
Oct 27, 2017
I'm just looking at my 500 (800 if we include useful fixed tomes) socket books & then at the ace/luffy 30 minute socket book islands and I'm just like..

idk I'd rather just farm 40 stam enel for support items?
Oh yeah I'm definitely just clearing those for the gems

I get the feeling socket books will be like cola someday
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Oct 30, 2017
TM Sugo brought me Flampe, Vito, 20th Chopper (who I completely forgot existed), and booster Apoo, along with a few nice support fodder dupes (Marigold). Not bad, and I'm really inching up on having most of the available RRs (except RR Jabra SOMEHOW). That being said I haven't pulled a non-guaranteed red since anniversary, and it's been around 12-15 multis. But I did get G4v2 on a guaranteed red so whatevs. My pulling spree since anniversary is over, only TM sugos from now till probably Luffy/Law.

Not really ready for TM Kaido yet (plus I think I remember JPN hating this TM), but I'll figure something out. At least I have a lot of legends available between 6+ Inu, 6+ Neko, Snakeman, and some of the boosted legends (Big Mom, WB).

EDIT: Checked because I was curious...besides limited units I'm missing Jabra, Ideo, 20th Luffy, WCI Carrot, Aladdin, Hatchan, and Gastino. Half of those are from the most recent batches, too.
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Chris Rysdyk

Feb 22, 2018
Legends I don't have
V1 Ray
V1 and V2 akainu
V2 boa
V1 Sabo
V1 Law
V2 jimbae
V2 sanji
V2 Kat
V2 Doffy
And i still keep getting dupes


Oct 25, 2017

Two new red tickets from the event mail pulls. First was a KFL dupe.


So incredibly happy right now. I LOVE double units, and this is my first double legend on Global. SO HAPPY!
And I had the skulls so Neko and ino are both 6+.
With these new units, I won't be pulling on this TM. Snakeman will carry me through pointwise and damagewise.

My missing legends:
- Log Luffy
- DoffyV2
- Franky
- Luffy/Ace
- ShanksV2
- AkainuV2
- AokijiV2
- SanjiV2
- Shiki
- Big Mom
- Brook
- JinbeV2
- Zephyr
- KatakuriV2
- Neko/Ino

So basically, a lot of new units, and also LL.


Dec 4, 2018
Bandai please stop, I'm already dead.... I don't need more KFL and Cavendish dupes... That takes it to a grand total of 7/7 dupes for this Blitz. Well at least I won't run out of RP to buy evolvers I guess.

Two new exciting coliseums today and by exciting, I mean 10 free gems. They are not even boosted for this TM so won't bother farming them.

Yo, is this game still a good one to start right now?
Any tips on who starters to begin with etc?

Yup you just missed out on some big event but there currently is a special ship that gives 3x exp, which is great for newcomers. Also the game just got some nice QoL changes and more good stuff coming up in July/August with French Anniversary celebration.

If you're willing to reroll for a while, after you complete the tutorial you get a free multipull of Strawhats exclusively. You can pull legends/red posters and ideally you'd want to start with this G4 Luffy (turns into the current best character in the game) and this Nami. They are extremely rare though but even if you manage to just get that Luffy, you're set for a good while, he'll make the game much easier for you.


Two new red tickets from the event mail pulls. First was a KFL dupe.


So incredibly happy right now. I LOVE double units, and this is my first double legend on Global. SO HAPPY!
And I had the skulls so Neko and ino are both 6+.
With these new units, I won't be pulling on this TM. Snakeman will carry me through pointwise and damagewise.

My missing legends:
- Log Luffy
- DoffyV2
- Franky
- Luffy/Ace
- ShanksV2
- AkainuV2
- AokijiV2
- SanjiV2
- Shiki
- Big Mom
- Brook
- JinbeV2
- Zephyr
- KatakuriV2
- Neko/Ino

So basically, a lot of new units, and also LL.

Wow congrats! Capone AND Warco???!!!! And you barely farmed too.... Your account is set for a long while, you can either breeze past everything with Snakeman or tank it out with Warco/Capone.

I'm missing :

- Blackbeard
- Judge
- Franky
- Luffy/Ace
- Aokiji V2
- Tesoro
- Shiki
- Big Mom
- Jinbe V2
- Capone
- Zephyr
- Katakuri V2
- Neko/Inu

I want Capone the most followed by Big Mom and Lace.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm missing:

Kizaru (?!)
V2 Jinbei
V2 Katakuri
V2 Whitebeard
Catdog is that really it?


Nov 5, 2017
Did one multi on the TM Sugo and ended with Mont d'Or & TM Apoo so i think i did well, did my teams for the next TM too because why not !

It might be the first time i'm saying this about the game but there is too much content ! Between the skillbooks islands, the Colos i never did & the Luffy/Ace Island i'm lost.

I'm trying to clear the 0 STA Luffy/Ace but it's really difficult.


Oct 25, 2017
Bandai please stop, I'm already dead.... I don't need more KFL and Cavendish dupes... That takes it to a grand total of 7/7 dupes for this Blitz. Well at least I won't run out of RP to buy evolvers I guess.

Two new exciting coliseums today and by exciting, I mean 10 free gems. They are not even boosted for this TM so won't bother farming them.

Yup you just missed out on some big event but there currently is a special ship that gives 3x exp, which is great for newcomers. Also the game just got some nice QoL changes and more good stuff coming up in July/August with French Anniversary celebration.

If you're willing to reroll for a while, after you complete the tutorial you get a free multipull of Strawhats exclusively. You can pull legends/red posters and ideally you'd want to start with this G4 Luffy (turns into the current best character in the game) and this Nami. They are extremely rare though but even if you manage to just get that Luffy, you're set for a good while, he'll make the game much easier for you.

I did something different. I went with G4 V2 Luffy and Sanji V2 both legends.
I tried hard to get nami but failed.
This being said, I heard that when my luffy goes snakeman I can still use my sanji to the fullest, so these 2 options would be great, but correct me if someone gave me the wrong information.
I am also using the ship to get fast exp and i am blazing through the story so I can try to do 3 multies on the Rookie banner which guarantees 3 legends sugofest, I hope this is wise!
After this, is the grind and wait for the germa 66 update.
am I doing all correct here?


Sweet Commander
Oct 25, 2017
I got a (C)rock.

Legends I'm missing:
Sengoku - I know right!?
V2 Fuji - Chose V2 Law over him in the CYOL pick
V2 Doffy
V2 Shanks
V2 Aokiji
Big Mom
V2 Jinbe
Bege - Most wanted
V2 Katakuri

Jesus that's a lot. I think you can tell when I started saving for V1 Kata then got destroyed on anni apart from that last minute Warco pull.


Oct 25, 2017
I did something different. I went with G4 V2 Luffy and Sanji V2 both legends.
I tried hard to get nami but failed.
This being said, I heard that when my luffy goes snakeman I can still use my sanji to the fullest, so these 2 options would be great, but correct me if someone gave me the wrong information.
I am also using the ship to get fast exp and i am blazing through the story so I can try to do 3 multies on the Rookie banner which guarantees 3 legends sugofest, I hope this is wise!
After this, is the grind and wait for the germa 66 update.
am I doing all correct here?

G4v2 and SanjiV2 are both great captains, so that's a great account. Welcome!
Luffy is a rainbow captain (can work with anyone) but Sanji is for fighters. Still, for early on you'll be fine and probably can't fit them both in your team anyway.

Keep going for story-mode EXP farming on the rookie banner. I never got it (they introduced it late) but that's probably your best bet. After that, just take time and enjoy the game. There's a LOT to do.

Most notably, this Friday (thursday night depending on timezone) is a Treasure Map mode. Lasts for... 5 days I think this time, separate stamina. There's guides to read up on it. Definitely participate a little bit, as rewards are good and since you're in the lowest tier there's no real need for teambuilding just yet


Dec 4, 2018
I did something different. I went with G4 V2 Luffy and Sanji V2 both legends.
I tried hard to get nami but failed.
This being said, I heard that when my luffy goes snakeman I can still use my sanji to the fullest, so these 2 options would be great, but correct me if someone gave me the wrong information.

As MiTYH said, those two are amazing leaders who will help you clear almost everything in the game (provided you get the right supporting crew for them). They do work well together because they are both Fighter and Powerhouse. Currently one of the few teams who can farm the new extremely hard Raid Enel Extra version uses V2 Sanji and Snakeman together.

Snakeman will be your go-to captain for the reason MiTYH mentionned but there's some tough content that he can't beat but V2 Sanji can destroy those.

I am also using the ship to get fast exp and i am blazing through the story so I can try to do 3 multies on the Rookie banner which guarantees 3 legends sugofest, I hope this is wise!

Yeah since you just started, you're in need of new characters and the beginner sugofest is currently your best best since the V2 Kata vs Snakeman sugo has ended. There are some pretty good boosted legends on that sugo, hopefully you can pull Whitebeard/Marco, Luffy/Ace, Nami or V2 Sabo! Good luck!

After this, is the grind and wait for the germa 66 update.
am I doing all correct here?

Yup the V2 Germa sugofest might coincide with French Anniversary in July/August. It should have 2x legend rate and some interesting step up pools. I wouldn't say it's a great idea to try get Sanji/Judge because as broken as he is, you kinda want the whole batch to make it work very well. But there might be interesting boosted legends. The next "you can't miss it" sugo is the one with Luffy/Law (dual unit sugo, just got released in Japan). It should arrive on Global towards the end of the year though.

And as MiTYH pointed out, definitely try play a bit of the Treasure Mode this week end, some very useful rewards and it won't be difficult in East Blue league.

It can be overwhelming at first but just play at your own rythm and hope you enjoy the game! :)


Oct 25, 2017
I did play this game for around 1 month. It was 2 years ago, but it feels like im starting all over again.
It's hard to keep up the pace and there are so many characters, specialy gold wanted posters, hard to figure out whats good and whats bad and filter from there.
Plus there isn't a real good tier list for those, only for legendary.
Which I understand, making a tier list for so many characters would be hard but i'm sure it could help some people.
I have around 48h on the rookie summon banner, already did the first pull, got this luffy , but since I have the g4 v2 that was a waste. Is it worth to sell him to rayleigh or keep him anyway for some reason i might not know?
So basically im rushing story content to find more 100 gems at least within 48h to finish the 3 multies. I'm confident I can.


Oct 27, 2017
I have around 48h on the rookie summon banner, already did the first pull, got this luffy , but since I have the g4 v2 that was a waste. Is it worth to sell him to rayleigh or keep him anyway for some reason i might not know?
So basically im rushing story content to find more 100 gems at least within 48h to finish the 3 multies. I'm confident I can.
Normally I'd say never get rid of a new legend, but that Luffy's best days are definitely behind him. Plus the sooner you can get the skulls for Snakeman the better.

I'd wait and see what else you can pull from the beginner sugo but it doesn't seem like the worst idea


Oct 25, 2017
I got v2 WB and Hody. I guess I'll keep WB in his 5* form? My box is slowly becoming full of dupe legends for these low cost missions...

The legends I'm missing are:
Sengoku (lol)
V1/2 Shanks
V2 Fuji
V2 Akainu
V2 Aokiji
V2 Sanji
V2 Kata
Dex Sabo

Finally, Colo Neptune is back when I'm still playing. Using double Buggy to farm the underground but the drop dates are so bad and even if he drops, it's x2 cola procs... I think I'm just going to go with Neptune instead.
Oct 25, 2017
All my legend pulls were dupes. Disappointing but somewhat expected. Pulled Croc, Franky, V2 Ray, and Shirahoshi. My two 10k bonus pulls were Blackbeard and my 3rd V2 G4 Luffy so now I have a Snakeman, an Evolved V2 G4, and an unevolved V2 G4 Luffy for, uhhh... prosperity, I guess?

I did 3 multis on the TM sugo and got a dupe V1 Akainu and dupe Zoro. No other TM units aside from the guaranteed Apoo but I did at least pull Montd'or who was the only RR unit I didn't manage to pull from the previous batch.

The only 5* regular RR I don't have is, and has been for a while, Strawberry. I just can't seem to pull the guy. Right now the legends I'm missing are:

Big Mom
V2 Jimbe

I'm missing a large number of the LRR units too but I'm sure as are most people. Still missing Bonney and Koala which are some of my most wanted units.

I took inventory of my tomes after having done the ranking:

726 Forbidden Tomes
90 Damage Resistance
62 Cooldown Reduction
66 Bind
73 Despair
80 Autoheal
95 RCV Boost
109 Slot Rate Boost
95 Poison Resistance
81 Map Damage Resistance
90 Resilience

I think it's pretty safe to say I'm set on tomes for a while.


Oct 25, 2017
Whats up with the game?
I see some complains because the old legends rate are higher and so people are getting dupes of old legends instead of the new ones.
Im trying to keep aware as much as possible in the game to see if i'm not joining a game that is going throught some hard issues, but is this a problem?

also why can't i do bulk download like some years ago? it keeps downloading each chapter and map as I go and that is annoying as hell!
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Whats up with the game?
I see some complains because the old legends rate are higher and so people are getting dupes of old legends instead of the new ones.
Im trying to keep aware as much as possible in the game to see if i'm not joining a game that is going throught some hard issues, but is this a problem?

also why can't i do bulk download like some years ago? it keeps downloading each chapter and map as I go and that is annoying as hell!

A lot of people on here own like 90% of legends, so the chances of us getting a new legend are staggeringly low; particularly as older legends tend to be slightly more boosted than the newest ones.

For a new player this is hardly a big deal because most legends you get will be new for you, as you're not yet suffering from the success of owning almost everything.


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people on here own like 90% of legends, so the chances of us getting a new legend are staggeringly low; particularly as older legends tend to be slightly more boosted than the newest ones.

For a new player this is hardly a big deal because most legends you get will be new for you, as you're not yet suffering from the success of owning almost everything.

To add onto this, new legends do tend to have horrible rates on their opening banners. Something to keep in mind.

Easy day today. Farming ColoSmoothie while skillup is active, have been VERY lucky with underground (dropping and duping with buggy). Almost maxed her out. Then I gotta make TM teams. Sad it starts tonight instead of tomorrow, since I'll need sleep for work and will lose that jump I normally get. Ah well. No TM pulls for me, just going to wreck everything with snakeman and build back up my stockpile of gems


Nov 5, 2017
I'm missing a good half of the legends, specially between V2G4 first release & V2 Katakuri i only have V2 Sanji & Garp.
Also i really enjoying playing V2 Sanji for now, but it's not easy to get his special working with all the health cuts ( and i'm not even talking about the chain locks ! ) at least he works well with Snakeman


Oct 27, 2017
getting ready to leave on vacation, no time to put together TM teams. Anyone got teams I can crib from :D?


Dec 4, 2018
Did my three 0 stamina runs for Luffy/Ace island with this double Snakeman team, quick and easy with Zunesha. Didn't factor in the crazy exp gain though so already ranked up before TM started...
Been farming 60 stamina Raid Enel with double V2 Sanji, fairly straightforward with Zunesha once again. Not really worth it for the friendship tokens, the 40 stamina version has pretty decent drop rates but I'll take the extra almighty tomes from CM.

getting ready to leave on vacation, no time to put together TM teams. Anyone got teams I can crib from :D?

I gotchu fam, enjoy OPTC a la playa! Here are my poverty teams for this TM. If you have Zephyr you can probably swap him in the Jack/Kaido teams for more points and he's QCK. Might have to add TM Jack to those teams after a while to get type advantage. Pretty easy TM overall aside from the two main bosses.
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Keeper of the White Materia
Nov 4, 2017
getting ready to leave on vacation, no time to put together TM teams. Anyone got teams I can crib from :D?

Here are my teams. For the Kaido team, you can probably tank hits post-revive so you don't need Flampe until later. The plan is to activate her special after revive, use Snakeman and hit 3 perfects, then use any other boosts you have to beat Kaido, for example maybe Raid Zoro. If you don't have Flampe, then the plan is to bring a damage reducer like RR Inazuma and maybe RR Cracker so you get an attack boost.

If you don't have Apoo, he can be replaced with RR Montd'Or, Ain, or Raid Zoro on the Jack team or with Raid Judge on the Kaido team. On the early levels it's not so necessary, but you probably want a percent shield reducer or chain lock reducer during later levels for those teams, respectively.

Double Streusen takes care of bind against Doffy so you kind of want him at max special. Or since you have Legend Big Mom, you can probably run a team and beat him easily. Dex Streusen is only there as a point booster and I couldn't fit him on any team lol.
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Sweet Commander
Oct 25, 2017
Started making my teams, realized I couldn't be bothered going through guides and infographics. Don't like TM.


Oct 25, 2017
Did my three 0 stamina runs for Luffy/Ace island with this double Snakeman team, quick and easy with Zunesha. Didn't factor in the crazy exp gain though so already ranked up before TM started...

That's the exact team I used, found it on a video on youtube. Nice and done. And I leveled up as well today, but that was during my ColoSmoothing runs (done now) and then I hit Ray's island, so I'm on tap to level up.

TM Reminder: We not only have the 3x Ship running, but ColoNeptune is boosted. I'm using him VS X Drake, seems to be the safest.

I made my teams mostly on what is said on the reddit guide here with some alterations. Seems like it'll go well enough. I'm absolutely bottomed-out with training potions, thanks to the influx of new legends I've gotten in the past month. I'm happy I won't be spending any gems this time, and don't care much about the dupes I'll get. Top 4k ranking is generally what I'll aim for, and happy with that.

EDIT: oh noooooo. 1/2 stamina FN islands are active on certain ones. With the ship and double neptune, that's 70k exp for only 30 stamina! Gonna be lots of leveling up....
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Oct 25, 2017
The TM maps this time around don't seem as stamina and meat friendly. There's a meat on every map but on one of them it's behind 3 map bosses which will more than likely lead you to waste more stamina just trying to get there. Interesting decision to not have a rock path for this TM either. I guess the rocks safe for now.


Oct 30, 2017
Here's what I came up with as well, just in case you need more.

So far, this TM seems...exceedingly easy, especially compared to the last two. There's just so many one-unit fixes for these bosses. Doffy's a joke if you have Legend Big Mom or RR Streusen (though you'd want to use manuals on the latter), but even without them you could do a TM Law team with some bind reducers and just target him on the map. Niwatori takes out Drake. Neko 6+ takes out Caesar, and TM WB and TM Jack can cover if you don't have Neko. Raid Boa works for Sheepshead (who is easy anyway). And though it requires two multis, Booster Apoo is great for Jack (seriously, I think Apoo might be more useful in this TM than Hawkins or Kidd). Even Kaido seems pretty simple. Having Snakeman is obviously great for both Kaido and Jack, but even F2P you can get by with using a Snakeman FC with Powerhouse teams and Kaido or Jack captains (funny how that works out).

The maps are more like older TMs, no rock to break, and the rare items are spread out, so there's not quite one "best" path anymore. This does mean you can target problem bosses (Doffy) without feeling like you're missing out on the treasure paths.

Cool that the boosters (Apoo, Hawkins, Kid) have LB paths now, even if it's just a few nodes. Always felt dumb having TM-specific units who just sat there and didn't get mastery points.

Chris Rysdyk

Feb 22, 2018
Grrr this game, i spent another 30 gems on sugo and got a secret red, i thought it might be dog/cat or Kat v2 but it was Sabo V2 again :(


Oct 27, 2017
Haha wtf

Katakuri V2 is boosted, is on the banner, is a recommend character

Has a 0.038% rate

Chris Rysdyk

Feb 22, 2018
Yeah I know, for my secret red which was extended I could of cat/dog, V2 Kat and V2 Sabo, 2/3 for a new legend. What do I get V2 Sabo


Oct 25, 2017
It's my first time doing TM.
What do I use my blue tickets on?

I know its probably not alot but im 2.95x exp with helper trusty too, can I get Kaido or its be really grindy with this low exp boost?

And what is your opinion about staying in east or going to grand line etc? As a Noob I think I would rather stay in east, how can I guarantee that?
How do I know if I get promoted or demoted?
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Chris Rysdyk

Feb 22, 2018
Got to 3 million, will get to 5 million tomorrow
My 3 million legend was a dupe cavandish
Sigh their are 18 legends I don't have can i please have a new one


Oct 27, 2017
It's my first time doing TM.
What do I use my blue tickets on?

I know its probably not alot but im 2.95x exp with helper trusty too, can I get Kaido or its be really grindy with this low exp boost?

And what is your opinion about staying in east or going to grand line etc? As a Noob I think I would rather stay in east, how can I guarantee that?
How do I know if I get promoted or demoted?
Blue tickets are spent in the Treasure Map shop which is the treasure chest on the menu when you start a new treasure map. What you'll want to spend your tickets on is the past TM characters. Usually Luffy is who you want to go for but I'm not sure who'd be best for you since you have legend G4 Luffy already.

As for going for Kaido it shouldn't be toooo bad. You can get another good point booster in one of the old TM units. Each clear will make the base points go up so it'll start going faster and faster. A million usually isn't too hard to hit.

Also you deffo want to stay in the lowest league for now. You move up by ranking highly. In the harder leagues you need unique teams for each fight which is basically impossible for newer players.


Oct 25, 2017
Barely starting today, got my 500k pull which was a RR Pudding. Nothing to amazing, just LB fodder. Should have 1mil by the end of today. Haven't even touched regular stamina which is overflowed already


Dec 4, 2018
Oh no HE is back....


  • Captain: STR Characters ATK 3.25x, boost ATK by an additional 1.3x when having a STR orb, increase STR orb appearance rate
  • Special: Super Large typeless damage to all enemies, change all orbs to STR orbs, for 1 turn boost ATK of STR characters by 2x
6+ V1 Akainu is coming and he's very very angry! Pretty substantial upgrade, definitely makes him more relevant again, especially as a sub. He's not rainbow anymore but that's fine.

TM C-POS Lucci looks pretty situationnal to say the least, a 3 turns 2x orb booster if you're at max HP? That's kinda garbage, his HP cut doesn't even go through defense nor barrier. Possibly the worst TM character since... TM Kaido.

The TM maps this time around don't seem as stamina and meat friendly. There's a meat on every map but on one of them it's behind 3 map bosses which will more than likely lead you to waste more stamina just trying to get there. Interesting decision to not have a rock path for this TM either. I guess the rocks safe for now.

Yeah I don't like the maps layout, it's harder to land on the bento box. No rock, no fun!
Fortunately most bosses are piss easy so it doesn't really matter whether you hit them on the map or not.

It's my first time doing TM.
What do I use my blue tickets on?

I know its probably not alot but im 2.95x exp with helper trusty too, can I get Kaido or its be really grindy with this low exp boost?

And what is your opinion about staying in east or going to grand line etc? As a Noob I think I would rather stay in east, how can I guarantee that?
How do I know if I get promoted or demoted?

To add to what Kyou said, I think you should save your blue tickets for now. For a new account, my top 3 TM units would be Enel, Shanks and Big Mom. Enel is amazing for farming quickly easy content like FNs, Le Crap Restaurant. Shanks fits a lot of teams, both speedfarming and tougher content teams while Big Mom will just help you beat tons of very tricky content.

You should reach 1 million point and max out/rainbow Kaido easily I think with 2.95, it's very easy in East Blue. Keep in mind you can add Kaido to your crew to get him mastery points for limit break, so that you don't have to spend any of your hard earned LB potions n him.

As Kyou mentionned, I recommend trying to stay in East Blue for now until you have a better box. I think top 10K in East Blue gets promoted and you might end up in the top 10K if you reach 1 million points. You'll know when you're in range for promotion when the TM icon with the dinghy boat shows a golden arrow pointing upwards. You do go free red ticket/legends for hitting a certain amount of points treshold (you can check the TM rewards list before starting a run) and you get more free tickets depending on your global ranking (you can check those too if you click on the rankings).


Keeper of the White Materia
Nov 4, 2017
A couple things I ran into this TM: I forgot you can't get the boost from both Snakeman and Flampe after hitting 3 perfects, which is kinda lame. I guess Snakeman can be activated on the kill turn instead for optimal damage.

Also I forgot with Capone, he gives an attack boost so can't use him on the final stage against X Drake. I just use it in a previous stage now. I adjusted the team by swapping out Pudding for colo Kuma as well.

Oh no HE is back....
  • Captain: STR Characters ATK 3.25x, boost ATK by an additional 1.3x when having a STR orb, increase STR orb appearance rate
  • Special: Super Large typeless damage to all enemies, change all orbs to STR orbs, for 1 turn boost ATK of STR characters by 2x
6+ V1 Akainu is coming and he's very very angry! Pretty substantial upgrade, definitely makes him more relevant again, especially as a sub. He's not rainbow anymore but that's fine.

Pretty decent upgrade. I just pulled him with the tickets we got recently so that's cool.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the help.
So, how many blue tickets total I need for a useful big mom for example?
I need to buy 1 copy and the skillbook that puts her with full limited breaked.
Anything else? Should I get copies of big mom for the special skill level?
What about sockets, are they essencial and I need to buy anything for that with blue tickets too?

Also, I only have 300k and I'm rank 4500 so I'm guessing I will go to grand line even if I don't want.
The question is if I stop at 1m or if I keep trying to accumulate points even if I don't reach 3m.

and why do I want 30 kaido copies when I get 1m?
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Oct 30, 2017
Liking 6+ Akainu. His special is way better (the high cost attack boost thing was cool in theory, but rarely found any usage), and while I will miss his rainbow captain-ness (which came in handy more than I'd expect), at this point he'd probably be more useful as a specialized STR captain.

Early TM is always fun, you build intricate teams to handle fights but the bosses keep dying to the burst damage from your specials. Sheepshead will see my strategies when we hit nav level 20 or so, I guess.


Dec 4, 2018
Thanks for the help.
So, how many blue tickets total I need for a useful big mom for example?
I need to buy 1 copy and the skillbook that puts her with full limited breaked.
Anything else? Should I get copies of big mom for the special skill level?
What about sockets, are they essencial and I need to buy anything for that with blue tickets too?

Also, I only have 300k and I'm rank 4500 so I'm guessing I will go to grand line even if I don't want.
The question is if I stop at 1m or if I keep trying to accumulate points even if I don't reach 3m.

and why do I want 30 kaido copies when I get 1m?

So basically, any TM unit needs to be fully limit broken so that they can reach their max potential. The game gives you 30 copies of Kaido so that you can fully rainbow him (his character portrait will have a rainbow border once you're done) and max his special at the same time (without using extra skillbooks) and also get useful sockets. To get the most out of your 30 copies, you need to do things in this order :
1) Get your copy to max level with exp items
2) Max his mastery points by using in him in your crew in TM and feeding him the mastery potions you find during TM
3) Limit break him fully
4) Then you feed the 30 copies to your Kaido, each copy will fill up one of Limit Break node/potential abilities, you need 8 copies to rainbow him. Also each copy will give you a chance at leveling up his special (he should be maxed out within 30 copies since it's 2x skillup atm) and on top of that you get 1 random socket per copy.
5) Enjoy your maxed out Kaido!

If you feed the copies before limit breaking your unit, you'll only get a shot at leveling the special and a random socket, you'll miss out on maxing out his LB abilities.

For Big Mom, you need to buy at least 1 copy (500 tickets) + the limit break set (4340 tickets). You'll also need to either buy or use the LB potions you found. Then if you have spare tickets, buying the skillbooks at 100 tickets a pop is very important too, you want to max her special so that you don't have to stall extra turns before you can use her. Buying 8 extra copies to rainbow her isn't necessary at first though, you can leave that for later. Sockets are not mandatory either, you'll naturally get forbidden tomes just playing the game(make sure to do that 5 stamina daily island to get 7 forbidden tomes). Maxing out an old TM unit with tickets is pretty expensive as you can see if you've just started, not sure it's possible during your first TM but after a few TMs you'll have enough blue tickets so don't worry if you can't get her yet.

And if you can't avoid promotion, I guess you might aswell try go as high as you can, the ranking rewards are pretty good and so is the loot. You can always get demoted again next TM.

A couple things I ran into this TM: I forgot you can't get the boost from both Snakeman and Flampe after hitting 3 perfects, which is kinda lame. I guess Snakeman can be activated on the kill turn instead for optimal damage.

Yeah that's what I'm doing for both Kaido and Jack. I just activate Flampe first and I'll use Snakeman on the final burst turn.
Might do some green turtle farming with double Neptune and exp ship in auto later this week-end.