
Sep 13, 2018
So that's why Mike was rolling crocodile tears at last year's Blizzcon. He knew his head was on a silver plate.

And this "overlapping" bs they put in the statement, lol. They had to save money for Bobby's big prize,
and the people who actually work got severed.

I hope the people who got fired, especially the survival team, gets on their feet asap.


Jun 15, 2018
Just when a survival game is setting the gaming world alight, MS cancels a Blizzard survival game? I know these things take time and the decision was made a while ago probably, but it's a weird look!


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
Odyssey was many years away from being done. More soon

I'm not on the team and don't know anything, but just want to echo that people should not fall for sunk cost fallacy.

The money and time you've spent are gone, you are not getting those back. It is what remains and how much it would cost to ship a project that is the important metric when deciding these things.


Oct 27, 2017
I was really looking forward to their survival game.

Sad day for devs and game players. But mostly for the devs :(


Feb 15, 2018
The only plausible reason for canceling the game is that it was of poor quality. Such games need continuous maintenance and it might be more economical to cancel them than to keep investing in them. Really should have canceled Redfall or given it a couple more years.


Nov 4, 2017
Even if the reports of Ybarra getting the boot are true, this company is a fucking nightmare and whoever takes up the leadership position has some serious thinking about the future of the company. J Allen Brack decimated the studio's projects, Ybarra decimated morale, they'll need a leader that can focus on fixing both.


Mar 23, 2020
Just when a survival game is setting the gaming world alight, MS cancels a Blizzard survival game? I know these things take time and the decision was made a while ago probably, but it's a weird look!

But like... will survival be the it thing in 2026 (if the few more years is true)? Will Palworld or another survival game have become so entrenched that newcomers can't gain a foothold?


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Unannounced Survival Game (getting cancelled) feels like the title to a book explaining the trials and tribulations of game development in the 2020s


Jan 27, 2018
But like... will survival be the it thing in 2026 (if the few more years is true)? Will Palworld or another survival game have become so entrenched that newcomers can't gain a foothold?
I suspect some AAA studio will take over the genre before then. BR's were a thing on PC for a while before PUBG really exploded and caught the industries attention. This seems like a repeat of history.


Oct 26, 2017
Have to wait for that Odyssey article but feels like Blizzard may have a similar problem as Bungie where costs per title were becoming unsustainable. Blizzards output has definitely been questionable to many of its fans as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Create and test in UE and then try and make that work in another proprietary engine that couldn't support it sounds like hell.


Nov 4, 2017
Sounds like a very similar story (also broken by Jason) to when EA had BioWare making ME Andromeda using Frostbite.
Sep 22, 2022
They chose a proprietary mobile engine? What were they smoking at Blizzard?

I'm no game developer, but their concern was that unreal engine couldn't handle vast worlds with up to.. 100 concurrent players? Wha?

Am I totally misjudging unreal or would this be entirely and probably without too much trouble possible? Given there's full on MMORPGs using unreal out and/or in development


Nov 4, 2017

Odyssey was originally prototyped on the popular Unreal Engine, from Epic Games Inc., but Blizzard executives decided to switch, in part, because it wouldn't support their ambitions for vast maps supporting up to 100 players at once.

I couldn't possibly think of an extremely popular multiplayer game that runs on Unreal, has a vast map, and supports 100 players


Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't Ybarra basically jumping for joy on Twitter when the acquisition went through? Dude seemed legit excited for that deal to go through and seemingly couldn't wait to be there.
Shepherding a company to a massive acquisition is huge for job prospects. He can pick a lot of companies now to work for


Oct 25, 2017

Odyssey was originally prototyped on the popular Unreal Engine, from Epic Games Inc., but Blizzard executives decided to switch, in part, because it wouldn't support their ambitions for vast maps supporting up to 100 players at once.
oh my god

Like, I get it. For its earliest years, UE4 was actually not very good at large scale games with large player counts.

Uh, but then in 2017 and 2018, it quickly got a lot better at those aspects, because of two particular games causing the engine to be heavily updated to be more suited for that style of game. That is an incredible missed call on Blizzard's part.


Prophet of Truth
Mar 13, 2019
I'm no game developer, but their concern was that unreal engine couldn't handle vast worlds with up to.. 100 concurrent players? Wha?

Am I totally misjudging unreal or would this be entirely and probably without too much trouble possible? Given there's full on MMORPGs using unreal out and/or in development
I'm not a dev either but I remember UE being a bit of a mess for Battle Royals back in the early days of PUBG/Fortnite(which would have been 2017-2018). Wouldn't surprise me if it wasnt really suitable(at that point) for a 100 person survival game either
Feb 21, 2022
I'm not a dev either but I remember UE being a bit of a mess for Battle Royals back in the early days of PUBG/Fortnite(which would have been 2017-2018). Wouldn't surprise me if it wasnt really suitable(at that point) for a 100 person survival game either
As others have said the engine was quickly massively expanded to support such things, and from the article itself it sounds like the devs themselves had been wanting to switch back to UE but weren't allowed to. It's been a long time since 2017. They clearly had the time to switch back to an upgraded Unreal Engine, but the higher-ups wanted to use the shitty internal engine instead.


Jan 19, 2022
Starfield was a rude reminder that the IP and studio name is less important than the talent building the product(s). Sad to see Mike go, no doubt taking a lot of talented leadership with him wherever he lands.


Oct 28, 2017
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Whoever lead development on Diablo 2 Ressurected needs to be running Blizzard. The game looks better than Diablo 3. It's amazing. It's the best game Blizzard has put out in over a decade.


Oct 27, 2017
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Whoever lead development on Diablo 2 Ressurected needs to be running Blizzard. The game looks better than Diablo 3. It's amazing. It's the best game Blizzard has put out in over a decade.

Vicarious Visions largely helped with that remake. They were dissolved into Blizzard and at this point have been split up among various Warcraft/Diablo/Overwatch teams.

And the people who actually created and designed Diablo 2 have long left Blizzard.


Oct 28, 2017
Vicarious Visions largely helped with that remake. They were dissolved into Blizzard and at this point have been split up among various Warcraft/Diablo/Overwatch teams.

And the people who actually created and designed Diablo 2 have long left Blizzard.

That is a travesty. So much talent misused and not appreciated. A Diablo 2 Ressurected quality remake of WarCraft 3 would have reinvigorated the RTS genre. Vicarious Visions should be running Blizzard in my opinion....but it seems like they are now gone.


Oct 27, 2017
The privileged twat doesn't seem to care what just went down at Blizzard as he's off to travel the world. No mention of the layoffs.


The top comment on his post (this person previously worked at Blizzard for 8 years):



Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Mike Ybarra's comments make so much sense now.

Which comments?

Sad to see Mike go, no doubt taking a lot of talented leadership with him wherever he lands.

"Sad to see Mike go"

Man, what the fuck has Ybarra ever done to garner any respect in this forum? Dude is a piece of shit. He lowered morale at blizzard. He made insulting statements. He defended/approved getting rid of WFH which led to a further talent exodus at Blizzard. It was directly under him that Overwatch 2 became what it is. The community absolutely disliked this guy.


Studied the Buster Sword
Jan 29, 2022
The privileged twat doesn't seem to care what just went down at Blizzard as he's off to travel the world. No mention of the layoffs.


The top comment on his post (this person previously worked at Blizzard for 8 years):


Unbelievable post from Mike Ybarra."Travel the world" and "hyper-growth opportunities".
Last edited:


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
we know good people got let go
But did all the sexual predators, harassers, deep rooted toxic assholes from Activision/Blizzard got let go as well? Was there even an attempt to START with them? Because if they are still slithering around while others had their lives ruined is extremely fucked up.


Oct 27, 2017
we know good people got let go
But did all the sexual predators, harassers, deep rooted toxic assholes from Activision/Blizzard got let go as well? Was there even an attempt to START with them? Because if they are still slithering around while others had their lives ruined is extremely fucked up.
I think the biggest offenders were already out some time ago.
Unbelievable post from Mike Ybarra."Travel the world" and "hyper-growth opportunities".
This dude sounds like narcissist.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
Which comments?

"Sad to see Mike go"

Man, what the fuck has Ybarra ever done to garner any respect in this forum? Dude is a piece of shit. He lowered morale at blizzard. He made insulting statements. He defended/approved getting rid of WFH which led to a further talent exodus at Blizzard. It was directly under him that Overwatch 2 became what it is. The community absolutely disliked this guy.

Don't forget his idolation of Elon Musk and how he gave a signal boost to some bigoted Xbox aligned social media people who should never be signal boosted, such as Dealer Gaming.

we know good people got let go
But did all the sexual predators, harassers, deep rooted toxic assholes from Activision/Blizzard got let go as well? Was there even an attempt to START with them? Because if they are still slithering around while others had their lives ruined is extremely fucked up.

I think the biggest offenders were already out some time ago.

This dude sounds like narcissist.

Some are still slithering around. It's not like Microsoft has the greatest track record of ousting abusers either.


May 3, 2022
Starfield was a rude reminder that the IP and studio name is less important than the talent building the product(s).

This feels like a weird conclusion to draw from it.

By all accounts the survival game was good, the talent working on it did really well, and it was ultimately the engine and executives that led to this end result.

Bethesda has incredibly low turnover for a studio and a lot of the same people who worked on the old Bethesda games are still there, but it just didn't come together and they've struggled to modernize their games.

Neither case seems like a situation where the studio losing talent led to the result.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel horrible for the 1900 employees who lost their jobs. I hope they land on their feet quickly.

For Ybarra who IMO seems like a horrible boss and piece of shit, I have no sympathy. He'll more than likely fall up.

For Blizzard as a company, a shake-up was probably needed. Blizzard games haven't been good in a while and I would love for them to right the ship.


May 31, 2018
I'm not on the team and don't know anything, but just want to echo that people should not fall for sunk cost fallacy.

The money and time you've spent are gone, you are not getting those back. It is what remains and how much it would cost to ship a project that is the important metric when deciding these things.