
Oct 25, 2017
Just on a side note, can someone explain Funko pops to me? Does anyone think they actually look cool?
Funko have somehow positioned themselves to be able to get the license for just about every single thing under the sun. Even shit they shouldn't be able to make toys of, like Marvel, DC, and Star Wars, they get around by making those characters bobble heads so they aren't technically action figures.

As such, having the license to *everything* your consumer base becomes literally anyone. Like the Golden Girls? Count Chocula cereal? Video games? TV shows? That one skit on SNL? Lost Boys? Music? Horror movies? Netflix shows? Famous directors? Comic books? Chances are that somewhere there's a figure of a character from your favorite thing. Shit that would otherwise never ever get any merchandise otherwise (La La Land) will get a Funko Pop 2-pack of the main characters where it looks like they're dancing together. Some look *much* better than others but if you like X thing and are in practically any store in America and have a $10 bill in your pocket, chances are you'll be able to impulse buy that Funko Pop you just saw of that random movie you grew up loving that nobody else has heard of.

Then they also have keychains, larger more detailed vinyl figures like those Cuphead figs upthread, smaller inexpensive 2-packs of stylized figures called VYNL, normal action figures on card backs, blind bag and blind box series, shirts, skateboard decks, and now cereal with a toy inside. Something for pretty much anyone.

I know a lot of people shit on them and say they look ugly, but there's a giant gulf between a Monica Geller Pop who you wouldn't ever know was her without being told, and a Tamatoa Pop, or the SDCC 2018 exclusive Iron Man Mark I Pop, or the Monster Hunter monsters Pops, Jurassic Park dinosaur Pops, etc. And depending on where you get them they're like $8-10 each. In short, mass appeal, nostalgia, inexpensive.

Edit: Damn, Vicious17 articulated all my shit into like one sentence. Well done!

How are red Cheerios gonna be "fun to eat"?
Everyone is comparing them to Cheerios because of the name but they look like they're going to be more like Fruit Loops or Apple Jacks. Also they're dyed to shit to turn your milk different colors.
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Dec 8, 2017
It is better than buying Christmas Dinner


Mr Stark

I don't feel so good


Nov 7, 2017
Behind you
Just on a side note, can someone explain Funko pops to me? Does anyone think they actually look cool?

Yeah. Not every design works. The ones that do look cool - iconic costumes or outifts. They look best when you can identify a character at a glance. I only have a few. Most of the TV or movie ones can look like generic people and don't do it for me.

You should watch the documentary about Funko.


Oct 29, 2017
Im still trying to wrap my head around a Megaman cereal made by Funko that's being sold at fucking GameStop and Hot Topic.

What the fuck.


Oct 28, 2017
While we're on the topic, they announced their video game related Pops from San Diego Comic-Con this month. They will be at GameStop and I will have both of them.



Oh nice. Do you have a source for that info on the Soldier being available at Gamestop? That's my favorite Soldier skin :D


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Why in the actual hell wouldn't you use the official artwork for Cuphead instead of those two Fuckos

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Why in the actual hell wouldn't you use the official artwork for Cuphead instead of those two Fuckos
Because the whole gimmick is that their Funko themed.

I know a lot of people hate them but some people seem genuinely pissed that these things exist.
I'm sure that doesn't taste bad at all.

I've had gimmick cereal before. Honestly it just tasted like knock off lucky charms. Not terrible but in my case I'm buying theme for the box anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
How much for the cereals again? the toys alone are quite expensive

Pops are supposed to be around $10 MSRP (unless you're Hot Topic trying to gouge your customers on a new item release, $32.50 for a figure with an MSRP of $24.99 smfh), the keychains are usually like $6-8, so I'd assume the cereal will be around $10? Pretty sure these will just be the keychains without the chains, they used to call them Pocket Pops but it seems like they transitioned mainly to keychains instead lately.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh nice. Do you have a source for that info on the Soldier being available at Gamestop? That's my favorite Soldier skin :D
All the SDCC shared exclusive retailers will be revealed the week of ComiCon, but maaany of them have been found out ahead of time because of placeholder pages for companies' websites. There was a list of GameStop database entries a while ago with code names for a bunch of Pops and that Soldier was one of them, I think his codename was George Foreman since that's Grill Master Soldier 76.


Oct 28, 2017
All the SDCC shared exclusives will be revealed the week of ComiCon, but maaany of them have been found out ahead of time because of placeholder pages for companies' websites. There was a list of GameStop database entries a while ago with code names for a bunch of Pops and that Soldier was one of them, I think his codename was George Foreman since that's Grill Master Soldier 76.
Haha that's a great codename for that one. Thanks for the info~

Wood Man

Oct 30, 2017
It's cute and all, I love Mega Man but $10 for a box of cereal? And I have to go to a Hot Topic or Gamestop. I don't know.

1000% H

Oct 25, 2017
My favorite part of seeing all these Funko cereals is how blatantly copy-paste they are. Same template. Same aesthetic. Didn't even attempt to theme it after the property. Just slapped recognizable thing onto box.


Dec 8, 2017
Buttfuck Nowhere
It's cute and all, I love Mega Man but $10 for a box of cereal? And I have to go to a Hot Topic or Gamestop. I don't know.
They are basically collector items. Not really for mass consumption on the level of Cheerios. Think of it like the Reptar Bar at FYE that was almost 10 for shit quality chocolate and green paste filling. Your really getting it for collection purposes. In the press release it literally says buy 2 one for eating and one for display.
I expected them to be $10.00 anyway.


Dec 3, 2017
Cannot wait for the inevitable skippy62able cereal taste test for these... In about 20 years :D


Oct 29, 2017
Funko can ruin everything, even Cuphead, instead of the face i only see 2 black pacmen and a red pill


Oct 25, 2017
They're just cheerios with corn syrup and food coloring

Enjoy your poorly-manufactured tiny Pop though


Oct 25, 2017
Cuphead translates so well because all they really had to do to convert him into a Funko Pop was remove the white part of his eyes.

Funko made non-Pop figures as well
As much as these look better, they have a weak stand. Any major rumble will easily knock it over. I've had Cuphead fall off my shelf numerous times while my Mugman Pop stays in place.


Oct 25, 2017
So I think I figured it out. I looked at the box and it was way less dumb than the funko pop itself for Mega Man. I think its the wideness of the head. On the box the head appears closer to a circle and the funko pop design is more of an oval. Still has the horrible dead eyes though so meh.


Oct 25, 2017
Are these just red and blue fruitloops repackaged?

Bet you anything it tastes exactly like fruitloops