
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
What the actual fuck is this shit


What the fuck? How the hell is this guy not banned?

That like ratio hurts me something fierce. What is wrong with people?
Oct 25, 2017
Just took the time to report this dude.
Like holy shit, he got axed once and then Youtube has an oopsie and gives him back his channel only for him to double down on this awful shit.
To me it clearly comes over as him thinking he can get away with anything now.

Getting banned from Youtube is like hitting the jackpot for those guys.
Now all the gamergate asshats will subscribe to his channel just to "own the libs". Probably the best thing that could happen to him. The only thing better might be getting permanently banned since that would give him a good reason to set up a Patreon or whatever.+

What the fuck? How the hell is this guy not banned?

That like ratio hurts me something fierce. What is wrong with people?
That like ratio shouldn't surprise you, really. At this point the only people watching are the GG folks or die-hard fans who want to defend him. Would you click on that video even if just to dislike it? Probably not since dislikes mean absolutely nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
That's not on Rockstar. Their games allow you to do these things, but it's not as if they encourage this sort of behavior.

In the case of RDR II, attacking the protester makes you lose honor and gets you a wanted level. The KKK are treated as a joke and you don't lose honor for killing them.

Seriously. This. I don't understand how people don't get it.


Oct 25, 2017
And letting us have a laugh at their expensive as well. Even in that KKK video I couldn't stop laughing when they all ended up burning.

The worst part about all this shebackle is that this is obviously having the opposite effect that you guys want, but this happens ALL the time and it seems people never learn... You're making this a bigger deal than it should and this is only bringing the attention of this channel to more idiots, while at the same time trying to stir the blame/accountability in all the wrong directions.


Way to go everyone! We sure showed him!
His channel is growing because Youtube algorythm is fucked and directly promotes the alt-right and hate speech.


Oct 28, 2017
Those aren't stories within the games, those are people doing shit to NPC's and presenting them as 'funny' because they are racist, sexist, etc.

That's on them, not Rockstar.

I mean, if you're cool restricting content because these assholes do this kind of thing that's your decision but I'm not okay with that.

Again, you're blaming the wrong people...

As I said, I'm not trying to distribute blame here. I'm just observing. It is in the game. Did they use the assets to make those video in some third-party tool? Whether you like it or not that is live, actual gameplay from the game.

That's not on Rockstar. Their games allow you to do these things, but it's not as if they encourage this sort of behavior.

In the case of RDR II, attacking the protester makes you lose honor. The KKK are treated as a joke and you don't lose honor for killing them.

It kind of is on them though. They made this game. The people who are making these videos are not using some hack or whatever, they are just playing the game as it came out of the box.

In this era we are living in with the rise of the alt-right, Gamergate, Trump and what have you, do you think the bright minds at Rockstar couldn't foresee exactly these scenes happening? They consciously chose to not restrict it in any way as probably most other devs probably would have. They've let it play out. They must know and I believe they are happy to allow it because that's what a big part of their audience plays for, especially given their priory history with these types of controversies.

Deleted member 5129

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
People need to stop blaming Rockstar. All they've created is an open sandbox, what people do with it is not on them lol


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I don't agree with banning controversial views in general, because anything can be judged as controversial depending on who is doing the censoring. Plenty of progressives have been deplatformed from colleges and different other places for example due to their views on certain topics, many of which have been 'judged' as bigoted in certain cases.

In my view, the moral obligation goes as far as calling out hatred on the merits.

But as i said earlier in this thread, i'm not gonna lose any sleep over not seeing a bigot's content on my dash. Of course, pragerU still has an entire youtube channel dedicated to pushing out bigoted content, so no real luck avoiding it it seems

I wouldn't call hate speech controversial.
Oct 25, 2017
I am reasonably certain that with little to no effort I could create a moderately successful right-wing Youtube channel since all you have to do is:
A. Be angry at EA or whatever dev is not liked right now
B. Defend the right of "gamers" at all cost
C. Find a single thread or tweet on the internet and blow it up like it's a huge thing
D. Do "outrageous" stuff in videos that will surely "trigger the libs"
E. "Own" evil journalists who don't defend the rights of gamers vigorously enough

Couldn't be easier. You don't even have to funny, you just have to offensive.
I bet you could get at least 10.000 subs in a year with little to no effort that way.
Post on the Gamergate reddit or Neogaf every now and then and BOOM - instant Youtube succes. for the low low cost of your soul


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Since you seem very adamant about pushing this view point, I am assuming this is something that you very actively practice. Please tell how it works in practice? When practising this, what are your success criteria and how do you measure your own success or failures and gauge its effectivity versus something like de-platforming?

I'm not adamant about 'pushing a viewpoint'. As i said earlier in the thread, i am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I stated my opinion once, i am simply responding to people responding to me. If no one had issue with my opinion, it would have been done.

Anyways, i don't think about it in terms of success versus failure. Its just a viewpoint i believe in. I'm not trying to "delete hate". I am black. There will never be an opportunity to delete racism from the internet, despite how frustrated i am about it. I only worry about countering it.
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The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
On Rockstar's part, what they could do is to issue a statement on even though their game allows a lot of freedom in terms of who players can attack, they do not support the views of this particular youtube channel. If they want to they can probably flag his videos for copyright infringement as well?


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Right, let's say it's that and just ignore the spike that started when this story came out... Are you serious?

It was already over a million views before the story came out. Let's not pretend the article had anything to do with it. A whole bunch of people typed in "feminist XXXX" and Shirrako's videos popped up because he is a large youtuber with millions of views of video game OST's. The algorithm is fucked.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America

So a couple of things from that video:

1. It is interesting to hear the dialogues assigned to the suffrage rights advocate. There is enormous subtext that without context regarding the time and prevailing attitudes of people (esp. men) would sound like she is "hating" men on the surface. Presumably lack of understanding of this context is why these degenerates designated her, "annoying feminist" and glorified the creative kills (aside from drawing in a certain group of people who also lack the ability to grasp context).

2. In the video, someone in that chat posted that the feeding her to the alligator nets you an achievement. Is this true?

And letting us have a laugh at their expensive as well. Even in that KKK video I couldn't stop laughing when they all ended up burning.

The worst part about all this shebackle is that this is obviously having the opposite effect that you guys want, but this happens ALL the time and it seems people never learn... You're making this a bigger deal than it should and this is only bringing the attention of this channel to more idiots, while at the same time trying to stir the blame/accountability in all the wrong directions.


Way to go everyone! We sure showed him!

Is this is how people solve these deep rooted societal issues? Turn away and ignore it in the hopes that it goes away? Imagine adopting this defeatist attitude when faced with opposition to any progressive reform. The opposition always grow as the movement gains greater visibility. The key is to never relent. Pretty sure Inforwar's YT subs jumped a few folds when they and their abhorrent practices were talked about. And yet in the end, the channel was banned.

Don't turn this against the people who shined a light on this shitty scum because it illuminated the fact that there are more degenerates than people like to give credit to for why gaming culture is trash and why social media companies are such amoral shit stains. What you are doing is essentially trying not to upset the apple cart and criticizing those with courage to stand against this sort of bullshit.


Dec 24, 2017
On Rockstar's part, what they could do is to issue a statement on even though their game allows a lot of freedom in terms of who players can attack, they do not support the views of this particular youtube channel. If they want to they can probably flag his videos for copyright infringement as well?

I think that would just lead to people trying to make even more outlandish videos in hopes of getting Rockstar to call them out too - more views for them etc.

Talking about it, raging about it, all this does is give this person more visibility. This isn't incumbent on Rockstar to comment on and at that point the only path forward would be deescalation.

People who like this video are going to like this video. People who dislike this video are now viewing this video. The more exposure this video gets the more this person wins. I don't think this video is changing anyone's mind on the subject matter.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
the issue is that you're creating a slippery slope by conflating bigotry with a difference of opinion, positing the issue on the perspective of others rather than with the views themselves. sure, people can label progressives as bigoted, but actual bigoted views - mysogyny, homophobia, racism etc. - should not be tolerated in any space, regardless of political affiliation. bigotry is bigotry, and should not be likened to a difference of opinion or just another political view - not giving it a platform is not the same as denying someone for their political views unless you falsely liken it as such. they are not views that can or should be debated on the basis that they have some worth - bigotry by it's very nature is illogical. you can't meet in the middle or compromise with bigotry as doing so still gives into it.

I don't think calling someone a dumbfuck for being a racist or misogynist is compromising with them. My view of fighting hate is actively shaming it. It doesn't mean letting it go uncontested or simply saying its a difference of view.

I just don't think it should be up to a content holder or government to censor speech, even if it is hateful. In that way, i'm just more of a social libertarian along with many other social views. There are times when laws are blatantly necessary to supplement civil rights against hate, but simply allowing people to speak is something i don't personally believe goes to that level.


Oct 28, 2017
I think that a big part of the issue here is that we all feel powerless to put a stop to it. It's extremely frustrating to see this hatred basically being allowed and not having the power or voice to end it. What is happening in American politics right now sends the message that this behavior is acceptable, and unfortunately there are many, many people with low IQ's who will latch onto and promote these ideas.(and it IS low IQ that allows this, because anyone who is capable of intelligent thought knows better).

Maybe the people with whom he tweeted at originally, who DO have a voice and the power to say something that would be heard, could speak out about this and condemn him? Just a thought.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Right, let's say it's that and just ignore the big 50K+ spike that started when this story came out... Are you serious?

I mean, countless people in this thread alone have stated that they were getting this guy's videos pushed into their feeds by youtube prior to the article.

This whole thing has certainly placed eyes on him sure, but it wasn't what made his channel lucrative. His channel being associated with "political gamers" is what got him his money, and that's the bigger problem here; His channel was thrust upon people who didn't want that content because Youtube's algorithm states that "gamers want conservative, often times racist, often times sexist material".

Those exploitative fake disney cartoons on youtube is more than enough evidence to prove that your idea of "just don't talk about it and it'll go away" doesn't work. We should aim to deplatform hate. PewdiPie, Jake Paul, Sargon, they all get bumps when people start discussing their work, but that doesn't mean we should handwave their behavior just because the act of commenting on how bad they are means you have to, at times, consume their brand.
Oct 25, 2017
Is this is how people solve these deep rooted societal issues? Turn away and ignore it in the hopes that it goes away? Imagine adopting this defeatist attitude when faced with opposition to any progressive reform. The opposition always grow as the movement gains greater visibility. The key is to never relent. Pretty sure Inforwar's YT subs jumped a few folds when they and their abhorrent practices were talked about. And yet in the end, the channel was banned.

While I share the sentiment, a YouTube channel with gameplay videos isn't the battlefield where deep rooted social issues are going to be solved.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not adamant about 'pushing a viewpoint'. As i said earlier in the thread, i am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I stated my opinion once, i am simply responding to people responding to me. If no one had issue with my opinion, it would have been done.

Okay, let me rephrase that, you believe in what you believe in, I am curious about your approach. How does it work in practice?

Anyways, i don't think about it in terms of success versus failure. Its just a viewpoint i believe in. I'm not trying to "delete hate". I am black. There will never be an opportunity to delete racism from the internet, despite how frustrated i am about it. I only worry about countering it.

You're arguing against de-platforming and attempting to make a case for fighting hate in the market place of ideas, why wouldn't you want to measure your success in an effort to make your case stronger? How then do you gauge if your approach is more effective that de-platforming?

I just don't think it should be up to a content holder or government to censor speech, even if it is hateful. In that way, i'm just more of a social libertarian along with many other social views. There are times when laws are blatantly necessary to supplement civil rights against hate, but simply allowing people to speak is something i don't personally believe goes to that level.

Where do you believe the line should be drawn? Any concrete examples of what you believe should require interference from either a content provider or the government?

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Views, after the ban he is now marching towards 1M subs, those videos are bringing him thousands of dollars in cash.

You all just helped him getting famous, his channel was barely growing months ago now has exploded.

"Damn, if you didn't raised your voice against a youtuber using misogyny and bigotry to get views he wouldn't have got views, even if he was already getting views"


Oct 25, 2017
On Rockstar's part, what they could do is to issue a statement on even though their game allows a lot of freedom in terms of who players can attack, they do not support the views of this particular youtube channel. If they want to they can probably flag his videos for copyright infringement as well?

The game itself makes it clear that this isn't what Rockstar supports. That's the big thing here. Arthur fucking hates racists in the game. And the game rewards you for killing them. Hell there's even a sequence where
Arthur is riding to kill a group of racists and is having a conversation with a character named Lenny, who is black. In it Lenny is talking about how racism has changed and how it's not so overt but more of a look and maybe some comment. Arthur replies that he really hasn't noticed. Lenny tells him something along the lines of, "No offense, but you wouldn't.". Which is obviously meant to be in that Arthur doesn't notice because he's white and isn't treated like that. You know what Arthur's response is? He actually apologizes to Lenny for saying that.
And even as the article in the OP states, the game has a mission where you're helping a women's suffrage group. Arthur is supportive of them. And in a later mission
you beat the shit out of the two guys that interrupt the group spout misogynistic shit.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Okay, let me rephrase that, you believe in what you believe in, I am curious about your approach. How does it work in practice?

You're arguing against de-platforming and attempting to make a case for fighting hate in the market place of ideas, why wouldn't you want to measure your success in an effort to make your case stronger? How then do you gauge if your approach is more effective that de-platforming?

Where do you believe the line should be drawn? Any concrete examples of what you believe should require interference from either a content provider or the government?

If your advocating violence against a person or persons based on hate, or are indirectly inciting it, then they should be restricted. That is why i was in favor of Alex Jones banning. He was putting families of the sandy hook massacre directly in danger with his conspiracies about how they were crisis actors, which we know because its on record that several families had to move from their homes to avoid confrontation. I didn't have a problem with him keeping his platform until that specific point

On that matter, its also why i have been conflicted with Shirrako. I don't think he should have initially been banned(because that is what gave him the martyrdom stardom he currently enjoys), but if youtube was going to go through the effort of banning him they should not have relented. It is a digital world, but it is still glorifying violence being committed against minorities and progressives roundaboutly.
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Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
It's absolutely amazing how people are starting to demonize Rockstar over this... Wth is wrong with you people?
Either demonizing Rockstar or demonizing us for discussing it and giving the guy attention.

Literally blaming everyone but the actual shithead doing the damn thing


Oct 27, 2017
Are these videos demonetized?

Hope Rockstar are watching this prick like a hawk, don't let him make a cent off of them.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
I don't think calling someone a dumbfuck for being a racist or misogynist is compromising with them. My view of fighting hate is actively shaming it. It doesn't mean letting it go uncontested or simply saying its a difference of view.

I just don't think it should be up to a content holder or government to censor speech, even if it is hateful. In that way, i'm just more of a social libertarian along with many other social views. There are times when laws are blatantly necessary to supplement civil rights against hate, but simply allowing people to speak is something i don't personally believe goes to that level.
Wag your finger all you want, nothing changes as long as the content holder continues to permit this channel to exist.

Fuck hate speech. It doesn't deserve any fucking air to breathe.

Deleted member 41931

User requested account closure
Apr 10, 2018
You'd think Youtube at least would ban him on the basis of it potentially hurting them. Especially with the past issues of advertisements being on "contreversial" content.


Dec 24, 2017
Either demonizing Rockstar or demonizing us for discussing it and giving the guy attention.

Literally blaming everyone but the actual shithead doing the damn thing

Is anyone siding with this guy? Anyone with any sane mind at least?

It's speech. Awful, horrible, terrible speech. You could even classify it as hate speech but that doesn't make it illegal.

Either all speech is ok or none of it is. Just because you don't like it, and of course I don't either, doesn't mean we get to start hiring arbiters of distinction who get to decide what is and what isn't legal speech for something like this. Because if something of genuine honesty and truth as being said, but someone else deemed 'that' to be hate speech, you're now silencing a discussion.

Teach your kids folks that this stuff is wrong. Don't associate with others who spout this rhetoric.

It's all available to say or none of it is. Without any clear calls to violence sometimes you just have to accept people suck and say awful things sometimes. Not every society has free speech laws. Cherish that we do. Free speech is free speech and not code for "speech I agree with".


Prophet of Truth
Nov 29, 2017
United States
On Rockstar's part, what they could do is to issue a statement on even though their game allows a lot of freedom in terms of who players can attack, they do not support the views of this particular youtube channel. If they want to they can probably flag his videos for copyright infringement as well?
Rockstar doesn't need to do anything. This is a complete non-issue for them. Their views are already quit clear. You lose honor for punching suffragists and you gain honor for killing klansman.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point the only way to change anything is to show the videos to companies whose ads appear on it. Youtube won't do anything unless the big corporations put pressure on them.


Jul 28, 2018
On Rockstar's part, what they could do is to issue a statement on even though their game allows a lot of freedom in terms of who players can attack, they do not support the views of this particular youtube channel. If they want to they can probably flag his videos for copyright infringement as well?
How I envision his follow up:

"Yo, was up, Shirrak-Na-tion?! So, listen up, those libtard snowflake cucks over at Rockstar got triggered cuz I showed some stupid bitch getting what's coming to her on one of my videos. Same old liberal bullshit. 'Oh, dont do the thing we dont stop you from doing because someone's feelings will get hurt.' Man, fuck that noise. I'm putting the word out--Anonymous, ISIS whoever the fuck--get these pussies personal info out there so we can let em know how we feel up close and personal. Also, dont forget to SMASH that subscribe button and I got new shirts coming out, starting at just $89.99. Pre-order now at the link in the comments."


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
it's also absolutely amazing how people jump at any chance to defend a corporation like you just insulted their mother
Except anyone with a brain cell can see that they did nothing wrong by including a feminist in their game. The fact that some fucked up people are doing stupid shit with that is not their fault. And I don't see why they should be held accountable for it.

I have no love for Rockstar at all but I really don't understand how people are coming to the conclusion that they are in the wrong in this case.

YouTube on the other hand should absolutely be blamed for doing nothing about this. But the main person to blame is obviously this fucking idiot and the brain dead people supporting him (And the idiots in this thread either defending him or trying to shift the blame on to something else)


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
It is wrong and dangerous. I just don't think banning is the best way to approach speech. I'll call that type of speech wrong and dangerous and let everyone know how wrong and dangerous it is.
So why does YouTube need to allow this speech to exist? Why is it wrong if they said "fuck this" and pulled it from their site?

What about this deserves the right to be seen and heard by Youtube's own standards:

What the actual fuck is this shit


Explain to me what value there is in respecting this video's supposed right to exist?


Oct 25, 2017
It is wrong and dangerous. I just don't think banning is the best way to approach speech. I'll call that type of speech wrong and dangerous and let everyone know how wrong and dangerous it is.

I apologise for repeating my questions over and over, but I am really curious about your approach. Now we've established that you're calling hate speech wrong and dangerous, is that the extent of your activity within the marketplace of ideas or does it go beyond that? You're arguing against de-platforming and attempting to make a case for fighting hate in the market place of ideas, but how do you gauge if your approach is more effective than de-platforming? Do you have any examples, in which you put your approach into practice and gained what you, yourself would deem as favourable results over de-platforming?

How does your approach work in practice?


Oct 25, 2017
I see we've moved on to the "All you're doing is giving him more attention!" talking point.

Ignoring hate doesn't work, the rise of GamerGate and the alt-right is proof enough. You have to call these shitheads out for their bullshit. Sure, he gained some new viewers but at the same time a lot more people know what a absolute garbage human being this dude is now.