
Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
I don't know if it's been posted yet but the video already past a million views.
Saw a couple of Twitch streamers who I've ever seen play anything other than their main on stream game and they were mentioning TLOU2 when Sony having a conference come up. It's their crown jewel and crosses over to so many types of people.


Oct 25, 2017
The kiss scene was one of the single best directed scenes I've ever seen in gaming period. It doesn't get much more realistic or well written in the gaming space than that.

If you have a "problem" with it.....well I hate to jump to conclusions and I like to give the benefit of the doubt but........
Yup, this is where I'm at.

And we already got people throwing around "agenda", lmao.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
I hope we have freedom in the prone mechanic like MGSV.

Prone anytime/anywhere.

Stealthly sneaking prone.

Aiming weapon while prone.



Oct 25, 2017
Man, these comments are reminding me of TLOU when it had it's E3 showings. A lot of people are underestimating this game.


Nov 23, 2017
Everyone read it.

If the first reaction you have to a same sex kiss is that it is "agenda driven," that is homophobic. You and I both know it to be a fact that if that same exact scene happened between a man and a woman, the word "agenda" would not pop into your head. Not once.

You might not realize it's homophobic. But the fact of the matter is that you are responding to a same sex kiss differently than you would a kiss between a man and a woman.

Maybe to some silly, childish buffoons it is, but to me it's about good story telling. The scene jarred for me and felt forced and not the usually beautiful transitions I'd normally associate with Neil. If you don't agree, that's fine.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
This is really unnecessary

I thought MS show far outpaced Sony's, even though TLOU2 is easily my game of the show for E3 2018

Its hard to paint either Sony or MS as "being shook" or anything like that.

No one is going to argue the pacing. That entire first half hour of the Sony conference is one of the most bewilderingly terrible decisions ever made at an E3 press conference.

But in terms of game content, there's no question that Sony outdid MS.

That's simply what happens when one console has a great lineup of exclusives and the other is nearly nonexistent.


Oct 29, 2017
Animations in this game are on an entirely different level. I mean look at the part when Ellie's already inside the store those pursuing her group up at the door. The woman's bow reflects the momentum as she stops. This is crazy attention to detail.


Oct 27, 2017
i can understand the first one to an extent but in fact most posts have been about avoiding tropes and gay characters getting killed off. And violence were having a solid discussion about how violence can be offputting with the graphical fidelity we are hitting ... Maybe some ppl just disagree with you. Its not a hive mind forum. The other one wasnt and im pretty sure this one isnt given how many of us are having a fruitful interesting dicussion.

I think people are just going to have to get used to the violence, because violent games are only going to get more and more graphic as realism improves. The film industry went through the same thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Maybe to some silly, childish buffoons it is, but to me it's about good story telling

No, you said they had an "agenda."

It's too late to go back on that. You can't pretend now that it's "about good story telling." It means something very specific and you've yet to be able to actually explain what you meant by using that word.

Again, this isn't arguable: you would not have used the word "agenda" if it were a man and a woman. But feel free to argue otherwise.

Mike Armbrust

Oct 25, 2017
Naa, it's to indicate how well hidden she is. If you notice, when she squats in the grass it gets smaller and then when she crawls it's reduced to a pinprick.
I thought you meant the circle/ring in the center of the screen.

The thing you noticed is cool. I like that it hopefully won't just be binary. Would be fun to have to actually think about hiding instead of just thinking of grass as always hidden.


Oct 26, 2017
The small changes to stealth is definitely welcoming. Being able to crawl underneath cars or sneak into narrow spaces.

The game looks fucking brutal, though. With the way how the graphics look, this is becoming quite harrowing.


Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe to some silly, childish buffoons it is, but to me it's about good story telling. The scene jarred for me and felt forced and not the usually beautiful transitions I'd normally associate with Neil. If you don't agree, that's fine.

I'm genuinely curious, because I don't want to be unfairly judgemental or jump to conclusions, but what about the scene felt forced to you?

The scene felt superbly directed to me, rivaling things we see in television / film. Nothing about the kiss felt forced or rushed to me. Remember we are jumping to Ellie years after the first game and its clear this scene has been built up over time we haven't seen to me.


Oct 27, 2017
With God of War, Tomb Raider, and the countless Zombie games releasing. I feel like TLOU may have lost a bit of it's original identity.


Oct 27, 2017
I take it the first and final segments are the ' what if ' alternative universe or how life for Ellie would've been if the apocalypse didn't happen ?

I'm scared to ask what these reactions were, I was watching on Youtube and many comments were less than pleasent

Didn't they show a gameplay video of the Pittsburgh hotel segment in TLoU and the encounters ended up being a little different in the final product with less interactivity? This could be a similar case

They talk about "going on patrol tomorrow morning", so I'm expecting her and Joel to be in some kind of settlement. Looks like a well organized group, all things considered.

They did. You just don't enjoy being told that you're in the wrong.

It's fucking 2018. A kiss is a kiss and for fuck's sake it has context and importance in the scene itself. (Also a way to show off that kiss tech like in U4)

If someone can't accept that then they are homophobic. There isn't any agenda here. Just bigotry.

The scene was great. The grin in Ellie's face after her friend Dina says "see? they should be terrified" worked really well to me. It just shows a nice contrast between the gameplay section and how Ellie is still supposed to be a teen regardless regardless of the body count.

Speaking of the KISS.. I do have a problem with it!

Wasn't that girl Ellie kissed in a relationship with the Asian guy? she even knew that they are in love and will get back together soon a week max

Then she went ahead and kissed her while he was watching

Poor guy

It sounded like they broke up, and Ellie thought that they'd be back together in a few weeks. But it seems like Dina has different plans lol.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
Amazing as expected, looks scripted as hell but if the actual gameplay is that seamless then bravo. Looks like the first game on steroids.


Oct 27, 2017
That was a pretty disappointing trailer. The stealth part was heavily scripted and +1 to I want to see Joel asap!


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
I am not very fond of the unnecessary script exposition regarding Ellie and the "i am just a little girl" thing only to remind us via her partner that "everyone should be afraid of you!".

We have already TLOU and Left Behind were Ellie is a proven bad ass and highly capable person. And it was done masterfully.

So I dont get the need to drop this thing now... it feels completely unnecessary and I would prefer if they resorted to the way TLOU worked, ie: let actions speak for themselves...

The writing may differentiate a bit from the first game actually -- there is another writer working on the game with Neil for this. She has dabbled in TV shows the likes of which include Westworld; so we might be getting more of that television serial vibe in places.

Name's Halley Gross!


Oct 28, 2017
Loved what I saw especially the animation and graphics. I knew there would be controversy because of the kiss why can't people grow up we have 2018. I bet Naughty Dog knew that it would cause riots and really pushed it to get more word of mouth which is valid but sad that it is so predictable. Can't wait for this game.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm genuinely curious, because I don't want to be unfairly judgemental or jump to conclusions, but what about the scene felt forced to you?

The scene felt superbly directed to me, rivaling things we see in television / film. Nothing about the kiss felt forced or rushed to me. Remember we are jumping to Ellie years after the first game and its clear this scene has been built up over time we haven't seen to me.

I believe he is referring to the "i am just a girl - no threat" line. It felt forced to me as well, as if it hasnt already been established that Ellie is a badass, we need to make a new blatant statement.


Oct 29, 2017
This trailer combined with "fuck nazis" in the Bethesda conference were great. I want developers to stomp out vitriolic behaviour and tell people it's not okay to discriminate.

Yeah, Bethesda is love. I love the fact that they take action. Gaming is sucha large culture and they can and SHOULD make sure to say what is ok and what is not.

I love what Naughty Dog is doing in game, but they have ways to go to clean up their social media feeds. It's really disturbing reading what people write in those.


Nov 2, 2017
I think I'm over ND. 'Cause none of what they've shown of the game has interested me. Not one scene, not one gameplay scenario. And I'm not a fan of the literal "dark as fuck" look of the game. I feel like TLoU1 did a good job of both looking pretty and run down and apocalyptic. Whereas this just looks like the sun has gone from the world.

O well.


Apr 4, 2018
Is her girlfriend and Joel is dead? Maybe Joel in half way when Ellie went rogue because of girlfriend dead that eventually leads to Joel dead?

Really want Joel to be in whole game and beyond but...
Oct 26, 2017
People took offense at this trailer? Like fucking what?
Unlike the original games trailer they actually avoided lingering on the gore like a teenager who saw his first gore porn, all the while still cranking up the intensity with great camera work to highlight impacts and violence.

And the kiss? Best animated kiss in any 3d media ever. Seriously, the animation in that scene was peerless.
If you feel uncomfortable looking at two women kissing for their own pleasure instead of yours, cut down on the porn, it is messing with your brain. And I am 100% sincere with that. Learn some empathy as a first step to become less bigoted.