Oct 25, 2017
Part of me is holding out hope that there's some ethics at play and/or since they'll likely be bringing over many of the same characters (I'm sure even the new characters since their story isn't complete like Alejandro and Valeria), that maybe it's much easier work NOT to remove all the skins.

But this is Activision and

My ideal hope would be,

We keep all the currents.
141, Roze, Alejandro, Valeria, etc.

buy MW3 and now in addition to those
Sgt Foley (Keith David)

handful of MW19 operators that haven't returned but are likely

Lastly throw in some new 141 skins either from the new campaign or inspired by OG MW2-MW3.
SAS(Wolcroft) skin for Ghost
Classic, prisoner or Juggernaut for Price
Brazil, Cliffhanger, or MW3 skins for Soap
or Classic MW2 141 skins for everyone besides Ghost who already got one


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Oct 26, 2017
My ideal hope would be,

We keep all the currents.
141, Roze, Alejandro, Valeria, etc.

buy MW3 and now in addition to those
Sgt Foley (Keith David)

handful of MW19 operators that haven't returned but are likely

Lastly throw in some new 141 skins either from the new campaign or inspired by OG MW2-MW3.
SAS(Wolcroft) skin for Ghost
Classic, prisoner or Juggernaut for Price
Brazil, Cliffhanger, or MW3 skins for Soap
or Classic MW2 141 skins for everyone besides Ghost who already got one

I'm all down for all this.

I do think we'll still get a lot of those you mentioned, since we still have 2 seasons left, but since this is all part of the master reboot of the MW franchise, I think you've already shown a few we'll get next game. Also, I'm legit shocked we haven't got any more 2019 skins but I think there was an issue with a lawsuit over Mara, sadly, otherwise she should have been in there from the start considering how popular she was.


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Oct 26, 2017
Honestly, if they give us a really good Zombies mode again - especially the heavily rumored new version of Outbreak - I will be a sucker and pay $70.

Modern zombies mode, especially my chill open world Outbreak mode, might make me forgive them for not carrying over things.


May 23, 2018
Glad to see Terminal back. It really hasn't gotten much use. 2016 was the last time it was prominently featured. (Warzone diversion doesn't count)

I'm actually somewhat optimistic about this since Sledgehammer is in charge and they aren't shackled to the WW2 aesthetic anymore. And they at least listen to feedback and implement it so the MP should be much better off. It's still scummy that Activision forced them to make this into a full fledged title.

Very curious how the campaign shakes out and what the third mode is going to be. Please no more spec ops


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Wow I must be out of the loop. MW2 was just last year and they're going right into MW3 next? Not even developed by Infinity Ward though? Huhhh


Oct 25, 2017
zero interest from me, i more or less stopped playing MW2 a few months ago and honestly all I want is shipment 24x7 to have a little fun and they constantly put it in and pull it out because they know its so popular. "Oh, we need more people playing to buy cosmetics? Better put Shipment 24x7 back in!"

Its always the same every call of duty, and I'm pretty angry that for a LONG time Activision kept saying there would be no new COD this year, they instead would focus their efforts on MW2, and ... nope, that was a lie. So yeah, easy pass for me.
May 17, 2023
I'm not a huge COD guy but I really enjoyed MW2. Campaign was great. Warzone was fun with mates. MP was decent.

What's the issue?

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
This wasn't as much of a problem in MW2019 because the maps were made in a way that positioning could help mitigate the low TTK. This game puts you on small maps that funnel you into combat through tight hallways, the popularity of Shipment and Shoothouse led to so much brainrot.

I didn't play much 2019 until the very end. But in general -- with COD's the gunfights are pretty much the same regardless of the location or what map you're playing whereas other games like Apex, Halo or Overwatch with higher TTK's the actual skill level of the person shooting the gun along with playing the map to their advantage means fights can go in a multitude of ways if two players square off and are at a similar skill level. Meaning, it's not a situation of who sees who first and more of a thing where you get shot and now have a counter reaction to that shot which initiates a longer fight, which in turn makes getting killed or killing the enemy more meaningful depending on how much effort went into it.

I do like COD's shooting mechanics though. And I like the overall speed of the game and I'm probably just ranting because I'm still burnt on my time with MW2 which took a very sharp turn for me in the last 2 months where I noticed that no matter how much better I was getting that it didn't matter because I could easily get mowed down from someone who saw me first...And that's part of twitch shooters I guess and I have to just live with it.


Alt account
May 26, 2023
We should have never let map packs turn into battle passes.

Also what the fuck at remaking these original MW2 maps for MW3.

Carian Knight

Oct 27, 2017
After the tremendous success of rebooting the series with MW19, MWII is a giant disappointment and I'm not going to buy MWIII unless they bring back at least 7-8 OG MW2 maps and get rid of that awful perk system. Not only those but general movement, overcomplicated gunsmith there are multiple core problems with MWII that makes me wonder how much creative freedom has been given to Sledgehammer to fix all that now that their year 2 expansion turned into a full game.


Oct 27, 2017
Can I just have a MW3 remastered campaign instead of whatever trash campaign they're planning to make?
Oct 29, 2017
I thought MW2 was meant to be a two year title. Player retention must be complete shit if they are rushing another Modern warfare out the door this year.

It's nearing the end of June as well I thought Call of Duty games were announced in early May usually.

They decided this before the game came out didn't they?

They promised a ton but it's still feels like a Warzone sidemode.

At least MW wasn't a cluttered mess early on. Although I fell off from MW2 because Xbox still cannot handle Dolby Digital 5.1 decently.

Carian Knight

Oct 27, 2017
Couple of new leaks;

-Cut Vanguard content will be in MWIII.
-Classic mini map with red dots is returning.
-UI will be similar to MWII.
-Perks will serve as "gear". Ninja boots, speed boots, stun reduction helmet etc.
-War game mode from WW2 will return.


Oct 29, 2017
Couple of new leaks;

-Cut Vanguard content will be in MWIII.
-Classic mini map with red dots is returning.
-UI will be similar to MWII.
-Perks will serve as "gear". Ninja boots, speed boots, stun reduction helmet etc.
-War game mode from WW2 will return.

Fuuuuuuuuck. 🤢

New weapons in MWIII per the leaker (@BobNetworkUK):


Dec 3, 2018
man why does CoD not use the real names anymore shit is wack

rights to the name cannot be that expensive
They are in that odd state of where they don't want to be seen as giving money to arms manufacturers to license their names, but at the same time still make games where people constantly shoot guns. Which is probably for the best, no parents probably want to hear a portion of the money they spent buying little Timmy his new war game went to Sig, Glock, or H&K to make more guns.


Oct 25, 2017
Well shit that's one way to get the nostalgia gears going. Terminal is like a top 10 map, and Scrapyard was also really damn fun back in the day...

If they ever brought back Toujane I'd probably have to buy the game just out of principle tbh...

I haven't heard that map name in forever. Bring back Call of Duty II Maps. That was awesome.

Do people still play MP? Im not a big battle Royale fan at all


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
this sounds like Vanguard and WW2 leftovers with a MW3 skin lol. I can't blame them given the tight turnaround and sudden expansion to a full retail game rather than MW2 expac allegedly
Operators and weapons could transfer from MW2 to MW3


Oct 25, 2017

COD 2023 leak suggests MW2 weapons will carry over to Modern Warfare 3 - Charlie INTEL

According to leaks, it seems Modern Warfare 2 Operators and weapons could transfer over to Modern Warfare 3.

Sort of further reinforces that "MWIII" as we were getting it was meant to just be an expansion. Don't get me wrong, I like these, but the whole thing is still weird.

I'm curious if maps and such will also carry over.

View: https://twitter.com/BobNetworkUK/status/1680923189667299329?
Oct 25, 2017
man why does CoD not use the real names anymore shit is wack

rights to the name cannot be that expensive
The school shooting back around the time of Ghosts they announced they wouldn't give the weapon industry money.
They made a bunch of futuristic and WW2 games after that so it was never that noticeable until Modern Warfare and Cold War games.

The signs were there though, MWR the guns retained their original name because it was a remaster however when they added new guns they all had fake names like the Honey Badger = Lynx etc.


This applies to more than guns though, the killstreaks aren't the real ones people think either.






Their models are off and they don't use names like Harrier, AC-130 or Pavelow anymore.
Oct 25, 2017

COD 2023 leak suggests MW2 weapons will carry over to Modern Warfare 3 - Charlie INTEL

According to leaks, it seems Modern Warfare 2 Operators and weapons could transfer over to Modern Warfare 3.

Sort of further reinforces that "MWIII" as we were getting it was meant to just be an expansion. Don't get me wrong, I like these, but the whole thing is still weird.

I'm curious if maps and such will also carry over.

View: https://twitter.com/BobNetworkUK/status/1680923189667299329?

Honestly completely makes the difference if im buying or not


May 23, 2018
Really hate that the UI is gonna be the same but given the short development time I guess that's to be expected.

Everything else from the leaks sounds promising. If they actually follow through with letting your operators transfer from game to game that's huge.


Oct 7, 2022
IW did most of the work on the MP in MW3 2011, curious on Sledgehammer's MW3 MP take this time. 👀


Oct 29, 2017

COD 2023 leak suggests MW2 weapons will carry over to Modern Warfare 3 - Charlie INTEL

According to leaks, it seems Modern Warfare 2 Operators and weapons could transfer over to Modern Warfare 3.

Sort of further reinforces that "MWIII" as we were getting it was meant to just be an expansion. Don't get me wrong, I like these, but the whole thing is still weird.

I'm curious if maps and such will also carry over.

View: https://twitter.com/BobNetworkUK/status/1680923189667299329?

Pretty huge if true. I'm certain that a lot of people, myself included, would skip this title without a second thought if it were otherwise.