
One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
Great chapter, I'm a sucker for this kind of thing

I really want Deku to be Quirkless at the end. Need some kid to diss Pro Hero Deku for not having a Quirk and then Bakugo sets him straight, it's too easy


Dec 15, 2018
Golden Week has personally targeted me every year since I caught up after kamino. I need to see what happens next. Deku cooked Nine to hell and back with the embers so I'm expecting that final plus ultra to hit like a truck. It's really great to see thematic arcs finally reach their peak within the story, this is the kind of stuff that was missing from the first half of the final phase here with Deku, and we see now why this was.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
I had a dream last night where I used Git to affect the real world. For non-software developers, Git is a version control system to help coders collaborate. It keeps track of when new lines of code are added, who wrote it, and such and such, and lets you revert to any point in the project history.

Clearly I've been working too much, because in my dream I was using Git to manipulate real physical objects, going back in forth through time, and stuff like that. And then I woke up and thought "this batshit stupid idea is a great premise for a superhero story targeted at nerds. Git as a superpower".

Do I want to write it? I'm a mediocre writer, but kind of, yeah. It's really dumb, but it could be funny. Will I actually write it? No, not a chance.

And then my next thought was "You know what's a lot easier than writing an original story? Writing fan fiction. Also there's no pressure because no one expects it to be good. So what if Deku had a quirk, and his quirk was Git?"

So that's what I'm doing right now. I'm actually writing it. Why have I done this to myself? How did it come to this? 😆


Dec 15, 2018
Blurry pics from the ep and the op are leaking. The art seems to carry the same strong style from the back half of season six so that's good. Now we just need to see the actual animation. Hold the line people


I am leaving this community!
Oct 25, 2017
Sad there's no white hair but those are nice...

Would have been cool to have an alt with Togas head on Urarakas body


Dec 15, 2018
Was it never really blue???
They likely got the idea from volume 3 which is still more grey than what bones settled on but I can see where they got the blue from. Now why it was never corrected is beyond me because beyond volume 3 he always had grey hair. The official colorings of the chapters use grey iirc. The color page for USJ seems more grey than blue as well, but I can also see how someone at Bones would assume it's blue. But even then the summer camp double page spread, his next color appearance, has him as definitively grey. That chapter hit a month before the anime began iirc

I guess it is possible that his hair was blue very early into the story and it's been retconned now but I think the only time that was conveyed by hori was with volume 3 .
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I am leaving this community!
Oct 25, 2017
Sure would be a shame if Star got ended in one episode after all that hype... Oh no.


Oct 28, 2017

My Hero Academia: Season 7 |OT| the penultimate season... maybe

Nearing the end, the final arc will start this season RULES : DO NOT SPOIL ANYTHING FROM THE MANGA. THAT INCLUDES HINTING AT THINGS TO COME. If you must discuss the manga, we have a general OT for My Hero Academia where you can talk spoilers...

Made the anime thread since the season is tomorrow


Aug 26, 2018
Saying Stars and Stripes is "an important character going forward".

Lol. She's an important footnote of fridging a female character and villain plot armor.

I'm not sure I'm going to even watch these episodes. That fight is probably my least favorite thing in MHA now and just thinking about it makes me mad.


Jun 22, 2018
they should reveal that All Might is the secret father of a UA kid and have it be like some Class B guy nobody gives a shit about


Dec 15, 2018
I was discussing the MHA stuff in Fortnite with a freind and I just realized we can make out the emotes for them. I remember racking my brain about what a Shigaraki emote could be and finally settling on a generic Ground Decay emote. My wish was that we would get the motion of him in MVA when he destroyed his family's hands because that moment is seared into my brain. I'm pretty sure that's what we're getting because there's another emote with the player humorously holding a game controller like Shigaraki does in that scene with the hand. Seems to be a great way to avoid severed hands in the game and it brings a bit of humor into it which I like.

It's also definitely actually happened to Shigaraki when gaming. Dude has definitely rage-decayed controllers.

As for the ep, I'm still excited, the previews are looking good and I peeked at the leaks and didn't see anything I disliked. I will enjoy watching people's reaction to the intercontinental missile moment, need some "USA! USA! USA!" chants lmao
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Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Yeah ... I get people wanted more from the character, but I never thought anything about this fight was bad storytelling, it was moreso the vagueness of the fallout that I thought was shaky. But the result always a given. I just remember thinking "we DBZ now?", but the anime is selling this in style of previous fights for mostly better, not necessarily feeling the scale as much tho.

Definitely don't want to accidentally cross wires posting in here and that anime thread, so I'll probably just keep the takes to here.

I do wonder how well they'll sell the Ayoyama thing because as a manga reader, I can note that him not being around is good foreshadowing, but is it that obvious to anyone not already looking for it when you're showing like a class of 19. Hell, maybe he was in that group shot and I just missed him.


Dec 15, 2018
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Oct 30, 2017
Your Imagination
Yeah ... I get people wanted more from the character, but I never thought anything about this fight was bad storytelling, it was moreso the vagueness of the fallout that I thought was shaky. But the result always a given. I just remember thinking "we DBZ now?", but the anime is selling this in style of previous fights for mostly better, not necessarily feeling the scale as much tho.

Definitely don't want to accidentally cross wires posting in here and that anime thread, so I'll probably just keep the takes to here.

I do wonder how well they'll sell the Ayoyama thing because as a manga reader, I can note that him not being around is good foreshadowing, but is it that obvious to anyone not already looking for it when you're showing like a class of 19. Hell, maybe he was in that group shot and I just missed him.
RE: Aoyama stuff, nope, not noticeable to me, I'd almost forgotten that story beat.

Didn't stop some people in the anime thread from trying to be cute and allude to it though :/


I am leaving this community!
Oct 25, 2017




Jun 22, 2018
so that was it for Deku vs Shigaraki huh? I don't think I've been more disappointed in a fight between two anime characters that wasn't like, subverted for laughs


Dec 15, 2018
I'm interested to see how Hori characterizes Bakugou during the ending. I feel like we've been leading to a calmer version of the character, and his self reflections and realizations about himself this arc also seem to point towards that imo. Then there's the Giga cover but that could be anything. I hope we get to see him and Deku actually be nice friends. He's probably still gonna get angry from time to time but it would be nice if Hori somehow finds a way to showcase that his attitude has really improved beyond what we've already seen.