
May 25, 2018
I've been reading Damiani's GameSleuth post and... I gotta ask. Does it feel a little like Damiani's wierdly attempting to admit defeat about old GameTrailers Style content ?
I hope he realizes that attempting to say and do this is never a good thing and takes steps to make sure people who still care about the YouTube content are heard at the same time as evolving EZA's streaming content.
Because it currently feels like more's being put into streaming than YouTube despite the YouTube changes and new content.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I've been reading Damiani's GameSleuth post and... I gotta ask. Does it feel a little like Damiani's wierdly attempting to admit defeat about old GameTrailers Style content ?
I hope he realizes that attempting to say and do this is never a good thing and takes steps to make sure people who still care about the YouTube content are heard at the same time as evolving EZA's streaming content.
Because it currently feels like more's being put into streaming than YouTube despite the YouTube changes and new content.
I think Damiani's point is more "our produced content is going to be more personality focused less generic shows" ie stuff like Hubert's prison of love, Don's design lab, cup of jones, and Mysterious Monsters, less stuff like game sleuth, top 10's, and retrospectives.

That older style of GT/EZA content feels pretty disconnected from the creators. Case in point despite loving and watching a lot of Pop Fiction back in the day I really had no idea the show was Damiani's baby. It made sense in the GT days as Viacom was about pushing the brand and not the people behind the scenes. Everything EZA does now pushes the people.


May 25, 2018
I think Damiani's point is more "our produced content is going to be more personality focused less generic shows" ie stuff like Hubert's prison of love, Don's design lab, cup of jones, and Mysterious Monsters, less stuff like game sleuth, top 10's, and retrospectives.

That older style of GT/EZA content feels pretty disconnected from the creators. Case in point despite loving and watching a lot of Pop Fiction back in the day I really had no idea the show was Damiani's baby. It made sense in the GT days as Viacom was about pushing the brand and not the people behind the scenes. Everything EZA does now pushes the people.
That's the thing. I just don't know if EZA is doing enough to entice me or get me interested to watch the YouTube content that is not the various Podcasts, Mysterious Monsters, Don's Design Lab and Easy Update. I'm already iffy on Huber's prison of love as is, the Ocassional board game show is once every 3 months, and pretty much most people already know my thoughts on Box peek as is. As for the Streaming content, they've almost pretty much got me, but the lack of solo streams other than Kyle's is a little dissapointing (here's hoping Ian's promised Solo streams begin soon at some point).

Even if some solo streams were done in the studio like Damiani's I'd be interested. I just get a feeling that with YouTube content, there's a little bit of an over correction on complaints from certain types of people in the community. well, that and hoping that they can fix the overall issue of it feeling like one thing is overpowering the other ( Streaming overpowering YouTube content), since I like watching both the YouTube Produced content and Streams too. A Balance of YouTube content and Streaming content rather than one overpowering the other is a good thing IMO.
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Oct 25, 2017
Damiani is the hero we need, not the one we deserve. What a great read...thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Always follow your passions and the results will follow.
Oct 25, 2017
I think Damiani's point is more "our produced content is going to be more personality focused less generic shows" ie stuff like Hubert's prison of love, Don's design lab, cup of jones, and Mysterious Monsters, less stuff like game sleuth, top 10's, and retrospectives.

That older style of GT/EZA content feels pretty disconnected from the creators. Case in point despite loving and watching a lot of Pop Fiction back in the day I really had no idea the show was Damiani's baby. It made sense in the GT days as Viacom was about pushing the brand and not the people behind the scenes. Everything EZA does now pushes the people.

Personality driven stuff sounds perfect, and all of the EZA content I enjoy is driven by the Allies more so than the actual show (though that doesn't hurt either).

Can't wait for some of the newer shows to release.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
Mysterious Monsters would be so much better if people used actual strategy. Amanda just bought random items without thinking how it would benefit her and she dug herself a hole.

The last episode was just a taste of what the show is supposed to be and it's a shame we aren't getting more of that.
5 gifts from fireworksordie


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 5 gifts from fireworksordie fireworksordie!

This is a three-day raffle that will expire in 72 hours. The winner will be drawn at random! Any prizes leftover after the deadline will become available on a first-come first-serve basis.

fireworksordie said:
Thought it might be fun to do some giveaways for y'all now that the thread's been active for a week.

This first week's theme is: Play It Loud!


These are our awesome prizes:

  • Steam Steam: FEZ - Won by MrMette MrMette (1 entry)
  • Steam Steam: Hyper Light Drifter - Won by EtaMari EtaMari (3 entries)
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  • Steam Steam: Thomas Was Alone - Won by Gaming_Groove Gaming_Groove (1 entry)
  • Steam Steam: VVVVVV - Won by Miaus Miaus (1 entry)


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
Mysterious Monster episode notes:

- When I saw Jess hit the button first and then Jones' name on the screen, it was like being punched in the stomach. We'll take the boxes apart and try to troubleshoot before next shot episodes (the next one has already been recorded). Really makes me feel bad when stuff doesn't work and it hurts a contestant. :(

- Total absolute coincidence that the Columbus question ended up on Columbus Day. Did not plan!

- Early on in development, for fun, I calculated the maximum possible score on a single question in Mysterious Monsters. If a player lands a kill shot off an 8 difficulty question with the Hammer of Hype, the Cursed Amulet of the Three, and the Cowl of Consistency (with an active combo), a player could score (80 + 10) x 2 x 3 + 20 gold, or *560* gold, theoretically, off one question.

In this episode,
Amanda could have come close. She didn't really know the Camelopard question, and so perhaps wisely didn't use her double damage. However, if she *had*, she would have killed the monster and picked up 540 gold in one shot, easily winning her the game. But alas, she didn't *know she knew*, so she did not.

Mysterious Monsters would be so much better if people used actual strategy. Amanda just bought random items without thinking how it would benefit her and she dug herself a hole.

The last episode was just a taste of what the show is supposed to be and it's a shame we aren't getting more of that.
In the end, it's half-game show half-funny interesting time with cool people. Ruthless strats are fun, but so are jolly vibes, so we tend to just let the players play how they play. Those more used to being on-camera talent focus on the latter, and those more focused gamers (Uli, Justin, Gabby) tend to focus on the former. We do have an interesting episode coming up, let's see how that one goes down...


Oct 25, 2017
me about to head off to two hours of commute for work with no frame trap posted yet for us regulars



▲ Legend ▲
May 1, 2018
Damiani's goodbye to Game Sleuth was really beautifully written. I didn't know he struggled with self-esteem issues. It's incredible how there's 9 allies, and I don't really have a favorite. I love all of them


Oct 29, 2017
The dream is dead. There will be no "I love last gen" next year. It's funny how apparently none of the allies had much of anything to do with that show. Oh well, I'm still looking forward to whatever these new shows are that Jones keeps hinting about happening next year.


Oct 29, 2017
Really enjoyed Mysterious Monsters as well. I personally prefer the loose/jolly vibes compared to one contestant using strats who then obliterates the competition, but that's just me. I do think it can be interesting if all of them use the best strats possible as far as items go.

It might work if they do an episode with only previous winners or something like that, but it just speaks to how well the show is designed that there are multiple ways to play and win the game.


Oct 29, 2017
Just got caught up on this week's podcast and reading back a couple pages, I have to agree with most of the takes. Sony has gotten a ton of free marketing just from dropping tidbits in 2 interviews ahead of the competition(and of course, this isn't part of the reveal cycle.....it's purely free marketing by the press, so yeah it kinda feels like most outlets are a little upset at being left out of their privileged behind the scenes look- just look at how often Jones references what he does at Judge's Week) and eventual reveal. I also appreciate how passionate they are about the Blizzard situation, especially Ben.


Aug 7, 2019
Maybe a weird thing to say, but I was very happy to hear these thoughts and praise from Kyle for Dragon Quest.


Oct 27, 2017
Great frame trap, best in a while really.
I really need a follow up on dragon quest 11 when kyle finishes it, with jones and ben.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Mysterious Monsters is my favorite EZA content at the moment.


Dec 17, 2018
Great frame trap, best in a while really.
I really need a follow up on dragon quest 11 when kyle finishes it, with jones and ben.
I would recommend to play it on Switch. The Switch version has more content. It makes me feel sad, because I loved it on PC and would love to play the definitive version.
Oct 25, 2017
Was there ever any talk of an El Camino Spoiler Mode? Definitely curious to hear the Allies's thoughts on it.

(I thought it was wholly unnecessary but absolutely riveting and great overall and most importantly, doesn't ruin the end of Breaking Bad. It was a great gift I never expected or needed to get.)


Oct 29, 2017
Ben wasnt fucking around when he said S-town gets sad. Shit had me fighting back tears at my desk at work.


Oct 25, 2017
the edge
Mysterious Monster episode notes:

- When I saw Jess hit the button first and then Jones' name on the screen, it was like being punched in the stomach. We'll take the boxes apart and try to troubleshoot before next shot episodes (the next one has already been recorded). Really makes me feel bad when stuff doesn't work and it hurts a contestant. :(

- Total absolute coincidence that the Columbus question ended up on Columbus Day. Did not plan!

- Early on in development, for fun, I calculated the maximum possible score on a single question in Mysterious Monsters. If a player lands a kill shot off an 8 difficulty question with the Hammer of Hype, the Cursed Amulet of the Three, and the Cowl of Consistency (with an active combo), a player could score (80 + 10) x 2 x 3 + 20 gold, or *560* gold, theoretically, off one question.

In this episode,
Amanda could have come close. She didn't really know the Camelopard question, and so perhaps wisely didn't use her double damage. However, if she *had*, she would have killed the monster and picked up 540 gold in one shot, easily winning her the game. But alas, she didn't *know she knew*, so she did not.

In the end, it's half-game show half-funny interesting time with cool people. Ruthless strats are fun, but so are jolly vibes, so we tend to just let the players play how they play. Those more used to being on-camera talent focus on the latter, and those more focused gamers (Uli, Justin, Gabby) tend to focus on the former. We do have an interesting episode coming up, let's see how that one goes down...

Let me just tell you that Mysterious Monsters is my favorite show on YouTube right now. Every episode has been a blast and they only get better.


May 15, 2018
Oh man I gotta say I'm happy to see Kyle's solo game streams back - so entertaining watching him play a weird dumb game and bicker with chat. Can't wait for Granstream Saga to start this weekend!


Oct 25, 2017
seeing the allies reaction to the whole blizzard china fiasco on the eza podcast really made me proud to follow these fellas


Mar 11, 2018
Dragon Quest has always been a perfect fit for Kyle. I think he tries to avoid getting influenced by other people, and seeing Huber, Ben, Jones, Brad talk about it to so glowingly probably made no difference to him. Glad he finally got into it.

T.Rex In F-14

Oct 25, 2017
Jones quietly had a pretty great strategy in Mysterious Monsters. He knew Amanda and Jess weren't going to go with the gaming categories so he had them to himself and he would analyze and slow-play it, get as many right answers as he could before killing it and get more loot drops. He got a lot of gold in those loot drops, too.


Oct 29, 2017
I was a bit worried that tonight's stream might be boring due to so many allies being absent but it was a blast.



Oct 29, 2017
Are they playing the Switch version? Would be interesting to know how good is the extra content.
Kyle is playing the Switch version, but he didn't play the original so there is no way he can completely compare both.
But I believe he somewhat answered your question on Frame Trap (if I remember correctly, I watched it during the weekend so it's already a bit hazy).

I loved DQ XI, but I took about 150 hours to platinum the game (I am usually slow compared to other people to play through these types of games and I was max level for the last 40-50 hours or so), so there is no way I am going to rebuy/replay it.

It was my first DQ game though (even though I do own V, VII and VIII on 3DS, but I haven't started them yet because of a lack of time) and I am certainly looking forward to DQ XII, I really enjoyed XI a lot.

I usually don't like replaying games, especially long ones like this one.
The same goes for Persona 5. It made me a fan of the series (it was my first one as well), but I am really unsure if I want to put in an other 120+ hours if I can play other games instead.
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Sep 22, 2019
Nearly done with frame trap. Whew! That Blizzard portion! I agree with those who said it was even better than the podcast. This must be a taste of that 10k patron EZA political podcast? 😉

It was also nice seeing Kyle gush about DQ... talking about LORE, exploring, balconies, NPCs, the world. Also makes me kinda sad I that I ain't gonna get to play the definitive version but sharing the sentiment of the post above, it's just too big a game for me to play twice! (At least this close together)


Dec 17, 2018
I loved DQ XI, but I took about 150 hours to platinum the game (I am usually slow compared to other people to play through these types of games and I was max level for the last 40-50 hours or so), so there is no way I am going to rebuy/replay it.
DQXI was my second Dragon Quest game (the first one was DQVII 3ds) and I completed it 100% with all achievements too. It took me 100 hours to 100% complete the game. Unlocking achievements wasn't fun, but I loved the story and was planning to replay this game from time to time before I heard about extra content on Switch. I have no reason to replay it now unless they would update the PC version.


Oct 29, 2017
DQXI was my second Dragon Quest game (the first one was DQVII 3ds) and I completed it 100% with all achievements too. It took me 100 hours to 100% complete the game. Unlocking achievements wasn't fun, but I loved the story and was planning to replay this game from time to time before I heard about extra content on Switch. I have no reason to replay it now unless they would update the PC version.
From what I have read, the extra's are a better sounding soundtrack (which was needed, I still think they should let someone else do the soundtrack and kick that idiot aside), 2D mode (which Kyle didn't seem to be interested in), a mode with some cool extra missions (forgot what it was called) and my guess is some extra costumes (not sure about that, but it seems something easy to implement).

It's for sure the best version (except graphically, I looks for sure worse compared to PS4) and I'm glad more people are able to play the game (my sister is eyeing it for example as she doesn't own a PS4), but it's not something I will be playing again. I did play the Switch demo for 5 minutes to get an extra spirit in Smash though (it needs to find a DQXI S savegame (the demo is fine)).