get together with her former band-mates, being completely prepared to throw Anon and the other band-mates under the bus in order to make that happen.

Which all leads inevitably and rather quickly to a lot of very well written character drama. Both Anon and Soyo have relatable reasons for acting the way they do, but the show doesn't use this to excuse their behaviour. And when this is combined with Tomori's own insecurities and difficulties with communication, it results in a really complex but compelling web of interpersonal problems and flawed-but-likeable characters. And seeing these broken and lost people eventually overcome their differences leads to one of the best emotional climaxes I've seen in a while.

Production wise the CG is a bit off-putting at first, but it ultimately benefits the show. There's a lot of really good use of mannerisms and expressions that would have been more difficult with 2D animation, and the CG also allows for multiple extended concert sequences, all of which look great while also contributing greatly to the story. Finally, all of it is held together by some great voice acting, particularly by Hina Youmiya (Tomori), whose singing does an incredible job of capturing the pain her character is feeling emotionally, with the show's ending being a great non-spoiler example.

Ultimately, it's an easy recommendation for anyone who liked Given, or really anyone who has liked the recent crop of music shows/games focused on representation and interpersonal relations. Obviously the show is nowhere near as comedic as Bocchi (although the few jokes that pop up I found pretty funny), but if you liked Bocchi for how it portrayed social anxiety and want something similar but more dramatic, it's also probably a good choice. MyGO also requires no knowledge of Bang Dream, as the biggest connection with the broader universe are some cameo appearances from other Bang Dream bands.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Gal to Kyouryuu 4-5
I think this must've been around where I dropped the show last time because all the New Years' stuff is completely new to me. Makes sense, because the end of the Christmas episode is such a shitpost of a segment that it probably lost a whole bunch of people right then and there, lol. I should probably be spending my time watching better stuff than this but I like Kaede and the dino so I guess we'll keep going...

Looking up air dates and it turns out this came out right as COVID-19 was becoming a major concern. No idea what this would've meant for production or the live-action segments but maybe it starts to explain some of the weirdness. (On the other hand, clearly lots of it is 100% intentional.)


Mar 1, 2021
Princess Principal: Crown Handler Movie 3
ive watch this and 2 in the same year so the break between wasn't too bad this was more or less a big build up for all the royal politics these movies have been setting up and we've ended on quite the downer but hey the 4th movie will be coming at some point

and i can't believe my last anime i'm watching of 2023 was Shut in vampire

this was a very dumb but entertaining show from what i assumed was just gonna be a comedy yuri bait ended up being far more brutal and bloody war games which i would've normally hated but in a world where nobody really dies until the author really wants them out of the picture , the jarring-ness of having somewhat lewd comedy scenes jump to the main characters dying then showing up later still made all the serious bits still serious but in the back of you're mind you can just be like "they're just taking a nap"

if you seriously take the time to dig into the show it at least started of with a okay plot then goes pretty nonsensical by the end and usually each fight relies on saitma- Komari to come in and save the day with just being completely busted compared to everyone else in the show which is still fun due to her wanting to be a pacifist of all things and just a good girl trying to act tough in front of everyone

super inconsistent animation hurt what ended up being a very action heavy show but it was still entertaining to watch and see what random twists would happen

komari komari! she got a very violent harem ending


Nov 27, 2017
Princess Principal: Crown Handler Movie 3
ive watch this and 2 in the same year so the break between wasn't too bad this was more or less a big build up for all the royal politics these movies have been setting up and we've ended on quite the downer but hey the 4th movie will be coming at some point

and i can't believe my last anime i'm watching of 2023 was Shut in vampire

this was a very dumb but entertaining show from what i assumed was just gonna be a comedy yuri bait ended up being far more brutal and bloody war games which i would've normally hated but in a world where nobody really dies until the author really wants them out of the picture , the jarring-ness of having somewhat lewd comedy scenes jump to the main characters dying then showing up later still made all the serious bits still serious but in the back of you're mind you can just be like "they're just taking a nap"

if you seriously take the time to dig into the show it at least started of with a okay plot then goes pretty nonsensical by the end and usually each fight relies on saitma- Komari to come in and save the day with just being completely busted compared to everyone else in the show which is still fun due to her wanting to be a pacifist of all things and just a good girl trying to act tough in front of everyone

super inconsistent animation hurt what ended up being a very action heavy show but it was still entertaining to watch and see what random twists would happen

komari komari! she got a very violent harem ending
Good thing she can't die cause you know her 3 Yanderes are gonna do her in by accident at some point XD. Also my last show of the season on the subbed side(well unless I return to my 2 kinda forgotten dropped shows, bullbuster and Stardust telepathā€¦ but the gaps so short).
Walkthrough 12-end
Rainbow Horse shit saves the day!(literally!) fun enough wrap up, Sensei's subconscious being a Kaizo platformer was hilarious and totally in character. The locals managing to save the day despite the prophecy was a great twist. Final boss being a literal game bug was hilarious. Fun enough ride overall
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