Open Wound

Nov 7, 2017
Kou should never have been the protagonist. He is easily the worst main character I encountered. If it werent for his background story and childhood friend...Even the mute Persona protagonists were better.
Wow, harsh.

I'm not as drastic, but I definitely agree that it's not a compelling protagonist. Kou works well as the audience surrogate, but sadly it doesn't have anything else going on. I was fine with it mostly, but the intermission makes a huge deal of Kou's motivation, only to end up as a conclussion that he doesn't have any, and that's okay because it's just who he is, which is bollocks. That's where Kou lost me.

Man, I miss Rean... He had conflict, aspirations, mood swings, hidden truths, failures, a freaking character arc. Even his most banal personality traits, like being nice to everybody and helpful -much like Kou really-, have deep ties to his background and we know exactly why he is the way he is. Kou is just nice and helpful because he's nice and helpful.
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Oct 25, 2017
Wow, harsh.

I'm not as drastic, but I definitely agree that it's not a compelling protagonist. Kou works well as the audience surrogate, but sadly it doesn't have anything else going on. I was fine with it mostly, but the intermission makes a huge deal of Kou's motivation, only to end up as a conclussion that he doesn't have any, and that's okay because it's just who he is, which is bollocks. That's were Kou lost me.

Man, I miss Rean... He had conflict, aspirations, mood swings, hidden truths, failures, a freaking character arc. Even his most banal personality traits, like being nice to everybody and helpful -much like Kou really-, have deep ties to his background and we know exactly why he is the way he is. Kou is just nice and helpful because he's nice and helpful.

Well, that's a great way to ensure that I never play this game, considering how much I hate Rean.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, that's a great way to ensure that I never play this game, considering how much I hate Rean.
Lol, personally I found Kou much better than Rean. (I'm only familiar with CS1 Rean though).
He's a 'nice guy', but has the right amount of snark and attitude that makes his interactions fun to read. Though he's also completely dense regarding romantic matters.
Kou is just nice and helpful because he's nice and helpful.
Yeah no, Kou absolutely does have reasons for why he acts the way he does.


Oct 25, 2017
A tad confused. I've been told to report back when I improve my Wisdom, Courage and Virtue - but on the status page I see Bright, Brave and Kind.

Is this a translation issue?
That's correct as is. The Kanji in the left are the category names, the names on the right are what level you're at.
Don't sleep on Female student 06 and Male student 05, people.
That Morimaru fangirl shopkeeper from later on in the game is always hilarious.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm only a chapter or two in but Kou is already infinitely better than Rean.

Fuck Rean. Loser.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit this ch. 5 end boss. Kou is totally useless against this one.
Having to refight this one on Nightmare me nightmares.


Oct 25, 2017
Even Rean knows Kou's better than him. See how he's desperately hugging him in the hopes some of Kou's personalty rubs off on him?
Also you can't do that in Cold Steel, can you


Oct 25, 2017
I've literally been skipping entire cutscenes cuz I stopped caring about the anime-esque plot.
I like the gameplay though and the customization is interesting even though I lazily opt for just having the game auto choose for me :P


Oct 26, 2017
Is Falcom bad at doing characters with secret identities or are they just fucking with us across multiples games?

Because I figured out Jun and Gorou's deals the moment they dropped the hints.
These were both such obvious reveals that it's almost insulting they spent so long teasing them. I just finished the chapter in which the second character is revealed, and I'm glad they didn't wait until the very end, so there can at least be some chance for a bit of dramatic irony. I imagine this game will get a sequel, and when it does, I hope there's a serious reconsideration of the story because anyone who's into games or anime enough to be aware of this game and play it could probably have written this plot in their sleep.

And yet I'm really enjoying it! I think the random town NPCs are often more interesting than the actual cast.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, that's a great way to ensure that I never play this game, considering how much I hate Rean.

I think I feel similarly as well, though part of my feeling is that Rean took forever to develop something interesting and dealing with that sheer length irritated me to no end.

I'm probably gonna start this game soon now that Xeno 2 is done so hopefully Kou isn't quite like that, but considering Falcom's pacing nowadays, I have my doubts.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished game. Final boss was a cakewalk thanks to how things played out for me.

6.5/10, would have been an 8 had the ending not been so fucking awful.

Ending spoilers:

True end is total bullshit makes Shiori's death pointless and sucks all the emotional heft the ending had and any lessons taught out. They should have left it at Shiori dying and Kou learning to move on with life like every other character in the game that lost someone to the Eclipse. But I suppose saps desperate for every game to have a happy ending will be happy so w/e.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished game. Final boss was a cakewalk thanks to how things played out for me.

6.5/10, would have been an 8 had the ending not been so fucking awful.

Ending spoilers:

True end is total bullshit makes Shiori's death pointless and sucks all the emotional heft the ending had and any lessons taught out. They should have left it at Shiori dying and Kou learning to move on with life like every other character in the game that lost someone to the Eclipse. But I suppose saps desperate for every game to have a happy ending will be happy so w/e.
This reads like you're not done yet.
Get to that After-Story chapter.
Oct 25, 2017
Man I keep getting A on first attempt in dungeons now. I have the worst luck of going one direction hoping for the treasure chest but pick wrong then having to back track because I wanna get all the chests and end up losing combo cuz I broke the boxes lol.

Broadsword man is probably my least favorite character so far gameplay wise. Something about this games scoring system seems to prefer speed over slow folks.


Oct 25, 2017
Man I keep getting A on first attempt in dungeons now. I have the worst luck of going one direction hoping for the treasure chest but pick wrong then having to back track because I wanna get all the chests and end up losing combo cuz I broke the boxes lol.

Broadsword man is probably my least favorite character so far gameplay wise. Something about this games scoring system seems to prefer speed over slow folks.
Nah, as long as you get all the treasures and boxes, priorize elemental kills and don't let yourself get beat up too much you should be good. You don't need to keep the combo going until the very end, it's sufficient to get it past 100/200 once.
There's an accessory you get for one of Kou's stat level ups that doubles the time until the combo counter resets, which is incredibly useful.
Also, predicting if a path will have you go back again and you should leave some boxes or not is half the fun :P

I got an S on the first time 90% of the time and I was usually pretty thorough.

Honestly I don't want to, knowing how dissatisfying the true ending is sucked all desire out of me to touch the rest of the game.
You said you found the final boss too easy. It wasn't the final boss.
it was hype as fuck when the insert song kicked in halfway through the True Ending boss
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, as long as you get all the treasures and boxes, priorize elemental kills and don't let yourself get beat up too much you should be good. You don't need to keep the combo going until the very end, it's sufficient to get it past 100/200 once.
There's an accessory you get for one of Kou's stat level ups that doubles the time until the combo counter resets, which is incredibly useful.
Also, predicting if a path will have you go back again and you should leave some boxes or not is half the fun :P

I got an S on the first time 90% of the time and I was usually pretty thorough.

You said you found the final boss too easy. It wasn't the final boss.
it was hype as fuck when the insert song kicked in halfway through the True Ending boss

I'm awful at this game so I do get hit often lol. The worst is when I get like 1900 score. So close!

Not sure what else I can do. You can only have like 3 elements so far so there will be stuff you can't get the bonus.

Haven't played with the gear much though. Especially the grid stuff. What to prioritize?


Oct 26, 2017
Does a higher dungeon grade actually do something?

e: also regarding VVV, what the hell is Towa even doing in this game lol


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Ok I finished Chapter 1. Did a little exploring and encountered some Sen III advertising lol. Like... what would happen if Professor Towa played these games? This is some Inception shit right here.

Scrooge McDuck

Oct 25, 2017
Got it, thanks. Of course now I have to ask further questions lol. Not sure if those stats were explained and I just missed it. Are they essentially the same as the social stats in Persona?
They're basically just means to get some reward accessories. Talk to Kou's grandfather for complete info.


Oct 25, 2017
Got it, thanks. Of course now I have to ask further questions lol. Not sure if those stats were explained and I just missed it. Are they essentially the same as the social stats in Persona?

Yeah one is tied to the knowledge (reading books making good decision)

One is for dungeons clear and I forgot the other one I'm not near the game right now I'm at work.

You get a reward each new star you get and I Hink you get the strongest master core when you all maxed them.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I don't want to, knowing how dissatisfying the true ending is sucked all desire out of me to touch the rest of the game.
Seriously. Play the After Story. It's not that long, and it's not for no reason that we're suggesting you do this even in spite of your reaction to the epilogue.


Oct 25, 2017
The wisdom, courage and knowledge thing is actually necessary to continue playing after the end. By that time you need at least 8 stars total, that is easy to get even without trying, but keep it in mind.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished Chapter 5 a little bit ago.

It always annoys the shit out of me when stuff like this happens. Here, Persona, and any anime that takes place in modern times. Whenever super natural elements are involved and a bunch of normal people that aren't main characters get involved, they just have to always have their memories wiped or just not remember at all the shit that went on. I get that it might make it a bit overwhelming to write how that sort of thing would affect the world if so many people knew, but I'd like to see some more unique ways of dealing with this.


Oct 27, 2017
I managed to find a physical copy in a physical store locally (the city of Europe). Been a while since I paid €60 for a game, it was a very nostalgic day.


Oct 27, 2017
First Impressions.

- This is an ok opening (a bit too slow for what kind of game this is) and
I don't really see the reason to introduce the gate and Asuka twice, especially since the first 5 minutes are a perfect opportunity to introduce gameplay.
. It doesn't really tell me too much about the world. The relations established are ok even if they're just stuff I've heard or seen before.
- Kou is ok. He doesn't seem quite as boring as Rean.
- The Core mechanics are fun! Game obviously isn't as fast as Ys but this is another solid ARPG from Falcom. Dodge Roll is ok (Recovery Frames are a bit stiff) and it seems better to just dash around as much as possible. Character Switching is a tad stiff, but it's fine. The different characters are fun to use in their utility so far. Enemy Design is ok so far. Boss was fun. The dungeon was a bit basic but fine for a tutorial dungeon.
- I'm concerned that the number of resources you get for crazy high damage moves might trivialize encounters later on.
- Falcom's Modelling quality has caught up to my acceptable range for consoles and combined with the clean image, it's not half bad to look at. I quite like that Falcom also employ a lot more camera movement in their scenes than Persona does. It makes it slightly more engaging. Though, it's funny to see distortion effects when characters have to step down something to disguise the transition.
- I'm a bit tired of Falcom's run with Schools.
- The Music is Great. Great stuff all around.


Oct 25, 2017
Oof 2 or 3 more dungeons and I'll have finished this chapter @_@
I like how prepared these guys are

BTW has anyone playing the PC ver. found any NVidia Inspector settings that can help smooth out the visuals?

Open Wound

Nov 7, 2017
I'm about to enter the last dungeon of the final chapter (I will still have the after story to complete).

The game is starting to wear me out. Falcom is no stranger when it comes to stretch things out, but they usually do it in a way that it doesn't bother me too much. The three copy and paste dungeons with copy and paste bosses, alongside very middling story/character beats, burned me a little. I still think it's pretty good, but yeah, once the Trails itch has gone out of my system, neither the plot or the characters are good enough to not make it feel a bit of a slog by the end, and the asset reuse is just too much and too often. I think the game peaks at chapter 5. I didn't enjoy the intermission, and while chapter 6 and 7 were good, I don't think the game gained its momentum back completely.

But now the last dungeon will blow me away and the final story beats will be mindblowing and they will make me regret writing all of this. I'll settle for some great final dungeon music, though, which is usually great in Falcom games.


Oct 25, 2017
Falcom shareholders' meeting loot.

BTW has anyone playing the PC ver. found any NVidia Inspector settings that can help smooth out the visuals?

I've only used DSR from 2160p to 1440p, and it seems pretty clean. However, there are still a bit of aliasing on the talking heads inside dialogue boxes. Maybe try 4x TrSSAA + 4xSSAA ? No compatibility bits.
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Oct 25, 2017
Falcom shareholders' meeting loot.

I've only used DSR from 2160p to 1440p, and it seems pretty clean. However, there are still a bit of aliasing on the talking heads inside dialogue boxes. Maybe try 4x TrSSAA + 4xSSAA ? No compatibility bits.

I can't inject DSR on my rig :/
I mainly want to try SSGSS Anti aliasing.


Oct 27, 2017
Ok, got the game yesterday after watching some gameplay videos on YT. Really feels like Trails of Cold Steel with action gameplay in a modern setting and that's exactly the reason I bought it.
Too bad it's not as popular as the trails series, so there are barely any guides to check stuff like the hidden quests and how to completely fill out the friends tab on your phone.