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Detective Pidgey

Alt Account
Jun 4, 2019
Just to get that expectation right, I don't think anyone should expect a Fable announcement with a gameplay demo like what Halo Infinite will do.

I guess this will rather be in the Horizon II-trailer-like ballpark, so an in-engine trailer but somewhat indicative of what to expect. shinobi602 can feel free to set that straight, but I think this is just a fair expectation.

I would be so fine with this. I absolutely wasn't expecting a gameplay demo like Halo is getting. Horizon 2 trailer had bits of what definitely seemed to be gameplay but with the camera in a different position. But that way we DO get an idea how it will look during gameplay.

Logo trailer and that's about it would be incredibly disappointing.


Mar 14, 2019
I don't wanna turn into a litebrite, but.. thats very dangerous lol

I never owned a Nintendo console, so I only found out who Rare were like 3 years ago (when they announced Sea of Thieves).

Everwild looks like it could be interesting, and it was the headliner announcement of XO19. I just want to see what it is to know whether it's the type of game I'm interested in or not. It's certainly one of the known/expected titles to be at the showcase, hence people are gonna be talking about it.


Dec 18, 2018
I don't think anyone should expect gameplay focused demos of anything that is coming in 2022. Im expecting the only gameplay heavy reveals will be Halo Infinite, Forza 8, and Everwild. Everything else will get (at best) Horizon style in engine trailers, which is more than good enough for me. If we see anything from Compulsion or Undead itll likely be CG.

Remember that Horizon is a 2021 title and we didn't see gameplay, why expect gameplay from games every further out?


Jul 3, 2020
This week of early demos, what can we expect? I mean are we going to get demo's of big games and are Sony doing the same thing for PS?


Oct 27, 2017
Here is Jeff Grubb talking about his expectations of the show...., When Fable comes up he said "he has heard nothing but positive things about it"

My synopsis of this interview:

HOST: How amazing is Playstation and how just how much do you think they'll revolutionize gaming next gen.
JEFF: The PS is pretty good but I think it'll mostly be the same overall.
HOST: :(
HOST: But you think it's going to be super cheap right so that everyone on the planet will buy one?
JEFF: No, probably not.
HOST: :(
HOST: Ok, but how stupid is the Xbox and how much do their games suck?
JEFF: I think they're doing some interesting stuff and may surprise people with their games.
HOST: :(


Oct 27, 2017
My synopsis of this interview:

HOST: How amazing is Playstation and how just how much do you think they'll revolutionize gaming next gen.
JEFF: The PS is pretty good but I think it'll mostly be the same overall.
HOST: :(
HOST: But you think it's going to be super cheap right so that everyone on the planet will buy one?
JEFF: No, probably not.
HOST: :(
HOST: Ok, but how stupid is the Xbox and how much do their games suck?
JEFF: I think they're doing some interesting stuff and may surprise people with their games.
HOST: :(
So host is a fanboy? Glad I didn't bother wasting precious data streaming that.


Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020

Great show, highly recommend it.

People asked me if I was excited for the show, so I made a video about it. I even said in the video to not get hyped based on my feelings cause everyone has a different level of what they are expecting/want. Would it be more prudent to temper my expectations for the show... yeah probably. But I feel this is the one show to get excited about. My expectations aren't like sky high either. I know what I want to see and I think we will see it.

Nah man, I agree with you. If you're an Xbox fan, you've basically been forced to temper your expectations for the last 6-7 years to some extent. Enough of that. This show is the big kahuna. If we can't be hyped for this show, then I don't see how we can ever be hyped for an xbox show ever again.

My synopsis of this interview:

HOST: How amazing is Playstation and how just how much do you think they'll revolutionize gaming next gen.
JEFF: The PS is pretty good but I think it'll mostly be the same overall.
HOST: :(
HOST: But you think it's going to be super cheap right so that everyone on the planet will buy one?
JEFF: No, probably not.
HOST: :(
HOST: Ok, but how stupid is the Xbox and how much do their games suck?
JEFF: I think they're doing some interesting stuff and may surprise people with their games.
HOST: :(

Can confirm this is a pretty accurate synopsis. Grubb had to shut him down twice on the PS5 price. Whether it's priced at $399 or $599, every PS5 that ships to retailers in the launch window will sell. That's the position Sony is in after the PS4 gen.


Oct 25, 2017
On today's (the first) episode of Kinda Funny Xcast, Alanah Pearce says she knows Perfect Dark is definitely in development, but she appears to attach it to The Coalition rather than The Initiative. More smoke to that fire?


May 13, 2019
Over 25 years and like 20 titles on multiple platforms and arcade. Don't think Netherrealm would be enough to make up for Rocksteady and WB Montreal losing their core IPs, as well as Injustice potentially ending.

Ive said it before and Ill say it again, those Batman games are what they are because of Rocksteady not the other way around. If you took those Batman games removed the DC IP and called them "Generic Night Super Hero's Evening in the Looney Bin" they would still be exceptionally crafted and fun games.

Not to mention both Rocksteady and Netherrealm use Unreal engine which fits with the majority of MS' first party studios.


Oct 27, 2017
Great show, highly recommend it.

Nah man, I agree with you. If you're an Xbox fan, you've basically been forced to temper your expectations for the last 6-7 years to some extent. Enough of that. This show is the big kahuna. If we can't be hyped for this show, then I don't see how we can ever be hyped for an xbox show ever again.

Can confirm this is a pretty accurate synopsis. Grubb had to shut him down twice on the PS5 price. Whether it's priced at $399 or $599, every PS5 that ships to retailers in the launch window will sell. That's the position Sony is in after the PS4 gen.

His brief history about Sony always wanting room for price cuts without massive losses is spot on


Oct 25, 2017
My synopsis of this interview:

HOST: How amazing is Playstation and how just how much do you think they'll revolutionize gaming next gen.
JEFF: The PS is pretty good but I think it'll mostly be the same overall.
HOST: :(
HOST: But you think it's going to be super cheap right so that everyone on the planet will buy one?
JEFF: No, probably not.
HOST: :(
HOST: Ok, but how stupid is the Xbox and how much do their games suck?
JEFF: I think they're doing some interesting stuff and may surprise people with their games.
HOST: :(


Feb 18, 2020
At this point I'm expecting Fable to be second to last, then the Rockstar logo pops up and it's just GTAV again to close out the show for maximum fuckery.
Don't even want to see it on the preshow. I know it's the biggest game ever but all that comes to mind when GTA 5 is brought up is how they jobbed out Johnny Klebitz.


Feb 18, 2020
I don't think anyone should expect gameplay focused demos of anything that is coming in 2022. Im expecting the only gameplay heavy reveals will be Halo Infinite, Forza 8, and Everwild. Everything else will get (at best) Horizon style in engine trailers, which is more than good enough for me. If we see anything from Compulsion or Undead itll likely be CG.

Remember that Horizon is a 2021 title and we didn't see gameplay, why expect gameplay from games every further out?
I remember saying something similar and the God of War gameplay demo being brought up as that was years before the game released. But that does seem to be a rare case.


Aug 23, 2018
I still don't know what it is about Everwild that have you guys lumping it in together with all these titles. We know... NOTHINGG about this game lol. We saw a stylistic art style that we've seen before in some fashion in other games and then some animals, and all of a sudden it's this big game that people are putting next to Halo and Fable?

It's being made by a fan favorite developer that's made excellent games in the past.

I mean, its like you telling people not to be excited about From Software's next game because we've seen nothing about it.


Aug 23, 2018
I'm hoping we get a Series X update for Forza Horizon as well. I kinda want to jump back in soon.




And for the 12th time, please add seasons/dynamic weather to Fable

I think the pre-show announcements will likely showcase current gen games being updated with XSX patches.

Very likely FH4 gets a patch especially if there's no Forza game at launch.
Aug 23, 2018

I find it interesting Jez has been hinting at some kind of Bungie reunion lately.

I would fucking die if MS purchased Bungie. I still think of Bungie and Remedy as 2 Crown Jewels that got away and think what could've been if Spencer took over 5 years earlier than he did

For those voting bungie can you explain why you think it's a better investment. Mk has made over 12 billion dollars in its lift time alone not including the new exclusive ip or licensed ip they could from wb to game pass. I don't think bungie comes close in value.

It's cheaper for one, and comes with much less "fat" than purchasing WB which comes with 10+ studios and a publishing arm. The overlap would lead to layoffs (which is costly) and likely include a lengthy and expensive consolidation. And as big as MK is, the real meat of that purchase would be the WB IP which may or may not be included. Basically the upfront cost is nearly 5x as much, and the integration cost of having 10 new studios all around the globe would be exponentially more expensive than integrating a former first party studio that is up the road.

Not the biggest Destiny fan, but would love to see what Bungie does next with MS backing. And Destiny still has some legs.

Why is the Bungie figure so specific.

I thought I had readpreviously that they were valued at $700-800M after they paired up with Activision


Jan 8, 2019
Has there been any rumors around Google and WB? It seems like the perfect move for them (and a nightmare for video game fans in general). If they aren't at least remotely interested I don't see any way Stadia takes off

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017

I don't doubt Bungie would make a popular game but are they still anything but inefficient, costly and lacking in sound project management and smooth engineering. Destiny was just another example of them hanging on by the seat of their pants and have they rectified their content creation problem yet or tripling down for next gen? I know Microsoft say they are hands off now but can you imagine Bungie in that regard on a new project.


Oct 30, 2017
I want the show to end with a bang.

A game we know nothing about...

I understand the "one more thing" moment is exciting, but is there any precedent (in MS' previous events)?

I feel like MS have always been quite conservative in the way they conduct their shows, with a big opening (not necessarily a surprise though), a few announcements along the way and a speech/video recap at the very end.

What I mean is that expecting a "one more thing" is just the ultimate way of being let down, as they will close the show for good and people would just stay here waiting for something that never comes. I'm surprised so many people seem to take this "one more thing" for granted.

(I don't want to sound like a downer, just trying to set realistic expectations... Like a simple trailer for Fable - seriously, anything more would be highly unlikely).
Nov 29, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On today's (the first) episode of Kinda Funny Xcast, Alanah Pearce says she knows Perfect Dark is definitely in development, but she appears to attach it to The Coalition rather than The Initiative. More smoke to that fire?

I mean, Morgoth said a thousand times here that The Coalition was the one working on the core gameplay of PD, seeing what works and what not...I believe that if The Initiative was working on PD, they would create the core gameplay themselves. It doesn't make sense to let another dev create how your game will play.

Unless it's a joint development, where TC works on gameplay and TI works on story / world / character, I never believed that TI were the ones making it
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